Friday, November 13, 2015

giveaway from Maiden Astoria

I am so proud of my friends over at Maiden Astoria. You may recall the posts that I wrote a while back following their journey opening a store and gallery on the North Coast- you can read them HERE and HERE. Today I thought it would be fun to share a peek inside their shop. They have been open since May it's pretty safe to say that their passion project has been a great success!  Today Maiden Astoria is giving away giving away a "Cozy Box" to one lucky reader. Head to the bottom of this post for all the details! 

Cozy box includes- 
One grey hoodie with any design (best hoodies EVER!)
A handmade strudel and spice candle
Oregon made chocolate

To enter:
Leave a comment, let us know your favorite cozy essentials (mine are my warm fuzzy socks and my grey beanie hat!)

I will randomly draw a name and announce the winner at the end of the day.

******************************UPDATE WITH WINNER!*********************************************

Congrats Deb! Email me at and I will put you in touch with Maiden Astoria for your cozy box!


1 – 200 of 314   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

I think my wool sleepers are my favorite and a long silk scarf from india

this giveway is such a great idea ! good luck to everyone
have a nice day

Ritu Dua said...

My cozy essential is a pair of warm wooly socks hand knit by mom...nothing could ever be warmer ...cozier...and lovelier than a mom's love for her daughter!

joaleks said...

My favourite cozy essential is a big blanket to go with a good book and a mug filled with hot cocoa!:)

Agnesss in Africa said...

My cozy essential is a warm and soft blanket.
Love to sit at my sofa with that blankie, with cup of tea and a book...

Tahnk you for that giveaway!!!

Wendy Ward said...

Funny writing about cozy essential when it is 29 and sunny here. But my cozy essentials would be my lap blanket crocheted by my daughter ,crazy colours and soft wool, and a large hot cup of chocolate and marshmallows -Wendy

becslb said...

A hoodie with a fleece inner and long sleeves to cover my hands, a pair of Mum's handknitted socks and a hand sewn by Mum quilt to curl under with a cup of tea, the curtains closed against the dark and a table lamp lit next to me so I can read my book :-)

Unknown said...

A Good snuggly blanket is essential. That and my dressing gown, my house is freezing and I wear it over my clothes a lot of the time.

Debbie Chouinard said...

My warm cozy is my dog, Lily. She is the best lap warmer and snuggle buddy ever.

maria f. said...

Oh my goodness. I am totally in love with that pitcher with the cow skull (maybe cuz my Dad has one that has hung in our basement or garage my entire life). Cozy - that would have to be my red fleece vest that I wear just about every day.

mbi said...

a hoodie and a chocolate and a cup of hot chai are the perfect things for a rainy, suddenly cold day like today. I love the Cozy Box and what's inside! What a great offer. I wish I loved closer so I could visit the shop. I have enjoyed your posts about it. Supporting local artists and giving a place to gather.

Meghan Thimjon said...

I have a few things to keep me cozy! In my home would be a hot bath, a warm fire and a hot cup of tea! Now outside of the home my gloves and always a fun scarf!
Love how cute the store is! Those surfer paintings are amazing!!!

Corvus said...

My cat (who becomes the cuddleist creature ever when it gets chilly), tea, a mountain of blankets and a good book.

Corvus said...

My cat (who becomes the cuddleist creature ever when it gets chilly), tea, a mountain of blankets and a good book.

Cadry's Kitchen said...

What a cute store! It looks just like the kind of place I'd love to visit. My cozy essential is comfortable pajamas.

Anja said...

I love to wrap a warm blanket around me, a cup of hot chocolate, a book and my little dog.

dianne said...

My cozy essentials are a cup of tea, a thick pink afghan my mom made me, and my kitty Maisy.

Özge Başağaç said...

Mine are a thick blanket and my cat Pommes :) I would not say no to a cup of hot chocolate, either :)

cjsrq said...

My cozy essentials are my flannel robe, soft socks, a cup of tea, a book or some kind of hand work, my cat, and, if I had a fireplace I'd like that, but since I don't, I settle for lighted candles.

bmerves said...

My cozy essentials are my hoodies and my little dog. said...

My coozy essentials are my dressing gown it is warm and soft and comfortable and I love my big coozy blanket.

SewPaperPaint said...

My feather pillow and fur blanket for sure! Could fall asleep just thinking about it. :)

Linda said...

The t shirts and hoodies look so, so comfortable. Love the store.


