Sunday, February 28, 2010

be carefree- video and giveaway!

micron pens, jelly roll pens, koi watercolors field sketch box, IDenti pen, souffle pens

I decided to start a little project with my new supplies and my imagination- this little video is my experiment and just the beginning of something bigger but I wanted to share with you how carefree drawing can be!

be carefree from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.
music: Free by Donovan Frankenreiter and Jack Johnson

I want to share some of my new supplies with you!
I am giving away a bundle of brand new Sakura pens- microns (which are the best drawing pens EVER), jelly rolls, 3-d glaze and more to the person who will help me name my little boat (for furture drawings and videos!)

Leave me a comment with a name for the boat
I will pick the name that I like best on Tuesday
and you will win a bundle of Sukura supplies!


Becca said...

It's a girly boat, so we should name her "Lady Aster"!!

Carol said...

The boat should be called "Sunshine's Comin'" ! Love this video and the drawings are great!

Susan said...

Looks like "Paradise" to me.

Lesley said...

Ku oko a - means freedom in Hawaiian.

Jessica Loughrey said...

lady sunshine

Pamela said...

How about "Doodle Boat"

Avital said...

"Explorer of Freedom"

primdollie said...

love the video and how about "Free Spirit"?? thanks for a little sunshine today sure could use some over here!! hugs!

minlinhe said...

Oooo, how about 'The Odyssey'? Your drawing is so beautiful and colorful. It makes me smile!

Sloane's Creations said...

The Painted Lady

Diana Dellos said...

the background song, whimsical nature, and changing skies made me immediately think "FREEDOM STARSHIP".

love this video - nice work! you always inspire me

Anneke said...

it's going through all kinds of circumstances: sea dancer...

Rachel said...

I love the brightness of it... I would name the boat "Aurora's Blush" after the pinks and reds of the sunrise. Beautiful!

jeannie said...

Free-Radical......Love the colors

*jean* said...

how about "delight"?

alyson said...


David and Christine said...

As I look at all the surrounding colors and shapes what comes to mind is "Chakra" a mixture of spiritual energy. I love drawing!

Sarah said...

I continue to be inspired by you.
Thank you.

"Blessings of Freedom"

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

I admit Jack Johnson (one of my favs...have you heard his squirrel song?? FUN) was the inspiration as you were drawing away...So...FreeBreeze came to mind!! I know it isn't a girls name...but what the hey!!

Bee Yourself Fabrics said...

How about Whimsical Oasis? I love your work! Thanks for all that you share with us.

Herm said...

How about "Smiles". Love the colors!

Claire said...

Hi, I am a new follower of your blog and of your art. heavens knows why I haven't come across you before! Maybe it just wasn't the right time. Can I just say "hello" from Scotland, UK, and name your little boat "Future"

Ta much.

Now I'll go and make a blog account. :)


Ana Rita said...

Hello! I'm Rita and I live in Portugal! I simply love your videos! I would name the boat "Herewego" and he would takes us to cloudy skies and sunny rainbows, looks a little fragile but he's much strong!

linda said...

Very cool video of your process and then the animation at the end! I would say "The Artful Explorer"...that's what it looks like the boat is doing for me :P

Unknown said...

Euphoria. Extreme Happiness, at least that is what art and your work represents to me!

Kayla Ericksen said...

How about "Whimzy"? I always wanted a boat of my own...think I will try my hand at doodling myself!

Liz Howell said...

or "The Freedom"
something like that.

Love the video, I'm now inspired to draw!

barbara said...


JO SOWERBY said...

i think the boat should be called Sunshine Smile,
Jo xxx

Lost Aussie said...

Looks like a Good Ship "Lollipop" to me!

Cate said...

Free. The boat's name should be, Free. Or, if that isn't good how about...Simply Free...

Happy Naming, oh and then a christening of the boat!

LR said...

how about Knight of.....

Julie Barnes said...

Hope in Art

ViolaMoni said...

Love the drawing!!
The boat should be called "Luna Rossa"'s means "red moon" in italian ;)

A'n'G Johnson said...

"Soaring Spirits"
I love the cycle that your video showed of going through the rough times but coming out all the more magical for it!

