Sunday, February 21, 2010

pieces of the journey- art journal giveaway!

If it's not obvious after my last post (see below) making art has always been more about the process and not the outcome. Something wonderful happens when I set out to create- I often start with a little concept and have no clue where it will take me! I am swept up in the moment and the process becomes an unstoppable need to connect the ideas, colors and images in my head to the surface (any surface!) and I lose myself in the journey. Since creating and cutting up my floral painting, the inspiration has continued to flow and I have been transforming each piece into something new- small works on gallery blocks, art journals and more!

I thought it would be fun to start the week off with a giveaway,
to share some of the pieces of my journey.
so I am giving away three art journals to three of you!

here are the rules-

just leave me a comment
and check back wednesday
when I will draw three names!


jfidz said...

Have just come across your blog - love the 'spirit' with which you create . The music accompanying the last video suited perfectly - very 'bohemian'. Have added you to my favourites.

Anonymous said...

I love these, I need one. You are so generous to offer such a great giveaway.

Peggy Fritz

Kathleen said...

As always, your work is gorgeous! Love it.

Elaine said...

these are gorgeous! oh my so pretty! I love your specific style. :)

Elaine R

Rachel Biddlecome said...

I love reading about your art life. I am definitely living through you right now. Your style is very freeing. The giveaways are a very neat way to share your work! LOVE IT.
Take Care!


Kim said...

Your make such great paintings I love them, and then in the next picture you have painted over them or cut tham up, you have to be brave to do that, most of us cover or cut our painting up because we don't like them.

JO SOWERBY said...

oh wow, a chance to win a prize!!! happy mondays
Jo xx

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Love the journals, you are so kind to give them away. Thanks for the chance

Marlis said...

love these journals!

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

Alisa, Your creative journey is inspiring in itself! I've been enjoying the tutorials, the music, the videos...SO WELL DONE!! Thank you for your inspiration!!

minlinhe said...

Awesome! You are such a sweetie to do a giveaway. I really enjoyed the video of how you created these gorgeous pieces. Thanks for sharing!
Have a great day!
Mindy ;O)

Roberta said...

So enjoyed watching your video and "your journey" of creating...very inspiring...makes me want to try it :}

kitty said...

Alisa, I am so in awe of you and your work!!! I would love love love some lil piece of your 'journey'!! OOOOO PICK ME!!

Jo Reimer said...

Since I found your blog a few weeks ago I've been mesmerized by the freeness and freshness of your approach. Thanks for motivating me to paint more.

Lesley said...

I would love to own a piece of your artwork...simply inspirational!!

nadia said...

thank you for sharing the process with us. I love the videos! it is so interesting to see how it all begins and ends. beautiful work alisa! happy monday! ciao!

Peggy said...

I love your colors, I just added you to my favorites.

Unknown said...

Having a journal from you then sharing your video w my students would be fantastic!!!!
I can hear my students know, Miss this is so cool...

Muckypup said...

My husband thinks this 'art stuff' is a bit bonkers, but even he watched your last post with me. I love your flowers! I am having a flowery phase too at the moment, so please pick me!

Meredith said...

thanks for sharing your process! i love how you've created a community for yourself through this blog - thanks for letting us be a part of it. :)

Danielle Kiser said...

I love these beautiful journals!

Anonymous said...

Awesome art. This is always my favorite style.

Charlotte said...

I really enjoy watching you turn old things into the most artistic little treasures. It has inspired me to recycle more as well and put less value in store-bought craft items. Thanks for that!

Kim Mailhot said...

Wooohoohoo ! Great way to start off the week.
Thanks so much for the chance to win one of your lovely, juicy journals !
Cheers !
Kim Mailhot

Unknown said...

So happy I found this blog a bit ago...You rock Alisa Burke!

Hope 23 is my lucky number : )

Unknown said...

or 24 : )

Have a good day

ArtdeMia said...