I'm madly in love with my PJ bottoms, a pull over hoodie, and my post surgery socks. Wacky, I know, but I do so love those socks. :-)

Caranam said...

For me it's Hot tea, a good book, snuggly PJ pants and a hoodie.

Anonymous said...

Mine is a soft scarf that my art teacher partner made for me! From catherine lopez

Susan said...

I am definitely a fuzzy sock lover! Now that it is getting colder I put my fuzzy sock covered feet into my fleece lined slippers and I am a happy cozy camper!

Consie @ said...

My zebra print pjs!

Ginger said...

For me it would be fuzzy socks, pajama pants and something warm to drink!

Jane Martin said...

Mine is a pair of "softest socks in the world" and a cup of Lemon Zinger with honey.

Unknown said...

My favorite cozy up items are my slippers (a must), and my husband's college hoodie.

hands_of_gold said...

wow! i live in florida,
so warm and fuzzy doesn't happen much….
but when it does get cold,
i have a cozy old flannel shirt i just love!

catherine said...

mon habit cocooning préféré est un pantacourt noir, droit, et untshirt manche longue près du corps. de couleur violet. et des chaussettes toutes douces roses..

Alex @ life. law. luck. said...

What a fabulous idea! My cozy essentials include a soft blanket to snuggle in and a good book.

Denise said...

Probably my fuzzy pink bathrobe when I'm at home, and scarves when I'm out.

Erin Fish said...

My cozy up is my warm pjs and had knit slippers . I love putting them on early in the afternoon and snuggling up in front of our fireplace with my knitting.

Graziana (La stanzetta inglese) said...

A small coffee brown cup and a book. Thanks!

frankie955 said...

It would have to be my wood stove, slippers and a good cup of coffee.

Kathleen said...

Beautiful shop! Hand knit wool mittens are essential to me. Thanks for the chance to win.

Gerilyn said...

My favorite cozy essentials are my dogs! Nothing better to warm one's feet on a cold day than a couple of fuzzy mutts.

Gerilyn said...

My favorite cozy essentials are my dogs! Nothing better to warm one's feet on a cold day than a couple of fuzzy mutts.

Lucy A said...

I always like to snuggle under my mom's handmade quilts, with a nice cup of tea.

JJO said...

My cozy essentials are hand knitted socks and fuzzy slippers.

JJO said...

My cozy essentials are hand knitted socks and fuzzy slippers.

Deb Palmer said...

My favorite cozy essentials include my slippers, flannel pj pants, lap blanket, tea, book. Would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

Suzie said...

bath salts in a warm bath!

Bonita Rose said...

oooh salts in a bath and hot chocolate, yum!

Unknown said...

my hand knit cashmere blend shawl and a cup of hot french vanilla cappuccino.

britney lynn said...

tall socks and one of my hubbies hoodies keep me snuggle-ly and warm.

Linda Celestian said...

Warm socks and a huge scarf that wraps around a few times.

Unknown said...

Leggings with sweatshirt :)

elizabeth ann clawson said...

Coffee and fleece jammies with my dog on my feet.

patty a. said...

A toasty flannel quilt!

Sara said...

A knit beanie and a cup of tea that fits perfectly in one hand!

Corny said...

Hot tea, warm sock and a happy heart!

Katie Cannon said...

Hot tea, a warm sweatshirt and flannel pjs

DebiKibbee said...

a worn cozy quilt, hot tea & a good book!

Unknown said...

Warm knit socks, hot homemeade cocoa and a big oversize sweater :)

annette m said...

My cozy is the doubled fleece blanket I made for my boys when they were little and a hot cup of tea!

Kathleen Barnes said...

My hand knitted shawl...big enough to wrap up in and my favorite chair...they go together though the shawl wanders around with me and sometimes even goes out the door to get the mail.

Sandy said...

Boyfriend sweater.

Sheree said...

A soft scarf wrapped around my neck and a top with thumb holes in the sleeves to keep my hands warm!

Sharon said...

A rainy day on the couch with my homemade afghan, sipping some of my favorite tea, with my little dog curled at my feet. My little piece of serenity!

Ariadne said...

My shawl, socks and a hot mug of coffee accompanied by a good book!Ok and a muffin!Great giveaway. If it is open to International readers count me in please!AriadnefromGreece!

Sara - the Domina said...

Mmm....wearing hand knit socks and holding a cup of chai tea! A sketch pad and pens close at hand complete the coziness!

Unknown said...

