Friday, November 21, 2014

new stamps and GIVEAWAY!

I am so excited to have four new rubber stamp sets in the shopIt's exciting to be able to offer a variety of my own drawings and designs as rubber stamps to use in your mixed media projects. And today I am giving away 10 sets of stamps (scroll all the way down for details).

I teamed up with my UBER talented husband Andy to create this lovely set of FLOWER GIRLS STAMPS. He drew the faces and I drew the flowers! There are all kinds of ways to use this set- draw or doodle around the faces, stamp flowers around the faces, use the flowers to create patterned paper, use the faces in mixed media projects- the ideas are endless!

I am obsessed with geometric patterns so I created a GEOMETRIC STAMP SET  that I would use in my own projects. This set is perfect for creating all kinds of patterned paper- I'll be using it to make my own wrapping paper and tags this Christmas!

I love using arrow images in my own work so I thought it would be fun to create a simple SET  OF ARROWS that can be used in all kinds of projects- repeat to make patterned paper, create unique greeting cards and tags, use in scrapbook pages or art journals.

During the holidays I am always doodling wreaths- on wrapping paper, cards and tags so I thought it would be handy to create a SET OF WREATH STAMPS that can be used for holiday crafting.


Check out how I mount my stamps and the different ways that I use them HERE

More ways that I use my rubber stamps HERE

You can see a few different ways that I create and use handmade stamps HERE

How to use stamps with clay HERE

Use rubber stamps to make rubbings HERE


And today I am giving away all four new sets of stamps to 10 readers!

Enter to win by leaving me a comment- tell me 1 thing you are grateful for today.

I will randomly select 10 winners later this weekend and will update this post with the winners.



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Unknown said...

Today I'm thankful for my healing as I've been very sick the past week and I'm pregnant... Better yet I'm thankful that my baby is healthy and growing strong inside me :)

Love your stamps- the Geometric ones would be fun to use on our baby's birth announcement cards too!!

Evi said...

Oh, I LOVE these stamps! Especially the flowers and arrows!
Today I am grateful that I just happened to see your blog post, seconds after you posted ;) .......and that I found the perfect second hand window for our new room we are building (extra art space...shh!)
Thankyou so much for sharing your creativity. xx

Kathleen said...

Fun stamp designs. I'm grateful for family and friends and my love of crafting.

Unknown said...

Today I am thankful for friends and family that surround you when sickness or sadness over come you; thankful for creativity that comes when you least expect it; thankful for finding beauty in the small things.

Silvia said...

I'm very thankful for the incredible beauty in our world, and for opportunities to explore it. Love your constant creativity.

Unknown said...

My name is Cindy. I am thankful for my two roommates. When I moved in two weeks ago I was sick at the same time with severe stomach flu. I needed to go to the ER for a liter iv due to dehydration. Decided to call my roommate/landlord Todd so I would have a ride home. He dropped everything and came to the hospital right away. Waited with me while I got the iv. My other roommate Dawn was great about me getting sick to my stomach so many times in our shared bathroom also. Love your blog and you have a beautiful family! :)

Martha Tsapatori said...

Oh, I love your stamps ! I love your work anyway ...!
Today I am grateful for a happy day I spent yesterday with my two little children and my partner !

Martha from Andros, Greece

Meg Lyons said...

I'm grateful for the "extracurricular" opportunities my job allows me, like traveling with my students this last week to CO where I proctored academics, but also got some free time to knit and to find some nature inspiration for future projects!

lovelife said...

Good morning!
Your stamps are so lovely- I really like the wreath and the flower set!
Today I'm thankful for my healthy family especially my teething, grumpy baby ;-) (it's only the teeth...)
Xxx Catrin

Say It In Color said...

I am grateful for my husband....he has been by my side for 48 years....a pilot and me an artist....must have been a good combo!

Kelly said...

Love the stamps! Today I am grateful that I'm in grad school. Even though some days (including today) I feel like I want to quit, I need to remember all of the things I've accomplished to get where I am, and be proud of those accomplishments.

Michellem said...

Amazing! LOVE your work and Andy's faces so I am grateful for the chance to win the FLOWER GIRLS STAMP SET.

A bird in the hand said...

I particularly like the face and the arrows, oh, and the geometric shapes too, and.... I'm grateful to have the ability to take care of myself, keep a roof over my head, and food on the table.