Love your work!

Jeanette said...

I LOVE your work!

LRH said...

Oh, I would love to win! Simply beautiful pieces!

autumnlanestudios said...

I've been reading your blog and website for I am really excited about your art journal giveaway. Pick me!!

Tynan said...

i'm taking your online grafitti chic class--love it. would love to win one of these! :)

Janet said...

I loved the video when you created this canvas. And I'd love to win one of your journals!!

Carol B. said...

How awesome to win one of your creations! Either way, each and every one of your posts is a great gift to us all.

Lynnetta said...

Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I love your style and I love watching your videos.

Emi said...

Wow those are so gorgeous! said...

Love your paintings! they are so romantic!! your artwork is inspiring!

Anonymous said...

would love to receive one of your art journals. over the weekend, i made my first clutch purse out of plastic grocery bags. learned alot about the process and know what I will do differently the next time. now onto a book cover for a friend as i painted several plastic bags. thanks to you and quilting arts tv.


Nina and/or Ruthie66 said...

I would love to win one of your fabulous journals! I love your art and admire you as an artist.

Nina in San Diego

KayG5010 said...

I would love to win one of your journals!!! I read your blog many times weekly, have your book and just need to learn how to start playing. You're an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog a month or so ago and it has become one of my favorites to visit. I love your "attitude" toward art! You are very inspiring too me and consequently my head is spinning with so many new ideas.

Thank you for sharing with us your talent!

A'n'G Johnson said...

ooo... me, me, me!
You totally just awoke the inner little five year old in her princess tutu who is trying very hard to keep her seat while she raises her hand that she is bouncing... please call on me! haha

sherry said...

The art journals are beautiful! Creating is most definitely about the process.

Anonymous said...

I love your artwork!! Those blocks are great!

Cate said...

I never win anything but I'm gonna comment anyway...


Have a wonderful day!

Becca said...

I was just thinking the other day how I needed a new journal, and here this is! I would love to have an original artwork journal! These are amazing!

Vone said...

I love being inspired by your art.


Daphne said...

You are so right...the process IS what it's all about...the process is what keeps me sane!
I look forward to reading your blog every day--thank you!

milkcan said...

Loving watching you paint over your art work in your videos!

Eden said...

I want one! I want one!! Thanks for the contest! These are uber cool :)

barbara said...

I'd really like one, I've committed myself to create regularly this year, as a way to go through a difficult time in my life. Fingers crossed!

Bonafyde said...

PIck Me Pick ME Pick Me! Those journals are so awesome, I love the colors, the random papers... oh my!

linda said...

Super cool, I love the idea of making journals from anything at all!

Jessica Loughrey said...

love the journals! they're gorgeous!

snowbird42 said...

Oh my!!
Id love to have something you make.

Mariposa said...

you are very inspiring to me and i gain courage each time i witness you expressing yourself. thank you!


Nancy Lynn said...

I am a big fan of your classes and work. I would so love to win one of your journals which I don't have. Your pouches, purses are incredible so I know the journals will be too. Thanks.

Dotti said...

Love your style; it's so free and loose!

Laura Kelley said...

would love one of these...awesome.

Kittyj said...

You rock as always!!! LOVE these beautiful fragments!!! XOX

patty a. said...

I enjoy your little videos showing you (and your hubby sometimes) making your art. Thank you for the giveaway! I am having a giveaway on my blog - go leave a comment by the 24th.

tlccreates said...

i continue to be inspired by your creativity

Dale Anne said...

I LOVE seeing your process!
THANKS for giving us this opportunity to win one of your artworks.

Katrina said...

Love the videos...
You are an inspiration!
Thank you!!!


love your work! it was great fun to watch your video. just found you on facebook too!

Lisa said...

As always Alisa, I remain one of your biggest fans. Love your work!

Randi Nervig said...