An enormous cup of tea, a cozy lap blanket, tons of pillows and my sweet little dog, Olive, right there beside me! Thanks for offering this amazing gift - love it!

Debbie Rosenkranz said...

a warm and fuzzy blanket, some super soft warm socks and a good book. all of this along with a cup of cocoa or hot tea.
Congratulations to Maiden Astoria for their success. I wish I could come all the way from Texas to see it in person, fingers crossed for soon. Thank you to all of you for an awesome giveaway oppurtunity.

Carrie said...

My dog Ruby, super soft socks, and my plush zebra striped throw.

gretchen said...

staying close to our barrel stove or sitting with the sun shining right in my eyes. smartwool socks, cozy pjs, and homemade cookies. i could go on and on... i love cozy! and i love this box of goodies, too!!

Dag. said...

a scarf as big it almost looks like a blanket

Snap said...

What a lovely give-a-way! Thank you to you and Maiden Astoria. I love my socks ... the ones with the little "grippers" on the bottom so that I don't slip and fall. I have a whole drawer full of them! Also, a good, old-fashioned afghan to curl up under ... add kitties on top ... perfect! Thanks again.

annette said...

socks, soft sweatshirt, mug of warm something delicious! the shop looks full of such interesting unique stuff - a visit someday!!

jruminski said...

Warm blankets, fire in the woodstove, hand knit mittens - I'm from Buffalo, NY- I have cozy down to a science!

Lynnetta said...

I love the colder months because of all of the cozy items! My favorite thing is to snuggle up on the couch under a heated throw. My kitty become super cuddly in the colder months too!

Anonymous said...

A sweatshirt, cup of steaming cocoa, and a bowl of popcorn...sounds perfect :)

Laura said...

I love this idea! My cozy essentials are my hand-knit blanket, warm socks, and a cup of hot tea!

susan w said...

Stretchy Polar Fleece pants, UGGs boots & Lapsang Souchong tea with milk & honey. Maybe add some rye toast.

Marrianna said...

My cozy essential is a warm heating pad because I don't have a gas or wood stove to generate direct heat during the cold winters in Flagstaff, Arizona. The other cozy essential is a warm, soft hoodie to wear on walks during the cooler weather when the wind is blowing or a breeze is flowing.

Thank you for that giveaway and the shop looks devine!

Boomer said...

My Sherpa Knit blanket by the fire with a hot cup of coffee. Mmmmm.

Kristin Dudish said...

I like to put on a soft sweatshirt and cuddle up on the couch with my son's baby blanket (that my sister made for him). He isn't a baby anymore (he's 9), so it isn't like I'm leaving him out in the cold! Hahaha!

big mamabird said...
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big mamabird said...

Woolly socks, long johns and a warm scarf are my warm uniform/companions/best friends throughout the cold months here in northern Vermont. Everything else can change, but those three never do...I have to make an effort to let them go when it finally warms up in the spring! The gallery looks so cool, I really enjoyed seeing its evolution through your photos.

Unknown said...

My favorite is a hoodie that my skateboarding son outgrew. That thing is so warm. Visited Astoria several years ago and fell in love with the town, stayed in a hotel in town that had been rehabbed, just beautiful.

Charissa said...

A fluffy blanket, a good book, and a snuggly cat. Hehe. :-)

Michelle P said...

Oh gosh, I wish I was local and could visit that store! My most favorite cozy essential is a warm snuggly hoodie and those look fabulous!

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

Mine would be my minky blanket, warm honey and lemon drink a good book and after...a NAP! WOO HOO!

Emily Stowe said...

A big scarf, my electric fireplace, my husband and my two kitties!

Michelle P said...

Oh gosh, I wish I was local and could visit that store! My most favorite cozy essential is a warm snuggly hoodie and those look fabulous!

Maura said...

My Bernese Mountain dog, Una, and a fire!

Nancy said...

I get cozy wrapped in a quilt, watching a Masterpiece series on tv. Happy that the shop is doing well- it's an attractive set up.

Jorin said...

Mine is a cup of tea (Assam), chocolate, my husband, our daughter and a candle made of beeswax. Not to much, isn't it?

KUAKANA said...

a cup of hot tea plus cookies, a wrap blanket and my two cats

Anonymous said...

Sitting in front of a fire in my flannel pajamas and my ugly slippers that my family wants to throw way!

Unknown said...

Fuzzy socks, snuggie fleece blanket, hot tea and a good book - thats my kinda happy warm place :)

Unknown said...

