Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello! My name is Gina Lee Kim and I’m a watercolorist that fell in love with mixed-media and art journaling. I live north of Chicago with my scientist/photographer husband, Jim, and our solar system-obsessed 3 year old son, Stephen. I’m also a registered nurse but for some miraculous, celestial alignment, I'm living a dream-come-true, artist life. Honestly, I’m just happy that my son will inherit all of his mommy’s art supplies! |
I love seeing how other artists set up their creative space. Can you tell us a little bit your studio?
Since we’re currently renting our house in IL, I converted one of the spare bedrooms that has carpeting (yikes) into an art studio. Actually it’s a shared space with my son and we love it. I pushed my black craft/painting table into the closet and hung lights. Stephen’s art table is a converted wooden bench with the seat cushion removed. It’s the perfect platform for his height. Art supplies are always available for both big kid and little kid. :)
I remember reading a study that was done in the 70’s that tried to define creativity, spirituality and that human feeling of oneness. Of course, observing the beautify of nature was one of them, but what was fascinating (and totally true!) was to watch little children make art. Not only do I love to draw and paint with my son, his doodles always serve as the backdrop to my artwork when I’m photographing them! :)
How do you organize your creative schedule?
As a watercolor artist and a mom, people often ask how I find the time to make art. There’s never enough time really, but somehow—even if all I have is 15 minutes a day—I make it work. There are certain routines that help me stay organized with my creative schedule. For instance, no matter how tired I am, I make sure to rinse my watercolor brushes, clean my palette, and replace any dirty water after I’m done painting. The rest of the studio (and house) could be a mess, but I know I’ll always have my watercolor station fresh and ready to go, beckoning me to come back to create again.
What is a typical day like for you?
Motherhood has definitely changed how I approach art. A lot of my projects are in a holding pattern during the day but after my family goes to bed and the whole house is quiet, I am working in the studio. And if inspiration hits me really hard, I’ll be up until 1 or 2 a.m. I can’t do this every night but my husband is so awesome. He does the bedtime rituals for our son and makes Stephen breakfast in the mornings so I can sleep- in. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone but coffee makes me a better artist!
What are you working on right now?
I am always working on my art journals! It’s how I brainstorm, visualize and make goals. It’s where I dream. My pages even help me pitch ideas to my editors and publishers. Art journaling is not only a place for color, texture, and words to come alive, I come alive.
I am also I’m thrilled to announce my 2015 ART LESSONS with Cloth Paper Scissors and F+W Media! I was asked by the editors to do these exclusive four volume series in which I explain a lot of my watercolor techniques and how I use mixed-media (with ink, colored pencils, crayons, oil pastels, glass bead gel, paint pen markers, transparencies, collage, a bit of sewing…you name it). These downloadable lessons come with step-by-step instructions and video links to help bring it all together. Please enjoy this short clip:
PROMO: ART LESSONS with Gina Lee Kim (CPS) from Gina Kim on Vimeo.
To see more of Gina-check out her website: or follow her on Instagram username is: ginaleekim.

And lovely Gina is giving away 5 art prints of her popular chickadee prints!
To enter to win-
Leave us a comment, tell us your favorite supply to use in the studio.
The 5 lucky winners will be announced over on Gina's blog on Thursday, February 5, 2015 by 12pm EST
"In the Studio" is a new feature here on the blog where I share a glimpse into friends and fellow artists and crafters spaces.
If you are interested in submitting your studio to be featured, send me an email at
I'd like to win.. :)
My fav thing is in the studio: the aquarell paintings, and the little marker shelf. With the markers of course :D :D And it's really amazing how she organised the whole space.
Olga from Budapest, Hungary
I prefer color pencils because they are also very easy to take with me.
And I love those bird drawings !
I love the chickadees - makes me want to run and get out my paints. Unfortunately I must get ready for the office!!
I'm so loving this series - enjoying meeting new artists.
My fave supply - hands down is a black sharpie. So many uses!
This studio is amazing! Pop of colors. Love those bird drawings!
Carpet cleaning Kingston
I love to use watercolors and colored pencils!
I am really into line work right now so I really love my Black Pens
Gorgeous! Love the bright colors. Such fun! I love stencils. Thanks for the chance to win!