Sue Rostron said...

I am grateful for the free breast screening programme in New Zealand. Today I found out that I have breast cancer. it is reall small and I will be fine. I have a lot to be grateful for today.

AnaWho said...

Oh so many things to be grateful for! My greatest joy comes from my kids and grandchildren!
Peace Love and Joy♡

Lisa said...

I'm so thankful for my wonderful savior and amazing family!

Lucie said...

I'm grateful for the power and energy of creativity. Alisa, you're an inspiration! Thank you!

Unknown said...

love your ideas, amazing
would love to be a winner of those

ladylyn said...

Wonderful! Thank you for your generosity! I am thankful for my kids. They make me smile.

cindy b. said...

Beautiful Stamps!!! I'm thankful for my Mom :-)

Elaine Neidig said...

There are many things to be grateful for each day but for today I'm grateful for the peace that I feel when I create. Thank you for this opportunity.

Lynette (NZ) said...

Divine stamps - thanks for the giveaway. I am thankful for my gorgeous family of boys :-)

Özge Başağaç said...

Good morning from Turkey :) I am grateful for my family and for being healthy altogether ...

Beth K said...

Today I am grateful for the nuclear sunset we had tonight. Thanks for the giveaway!

Josie said...

alisa! these stamps are AMAZING! i am thankful for great friends who don't make you feel burdensome (especially if you don't have immediate family nearby!)

Ageeth Mooij said...

I am grateful for my caring husband and sons in grey times!

Melody said...

I am grateful for my health.

Gail B. said...

I am very grateful for my family who supports me in good times and bad times.

Lauren said...

I am grateful for the rain...we missed it here in California and now it finally feels like fall!

katemade designs said...

I am grateful for my new coat, I've never been so warm and when the windchill is 6 that's saying something.

janeine said...

I'm grateful for good work colleagues.
And I'm grateful that even though you don't ship your giveaway items, I'm free to drool over them.

Have a lovely day.

Giggles said...

I'm grateful that our Christmas decorations are up and I'm able to enjoy them a bit longer this year! Thank you for the opportunity to own one of your gorgeous stamps! I love the collaboration!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! Love the faces, geometric shapes and arrows. Today I am grateful for time in the yard. Tending to our citrus trees was good for my soul

Fräulein Rucksack said...

The early morning peace. Just me up, I missed it so. To settle before the family fun starts.
Thanks for your generousity!

Suman Pandit said...

Hi Alisa, I am grateful for the be able to see, learn and appreciate Art created by you and many others while sitting in the comfort of my grateful for the vibrant, throbbing connect I feel with co-creators :) The stamps designs are beautiful and I love that these are not restrictive and can be used in so so many ways.....hope to win...thank you :)

ruthsplace said...

Fun stamps, I especially love the arrows. Today I'm grateful for the security guards that travel in the car with me every day when I do the run to school.

Unknown said...

Hi Alisa, I am grateful for my two kiddos and their uninhibited creativity. And for the beautiful west coast of canada! thanks for sharing.

muriel said...

I like how fine your stamps are and love all of them. Thanks for the chance to win. Today I'm grateful for being able to wake up every morning to another day.

Hua said...

I am grateful for my family and especially for my husband!
The stamps are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

The stamps are beautiful! I especially love the flowers. I am grateful that tomorrow is my last craft fair of the year, so this is my final day of preparation. Craft fairs are fun, but hard work!

Marieke said...

Today I am grateful that the sun is shining! It has been foggy for the last 4 weeks. I`m also grateful and proud of my children.

Kristina said...

Today I'm thankful for the first snow this season, it feels like a fresh start, a world full of new possibilities to create my own picture :)

trosley said...

Your creativity is amazing and inspirational thank you for sharing your art and ideas. I am most grateful for my wonderful husband and kids, I am very lucky!

S said...

Today, I am greatful for my scarf to keep me warm on the journey to school
The stamps look awesome!

Наталия Балабанчук said...

I am grateful gor my two little Princesses! Thank you for the giveaway!

Eirini said...

I'm grateful for expanding our family with another baby....

Cynthia said...

I am grateful for my loving family

Saraccino said...

At this very moment: My partner. It is early in the morning, I am ill and still have to go to work... some difficult meetings are waiting for me... and he still managed to make me laugh and smile just now :)

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful that my mom's health is finally improving! (Btw - love these stamps!)

