I am not into the latest and greatest home decor trends and I NEVER want to feel like my home is "too precious" to take risks and try something unique, creative or even weird. While I love home decor shows, magazine and blogs- I also think it is easy to fall into trendy, safe and practical thinking when it comes to your house. I am not safe nor am I practical and I tackle most DIY projects like an artist. I love color, pattern and I believe that paint is one of the most affordable and easy ways to transform just about anything in your home into art. My husband Andy is super supportive of my approach but he always asks that we try to find a long term, well thought out way of making my ideas happen.

Here are the reasons we selected paint instead of stain:
- Paint will fill gaps and cracks.
- Paint will resist mold, rot and sun damage.
- We own our home and I know that we will be living here for a long time so a crazy project like this doesn't affect us like it would if we were renting or planning on selling soon.
- Our deck will eventually need to be replaced and painting it this year is simply taking the necessary steps to buy some time, save for a deck renovation and get a little more time out of it.
- We liked the idea and look of colorful paint weathering and even peeling.

Once my outline was dry, then I began filling in areas of color. Once again, this is off the top of my head.

The process of adding color, is all about using my gut so I spent a lot of time standing and looking at my design from different angles. My biggest goal is to achieve balance and harmony with my colors.

As those big areas of color began to dry, I added more color to the top and then started laying down details. We really wanted to make sure that the deck had about 2-3 layers of paint on the entire surface so each of my designs all have layers of colors to ensure that the wood is nice and saturated with paint.

I worked back and forth with painting different areas with layers of color and details. Thankfully we had nice weather so the paint was drying as I worked and I could move around easily.

Lucy even joined in on the painting!

This process took me about 3 days working in chunks of about 3 hours at a time. So a total of around 9 hours. Working on a floor is much different than working on a wall and it can take a fast toll on your back and knees. My body can take about three hours straight of painting then I step away and come back the next day.

The last step was to touch up the remaining side of the deck with a solid dark brown.
NOTE: We did not seal the paint only because the paint we used was made to withstand weather and the elements. But keep in mind no matter how heavy duty the paint or even if it's made for a deck, eventually it will age, weather and peel...there is just no way around it.

Then came the really fun part and that was doing a little bit of decorating! Up until now, we really haven't used our deck. We have a huge backyard that we love to hang out in. But we do a lot of grilling so we really wanted a fresh, colorful updated space to use while Andy cooks outside on the BBQ.

We moved some of our outdoor furniture to the deck, purchased some plants to add even more color and the next thing I knew, we had completely and TOTALLY transformed this space! Now we've been enjoying our meals out here, using it as a place to hang out and draw or read. It has been so much fun to have a new space to use now that the weather is nice.

