Thursday, March 13, 2014

a canvas giveaway!

Once upon a time (sometime in 2006) I was attending a wedding and couldn't find a purse that I liked to go with my little black dress. So I grabbed one of my messy graffiti paintings, ripped it off the stretcher bars and sewed it into a clutch. Little did I know that this moment would COMPLETELY change the direction of my creative career! I suddenly discovered an entirely new process- creating paintings on canvas and fabric and remixing them into all kinds of accessories. I loved that a piece of art could be completely redefined! Soon after, I wrote a book all about transforming painted canvas in to all kinds of things.

For the past 7 years I have been making all kinds of things out of canvas, I've taught gazillions of classes and written numerous articles about painting and remixing canvas and I never ever get tired of the thrill I get from cutting up canvas paintings and turning them into something new!

So today I am sharing my love of canvas with you! I am giving away 3 canvas gift packages that will include-

A signed copy of my book Canvas Remix.
A canvas messy pouch (filled with a few of my favorite supplies). 
A little package of painted canvas scraps to play with!

Leave me a comment- tell me one thing you are grateful for today!
I will randomly select 3 winners and announce tomorrow (Friday)

WOOD BURNING KIT GIVEAWAY WINNERS- email me at with your mailing address and we will drop your prize in the mail!


1 – 200 of 460   Newer›   Newest»
Lynette (NZ) said...

Love your messy canvas inspirations. I am grateful that I won your Monday class giveaway!!!! and I am grateful for your blog postings where you so generously share your talents and always inspire me.

Anne said...

Hi Alisa, today as for everyday, I am really grateful for being able to enjoy the art of my web-mixed-media-artist-mates and especially the one who "washes away from the (my) soul the dust of everyday life". Thanks so much.

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for my wonderful neighbor who helped get my kids from school as I didn't have my car today.

Despina said...

Today I'm grateful because it's sunny (I hate rain) and I am going to spend time with my beloved ones. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Natalie B said...

Today I am thankful for social media. How great that we can all keep in touch from all over the world.

Dianne said...

I'm grateful for the Internet because it enables me to see the work of so many more artists than I could if I only had access to local venues. I love your work!

Hogwartography said...

Alisa - today I am grateful that the ski boots I ordered over the internet arrived safely and that they fit! Seems a very shallow thing to be grateful for in the whole scheme of things but...I guess mother nature truly is the most inspired artist so I am grateful to be able to spend more time in her company.
Happy birthday. Sue

Martha Tsapatori said...

I am grateful for a sunny day today on our little island ! I am grateful that my son Nicolas is playing happily for another day and that the litle creature growing inside me (7 months pregnant ....) is healthy and funky (kicking all around inside me!)


pascale castan said...

Bonjour Alisa,
Je vous suis depuis de nombreuses années et je suis vraiment très très admirative de votre travail. J'ai vos livres et c'est toujours un grand moment de plaisir chaque fois que je les ouvre. J'ai aussi découvert la technique du piqué libre et j'adore.
Et pour Noël, j'ai eu la surprise de découvrir un foulard et deux trousses de votre création au pied du sapin. Quelle ne fut pas ma surprise, j'en avais les larmes aux yeux.
Continuer à nous faire rêver.
Pascale de Bordeaux

Наталия Балабанчук said...

I am grateful to have all those little and big wonders in my life - my husband, my daughter and my baby-to-come-soon!!! said...

I am grateful for my little family and people like you :)I hope one day I will be lucky to win one of your work. Thank you Alisa for great blog.

Chelsea Slay said...

Today I am grateful for my supportive mom who lets me take over the garage for days with my paintings and art supplies everywhere.

klepsidraes said...

I Alisa, in Blanes we have just a week for spring season. Tomorrow is my son's birthday. I'm so happy

orinailah said...

I really love Your messy work! Today I am grateful for the little signs of spring all around here. a burst of colours :)

Özge Başağaç said...

I am simply grateful for being alive, healthy and together with my beloved ones.

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful for those sunny days, which are getting more and more now, spring is here!

greetings Claudia

Unknown said...

I have a lot to be grateful for today - the main thing being that my brother is alive and well. He was in a car accident yesterday that could have ended much, much worse.

Running Amok With An Ax said...

I am grateful for the time to pursue my art and learn something new about it and myself every day

prachee said...

i grateful for my lil girl..she gives me such joy

Tezzcan said...

I'm grateful everyday for my wonderful Son.

Monika said...

I am grateful for the work I managed to do while the kid is still sleeping (cause I got up at 6.30 am).
love, m.

santa said...

Today I am grateful for last sunny day, tomorrow will be snow and rain.
And of course my family is what for I am grateful every day.

ZIZO label said...

Thankful for another day of sunshine here in Europe, it just brightens up your day!
Thanks for your creativity,

Bubamara šarena said...

Hi Alisa! I'm grateful that these days I listen my intuition and I follow it.

Unknown said...

Thankful for a good day yesterday and that will help to get through today

Unknown said...

I am grateful for spring and all the pretty flowers!!

Anonymous said...