Virginia said...

Ah Alisa they are fabulous - I bet you are over the moon with them! I'm grateful for being here for another day - for being alive for having my sight, my family, my home, a roof over my head, and food in my home to feed and nurture my family. I'm grateful to be able to walk and enjoy the beautiful autumn colours surrounding me in Yorkshire. I'm grateful to have a lovely family, friends and work colleagues, I'm grateful i can provide for my family and that I am absolutely blessed. Hope you have a beautiful and blessed day!

jinxxxygirl said...

At this very moment in time i'am grateful that my friends and family are all good. Living life to the fullest. Good health...Life is just good at the moment and we all know how fleeting that can be...Hugs! deb
nuleaf at comcast dot net

artychick said...

I am greatful for the beauty of nature...

Ajudit1 said...

Dear Alisa, Thank you for the great give away! I am grateful that I have the possibility to do art today.

LOCKwerkE said...

Dear Alisa,
I love your ideas and I am grateful to see this morning your wonderful work. That´s my dream to be an artist. I dont´t know if I can win your wonderful present, because Iam a german reader. Whatever, when I see your pictures I get new ideas and thats so great. Best wishes Karin

Hee Sun Kim (MIYAKE) said...

Great stamp!!!! So beautiful FLOWER GIRLS STAMP SET!!!!! Thanks Alisa!
I talked with the mother today after a long absence. And I went to the market with her mother.
It was a great time. I felt happy.

cherrytree said...

Today I am grateful for the cool breeze that is now blowing after a very hot day here in Sydney - 40 degrees Celsius. Thanks for the chance to win your amazing designs.

Dorka said...

I'm grateful for health. And that I can read your blog everyday.Best wishes

Diane said...

Gorgeous stamp sets! Your so talented and brilliant. Love your work!
Would like to make these stamp sets mine!

Dada Poklon Torte said...

Your gifts are always great.
I'm grateful for the smile and hug of my child that wakes me up every morning...
and to my mother that made me my favorite meal.Thank you Mom! Love U!

pipers1mom said...

I am grateful for a wonderful husband who loves me and encourages me

Corina said...

Beautiful, simply beautiful.
I am grateful for the fact that there is more to life than our minds try to make us believe and that God does not give up on us when we are behaving like idiots.

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

I am lovin' these stamps...YOU both did a fine job with these!!!
I would share these with all my art students...Youth and Adults.
I am grateful for LOVE, Family and ART = )

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for having passed another day with my old and very sick daddy and most of all because he managed to recognize me and stay with me, like in the past, for several times/several minutes throughout the day.... Thank you Alisa for bringing me joy and colour here in Italy! A place, I am sure, would give you lots of inspiration ;o). Isabella

coco.nut said...

today I'm grateful for autumn - I love foggy, misty weather we are having now in Poland! but I'm also very grateful for the internet - without it I wouldn't learn so many things, I woudn't meet so many wonderful, interesting and creative people and so on, I could probably write about it for hours, but you get the idea, I hope :)

I love and admire your work, the stamps sets are fantastic! I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

Only one thing?!?! In that case it has to be my family, my healthy children and partner.
Love the stamps, specially your faces and flowers. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
Today I am grateful for the beautiful automn colors on the trees along the River Seine banks (I live in Paris).

Kiara said...

this new stamp are gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway!
Today I am grateful for the sun, this a beautiful autumn day! said...

I am grateful for my family! Thank you for sharing your art. It's beautiful as always!

Susan said...

Another beautifull set of stamps. They are just lovely! I'm grateful for the halo the sun makes around my cats longest hairs. Okay thats two things; sun in Scotland is wonderful and to have my cat, which is just normal on any other day is special today, because one of my friends cats just died. So I'm going to pamper him today, my cat that is. :) Love Susan

Unknown said...

Hi Alisa,

I am grateful to have a wonderful family , my cats , and I am also grateful to be gifted every day with your photos, ideas , creativity and sense of family .

Meghan said...

I am grateful for a warm house on this bitterly cold winter day.

Brooke said...

I am grateful for alot of things and today I am most grateful for my family! Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for tons of things today and everyday including your lovely blog and you! :) Thank you for being so kind and inspiring, you're awesome! I am also grateful for the chance to win your awesome stamps! And today, I am especially grateful for the lovely weather we have around here :)

becslb said...

