Friday, February 26, 2010

My Imaginary World

So it is very possible I have lost my mind (but in a really good creative way!) I have been slowly adding to my recycled city since last week and am falling in love with my imaginary world that is growing with each and every cereal box and cardboard tube- I wish I could live here!


*jean* said...


Anonymous said...

oooh - i'm going to make a recycled city with my kids at school!! what a fantastic idea!!! and your boat... LOVE the boat. my favourite!

jeannie lucky said...

How did you make the tree?

Staci Danford said...

I think it is just WONDERFUL... The colors and style make me want to move in myself.. Such a fabulous idea.. I hope it keeps growing.

anna maria said...

Very creative! Instead of a doll house it's a lot of doll houses, sort of a doll city!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

I'm LOVING that tree the best but I'm afraid your cat looks a little Godzilla-like sitting in the midst of the city!

nacherluver said...

Wouldn't that just make the cutest little cartoon world? Or puppet world? Or clay-mation world?
I can totally picture a little scene played out there.
That would be great!
Maybe you could write a really cool story about your little world.
What's it's name?

MaksiTaksi said...

Just wonderfull! I love the colors and the style. it makes me dream away to my childhood. I love what you make!

Peggy said...

love it, want to live there too.

Yvette said...



Unknown said...

I think I will have to start saving our small boxes so we can make a lil city...looks so fun : )

Jessica said...

It's about time the city grew a tree. I know they have really been stingy with the parks and rec department, but every city's gotta have some green space!

ps. Thanks for visiting my bloggggg :)

Unknown said...

Yes please show us how to make the fab tree!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous shoes! Wherever did you find them?

Anonymous said...

I am awestruck and inspired. Once a year I teach a art class for kids at a local art center and funds are short for materials, this looks like a good idea for the kids. Do you mind if I share with them? Diane in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Jane LaFazio said...

waay cool. I'm especially fond of the boat!

Nelda Ream said...

I always have so much fun when I come to visit you. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Unknown said...

yes, yes, the tree, the boat, the trim around the windows... a story, a name, an inspiration...

its so much fun to be an artist doing what we love!

lucky you!

rachel awes said...

i loooove your imaginary world! maybe i could meet you for a cup of tea outside one of your gorgeous buildings! hmmm, i'll take a licorice tea...

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Alisa... I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! What a GREAT CITY to live in.. YES!

Niki Turner said...

I remember spending hours and hours doing just this very thing as a child! It was a project in my Sesame Street Activity Book, which was very "green" even back in the 70s!
You are just too awesome! So glad I found your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey great post. Thought I'm not sure I agree with you 100%. Keep em coming. Are you interested in having anyone guest post opposing views?

Schoolfotograaf said...

Bedankt voor de mooie schoolfoto's. "gaaf" gedaan :)
For more information kindly visit:- Schoolfotograaf


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