I love bright watercolors. My favorite thing in my studio is gesso. If I make a mistake, it's there to help me rethink my project in a different way. Can't tell you how many times I have restarted something and turned it around covering any "oops" with my friend gesso!
Love it :)
what a talented woman you are. you deserve that room!
Love this peek into how other artists create! My favorite supply in my "studio" are stencils, I have a large collection. I find them very versatile and they add a lot of interest to my backgrounds. Thanks for a chance to win a print, those are awesome.
Love your work! As a lamp shade maker I like to incorporate pressed plant material into my creations. Thanks!
My favorite tool is my spray water bottle, it makes unpredictable magic happen on a page or canvas.
My fave thing in my tiny bedroom/studio at the moment is my new Dylusions journal! I'm in love with it's beautiful crispy pages and the smooth feel of them! Usually though, (in my tiny bedroom/studio) I'm in love with my man! Hehe!!
Right now I am using pencil and sketch pad, I'm just getting started in this big world of creativity!
Absolutely beautiful! So vivid! My favorite tool is my is my heart. I believe that all things created with love are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing all that you do.
I love using acrylic paint and scrapbook paper!
I love illustrating postcards with micron pens and sending them to my 6 yr old daughter. I love watching her face when a new one shows up at our house.
My favorite supply would have to be wire or anything metal. Or maybe fabric. :) This is fun touring other's studios on your blog.
The Gelli Plate is my favorite tool. What fun, and to think I didn't even know what one was a mere two years ago! Thanks for the chance to win one of these lovely prints.
I like a fine line pen x
Watercolor is my favorite too! There is something so magical about it. Love Gina's work. Thanks for featuring her!
I have to say that my favorite supply is old newsprint. I love how it yellows with age and with just a hint of gesso, you can draw or paint anything and the print still shows through. I love Gina's studio. It is so bright and cheerful. Thanks for sharing.
Watercolor is my favorite, no wonder I am so drawn to Gina' s artwork. So inspired from the 1st Art lesson @ Cloth Paper/FW Media. Thanks for a chance to win!
Her space and work are STUNNING! I would love to give those prints to my Mom for Valentine's Day! Picking one supply is soooo hard but if I have to..... :) I ♥ my white prisma pencils!
Wow, she creates some very beautiful art. I am just starting to an art journal so I don't have a lot of supplies yet. I do really like using found objects though.
How beautiful! My favorite supplies are watercolors and pens.
My favorite supplies are watercolors and a good ol' pencil.
How beautiful and vibrant Gina Kim's paintings are! I need to bring my watercolors out of the drawer and experiment - thank you so much for allowing us to discover a wonderful artist and beautiful person.
My favorite supplies are watercolors and a good ol' pencil.
What a great article! I really love to see artist's creative spaces. I always see so many great ideas. Like how Gina stores her fabric and ribbon bits by color in clear plastic containers. How cool is that?
My favorite art supply is my Micron 0.5mm tip pen. I can't live without it!
I can't say I create much art these days; when I'm feeling crafty, I usually head for my knitting needles. But I did used to love colored pencils, and somewhere I still have my set of Prismacolors, waiting for me to dust them off and start working again! I do have some watercolors too, which I pull out on occasion when my toddler is painting with his.
I'm loving these studio peeks. It's so fun to get a glimpse of other artists. My favorite is watercolor and colored pencils.
How sweet that you lie studio glimpses, too.
I just found out I loved watercolors when offering to my daughter.
Thanks Alisa for sharing a glimpse into Gina's studio! Who doesn't love to see how other artists set up their space. I am a big fan of Gina's work with her bold colorful watercolors combined with mixed media. My favorite supply right now is Bombay India Ink. It's great with a dip pen, but also fun in mixed media art journaling too.
Love the inside look at the studios and artist's process, most inspiring!
My fav supply at this moment is my sewing machine!
Wow, I love Gina's style! Beautiful.
My favorite supplies to use are my water brush and my giant set of watercolor crayons!
I love watercolors! And a very large table!
I love watercolors! Im in love with her technique is really inspiring! I also love her organization. So cute!
I'm in love with my new Sakura brush pens...the ink is so vibrant!
Thank you for featuring this artist. Ohhh---I love the color! My fave supply lately is my set of Faber Castel Gelatos. The color is transluscent and vibrant. If you hit it with a heat gun it spreads like butter, too!