Sarah Lou said...

t lil boot is delightfull. I think he has a s name feel to it. Scooter, I like

Carrie Me! said...

Love the colors!

How about "Carefree Seas" ?

snowbird42 said...

"good ship jelly roll"
Nice drawing and I love the video.

Becky said...

The ship "Persistance"

Anonymous said...

how bout 'The Carefree' sounds simple
debbi g

Wendy said...

Love the video!
How about "Kismet"...

Rustic Tarts said...

Be carefree little "Tilly"!

lee said...

destiny that is what you should call your boat

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Love the video !
I would call it Paradise !
Have a great week!!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

That video was awesome! I loved how you did the progression of images to make it look like the boat was sailing through the storms.

You can find out what I think you should call your boat and why, plus a little surprise here:

Natalie Elphinstone said...

Except I was wrong. Moby Dick did win out in the end. Hhhmm, may need to suggest you call it Moby instead, (well you can't really call it Dick can you?!)

icandy... said...

How about S.S. AlisaB...
Have a great day!

Kristin Dudish said...

This video made me smile. I'm so glad I found your blog.

How about "the gra-free-ti"? (It seems like an appropriate combo for your art & the song)

p.s. I love that song (it's #5 on my painting songs playlist)... #1 is "Tinfoil Girl" by Kathleen Smith - if you haven't already heard it, you should give it a listen - I think you'd like it too.

Heidi said...

Love the video, so whimsical and playful! My vote would be:

Mistress Free, Spirit of the Sea


Elizabeth in NM said...

S.S. Serendipity

Anonymous said...

These days, my life seems to mirror that of your boat - one minute I'm sailing happily along, sun shining and waves la la laaa-ing and then the clouds roll in and the rain comes pouring down. However, no matter what the weather, I am always hopeful that my life is on the course it's meant for. That gives me peace through the hard times.

I just got another piece added to my latest tattoo - that of an anchor, which is on the flag of my home state of RI. On the RI flag, there's one word inside the banner and that word is HOPE. Since my family is Portuguese, my tattoo banner reads "Esperanca" with one of those little "thingies" under the c. Esperanca is Portuguese for "hope." That is the name I choose for your boat - Esperanca.

tlccreates said...

"Contentment" It goes along with my lesson this week: learning to be content in any and every situation. Life is full or ups & downs, sunny days and rainy ones but this lil boat kept a bright cheerful disposition thru it all. That is my goal !

This lil animation was such a cute surprize at the end of our video. I thought it would just be a film of your drawing process.
Thank you for the joy.

Laura Stewart said...


Unknown said...

I like the name Abrielle. Would love to win your giveaway!

Elaine said...

How about something very different like...
"Olive Tuesday"
I love unique things and the circles on the finished page kind of reminded me of colorful olives. :)

ELaine R

ChandraT said...

Hi Alisa,
How about Joyful Endeavor?
Loved the video!

Unknown said...

Either "Lumana" (Hausan language) or "Kagiso" (Setswanan language), both of which mean "peace". Sailing on the sea is the most peaceful and serena thing I know...

Charmi said...

Love the colors !! Make me want sun & spring all the more sooner !!

How about S.S. Flying High or S.S.Cloud No.9 ??

Jodi said...

"The Freedom Wave Rider"

The video was way cool- love your drawings!

Brenna said...

How about the "A. B. Creative"

Ali Gitt said...

Well I was going to say the Carefree, but some one already beat me to it, so how about

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

flè solèy - it means sunflower in Haitian kreyol

Talia Lynette said...

i love your work (:


Anonymous said...

I like the name "Annie". " The sun will come out tomorrow."

Owly said...

It has a sun emblem on its sail. French for sun is soleil.

SaraswatiChB said...

"Wanderer" if it hasn't been said. Or "Morgen", which is "tomorrow" in German, if I may make a second suggestion.

I really love the idea and your combination of white and colored areas in your drawings.

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

The S.S. Inspiration... love your illustrations. So colorful and happy!!

Bonafyde said...

Persistance Blooms

... because to me these pictures mean that through the weathering of life's storms one can truly open up to all life has to offer and "Bloom" thus manifesting one's true potential/calling. A truly beautiful state to live one's life in.