I have many things to be grateful for, today I'm grateful for a wonderful son who, on an unexpected day off school has made 4 Christmas cakes and is now sat regaling me with tales of his week :-)

Agnesss in Africa said...

Today i'm thankful that i'm feeling better. Yesterday i struggled with sore throat and head ache and it very stressful because i have 4 week old baby boy and i breasfeed him. I really don't want to be sick right now!

Lots of love!

Jackie PN said...

I am grateful for living a clean and happy life- and for you giving away such cool stamps that you have created! thanks Alisa! (and Andy)!

mbi said...

I am oh-so-grateful for a day off the grid, driving the slow way to a shrine with the most beautiful fall colours for hubby's work. Got totally inspired, got the information he needed, took 300 photos, was blown away by the perfect timing of Japanese maple colours and late afternoon sun (came home and it started to rain!!) and loved the story of the gardens leading up to the shrine. There is a big festival happening there this weekend, so lots of workmen putting up lanterns and too many trucks in the way when taking photos, but still exciting to be part of a crazy big event before all the people show up. (I think the festival it the day after tomorrow...) Yay, for seasons and gardens and blue skiies and drives and "dates"!

Ariel said...

I'm grateful for all that I have today especially my family.
Your new stamps look awesome. Thank you for this giveaway

cjsrq said...

Thanks for an opportunity to win your fabulous stamps. I am grateful for your ongoing generosity of spirit; the way you share your ideas and creations with us is so inspiring.

Debbie Chouinard said...

I am thankful for my home and that it is a sanctuary where I can rest and be free to create.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for the joy God has placed in my heart lately. After going through a period of depression and low self-esteem, this new feeling is super amazing.

AshleyQ said...

Alisa do you offer any discounts or package deals so all 4 stamp designs could be purchased at once?

CR Bentley said...

I am great fun for the amazing outdoors that inspires creativeness and beauty

Moois van mie said...

I have a dinner appointment this evening with some schoolmates i recently found again trough facebook. We hadn't seen each other in 30 years but since a few months we located each other and met a few times en guess what : it is as if those 30 years are gone when we see each other.

Erin Fish said...

I am grateful for my bet friend from whom I continually receive unconditional love, support and understanding. That best friend is my husband of 45 years. I am who I am today because of him.

Amy said...

Grateful for the feeling of Joy!! What a gift to be able to feel that emotion, and all emotions really. Grateful that we are designed to feel things and experience and grow.

Trish said...

I am grateful to be a creative spirit and for access to other amazing, creative spirits like you, Alisa. Thank you!

Andra Hepler said...

I'm grateful that I am in a country where anything is possible.

Niqueknacks said...

I am grateful for my awesome friends who lent me a spare bike when mine got stolen

Tessa said...

I am grateful for being able to travel 'home' to visit family for Thanksgiving. We leave today and my soul is ready to be with loved ones and to see cousins together again. They've missed each other dearly and letters and FaceTime only go so far. (8 cousins between my 2 sisters and I ranging 1-7. We were all three pregnant at the same time. Twice.)

bfigur said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bfigur said...

I am grateful for the people in my life. Where would I be without them....

Consie @ said...

I am grateful for the crazy life that I live that never bores me and for my husband who always makes me laugh!

FascinationStreet said...

I love these stamps, flowers and arrows are my favorite. I'm grateful for my beautiful family and for the sun is today and always in my life.

Pat said...

I am so grateful for my wonderful, loving family.

Unknown said...

Grateful that my children are choosing to craft, sew, and make art along side me these days

lili.constanta said...

What a wonderful thing: gratitude!
I am grateful! I am grateful and I have no idea why! :))
Because you are! Because I am!
Thank you!

Donna B said...

I am very grateful for the many wonderful friends I have, and one in particular of 30 years, who lives far away and I am going to see this weekend :)
Thanks Alisa!

Peggy Festerling said...

I am grateful for my kitty cat who always makes me smile no matter how hard life sometimes gets.

Abby Davis said...

I'm grateful for every day that I wake up. Life is a precious thing and I'm lucky to be able to live it as desired.

Michelle said...

Today I am grateful for my husband's return from his business trip, our two beautiful daughters, and our happy home. These stamp sets are absolutely beautiful, Alisa. I especially love the faces and flowers, but they are all fabulous!

darcydaydream said...