I just bought one of your little journals and love it! I'd love to receive one of these free ones. I spent the week-end painting egg cartons - one of many great ideas I got from your blog. (It's not as easy as you make it seem, but that's because I'm not as adept with a paint brush. I think you need to be more free and messy than I feel comfortable with, but I'm practicing!

Carrie Me! said...

These are so beautiful! Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win! Thanks so much for the chance =)

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful!

Unknown said...

your work is so energetic... when i was sick on saturday i entertained myself by watching a few of your videos and clicking around your blog... now a "favorite" of mine, too!

so fun!
i love a giveaway... count me in!

Sacred Yoli said...

Truly inspiring!

Tyggereye said...

Love your stuff. Great giveaway. :)

lee said...

I love it when you work on that wall..and paper, your colours are so vibrant and beautiful

April Hall said...

Oh how adorable!!!! Your work is so inspiring!

Amy Lynn said...

everything you do it amazing!

Life Is A Journey said...

The first time I saw you stand at your wall and paint I was hooked!! Your art is AWESOME! Hope a little of it will rub off on me, literally. Thanks for sharing your passion...

Sarah said...

I love these. I just started my own and would love to have more inspiration.
I follow your blog in google reader and I am inspired daily!
thank you.

Liz Howell said...

These are beautiful! I love checking back to your blog every other day or so, you are sooo inspiring. You have really inspired me to love the journey of art, and not just the result!
My mom always relayed this quote to me: The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Michelle Remy said...

It was a delight watching you work and I must say I am totally inspired to work big when it comes to making serendipity papers! Now if only I could find a spot in my apartment to fling paint around! LOL - Michelle

Dori Patrick said...

Love the journals! Would be so happy to have one!!

nacherluver said...

Brilliant Idea! And generous at that! Thanks for the opportunity. See you Wednesday! Well, actually, I'm sure I'll be here tomorrow too! :0)

Brenda said...

Absolutely beautiful. It would be very inspiring to win one of these. Thanks!

Karina said...

ohmigosh, i want one!!

molly said...

Thanks for sharing your journey, energy, spirit and art. You are part of my day. Molly

Sophie said...

How very generous of you! I would love a chance to win.

alyson said...

After I check your blog, I always head back to my paints feeling inspired! Thanks for sharing your work with us.

Anonymous said...

Funtabulous. Janis

Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

I've just started art journaling and I only have two pages somewhat complete. It's so much fun and I can't wait to get more time to create extra pages. I would love to win one...thanks! :)


lena said...

wow alisa your art is so colourful and mood uplifting! i am just getting back to creating art after years of neglect. Its like a breath of fresh air and i am really inspired by your work which i found through a link on traci bautista's website. I hope to pluck up the courage to do an art degree soon but am enjoying experimenting in the meantime. My previous art was very different to this so one of your precious art journals would be great for inspiration . It would be coming to a good home! good luck with all your future projects ! Lena xx

Kathleen Kibblehouse said...

Can't resist this one! Love the "vimeos!"

Unknown said...

I love your stuff! my daughter and I enjoy your videos so much, they are on rotation around here!

BonBon said...

Your style inspires me to be free and work with abandon in my own art. I would treasure one of your journals. (I'd use it, but I'd also treasure it.)

miz katie said...

oh, how i would love one of these. you're so generous to give them away.

Theartistsnest said...

Thanks for your constant inspiration, Alisa! You are so generous & I adore your work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!~Andrea

Wendy said...

gorgeous! Thanks for the chance :)

Penney said...

Thank you for offering a piece of your heart to us via your journals!

Monkey Mind said...

Wow! I would so love a journal from your journeys. Thank you for your generosity in offering this giveaway. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Jeannie said...

You inspire me and my students so much.We have made fabric beads and tote bags. One of my students wants to build a village for her portfolio using all the recycled boxes she has. You have no idea what an inspiration you are not only to me, but remember you also have 2 fiber art classes waiting to see what you will do next.

sassafras said...

