I've been drawing and painting on walls (and even floors) for a long time now. I am pretty sure that my 6th birthday party when my parents let all of us draw on the wall completely changed my perspective on the potential of a wall!

I used black acrylic paint mixed with a little bit of water and covered the entire 12 foot wall with a flower pattern.
As much as I love color, I decided to keep the wall black and white so I could change the colors of our bedding.

If (or when) we get tired of it we can paint right over it and start over!
For those who will ask...yes, we have a giant bed! We are still co-sleeping and recently put two mattresses together (a king and a full) on the ground to create one big bed where we all sleep with lots of space and comfort! It's not for everyone but it works for us!
I love the wall of flowers! I would be tempted to paint in a few, but then again, I could lie in bed and paint them in my mind. Love the bed idea! Lucy just makes me smile. :)
oh my god, I love it so much! And your bed looks amazingly cozy, great idea. Lucy just makes every photo a thousand percent happier.
Absolutely STUNNING!
'Love Black and White!!
And what a Sweet Child, too ( :
Love your art, and so excited to see the giant bed! We co-slept with our kids on 2 queens pushed together, and are soooo happy we did! My son decided to stop around first grade, and my daughter around kindergarten. They are 17 and 13 now, such sweet, good kids. My son will be off to college next year, and it all went by in a flash; I'm so grateful we soaked up all the love and shared affection we could as they grew up!
This is so stunning!!! You have so inspired me! I have a bathroom that is screaming for some fun paint on the wall-
Lucy is surely going to be an amazing person in this world with all the love and respect you both give her! You three are a beautiful family!
I cannot express how amazing your newest creation is!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
You amaze me everyday with your creativity. So gorgeous and I agree black and white walls with crazy bedding! Also, as someone with a 4 yr old sawing logs in her bed as I type I want that double bed action.
that wall is incredible! so gorgeous, really.and that huge bed setup is awesome. our 18 month old still ends up in our bed every night and though a king is enough room, an entire wall of bed looks mighty comfy!
awesome,this is like living a fairy tale everyday !!
Your wall looks amazing and the giant bed is a great idea !
Your wall came out amazing. I am in awe how you can just freehand and it only took you 4 hours. Love it.
This is incredible!!! Exactly like living in a sketchbook... you have such lovely confidence!!!
I visit this blog almost every day..this time i leave my first comment: i'm speechless...
Fabulous artwork, we used to do Celtic knotwork on our walls which took days to finish if I'm honest, we've refrained in the new house up to now (we've been here quite a long time) as we couldn't cope with the idea of having to paint over them again, but seeing your fabulous statement wall makes me want to get creative again!
OMG!!! Wow. This is gorgeous. Most interesting and beautiful wall i've ever seen. Thanks so much for sharing it.
Alisa, j'aurais pu écrire tous les commentaires ci-dessus. C'est extra ce que tu as fait, et votre fille est magnifique, pleine de joie de vivre. J'aime ton style et j'admire ta créativité. bravo!
Incredible! BRAVO!
Wow, Alisa! I LOVE this wall! Beautiful work! (and I love your BIG bed). :-)
It's AMAZING! I love it!
I am in LOVE!!! with your wall and your bed!!! AH-MAZING!!!
Adoro quel muro!!!WWOOOWWW!
Bianco e nero sono un abbinamento che non stanca mai!
E il letto gigante è un'ottima soluzione... provo a proporlo anche a mio marito che da un mese dorme sul divano...!!!
I love that wall! WWOOOWWW!
Black and white are a combination that never fails!
And the giant bed is a great solution... I try to offer it to my husband that even a month sleeping on the couch...!
omg...it's just amazing
THAT is the boldest thing I have seen in a long long time and a giant bed !! hello! who wouldn't be down with that! yo
I rarely show blog posts to my non-artsy husband, but this was too amazing not to share! Love it!!
Great work! Love also your huge bed and a green frog :)
This is absolutely stunning! I love your painting - and ooooh this giant bed is so great! Looks so cuddly and great...I have fallen in love with your bedroom!
What a beautiful world you are creating for your daughter to grow up in.
I really like this wall...lovely :)
Incredible! I love everything about this space. That sure is a statement wall, it's gorgeous! The huge bed is awesome. We cosleep with our youngest, but really all three kids end up in our bed every night. We have a king, but I love the idea of something bigger than a king. I never thought I'd want more space than a king! If you're ever traveling and find yourself in western North Carolina, I'd love for you to paint my walls and floors (I've thought often of the post you painted your hall floor). It really is like being in one of your sketchbook pages. I think Lucy is going to be an incredible little lady, having you two as parents.