I am grateful for my husband who looks after me when I am unwell enough to look after myself ....xx

livethegoldenrule said...

I am grateful that my husband is still here with me. We have had a very rough last couple of years and some close calls. Please, no one take your health for granted. None of all the other stuff really matters compared to that. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone !

Unknown said...

I am so grateful for my husband because he works so hard to support me in my pursuit to be a mama and painter.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my two princess, they are the most for me. Tha stamps are wonderful, flowers are my favourite. Thank you for everyday inspiration!

Adiya_buligaia said...

Oh!!! Wow!!!!
I love these new stamp sets!!!
Today I'm grateful that my working table is just under the window, so I could watch the rain and the beautiful rainbow we had earlier, while I work on some Christmas ornaments...

Karen Blados said...

I am grateful that today's snow day is for inches of snow ... instead of feet! Beautiful stamps, as is all of your artwork!

Miriam Prantner said...

I'm grateful for girls who are best friends and loving each other more each day.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my wonderful family who make my life exciting, fun, a little bit crazy, and, mosy of all, full of love! ♡
What beautiful stamps!

Suzanne said...

I am grateful it's Friday!!

robin metzler said...

Beautiful stamps Alisa! I am extremely grateful for the obvious family and friends but TODAY I am grateful for social media giving us all the ability to connect like this and support one another!

Robin Johnson said...

I'm am so very grateful that no matter what I have to go through, I know I don't have to go through it alone. God is with me every step of the way and I am blessed! ♥

Nancy S said...

So cute. Would love to win!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the sun that shines through my studio/office window each morning.

Those stamps are gorgeous. I would absolutely love them for art journaling, scrapbooking and cardmaking. Gorgeous!

Jenn said...

I LOVE these stamps! I am grateful I get to spend extra time with my daughter today by being able to go with her on a school field trip. It's the first one I've been able to go on - and she is 13! Should be a great day!

Joanne said...

I am thankful for my husband who gives me unconditional love and support

Unknown said...

i am thankful for my family and my new job working for a craft publishing company! dream job!

Michelle Remy said...

Really beautiful and clever stamps! I am ever so grateful that only 4 hours of work stand between me and Thanksgiving break! I am ready for some quality "me time!"

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for wonderful friendships that last for a lifetime! Your stamps are fabulous!

mary said...

Very grateful for my family and generous people like you! Looks like it's so much fun to work with your new stamps! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for all of the people who are in or who have passed through my life. In one way or another they have made me who I am today.

Kelly said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win - what a generous (and gorgeous) giveaway! I'm grateful for sooooo many things, but right now I'm truly grateful for a steaming mug of coffee, a warm sweater, and the promise of the weekend ahead.

Beverley Baird said...

What a lovely collection of new stamps! Love the flowers and girl especially! What a fabulous giveaway! I am thankful for generous, supportive artists like yourself who give so much and share so much of their knowledge. I am also grateful to just be able to have the time to create and write.

Shari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ariadne said...

Great stamps! I especially like the faces with the flowers! Today I am thankful for the smile on the face of my son and for the sweetness in the voice of my husband ! AriadnefromGreece!

Susie said...

I am grateful for the wonderful friends in my life that support me, accept me, encourage me and love me for the person that I am. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope that you are able to spend it with the special people in your lives.

Shari said...

First, I am grateful for your generosity and all the knowledge you share via your tutorials and inspiration. You rock! :*) But, I have so many things to be grateful for: 10+ years of sobriety, my husband being a two-time heart attack SURVIVOR, my very first grandchild was born this year, etc. etc.... see what i mean? how can i choose only one to share? i hope i win but, even if i don't, i'm sure i will be purchasing some of these stamps! Thanks again for the chance!

Jodi Crane said...

I am simply grateful to be alive

Shelly Reinhard said...

I am so very grateful for LOVE.

Catherine said...

I am grateful for health (after days of the flu!).

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the online artist community and the sharing and support I get there. Love your stamps, especially the geometric and arrow sets - awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for a safe journey. For a few days I was with the children of my parents, who live 350 km from where I live. The journey is long and with two children stressful. Luckily it was quiet and without stress.

Ruth @ Hammer and Thread said...

Today I am grateful that my sweet two year old likes to wrap up in a blanket to play princess

Ms. Becky said...

Beautiful stamps, thank you for the opportunity to win. Today I'm thankful for being given another day with my kitty Daiseymae. She's old and not feeling well so another day with her is a wonderful gift.