I work with young children and it truly is all about the process and the journey.
Love your work!

MimiB said...

yay! Awesome videos!!

jane eileen said...

Of course I would be ever so grateful to win a piece of your amazing art. Thanks for being an inspiration and taking the time to keep us posted of all the interesting things going on in your part of the planet!

Whitney said...

I have a few blogs I read each day but save yours for last because it's the best! I would love to win!

martha brown said...

Fabulous journals! I made some cards from some of your carved foam stamps and have them on my blog if you'd like to have a peek. I think that I need to buy some more.... or take your class... :)

Lindy and Paul said...

Your blog is new to me- LOVE it! Thanks for offering a giveaway!

Vicki said...

pick me pick me picke your book and the pouche I bought from you. vicki

Lyric said...

It has been a joy to become familiar with your work. It is full of freedom and it is so expressive! Thank you for sharing it!

Diana Trout {} said...

Eeek. So many comments but put my name in the hat. I love these, Alisa.

Sheila said...

Just wanted to say thank you!
I find your blog and videos a breathe of fresh air in the creative world. I feel so encouraged to trust myself and to relax and enjoy my creative work. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Monday prizes are the best and even better when you get to find out mid week!!

Anonymous said...

How cool, how hip, how generous of you!
Jan H.

Deb's Artful Journey said...

I would LOVE one! They are so beautiful!

Thank you for your videos. I find them so inspiring that I usually pick up a paint brush right after watching one!

Thank you for this generous offering. My best to you.

Anonymous said...

Your work is always amazing. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me.

Jodi said...

What an AWESOME giveaway!! I am especially loooooving the journals. I love the colors you use and the freedom in all of your art. :)

Leann said...


MY Creative Brightside said...

awwww i love everything u make!!! your so creative...hope i win!!

Melissa M (Lagaz) said...

I check out your website almost everyday...guess that makes me a blogstalker :) I admit it! I always drool over your stuff, and I would love a chance to win a piece of it!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

If only I had an ounce of your talent! I love the colours and shapes, but most of all the layering in these pieces. Absolutely brilliant!

jillzbop said...

So exciting! Showed the video to my 8 year old for her to be inspired! She loved it!!!! Thanks for the fun chance-bo-bance!!! :)

Susan Crane said...

to quote my favorite line in "What About Bob"
"give me give me give me.....I need I need"

Talia Lynette said...

wow that is just great! i know what you mean when you say you get lost in the work when doing it (:

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Love it, Alisa! Your art is awesome and those videos of yours are a treat. Thank you for the giveaway.

peggy said...

Wow, love your journals and artwork. Thanks for the chance to win one. I am loving your class, so far I have taken all of your classes but one - what's next. Take care.

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

These are fabulous --- count me in!

Yvette said...

suddenly lots of comments!
But I'm the one to win!!!!

generous gift.


Rustic Tarts said...

I have been drawn to your blog, like a magnet and have been so enjoying watching and reading about your creativity.
I KNOW I need to do one of your graffiti courses and look forward to that in a couple of months.
Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway.

Emma said...

These journals are lovely, you're so brave to cut up your work! I'd love to win one, please :)

Leisurely Lesley said...

What can one say that hasn't already been said? Except ditto!

strent said...

WOW!!!! I cannot profess to be an artist, not evening a budding one!! but I like to relax and create and your blog (and the clutch I got from you on etsy) have given me the courage to explore. Thanks for sharing!!

Nelda Ream said...

I always find such inspiration on your blog and look forward to taking one of your classes soon. Thanks for the chance to participate in your generous give away.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I would LOVE to share part of your journey - those journals look so cool!

Juanita said...

Hi Alisa! I am loving your videos, and this music is awesome! You have really been inspiring my daughter Savannah as she watches you work, and is getting a real grasp on the journey part for herself. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us!

Karen said...

These journals tell a story before even being written in. I love them!!