Coffee (or hot chocolate), cozy spot on the sofa, two warm pups and a good book.

Stacey said...

My husband's oversized sweatshirt and a down blanket!

monique said...

Hot chocolate an a warm blanket.

C said...

hot coffee and fuzzy slippers!

Becky said...

I have an Irish sweater that is so warm and it brings back memories of my trip there with my sister.

Sandy said...

My comfy cozy is a pink fuzzy zebra blanket. Especially in the winter :) said...

Blankie, my sister made side is soft cotton cool, and the other flannel. It's in all the soft blue colors I love. Carolyn is gone now so I TREASURE it even more <3

Christie - Fine Lines said...

My favorite comfy is a bamboo shrug that a friend knit for me - nothing better than snuggling into it in front of the fire with a good book!!

Cindie said...

My own handknit wool socks, especially those made from my handspun yarn.

Unknown said...

Mine is always a hot cup of black tea. It makes me feel so cozy as it reminds me of conversations with my gramma while we drank tea. Lisa L.

studioGypsy said...

oh man! how exciting! my cozy essentials are a ball of yarn and a cozy couch and blanket. :D thanks for the fun giveaway.. so love seeing your store blossom! xoxo

amanda said...

Cute store! A heated rice bag, hot wassail, and a soft quilt.

Grace said...

Nothing makes me feel cozier than a soft afghan, warm fleece lined slippers and my yorkie nestled by my side!

A Broken Head said...

My yellow tribal lap blanket, hot tea (Choice Twig Tea), and film noir.

Christina Z said...

Cozy essentials: a large clean burning candle, endless amounts of hot tea, a fuzzy blanket, and some baked treats!

Unknown said...

My cozy essential is my down vest! Love the shop, wish we had one like it around here.

michele said...

My daughters and a blanket!

Unknown said...

I love the unique pitchers. They are really beautiful!!

Laura K said...

My fuzzy throw, a good book, and fresh made coffee.

Barbara L. said...

I love the pitchers but on a cool day in the desert, I'll go for the hoodie! The shop is lovely. I'd love to visit!

Anonymous said...

I need to get up to Astoria soon and pay them a visit! I have a shirt from long ago and love it. My essentials are warm PJ pants and slippers. A good book and glass of wine doesn't hurt either! :) Jennifer Kay

Haley said...

My cozy essential are sweatpants/sweatshirt, a cuddly baby, and my daughter's baby quilt (perfect size to cuddle under).

Mary said...

I like a soft throw blanket, socks and a nice scented candle.

Anonymous said...

Must have a scarf. Or 12. I also need to get my tush up to Maiden Astoria soon - the shop looks beautiful. = ) (Jamie Sprague)

Rhonda said...

fuzzy animal slippers and flannel pj's....makes life all good

Unknown said...

My man…my cat…our soft cloud like blanket…and our couch:)

Agata M. said...

I wish I was able to visit your friends' gallery, it looks great!
My cozy essentials are: a comfortable sofa + a BIG cup of HOT tea with milk + my sketchbook :)

. said...

My favorites are fingerless gloves and a cup of tea. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

i have four cozy essentials, wool knit socks(cause when your feet are warm everything is better!), my toque and my soft snuggly soft house coat. I also have a candle that smells like a vanilla late' that sure makes you feel cozy and warm on a -30 c winter!

Unknown said...

My cozy essentials are a Pendleton Blanket and a Cup of Archer Farms Salted Carmel Cocoa. All curled up on the coach with my little girl watching whatever makes her laugh...

Pamela Harris said...

My Muk Luk slipper boots, a chia latte and my dog Wyatt ♥

peggymcd said...

My favorite housecoat and a candle. Love hoodies.

Alyssa said...

fuzzy slippers and my grandpa cardigan :)

Janice Faye said...

I love their store! Thank you for the amazing giveaway! My cozy essentials are a hoodie, my journal or magazine and a hot cup of coffee!

Anonymous said...

I love my old, well worn, comfy sweatshirt, warm winter socks and a hat!

astr!d said...

Cozy for me is sweatshirt, big ole socks, and coffee on an overcast day. ahhhhh, perfect!!

ZJaiy said...

My favorite cozy essential is my warm fluffy bed! Getting out of it in the morning is the hardest part of my day.

ZJaiy said...

My favorite cozy essential is my warm fluffy bed! Getting out of it in the morning is the hardest part of my day.

Melanie said...

Mine are my husband's old hoodie, slipper socks, and coffee! And maybe a book:)

Giddings Art said...