I love her paintings! It's hard to narrow down my favorite item, but I think really good, beautiful paper is what I use the most.
I love her paintings! It's hard to narrow down my favorite item, but I think really good, beautiful paper is what I use the most.
Thanks for introducing me to Gina. I like to use acrylic paints. Thanks for the chance to win.
My favorite supplies vary between watercolors (both Koi and Crayola) and colored pencils. There is something soothing about using colored pencils. Reminiscent of hours spent coloring as a child, I'm sure.
Such eye candy, dear Gina! I would be absolutely thrilled to add a Gina Lee Kim art piece to my art gallery wall! LOOOOVE your work. Right now my favorite art supply are Dylusions Ink sprays, Inktense pencils and Neocolor2 crayons.
gorgeous space and love ginalee's artwork.. so dreamy..xoxo
I love colourful papers and washi tape!And always a sharpie of course. What a gorgeous well organized space! Congrats!AriadnefromGreece!
I love using Japanese Paper and glitter glue, and my sewing machine
My first love in art supplies are watercolors but I've fallen too for mixed media so I've added a variety of ink pens to my love list.
Gina your studio is just lovely! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your beautiful life.
I love your studio, Gina! How do you keep it so organized? My favorite supply is watercolor pencils(for the moment).
I love your studio, Gina! How do you keep it so organized? My favorite supply is watercolor pencils(for the moment).
I'm trying to learn how to sketch and/or draw so my current favorites are Micron and Faber-Castel pens in black. Having lots of fun along the way!!!
Actually my DD (13yo) is the visual artist in the family, I am more into sewing clothing for both of us. So my favourite is to have colourful fabrics splattered around me, to see for what I could create from them. DD is a big fan of your style, Alisa and starts to incorporate different mediums into her drawings. I'd say her fave is watercolour and a black sharpie atm.
Hope you would ship internationally, if we win, cause the birds are really cute!
Thanks for introducing Gina. Her art is heavenly!
I am kind of on a watercolor obsession right now and I really like Dick Blick's liquid watercolors. I would love to take Gina's classes! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love Gina's style. I will definitely check out her blog. Thanks for sharing this. I have a little bird obsession and would adore one of those chickadees :-). My most favorite art supply is a pencil. Both graphite and prismacolors. The inktense pencils are so fun and the neocolor crayons too. And TIME- now that's the best art supply and so hard to find!
At the moment my favorite supply in my studio are my colored pencils. Thanks alisa
I follow Gina on instagram and adore her work! Does "everything" count as a favorite?!
I love white gel pens. They make me happy!!
I love my watercolor paints. This interview was a cheerful and colorful as Gina's paintings. Enjoyed it!
Gina, your art is inspiring! Thanks, Alisa, for sharing!
My favorite supply has to be white acrylic paint!
I really like your whimiscal and serene vibe to your work. I also like the bold colors, too. My go to white ink pen is the Uni-ball Signo Broad UM-153 Gel Ink Pen next to the Sharpie white paint pen. :)
Love the new feature, keep sharing the inspiration! I carry a classic black sharpie with me wherever I go in many different sizes!
My current favorite supply is a white gelly roll pen.
Loving this new series Alisa!!! Keep em coming! Love to see how other artists do things!
Let's see my favorite thing in my studio to use would be lately my moonlight gelly pens! I had been wanting them but now that I have them they are hard to put down!!!
Favorite supply is fine sharpe markers! Love your blog!
My favorite supply is black gesso. I love the texture and working on it with white and gold, it really looks rich. This interview/post was so inspiring.
Lovely watercolors would be thrilled to own one. My favorite supply in the craft room would be ink
I love your joyful, colourful water colour paintings - thank you so much for sharing. I too share your need for more time with three children of my own to work my art around! My favourite supply would have to be indian ink because I can use it to sketch in a journal or do a more fine art piece, but then I can go back and embellish it with all sorts of colour without it smudging.
Im in love with my watercolour pencils and the pyrography tool :) I can use both in so many art projects ...
What a colourful inspiring space! I love that there is space for big artist and little artist to create - I think it's awesome to include children in your process, as well as encourage them to be creative at such a young age :) really enjoyed this post! (I'm a sucker for studio tours!)
Meg, Optical Intake
I enjoy using my Dylusions spray inks
I love watercolor pencils and watercolor crayons and using bright vibrant colors.