Lena said...

LOVE the video!
The boat should be named "Dream searcher".

Unknown said...

It appears your little boat is your "Creative Muse". She has been with you the past nine months sharing your new creative journey:)

Love it.

xyl0na said...

it's very beautiful,
name: princesS Of the Sea! yeah!

rachel awes said...

i found you through valentina's blog list & so glad!!
i have a few ideas:


Moonglasses said...

i have a few suggestions: here they are...

*Feelin' Nauti
*Serenity Now
*happy ours

hope I'm the lucky one ;)

Previously Pants said...

Dear Alisa,
As your ship really reminds me of one a worked on, in the mediteranean, for a lovely summer with lots of sunshine, a little storm and many nights sleeping on deck under the stars I would call her "Lady Jade".
Creative greetings from Rotterdam!

patty a. said...

I would name the boat Burkie

EV said...

Just found your blog! How inspiring! I'd name the boat "S.S. Sunshine & Ink Lines"

Happy Doodling!

Anonymous said...

LOVED IT!!! Hmm, I hope this isn't a repeat, but Polly comes to mind as a good name. Or a longer name could be Sloop Sunny Side (or Sunny Side Sloop). Can't wait to see what you decide on :)!

Anonymous said...

I have a few other names; Journey, Penny or The Creative Spirit. I love your art. I originally saw you on Craft Lab I think. You were showing how to make a clutch out of plastic bags and I fell in love with your style. You are amazing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

how about: sans souci ("carefree" in French)

nadia said...

"libero" which means free in italian. love the drawings alisa! happy monday! ciao!

Diana Trout {} said...

It makes me think of the Owl & the Pussycat's boat. I love that video! (Don't put my name in the hat though, since I just got a very nice package from Sukura) LOVE the watercolors!

jackie said...

'The Lazy Lady'

The boat, not you!

jbrewercreative said...

I would call it Coast of Carolina! Since I am a die hard jimmy buffett fan!
Phins Up

Roberta said...

"Wind in my Sails"
"Sun in my Face"
Now I have that song in my Have a bright, sunny, day:}

ArtdeMia said...

"On the sails of Paradise"

Unknown said...

"Carefree Wanderer"

Every time I read your blog and watch one of your videos I smile. Thank you!

skyerae said...

I love your video! I think it is great. How about Lady Voyage? There are a lot of great names on here. Have fun picking one!

Carol B. said...

"Sailing Toward My Dreams"

Carol B. said...

Or how about "Captain of My Dreams." I think that describes you well.

rdn said...


Karen said...

i love it!

how about "sweet chariot"? that song is now stuck in my head. hehe!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...


Thought that would go with the colors and patterns beneath the boat. :)

Cre8tiveQueen said...

Wow, such a cute video =)
I would have to say
~Free Floater!~ OR
~4ever FREE~

jfidz said...

Love your ever growing city!
Being on a boat like that, I would be more than happy to go 'Wherever the Wind Blows' so that's what I'd call it.

Tiffany said...

Extraordinary Machine

The Trend Spot said...

How about, The Silver Lining, for an optimistic, upbeat little tug boat that sails in rain or sunshine to find adventure? The name speaks of a positive attitude that no matter where you journey or what life tosses your way, you can choose to have the mindset of seeing the silver lining. Journey on, Alisa!

Lyric said...

that is absolutely the SWEETEST little animation ever. I'm curious, what video editing software do you use?

Yolanda M. said...

I love visiting your blog. I started reading your blog little after you became a f/t artist. So in making honor to taking that big step and the freedom it has given you to create such beautiful work, I'd like to say that your boat should be named "Soy Libre" in English meaning "I'm Free".

Thank you for sharing your creativity.

Noblekatt said...

Kaliope or Calypso Sun/(sunrise)
great "doodles" Wish I could do as well!

lee said...

jthe ss homebound

Vickie said...

Meriweather, love your blog

Chitra Sharma said...

Hi Alisa...Big fan of your..but more than me my 9 yrs old twin daughters are fans of your creative recycled material art. So when they saw thing video they just fell in love with that little tiny boat.