My 20 year old gray sweatshirt, a fresh cup of steaming hot coffee and a lovely piece of chocolate.

Anonymous said...

I need my DOWN jacket, vest, mittens, slippers or blanket. It makes no difference, just so I have at least one of those and I am good to go.

JillO said...

My favorite cozies are old fashioned men's thermal longjohns bottoms and henley style tops - a little oversized is the best.

Unknown said...

Cosy pink scarf and spotty turquoise slippers 🎈

Unknown said...

Comfy and cozy pajama bottoms (that I put on as soon as I get home no matter the time of day), slippers and a nice warm cup of coffee.

Unknown said...

When it's chilly in Michigan, there's nothing quite like a turtleneck sweater. That's my favorite.

P.S. What a beautiful store. It looks so inviting and cool. Great job!

CynthiaF said...

Wow what a wonderful shop! I need my fuzzy socks, a quilt, and my warm dog on my lap! :D Thank you for the chance to win!

BasilBot said...

Gray Uniqlo sweat pants and red flannel shirt - both well worn and very loved :)

cindy lanier said...

my cozy necessity is fingerless gloves. love them!!!

Unknown said...

Love to snuggle with my puppy and a fuzzy blanket.

LKH said...

I love this shop and the shop owners! We were in Astoria for a few days this summer and we shopped here twice! A warm cashmere wrap is my ultimate cozy companion. Would love to own one of these hoodies and glad the shop is doing well!

Lauren said...

Mug of tea and a candle. Bonus for open windows to let the chill in while I'm snuggled up with a blanket and a sleeping baby on my lap!

Hua said...

My flannel PJ pants and fuzzy slippers!

Unknown said...

I feel most cozy when I am wrapped up in a hand knit blanket, feet tucked under my husband's behind, and a warm cup of cinnamon tea in hand!

MNT said...

My cozy essentials are my soft electric blanket, hot chocolate, pinion pine incense, and my cats. Would love to visit Maiden Astoria in person. Such lovely things.

Marty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marty said...

My handmade fleece hoodie and pants are my favorite!! I love how inviting and cozy Maiden Astoria's atmosphere is!

Amie said...

Fuzzy socks and hoodie!

reneemichelle said...

My cozy essential is a green fleece hoodie my sister gave me. Every time I wear it makes me think of her.

MerMarty said...

Full thermal pj's, a fire burning and a good book! Spiked hot cocoa doesn't hurt either. :)

TheFoleyFive said...

ooo definitely wool socks and giant husband sweatshirts to snuggle down in, and a slouchy beanie doesnt hurt either ;)

Vicky Siegel said...

My fuzzy Green Bay Packer blanket!!

Ingegnere Sentimentale said...

A throw blanket! Easy!

Unknown said...

this is a hard one...cause I LOVE so many cozy things...would have to say my very warm and cozy ski socks that help keep my cold feet warm....and my fleece pj bottoms...
This shop is so right up my alley...BEST of LUCK and can't wait to read and see more about this great shop!
Thanks for such a great giveaway.......fingers are crossed.....

Unknown said...

Nesting in my favorite woolen blanket next to the fire place :-)

Unknown said...

I am most comfy flanked by my 2 kids, fuzzy socks and my handmade blanket!

Stephanie said...

An enormous thick and fuzzy blanket!! I'll wrap myself up and spend an entire lazy day on the sofa with a sketchbook, a good book and a cup of tea! I haven't had a day like that in ages... Maybe this winter! :)

Tanya said...

My lovely black cat purring on my lap and beautiful pillows surrounding me. A fire flickering and a hot toddy to keep me warm...perfect!

Unknown said...

Warm fuzzy socks and my boyfriend. :D

lindawan said...

A blanket, thick socks, and a cup of rooibos tea with honey and a splash of milk!

Dorothy said...

A blanket, bowl of popcorn, and crackling fire.

Suzyq3207 said...

Cozy for me is sitting in my Father's old recliner with a book/crossword puzzle and a cup of sweet tea.

C Williams said...

Coffee and hoodies

Sharon said...

Fuzzy slippers for sure, and either a coconut milk latte or a diffuser full of lavender, ylang ylang and bergamot! Thanks :)

Jen said...

A soft cuddly quilt and a good book sounds pretty cozy to me. Love the idea of a cozy box!!

Jessi McGee said...

A mug of honey lavender tea, my dog Dudley and a good book.

Mia Bloom Designs said...