Domestic Diva said...

I am so thankful to live in a country with countless freedoms......and the ability to love and worship my Savior Jesus Christ!

Grace Garland said...

So grateful for the invigorating fall chill outside after the heat of an Alabama summer! I think I will go for a long run this morning.

Anonymous said...

Your stamps are fabulous! My heart seems to be so full of gratitude these days. At the moment I am so grateful for a home, even if it isn't ours, & grateful that he finally found work. Thank you for such a generous giveaway. I hope you have a beautiful & memorable Thanksgiving. And thank you for your constant inspiration. You are my favorite muse.

Jeanette said...

Thanks for your generosity with this giveaway!!! Your stamps are wonderful, as I scrolled down, I oogled over each one!!!
Today I am grateful for my elderly Dad who's lived with us for the past three years. It's such a gift to have him here, the stories he shares and for me to be able to give back and take care - I am blessed.

studioGypsy said...

thankyou so much for your graciousness and love, alisa!! and sooo LOVE these new stamps.. especially the collaboration with you and hubby.. i am thankful for soo many things, but right now i have to say i'm especially thankful for making art, since it lets me "run away" when craziness happens around me! :P

TJ said...

Shoot I think my comment disappeared. Congrats on the stamps! Especially love the wreaths and arrows. Your blog is so inspiring and gets my weekend off to a perfect start.

Unknown said...

I am super grateful for my family. (and for the inspiration you provide- these stamps are epic!)

MarveLes Art Studios said...

i'm thankful for a community of artists, and inspiration that flows from above

Unknown said...

I am so thankful for your daily dose of color, inspiration, whimsy, and a glimpse life on the coast. I start every workday on a positive note and look forward to the weekends when I can unleash my own creativity. These stamps would be such an added treat!

Paige M. said...

I am thankful for my Family! They are always there for me in good and bad times.

Michelle Joy Wecksler said...

I am grateful for how committed you are to sharing your soul of creativity with us! Beautiful stamps!!!

Terri said...

Beautiful artwork and rubber stamps! I am so grateful for my husband who is my best friend, art director for my freelance biz and partner in crime. I am also grateful to other creatives out there who share their work!

Lynda said...

Gorgeous stamps. I love your flowers!

knit by nat said...

Thanks for this great opportunity, the stamps are all amazing!! I am so grateful for my little family. Every day is a blessing.

Kristina said...

Such fun stamps! I'm grateful for a warm and cozy home during these cold winter days!

the turquoise paintbrush said...

Oh, these stamps + your work make my heart sing!
I'm filled with so much thankfulness these days. Witnessing a miracle (I'm 4 months pregnant!) + crisp autumn days + making our new house a home + art + love. <3
Thank you for this opportunity!


Unknown said...

Great stamps. I am grateful for the gift of creativity.

Unknown said...

Today and everyday I am grateful for my 2 year old, Olivia. She is so sweet, silly & at times a handful. Although some days are harder than others, every day with her is a blessing. I love that you involve your daughter when you are creating & that inspires me to do the same...thank you!

Sarah said...

What a great giveaway! Today I am thankful for my husband who makes me laugh even in the midst of sadness.

KCarey said...

Your work is amazing-a constant source of inspiration for me!
I am grateful for the opportunity to learn something in every day!

Bea said...

I am grateful that at this point in my life i have lots of time to make art...bea

Anonymous said...

Being a two time cancer survivor, I am grateful everyday for my life!

tiffanynoel said...

Hi Alisa!
I'm grateful for the cool, rainy mornings and the smell of the madrona trees and the salt water.

Unknown said...

Today I am grateful for the gift of good health, a job and a home.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family of kids, grandkids and dogs. We have sunshine and life is good.

Stephanie said...

I am grateful for my lovely kids and dear husband, and health. Thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my three boys and their families and for the grandchildren they've given me.

Julia H. S. said...

Grateful for? Oh, ever sooo much
Today? That it's Friday and holidays are coming soon.
I love all your stamps, old and new, floral or not, and having one of your sets would make me grateful too!

Tina Louise said...

I am grateful for my husband, children and grandchildren. My job and inspirational boss.

Lesley said...

Today, I am grateful for my first art show going up.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my son, my little man, he's my inspiration.

locosewer said...