BEYOND incredible creative space, Gina! I absolutely LOVE it! Acrylic paint & the super yummy Faber-Castell Pitt pens are at the top of my "FAV" list. I have the thin set of FB Pitt pens. I am drooling over your super chunky ones. OMg……YUMMO! :D
What a beautiful space! Right now, I'm using lots of Distress Inks, mostly to watercolor.
so awesome to see Gina featured here! because of Gina- i am playing with watercolors now! love my old school peerless cuz they are easy to travel with! so excited to find she is doing online classes :) hopping over to see if i can afford it! thanks for the awesome feature today- :)
Such awesome pieces of art.
And you have a very inspiring space for art creating.
I have admired Gina's work for a long time. I never get tired of looking at it. Thanks for this opportunity to win one of her chickadees! I constantly reach for my permanent pens - black Pitt and for my white Signo Uniball and never realized it until you asked this question. I have all sorts of media and play with most of them but the constant go to are my pens.
Thank you for introducing us to Gina! What beautiful watercolors!!! Even though I love LOTS of color in all my artwork, my favorite art tool is my black, double tip ZIG marker....always have at least one with me and it seems to be the starting point for so many projects. Boring right? :)
WOW! Gorgeous work! Would love to take a class with her!
Beautiful work, my favorite supply is portfolio oil pastels, I love how they blend and activate with water.
I get so motivated reading your blog. I love Gina's work. It is hard to say what my favorite art supply is - it seems to change depending on my mood. I love my watercolors but recently I've been working a lot in colored pencils. I wonder what my next obsession will be. 😃
Beautiful work, Gina, I'm loving making my own stamp pads right now.
Wow, what a dream life! I have a 3 year old too and it would be a dream come true to be "just" painting and not trying to earn a living with my graphics but I can't complain as I love working from home!
My favourite medium would have to be my Ecoline inks – so bright and vibrant. Can't wait to have time for them again ... The main mediums I tend to be working with at the moment are slightly different though. As I spend a majority of my time working with my daughter, we tend to pull out her IKEA acrylic paints and squirt them out straight onto the paper and work with our hands, feet, brushes. After letting that dry or getting the hair dryer onto it, we add some awesome Staedtler "gel" crayons that I've come across or felt pens. That's the background. THEN for the final embellishment (as it seems we turn most of the art into wrapping paper), I wrap the present then use IKEA puff paints and scroll out "Happy Birthday so-and-so" straight from the bottle and add glitter and once dry, add some ribbon or twine to complete it.
I have found one product that I use sparling in mixed media. Just a hint of the product makes entire layouts just pop. Deco Art Glamour Dust. It is ultra fine glitter paint. It just takes a brush stroke or fine line here and there to make me happy.
I haven't done much watercolor except for a few skies and this workshop would be nice to win.
I can't do without my Micron pens but a palette full of watercolors or every color imaginable just sends me over the moon. Gina's work makes me smile!
I can't do without my Micron pens but a palette full of watercolors or every color imaginable just sends me over the moon. Gina's work makes me smile!
I've tried many different supplies but I always come back to watercolors. Whether it's liquid, pencil, crayon or pan. I love them all. I love Gina's blog too. So inspiring. Thanks for the chance to win. ~Sophia
Wow, that tray of washi tape is an inspiration. Making it very accessible and I love that all like colors are together. Thanks for sharing and a chance to win one of the chickadees.
Aloha, Kate
That Gina sure is talented! Love her work.
I prefer acrylics, but there is a certain thing about watercolors that appeals to me.
My favorite thing to use in the studio is modeling paste--I love the 3d texture it gives a lot of my work.
Thanks for the chance to win!!! I hope I do.
My favorite tool varies from season to season...right now I am loving my white paint pen.
Love my watercolors! Thank you for exposing us to Gina's talents. So cheerful!
Those paintings are so pretty! :)
My favorite art supply would have to be my watercolor paints! They're definitely what I use most often.
Paint markers...any size....any brand...they are used on 99% of my projects and go with me everywhere:)
Wow! I love your bright, colorful art! I'm headed to your website to check out your classes! My favorite art supply...I love paint. I used to only love acrylic paint, but I'm gradually learning how to use watercolors (after Alisa Burke's courses), and I'm having a lot of fun with them :)
I love how she is so organized. Her studio is wonderful. AND she has painted my favorite bird. I love the little butterball chickadees!