Wow! the wall is sensational! (as well as the bed)
FANTABULOUS!!! I love the pic of Lucy running across the bed with her colorful book... that bit of color just makes everything pop! Your bed looks so cozy... what a great spot to hang out and read.
Amazing & beautiful!
Looks very cozy even if it's gigantic!!!
What an amazing wonderland of love,art and creativity! I cannot wait to see what you and Lucy are up to next!
Wow!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! ~Sophia Vida
Your wall is amazing and that giant bed is AWESOME!
you are awesome!!!!
It's gorgeous and only four hours!Wow!You are so fast!AriadnefromGreece!
This looks awesome! I love the first picture. I also love the giant bed. We're cosleeping in a queen and that is quickly getting too small.
coolest thing ever!! Thanks for sharing.
I am always in awe of the spontaneity of your art, but this is amazing. I would love to live in your mind and see things the way you see things!
you are crazy.awesome! i would love to know what Lucy's reaction was.. :) oxoxox
Brilliant!!!!! I love it!
I have been trying to convince my husband to join the beds in our room. He thinks I'm kidding.... Plus we have another baby on the way, so he's not the keen on the idea of 4 of us in one big bed. your room looks fabulous! Love all your work it's very inspiring.
Love love love the bed and the wall art. Would so love to be in a room like this.
That picture of you with your head almost to the ceiling makes me think of both Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. What an amazing and inspiring project. Thank you for sharing your gifts, and for stating that you just used water, a brush, and a $6 tube of black acrylic paint. How fun for you and your family.
Blessings to you,
What a fabulous wall! You are absolutely an inspiration and someone I always remember when I'm struggling with working from home.
And when so many people makes me feel guilty about sleeping with my 5y.o. daughter from time to time, I have to thank you for assuming your position and just keeping it simple, and close to the heart. To me, that's what motherhood is all about
greeting from Portugal
I so love the way you go for what you are inspired to do. So free and spontaneous! Your wall is amazing! And yes, I was wondering if your bed was really that gigantic or if it was sort of a photo trick.
Beautiful! Just curious. Did you plan out what you were going to paint or just go with what felt right and choose as you went? You are such an inspiration.
It looks amazing! We were co-sleepers as well. Dr. Sears (and both his sons)was our pediatrician for years. when our second son was born, we had two queens pushed together in what we called our "Room of Bed" instead of a bedroom. :)
Oh, such a GORGEOUS wall!!!! LOVE it! Your creativity knows no bounds. The huge bed idea is so cool, and who can resist LUCY????? She is so adorable. I like all the black and white. Pops of color will be so easily to insert into your decor as you decide to change things up now and then. Your imagination is a wondrous gift!
My Goodness! You are amazing! And such an inspiration!
Alisa, this just might be my favorite thing you have done! I've been thinking of a mural for a while, but haven't been brave enough yet. It looks awesome!
thisd is absolutely FANTASTIC !
Lulu in the flowers!
WOW! What a statement! And what a wall! great work! Dramatic and beautiful!
Beautiful!!!! I have been wanting to do a graffiti wall in our house. We co-sleep too, and in our king bed there is only room for three of us. That leaves hubby sleeping in the princess bed in my daughter's room most nights. I think he prefers sleeping under a hot pink comforter, lol. We always joke about putting two king sized beds together so we can all sleep in the same room, but there is not even enough room in there for a twin sized to fit by the king. I love that you guys have modified your space to co-sleep. I savor every moment I have snuggling with my little ones.
Just this: AMAZING!
Wow, that is amazing! I love seeing how big your wall is, and how big you can draw like this. Cool idea.
I love love love it! I've been wanting to do something like that on our front door. Maybe I will now. Errr, I think I'll wait until I've taken your flower class I've signed up for before I start that project. Why do doors have to be so boring? I long ago painted some inside doors.(And no, I don't care what the UPS man or the neighbors say about my painted door.)
Alisa, this is enchanting artwork! And this is for sure the hundredth time I look at your beautiful post today! The photograph showing Lucy jumping looks like "Lucy in wonderland". Really enchanting!
Wow. love THIS. and i agree. it IS like being inside one of your sketchbooks. thank you for sharing. your work is amazing.
i'm in love - not only with the incredible mural, but with the super sized bed. we cosleep with our 3 y/o and 8m/o, so a bed that big would be AMAZING!