Anonymous said...

you are such an inspiration..,

Clau said...

I love your work! Thanks for the chance to win one of your journals.

susan in seattle said...

I am always so inspired and excited when I read your blog, watch your videos and look at your etsy shop. I would really LOVE to win this give away! Keep up your great creative spirit!

Tiffany said...

You always have the most colorful fun tutorials/DIYs on your blog, and I love the fact they require little (if any) outside cost.. how you can easily find things around your home.

Thanks for the chance to win!


PS Is there another book in works-I love Canvas Remix and figured any new craft book from you would be welcomed in the arts/crafts community.

nina said...

I enjoy looking at your art work, it is a daily appointement !


Cathy Spivey Mendola said...

Wow! I truly love the painting you did. I would have been afraid to cut it up and make these wonderful little journals but you had the guts to do it and they're even more beautiful! Love your free spirit & style.

skyerae said...

I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago and I have really been enjoying it. Your videos and tutorials are great! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Gloria said...

Gorgeous work. And, wow, 139 comments! Do you need another with mine??

Anonymous said...

love the video!! what kind of paper did you paint on?
Missy from the bayou

Moonglasses said...

you are so inspiring! hope i'm one of the lucky ones :)!

love your art!

studio pashnada said...

How exciting! I really loved the video you made while making this paper - owning one would be so much fun.

laury55 said...

I am not a lucky girl...but I really love your journals
thanks for sharing

winnsangels said...

So inspired by your style, your energy in your videos, your versatility, your creations.
Thank you for this wonderful sharing of yourself.
Angels be with you.

Ro Bruhn said...

I hope I'm not too late to enter.

Tara @ Aquamarine Art said...

Love your blog, love your style, would love to win a piece of Alisa art! :)

Jan said...

The journals and your art process are inspiring!

Kelly Warren said...

just back in town after five days away! hope i'm not too late to comment! i attended an art retreat this weekend and used some of your hand carved stamps in my book! :-)

Kate Robertson said...

I love the energy in these pieces, I'd love to capture that.


Dianne said...

I so love your work and I would be delighted to have one of your journals!

Anonymous said...

Wow- I would love one of the joursals- it would be more than enough to inspire me to be more creative

Kim said...

I recently found your blog and have added it to my favs. Love your work, keep tantalizing us!

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

just recently found your blog - and I'm loving your creativity! My daughter wants to make a wreath, like your recycled one, with her friends, but I think she's going to have to make one with me first :)

Herm said...

Love your style of painting!

Katrina said...

I love the energy in your work! You have an uplifting style.

Elizabeth in NM said...

You are such an inspiration! I'm so glad you quit your "real job" to follow your heart.

Nani Luculescu said...

inspired each & every time I visit your blog or see your work!!! so glad you don't have that old job're def. doing what you were meant to do. =)

Nicki said...

It's wednesday now!

Am I too late??.....I'm NEVER late (I'm a bit obsessional about it!)

Well, I love the journals anyway, even if I'm too late and I REALLy love those little chunky canvas's .

Sigh.....ah well, maybe next time!

Nicki x

Tanja said...

lovely lovely stuff

Valentina Harper said...

Your work is *AWESOME* :)

Micki said...

Discovered your blog recently. Love your work and enjoy the videos. Have you on blogroll.

AlexM said...

i came late but anyway, I love those wood blocks! Fabulous ideas:) the colours with the black outline are so vibrant:)

carol fuller said...

alisa, i love your work!!! i just bought your book and some of your handcarved stamps from etsy...i am thrilled you did them...keep the wonderful art coming thank you, carol fuller...ft myers

Michelle said...

You have the most inspiring art work! I love it! Thanks for giving me a chance to win in the giveaway!

Lorelei Campbell said...

The video was so inspirational and music well-suited to your energy... helps when you get a little sugary kiss, too (lol).... hope I receive a piece of your journey giveaway....


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