What gorgeous watercolors! I loved reading about her. I found her blog recently and her art is simply captivating.
My favorite art supply is acrylic paint.
I love "In the Studio"!! Thank you for making this great feature. My current favorite supplies are my water brushes. They are very easy to keep clean when switching colors!
My favorite supply are my old maps, especially the sea charts my husband brings home.
I like very much the colors in those pages. Watercolor crayons are my favourites. Thanks a lot! And hugs from Madrid, Spain.
I love how all of her supplies are organized!
My favorite supply to work with right now is yarn.
Love the studio. My favorite supplies of the moment are watercolor. Regards from India :)
Love peeking into artist studios. It is so great that you share your studio with your son. At the moment I am addicted to my Gelli plate and Lumiere metallic paints.
Thank you for sharing Gina's studio with us. She has a great eye for color.
My favorite supplies right now are my watercolor paints and black Micron pens.
My favorite supply of the moment is stamping ink pads.
I am currently loving my micron pens and any material I can cut a stencil. I really enjoyed seeing Gina's studio. Her work is beautiful.
Love Gina's work! My favourite supplies are my watercolours, but I got a gelli plate for Christmas so am having fun playing with that too!
hey alisa and gina,
i'm absolutely in love with ginas entire studio! i always dreamt of having so much space to get creative ... my chances are very low winning, i guess, 'cause i'm from germany, but anyway: my favorite supplies are those fantastic PITT artist pens by Faber-Castell. i own some myself, they can be used in so many different ways - but at ginas studio they are arranged exactly the same way as in my favorite supply shop around here :)
and alisa: i have been so impressed by your blog for quite a while now, you are such an inspiring woman! thanks for sharing all your experience and techniques!
my favorite for now are colored these...
loved Gina's studio and her work...
I'll be looking forward to Gina's art lessons!
Incredibly inspiring! Love stencils ...
What a treat to have both of my favorite artists in one blog post (Alisa and Gina)!! My favorite art supply changes often. Right now I am loving my sewing machine. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Wow that's a tough one. I would have to say my favorite art supply at this time is my Pitt pens. But that could change with the next tide!
Love Gina's work! As a watercolor enthusiast, I really enjoy my salt! Thanks for a great giveaway. :)
I am most comfortable with my pencils but am happy to grab whatever is in reach. ☺️
My favorite tools watercolor whether it be W&N or the kohinoor wheel or a set of Neos or portfolios! Water soluble media is my go to / fav!!
It has to be watercolour. Not always. It was the first thing I tried to paint with and it annoyed me! I just wanted it to stay where I put it... and not to change colour as it dried... and why is it blooming? Gah!!!
I'm completely different now. I love that you can be so detailed or abstract with it. And watercolour and ink just pop... and it's so forgiving! It's like magic... how can you not love it?!
So thrilled to see Gina Lee profiled! She is such an amazing talent and a kind and generous soul!
I love your studio. I wish I could be that organized. Watercolors are my favorite. There is so much serendipity when you use them. I wanted to take a course with you at Mass. Audubon when you were living on the east coast, but could never work out all the weekends needed.
Alisa, what a great idea your new In the Studio feature is! I really enjoy reading about other artists and how they create in their studios. My favourite painting tool is watercolours. Gina Lee does an amazing job of creating very happy paintings:) I love the birds that she paints.
I love getting to see new artists's studios and works. Off to add Gina Lee's blog to my Feedly. Love her work (and yours!)
my fav supply probably my watercolors
and black ink markers
Gotta say, I use my watercolors ALL the time! Love Gina's work!!
I don't have art supplies - I just like wishing I did.
I am a watercolor junkie. I try to learn as much as possible from other artists on watercolor, experiment with color combinations in my art journal and thoroughly enjoy the medium. I have about 8 different sets (and counting). Great post and thanks for the giveaway!!
Beautiful paintings! I love working in my art journals but also love using my stash of beads to create new bracelet designs.
Love my Yarka water Colors! Deep, rich colors!
Thank you everyone!! I am so blown away at all the kindness here. And a heartfelt thank you to Alisa!!!
As promised, the 5 giveaway winners were announced on my blog today:
Excellent post. This article is really very interesting and effective
Obat Jelly Gamat Gold G
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