So my good intentions of blogging everyday obviously seem to have gone down the drain- so here we go again- I promise this time I am going to try really hard to blog as much as possible because there are lots of exciting things on that I would love to have record of! But I do have a good excuse and that is working on the projects for my book and upcoming trip to
Cincinnati for the photo shoot. I have been working nonstop and my fingers and hands are actually sore from painting! At this point I am starting to freak out and I am finding myself fighting what I always do when creating something that will be seen by others- which is start questioning and thinking I need to start over- I have done this since college art classes- a project would be due and I would work non stop for weeks and weeks and then the night before I would get this sudden rush of new inspiration and grab my brushes and paint over the entire project and stay up all night and start over creating something I felt better about and AMAZINGLY finish it- crazy eh? I am fighting this horrible creative pattern I have
gotten in because everything I have created is wonderful and I need to know when to STOP!! Anyway, lots of work, lots of paint, lots of mess around the house but lots of lovely moments where something bigger takes over and I step back and think "wow where did that come from?" I keep trying to live in the present and just be thankful for the opportunity to put my passion as a painter to good use and to share with exciting!