Lara - Who has slight CP has to face the rough waters in school where kids say you can't do this or that. So she came up with the name - "I Believe". Becasue seh does believe that there is nothing impossible is she belives in herself.

Vara - Want to be very creative and great artist but the only subject she gets a "B" in is Arts. But she tries and is in love with the giveaway and her option for the name is - "Bring it on".

I am sending it for my daughters. Hope they win..

Trish said...

"dream weaver" great video!!

Anonymous said...

"Little Pete"

Ro Bruhn said...

Wow, everyone has come out of the woodwork. I think Independence would be a good name. It shows your independence as an artist and your totally independent style.

Unknown said...

The boat name should be "Carefree" that's what my little girls said, they are 4 and 8. They keep singing the song and loved the video, I think we watched it 4x, I lost count. What an amazing giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

C'est la vie

Kate Robertson said...

Call her Art Journey. Loved the video.

kelley Hart said...

Definitely, "Life" boat.

Jeannie said...

I loved the video - thanks! Perhaps the USS Creative Sun

Sharyn said...

Just discovered your blog and love it! Your boat should be called Asila, your name backwards, for everything you put into your work.

Monkey Mind said...

Oikaze. Means tailwind or favorable wind in Japanese. Awesome little boat- thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

The "Happy Traveller"

Ginny Gaskill said...

Since you seem to be finding your way in your new work world I thought the name
The Seeker
would be appropriate.

Deborah Douglas said...

To me it says "Free Spirit".

scj said...

Thanks so much for sharing the video. It was great fun to watch and a really neat idea at the end to bring it all together. How about 'Enchantment' for the little boat's name?
Thank you for offering the generous giveaway.


Calaudija said...

i would call my boat BEERACUDA :)

hope i win ;)

Caryn Lynn said...

"Day Dreamer" would be the name for this boat that can take you to the most extraordinary places within your mind!

Judy Shea said...

Swirly Girl!

Anonymous said...

I also was going to say "Carefree" but since someone beat me to it, I suggest "Carefree Sun" Diane

Unknown said...

I love watching your videos - I could sit and watch you paint and draw all day long! thanks for sharing - this makes me want to get out my drawing pad right now.

I think a great name for your boat would be "Zoe," which is the greek word for life. Watching the video of the boat going through storms and sunshine makes me think of what we go through in life - sometimes the sun is shining and sometimes it's storming. but in the end it's worth it - the journey. We all go through it.

Domestic Diva said...

Wind Drifter, or maybe Dream Drifter

colemom said...

i love this happy little boat chugging along. how about "Patience". i have loved this name for a little girl and why not a sweet little boat???

Raye Marie said...

I think the boat should be named The S.S. Whimsy!

wilcoxdesigns said...

Great inspiration to just draw. The boat is "The Journey"!

susan dryer said...

wind d'mer seems to fit your dear sailboat. looking forward to seeing more of her adventures on your videos!

Liberty said...

wow that video was JOYFUL! it had me laughing out loud and saying 'wow' over and over LOL!
I was wondering what type of brush/tool you were using for the paint - it looked like you could draw water up into it. do you mind sharing?
thanks so much!

Lis said...

Free Spirit :)

k baxter packwood said...

Alisa in the photo the pen to the left with the orangish tip what kind of pen is that?


Wendy said...

Obviously, I know the drawing for these is over, but I just had to say how lovely this post was. This is exactly the sort of thing I can use to inspire my kiddo for homeschool art.

Lorelei Campbell said...

I've always wanted a boat named after a mermaid.... Lorelei! Hope my dream comes true and a giveaway, too. Woo hoo!

Sister Dow said...

How about...



inveja total do seu talento....

Madison said...

"Free Willy"

Linda Richardson said...

Wow! So many great names! My suggestion is "Bella" from the Italian bellisamo for beautiful. Beauty is all around, and your oh so cute animation really gives me a lift as I head off to work on a rainy day! Cheers fom Oz

Unknown said...


Schoolfotograaf said...

Beste schoolfotograaf; dank jullie wel voor de mooie foto's. Hoe kan ik meer foto's bij bestellen?
For more information kindly visit:- Schoolfotograaf


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