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!! Simply mind blowing awesome!!! :) :) :)
I love your wall!
Alisa, You are freaking awesome and amazing!!!!! I love it! I get so much inspiration from you.
I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They're really convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are too short for beginners. Could you please extend them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post....Cccam Server
Wow, that really looks great!!
Did you spent only 4 hours doing that huge-amazing-superb mural? You are an incredible artist, Alisa. I love it!!!
It looks amaizing!!! Love your blog and your work!!!
Where did you find the arrow bedding? Did you make that too?
that is very cool!!!
wow wow wow! i want this wall in my bedroom! So fantastic Alisa! You rock!!!
Absolutely Wonderful.
And ... Two Thumbs up with the co-sleeping!!!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about this post. The statement wall, the giant bed...AWESOME!! VERY inspiring!
Wow <3
Oh my gosh - I LOVE the giant bed! I am definitely showing this to my husband :) And the wall is so fun and sketch like! Very zentangle feeling with the black and white. What a perfect idea!
you are crazy talented!
and super creative!
you are a constant source of inspiration! This is amazing
Incroyable! Absolutely "cantik sekala" (your husband's Indonesian roots may help him to translate this!)! We also co-slept with our 3 kids but I was never smart even to think about putting 2 beds together, however, our king size was at most times sufficient!
Sorry, cantik sekali! ;-)
Woooow! Suuuupeer!
Absolutely amazing....This is so magazine worthy! Love the wall....the black and white and your gorgeous models....well what can we say!! Perfect all around! love the small punches of color too!
Hugs Giggles
This by far is by far one of the coolest things I've seen. Your talent and creativity never cease to amaze me. Best wishes, Tammy
That is incredibly beautiful. It makes want to try something like it.
Absolutely crazy and incredible.
I totally love it :) I did something similar for my girls room when they were younger but gotta tell you love love the black/white....since my girls were obsessed with girly colors I painted 3 of the walls hot pink and one of them purple with really big flowers on them...we put a queen and full size bed together for one large bed for them...it was the only way they'd sleep together in their own room...it was indeed my favorite room out of the house back then....we moved to a diff place now...would still love to do something like this for them..
I LOVE this wall!!!
I want this wall too!!!!!!
I LOVE THE BIG BED, seems so funny and comfortable
Wauw! This is amazing! Beautiful!
Greetings from Holland by Liza
your wall is absolutely amzing...you need to do a wallpaper line :) I cant believe it only took 4 hrs to paint ........you a re such a talent :)I love all your creative ideas ...:)
Fabulous work here. I love the concept of black and white doodles on the walls. I wanted to paint something exotic, but seeing what you have done suggests, simple is beautiful!
Great work Alisa! I love all your art work and blog posts.
Your second main sort of system utilized in retaining wall bed systems is the piston system. These kinds of pistons usually utilize both fuel or air flow strain in their purpose, and provide nice assistance when boosting and also decreasing the actual murphy bed. A benefit in order to picking a retaining wall bed of which functions with a piston system can be the use of any locking device.
Wow you are truly an artist, I wouldn't even want to start something like that. My talent is crafty but I am not artist. What are you sitting on? It look far bigger than a twin bed? Is that something you made too?
Truly magical. This gives me the courage to paint something on my wall. :)
This is an awesome awesome job... a lovely room. A magical wall indeed. Just love it! Wow, you're so creative. Some amazing painter you are. Congratulations!
This is an awesome awesome job... a lovely room. A magical wall indeed. Just love it! Wow, you're so creative. Some amazing painter you are. Congratulations!
I absolutely adore your creativity and projects you show. Love this blog. I just want to add one thing that I know to be true from set design painting. IF this is drawn on the drywall or plaster with a Sharpie permanent marker, it WILL bleed through any and all subsequent paint layers in the future. It will bleed through several attempts at covering on canvas, so I feel sure it will be the same for drywall and plaster. This means that to change the wall (and who would EVER want to, right?) it will have to be covered with new drywall just to be sure. Otherwise, it is the only drawback. I could live with it forever, but in case a future homeowner wanted to change it...<3
I just noticed that you did use black acrylic paint which is totally fine for later coverage, especially since you thinned it. But the permanent marker info is for anyone who chooses those over paint. Thanks. Keep up the good work with the great ideas.
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