Wednesday, March 06, 2013

altered plastic eggs

Every year I try to come up with some unique and easy ways to decorate eggs for Easter and I've got some fun ideas coming your way! First up- this year I decided to use my Sharpie pens to alter plastic eggs. I am not a big fan of plastic eggs (they can be challenging to alter) but Lucy LOVES them and they are so much fun to fill with goodies!  Inspired by my doodle eggs  from a couple years ago, I went to work altering the surface with doodled designs.

The fun part is that you can rearrange and switch them up!

Looking for more egg tutorials? I've altered all kinds of eggs over the years- here are some of my favorites-


Unknown said...


I linked to your tutorial on my blog - thanks for sharing!

♥, doro von Hand zu Hand

Eva said...

Great idea! So cute!

HollyM said...

They are the perfect egg for a little one! How sweet in her pretty dress!

Luisa said...

Omigod these are awesome!!!! I want to do this for all my eggs. I have a lot because we do an Easte egg hunt and there are goodies inside but I love that these are unique.

martinealison said...

Je suis admirative du résultat de vos décorations...
Votre petite puce a bien grandi... Elle est très jolie.
Un gros bisous à vous deux.

Kelly said...

those are just gorgeous!

Jane Hinchliffe said...

Pretty, creative and inspiring. Thank you as always for sharing.

Amanda T. said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! We are vegan and don't decorate real eggs, so this is a great option for us to do with the kids!

By the way, I would love it if you did a book or a class on crafts with kids! You have spectacular ideas for that. :)

studioGypsy said...

Funfunfun!!! I am going to doodle some with the kiddos!! I'm not a big fan of plastic eggs either but this makes them so much more appealing!! Thankyou. Xoxo

Liette alias Pixelle said...

oh I love the fact you cant play with and it become instructive to match the one with the other part...thanks fot that idea...I will go and buy some for my little grand daughter....and Luci is adorable with her pretty

barbara said...

Really cute idea... Unfortunately, I've never seen plastic eggs for sale here in Sao Paulo....

Obat alami asam urat said...

Thanks for information,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Lucy is precious and the eggs are beautiful.
North Carolina

Craftcherry said...

LOVE it. Totally going to break out my sharpies on our HUGE collection of plastic eggs.

Allie said...

Alisa, everything you touch is gorgeous. It's incredible what you can do to cheap plastic eggs! And your daughter is precious. I featured it on my blog today! Stop by and grab a button if you like. Have a happy weekend!!


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