Lucy is such a lucky kid to get to live in such a magical home! You are making such amazing memories as a family!
Lucy is such a lucky kid to get to live in such a magical home! You are making such amazing memories as a family!
Absolutely delightful! Thanks for sharing the process and the result!! I hope you and your family enjoy every moment you spend on your fabulous deck.
so gorgeous dreamy magical... i absolutely love this.. and you know, it clicked in my head.. all the journal drawing training, translates to larger spaces much easier.. thankyou for sharing your magic with us!! xxoo ������
OH MAN, this is so cool!!! Your deck needed attention. It got affection!!! So much heart and love in your projects Alisa. Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous! Inspiring as ever!
One more awesome project! I love all that colour on the deck!AriadnefromGreece!
You are allaways surprising us!! Amazing Alisa. Love your creativity!!!
Fantástic, amazing, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love it!!
Looks wonderful x
Truly beautiful - so alive and vibrant. I love that you accept it will not stay pristine but will weather and eventually something else will be there. Your lack of 'preciousness' and your integrity is what makes you stand out as an artist. You see opportunity to create more beauty where other people see lack. I love your attitude to your art as much as the art.
These are gorgeous pictures, that have given me a 'lift' today. Thank you for sharing them with us.
Really LOVELY!! What a great way to start the week! Getting the creative juices flowing.
Just spectacular. I love watching your process, it's so inspiring to just go for it. xox
This is a wonderful project that only you could have pulled off with such incredible style!
I love it!! I would totally buy a house because it was painted that way!! Lol! Beautiful!
Just beautiful.
stunning! great inspiration
You are my hero! That is absolutely stunning and inspiring!! Thank you for sharing your talents and your process!
Fantastic. So amazing.
This is amazing! It is so beautiful. I wish I could do something like that or buy a rug like that with so much color. Thanks for sharing this!
So flippin' cool!!!
I love it so much!!
So VERY awesome!! You've inspired me to do something similar to our chicken coop which is currently just whitewashed.
"Happy" is the first word that came to mind when I saw the pictures, what a beautiful day brightener!
What a fun idea. I may have to consider something similar.
WOW! What else can one say? Absolutely beautiful.
You never cease to amaze me. It looks stunning. It brings me back memories of painting my outdoor table with a big sunflower about ten years back. It brought me so much pleasure. I was working as a graphic designer in an office at the time so it was something to look forward to in the evening (in Summer) to come home and do after my bike ride home. It gave something extra to my day. I've been thinking of tackling my daughters room as the next project. She wants fairies, cup cakes, butterflies, etc, etc.
Love it! I imagine it can help brighten up even overcast days. Love how you make your space your own.
Fabulous! Great idea!
Amazing floor and house)
The deck looks SO great! I wish I had a deck now, haha! Your garden looks pretty nice, too!
Incredible!! It's so so crazily amazing!! Oh~~~ You have a really really beautiful and inspiring house. So many great arts
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Soo crazy beautiful!!!! Bravo!
You're crazy cool!!! ;-)
SERIOUSLY! SO awesome-it looks like a Caribbean space. I'm amazed and inspired!
I love all your art but this one almost leaves me speechless. Not enough adjectives to describe it. Absolutely love it.
You are awesome! House of dream every child. Photos are full of colorful happiness. You made my day for sure!
You and I have the same philosophy about decorating. I have more recently come to that conclusion and am beginning to take risks here and there. I have always hesitated because I worried about how my "crazy painting" or other experiments would affect the resale value of the house. But like you said, IT'S JUST PAINT!
So I'm learning to let myself have freedom and Let. Go.
You have been such an inspiration to me for many years now and I so appreciate you sharing your creativity with us!
I enjoy reading your blog admiring things you do but I must say that this is the best and most inspiring project ever! Absolutely wonderful!
My indoors staircase will live a dangerous life this summer ...
Alisa I love you, please marry me :-) :-) ahahahahah
I adore this project (and all the others too). It maybe takes some courage to do it, but the result is simply stunning
I love this!!! It's always fun to watch you take risks with your house and enjoy the end result.
Absolutely awesome!
What a brilliant idea! I love the way you think outside the box. And you are giving your daughter an enormous gift, teaching her to embrace her creativity.
Could something like this be done on cement steps?
This is stunning!
Oh to have that kind of talent! This is soo wonderful.
This IS amazing!!!!! I would hire you in a split second!!!!!
What colors of paint did you start with?
What colors did you start with? I love this!
Fantastic! How many colors did you start out with & did you mix paint along the way for more choice of color?
Amazinggggggggg- amazinggggggg...love it!!! i am going to paint like this a wall in my house!!! congrats!!!
Crazy beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Made me happy to see it!
I love it! It makes me smile....
This is amazing!!!Such a great inspiration you gave me 😉😊
Being an artist I have to say that I totally LOVE it. Amazing job. I know that it brings a smile to your face when you step out there. Awesome job.
I just came across your painted deck! You have inspired me! My deck is in need of stain or paint. I will be doing something very similar as yours! I just hope it looks as cute!
Amazing! so wish my parents would let me do this to our deck ;P If i ever one day buy a house this is will be on the top of the list! :D thanks for sharing, your house is so unique and i love it! ♥♥
Absolutely amazing! Thank you for showing the process.
Totally cool. You are a badass!
This Is Awesome!!!!!!
Amazing project, love this!
Wow. All I can say is wow. My back porch/patio is concrete that's been stained by weather, pets, grease, and projects. These painting projects could transform the space! Thank you!
It looks awesome. Its really amazing and inspiring house for all. Thanks for sharing with us.
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Amazing One..Such a beautiful design..thanks for sharing these pics o your home its really wonderful...Keep doing...https://goo.gl/4kBdLS
I'm so inspired. Just amazing creative energy.
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