I am grateful for my son, salvation, and good health.

Rachel said...

Today I am grateful that I happened upon your blog and you have inspired me to start sketching again. (I also grateful for my family everyday, can't leave them out!)

C Williams said...

I am grateful for my daughter, my husband and my dog.

Randell said...

I am so excited that you are sharing your intricate and awesome designs for the world to use!!

The biggest thing, and what life for me all boils down to for me is family, I am most thankful for all the everyday richness that they bring to my soul.

Anonymous said...

i am grateful for your keep me inspired and amazed.

Ana O said...

I am grateful of sunny days. They make everything seem a little brighter and happier. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

jan said...

I am always inspired by you and am grateful for your talented generosity.

mls said...

I am grateful that I get to be with my grandkids everyday.

Amy Munson said...

I am grateful for Fridays and temps that are above freezing.

Bonnie P said...

Beautiful! I'm grateful to have found your inspirational art site.

Meghan Thimjon said...

I need want have to have every one of them! They are so cool! But then again I love everything you do!!!!!!

Mary W said...

I'm so thankful for the internet and my laptop. It takes me around the world and I get to visit with people in their craft rooms and on the beach and get to know their family - like yours. Your stamps are wonderful and I know they will be a BIG hit. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I thank God for my kind husband and my fun and crazy children. I am also thankful for your art and your willingness to share it with the masses. I have been encouraged by watching you grow as an artist and wife/mother.

marilyn said...

Love your stamps. I am thankful for my husband who takes care of me. Actually, I'm thankful for a million things but can't list them all. HA!

Janie Husband said...

I am thankful for so many things in my life.... But on the top of that list is my family, by far.... Thank you for this opportunity to win your stamps..... I have all of your "other" stamps and I love them....

LKH said...

I am grateful to be spending Thanksgiving with my extended family in beautiful Sedona.

PC Travelogue said...

I am grateful to have beautiful surrounds and talented people that insired me every day.

Thank you for being one of those talented people that inspire so many of us.

Sea Dean - Paint a Masterpiece said...

What an inspiration you are. I love your style and the photography on your blog always blows me away with it's pristine bright quality. Today I'm very grateful for the holiday buying season. I've been lucky to receive several commissions, and sold many paintings as gifts. With an opening tonight, I'm praying my luck continues and it will be Turkey for Christmas. PS I love your ideas and the stamps would be a phenomenal tool for me.

Kelly Z. said...

I am grateful for two healthy, fun kiddos and a husband who all support my creativity and fill me with love.
Thank you for this space of sharing your creativity and for this lovely giveaway!

leeanne said...

I am grateful for little holiday I have been able to share with my 16 ur old son...

Ricki said...

Today I am thankful for a potty training toddler that has worked hard to stay dry for three days in a row now!

primdollie said...

I love the new stamps they are fabulous! I am thankful for my wonderful husband and family and for my dear brother who fought his brain cancer for so long and lost! He is my hero and I will miss him so much! Thnx for a chance to win!

twobutterflies said...

Today I am grateful for my family and my home. As my husband has just been laid off, I remind myself that we are all healthy and together - whatever may come.

Barbara said...

I'm grateful for so many things! Family is something I'm especially grateful for.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I am grateful for the wildlife that find my property and consider it a sanctuary. They grace me with their beauty and peaceful ways everyday.

Shannon Baker said...

today I am grateful for my yoga class to destress and have some time for me

Anewdawn 16 said...

I m thankful for my daughter ,my husband and my beloved family....everyday of my life

Dalyce Crossley said...

I'm grateful to be living on this beautiful planet experiencing a human journey. Inside of that is gratitude for my loves and for creativity and all the folks who take time to inspire and help others. Such as you and your family.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

These are fab! I'm so grateful for my health, my family, and a really good marionberry scone. = )

Jamie (

Carrie12470 said...

Grateful for the gift of forgiveness. Being able to offer it and accept it. It is life-changing.

iris said...

Hi Alisa,
i visit your blog and instagram-site everyday, because you are such an inspiration!
Today i am grateful for that weekend starts, cause weekend means having time to create. :)
all the best from germany

Grace said...

I am grateful for my friends and family.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for shelter and warmth!

Jess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica T said...

Those floral stamps are beautiful! I'm grateful for my 2 year old. She's taught me a lot about myself and becoming a mommy to such a smart and beautiful little girl.

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