Mine are cashmere socks, my dad's flannel shirt and a quilt my grandma made...torn but still very much loved. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...


Nora James said...

My cats Ollie and Boo, a down vest, and my totoro slippers! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

My cozy essential is a warm sweater and my favorite wool socks.

Wendy McConnell said...

My big double layer tied fleece blanket with a cup of Earl Grey and a book is cozy heaven to me :)

Corin Tschoepe said...

I cannot do cold weather without an oversized sweater and some wool socks--so cozy with a cup of hot cocoa! :)

haley said...

Junior high (I'm 36) sweatpants!!!

Kimberley said...

My favorite coziness comes in the form of my "morning sweater" that I slip into first thing in the morning when the air starts to get crispy cool. Together with my wool beanie and a cuddly cat and I'm in heaven.

ladylyn said...

My very favorite cozy essentials are a steaming mug of tea and a soft, roomy, grey sweatshirt. (I currently have a Dave Matthews Band one and a Jane Austen one). I would be so tickled to win and add to my collection!

Seattlegirl521 said...

I'm addicted to sweatshirts and yoga pants. It's so sad but but if I'm home you'll always find me in them. My favorite time of year is fall and winter. I can't wait for it to get cold. If it was up to me. I would be living some place where there was snow all the time. As soon as it gets cold enough I pull out the electric blanket and ooooooo I am sooooooo happy. Ok I really need to move to the North Pole. Now that would be perfect. Ok I've been rambling. Thank you so much. It's such a wonderful giveaway. Woooohoooooo sweatshirt yummmmy cozy. Love it.

Sacred Gypsy said...

Soft, warm sweatshirt, socks and leggings, incense, hot coffee, my journal, an inspirational read and soft music...I am good to go

Unknown said...

I love the cozy sweatshirt. What a lovely store! Wish I was on the Oregon Coast now.

Unknown said...

A big cup of tea!

- Judith

Unknown said...

A quilt is my winter go to for cozy, once I get under one it's hard to do anything else! thanks for a chance at a wonderful gift

Sarah said...

My favorite 'cozy essential' is my fluffy sherpa-lined blanket!

Kady Simpson said...

My favorite go to for being cozy and warm is snuggling with my pup Daisy and a nice big blanket for the two of us! Thanks:)

Liz said...

The most cozy in the whole wide world is definitely sunday morning with my husband and two little daughters and the cats and the bunny in our cupboardbed!

Love everything that's inside the box! Great giveaway!!

Fragmentos ao Sol said...

Wow! What a great giveaway!!! My cozy essentials are a Sunday morning with my family, good cup of coffee and a piece of hot bread with butter.
Thank you for this opportunity. : )
xx Ilana.

Deb said...

I would love to win this great box. My cozy essentials is a quilt on my lap, warm socks with non-slip treads on the bottom so I don't wipe out on wood floors, and my gray hoodie to keep my head warm. Thanks for the opportunity. Looks like the shopkeepers have a cute little assistant.

Vicki Sheehan said...

My favorite cozies are an old worn soft quilt, a good book and a hot cup of tea. And my little corgi too!

Jana Johnson said...

Mmm, my cozy essentials are the wood stove & my fuzz boots & new soft fuzzy blanket (& a good book!)

PenguinGrrl said...

Sipping a cup of warm ovaltine while watching a movie with my hubby

sara said...

What a great giveaway!!!!!! LOVE it!

Cozy to me is being inside with a fire going and a colorful knitted blanket around me :)

PenguinGrrl said...

Sipping a cup of warm ovaltine while watching a movie with my hubby

deo said...

Flannel pjs and a cup of hot tea.

Unknown said...

A fire in our fire place, a soft blanket, and a good movie :)

Anna S said...

a fire, a blanket and a good friend!

Jewel Stam said...

My slippers, my journal, and a cup of jasmine tea....mmmm nice

Maria's Blog said...

my yellow lab, a fire and a cup of chai tea

Melanie Jade said...

My essential for being cozy is my wonderful hubby. To make it even better, cozy yoga pants, a blanket, chocolate, a great romantic comedy...and nowhere to go :)

Melanie Jade said...

My essential for being cozy is my wonderful hubby. To make it even better, cozy yoga pants, a blanket, chocolate, a great romantic comedy...and nowhere to go :)

JMaggio said...

My cozy essentials are Finnegan my miniature schnauzer, a cable knit blanket, a fire in the fireplace, and a great, can't put it down, book :) Thank you for this opportunity!!

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