Friday, January 29, 2010
BIG Drawings, Doodles and Lettering

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Love Everyday Wreath Tutorial

Last year I revealed that I don't like Valentines Day (at all!!) I am one of those people who thinks it is a commercial holiday where we all feel pressure to participate and spend money on gifts and dinner! But with that said, I love hearts, the colors red and pink, love notes, dinner out on the town, romance and celebrating love- I just prefer to celebrate it everyday! I decided this year to dedicate a series of tutorials in the next few weeks to heart projects that could be used everyday of the year- not just for Valentines Day! The first is a simple flower wreath made from junk mail.

Start by painting 2-4 pieces of junk mail in different shades of pink and red or your favorite colors.
Once the junk mail is dry, quickly journal, doodle or even scribble all over the surface.
I wrote all sorts of little love notes- to myself and to my husband.
Cut up the paper into different sized circles and stack 2-3 circles on top of each other.
Scrunch up until it looks like an abstract flower.
Use hot glue applied to the back of the flower...
and attach to a heart or round styrofoam wreath.
Build up lots of layers of flowers along the entire surface of the wreath.
Go back and add beads or even buttons to the center of the flowers with hot glue.
The end result is a delicate and vintage looking wreath (MADE FROM TRASH!) to hang on the wall year round to remind you to love everyday!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
CHA Recap

If you don't know Elena from Scrapbook Royalty you are missing out!! She is fabulous, high energy, crazy (in a good way) dedicated diva behind raising money for charity through craft and art events! I will be participating and collaborating with her on some future projects that I can't wait to share!!

I am not a knitter (well I'm a beginner!) but I LOVED seeing all of the yarn creations from Bernat (maybe I can talk my mother in law into knitting this outfit for me?!)
And these AMAZING knit creature from Lion Brand Yarn

Speaking of Jenny Doh- I also got to preview her new book (with Jo Packham) Where Women Create Book of Inspiration at the Lark booth!! This book goes behind the scenes of 25 women to learn about their studio, art and inspiration (and one of them is me!!!) I can't wait to share more with you later about this project!

Kathy was demoing at the I Love to Create booth which is always my favorite booth- in my opinion they are a company that is willing to take risks and do some creative things with their products and ideas! I loved this newspaper dress that they had displayed-
complete with matching shoes!

Speaking of Traci- I heart this girl- she is another creative kindred spirit who THANKFULLY loves graffiti, making a mess and taking risks just as much as I do!! We made time to sit down and have lunch together and did some more brainstorming for future collaboration and creative plans- so keep your eyes peeled for us pairing up sometime very soon!!

One of my favorite products out there is C&T's canvas books- if you want to experiment with making books out of painted canvas but don't want to have to sew everything together- this is the product for you!!

my flower drawings on metal that I painted
We also got to play with Lutrador a really neat product that feels a little like a cross between interfacing, a dryer sheet and hand made fiber paper! You can paint, draw and sew with it and it is another product that I now have lots of ideas of ways to use it that I will be sharing soon!

Traci is an amazing artist and teacher, she has a beautiful book- Nature Inspired out and will very soon have a line of fabric!!
Overall, taking time to attend CHA this year was a success and while I am still in trying to figure out where I fit, what path to take and where to go next with my career in art and craft I was thrilled to be able to connect, meet and discover new things about the industry and myself! Now its time to head back to the studio and splatter a little paint!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Graffiti Chic Part II Preview!

My next online class- Graffiti Chic Part II starts Monday, January 25th and since I will be gone all weekend I have been working around the clock to get the first lesson edited, photographed and organized! I am SUPER excited about this class and thought I would share a little video preview of the week 1 lesson- BIG Backgrounds! Don't worry, if you are taking this class the video is just a snippet of the actual lesson and painting demos (which FYI are not in hyper speed!!!)
Untitled from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.
CHA Here I Come!

If by chance you are attending CHA I will be plugged in to all media so please tweet or email me if you want to meet up- I need more creative friends ;)
Look for me saturday night at the Worlds Largest Crop- Charity Event I will be raffling off some of my purses, doing a little make & take and hanging with all kinds of wonderful crafty ladies!! Check out the Scrapbook Royalty blog for a list of everyone who will be there!!
The rest of the show I will be attending events, meetings, catching up with friends and doing lots and lots of creative research so stay tuned!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
one doozy of a storm!
We are having one doozy of a storm here in Southern California and as a gal who is from the Oregon Coast, I am a bit of a snob when it comes to rainy winter storms and rarely ever think San Diego rain would be considered a storm- WELL THIS IS A STORM! I ventured down to the beach this morning to see what was going on in the ocean and YIKES what mess it was! I was able to get a few good shots before getting completely soaked. There is nothing quite like mother nature to remind you just how small we are!

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