Grateful for creativity and the release that gives. Thankful for people who encourage that creativity and those who appreciate it.

Linda H said...

I'm really greatful that my True love understand how important it is for me to create every day. And that he takes care of our children this weekend, so that I can go to a big scrapbooking crop and hang out Witherspoon my dear friends.

Eleonora Di Leo said...

Today I am grateful love of my family. When bad days happen to me, I can't wait to back home and get a strong hug from my sweet him.
thanks for showing your art!

Mind Barretty said...

Listening to the wave of the sea.

FascinationStreet said...

I am grateful for this sunny day, I'm happy!
Thanks for this chance!! :)

Petra Militarev said...

Hi Alisa! Today I am grateful for the sun, the awakening trees and birds singing.

Ariel said...

Today and for everyday I'm grateful for my family, good health and all the little gifts that come our way.
Thank you for the giveaway

Helen said...

Today I am grateful to be having a few silly moments with my husband and step-daughter before taking her to school. Those moments are precious :)

Lazy Cat said...

What a lovely giveaway!
Today, I'm grateful the sun is shining, and I'm smiling, having a quiet moment all for myself. =)

Sarah said...

I have been so inspired over the years by your painting. Absolutely gorgeous!

Fräulein Rucksack said...

What a generous offer.

I love your creative work, your "messy" stuff. Thanks for sharing!

Just before entering the office (where I rode to by bke in the spring morning freshness sun) I thought to myself how lucky I was to do what I do. I'm preparing for exams. It could be no fun, but with thankfulness in my heart it's a pleasure.

jasmine d said...

I'm so excited to say, "Happy Birthday, Alisa!" Thank you for hosting a great week of giveaways. I missed the others but am excited to enter this one. Today (and everyday), I am incredibly grateful for my husband! He supports everything that I do, no matter how wild and crazy it may be. I wouldn't be as successful in my business if it weren't for his constant encouragement and sacrifice for my dream.

Kimberly R said...

I'm thankful for the opportunity to take my 19 and 5 year old to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta for free because a coworker thought I would appreciate the tickets! She's right!

dawn said...

What a fun giveaway today!! Thanks so much Alisa!

I'm thankful daily for my family and health and friends. Today I'm especially thankful for my cousin's husband getting thru brain surgery yesterday. The day would have gone differently if he hadn't so I'm SO VERY THANKFUL he is doing well today!!

Christine said...

I love your "messy" canvasses.
Today I am grateful that the sun is shining, the birds are singing and it is in all way a beautiful morning

Arianna said...

I love it, I want it!!! :)
Today I am grateful of having learned to love myself :)

Delphine said...

I am gratefull for all you share with this blog because you helped the opening of my créative door... Wood burning will soon change a bathroom cupboard into a pièce of art ;))))
Tanks a lot.

cindy said...

Hi, I love the messy pouch. Great idea…. And I am grateful for the sunshine today (well, the whole week;-) and the trees in my garden starting to blossom….. Keep on sharing your creative ideas!

Ingegnere Sentimentale said...

Grateful... Uhm... I'm quite sick, but not enough to keep me home, so I'm sick at work. Hard to be grateful today...
OK, I got it! I'm grateful to my love because he got up way too early to drive me to the station.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family!

Unknown said...

i am grateful for my children, family and friends.

Magda said...

Morning walk with dogs here in Shropshire (UK)! A little mystery one today...Thick fog around and only sounds of thousands little birds on the trees.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for my wonder husband and two beautiful daughters!


Paula said...

I'm always grateful for my family, and today I'm grateful for the small, last taste of winter we're having.

Thanks for the chance at your generous giveaway!

debbiechouinard said...

I am so thankful for my daughter. She is a real blessing in my life.

Lucinde | Lucilight said...

I'm grateful for the sun that shines so bright here today. Just gives me a smile on my face :)

Suman Pandit said...

I am grateful to be alive with creative inspiration !!

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for my husband today (and every day). He is my balance, my sanity and serenity in the midst of a chaotic season of life. Balancing multiple graduate programs while working full time as a driven art teacher in a fast paced progressive international school can try my patience. As of late our time is consumed by paperwork applications- visas/taxes/shippments etc.. joys of an international couple stradling two countries and preparing to jump into a third (China in August!)... He loves me even when I am overwhelmed and grumpy. He gives selflessly of himself, and he bought me one of your "Make Art Every Day" prints to remind me to always make time to do the thing I love most even in the midst of it all. Blessed beyond belief for a husband who just today helped design and plan my costume for a 1920s gala, organized piles of legal paperwork applications I have ahead of me, and printed all the documents and paperwork for our trip to Shanghai tomorrow since I'm swimming in school work. I am the luckiest! Thanks for the chance to share and celebrate our daily blessings! To God be the glory for the bold and loving husbands in our lives.

Giggles said...

Love all your canvas work. I'm embarrassed to say I have had several yards of canvas in my cupboard for almost a decade now...Your beautiful work should motivate me to use it up!

Today I am grateful for my wonderful daughter who made a delectable Mulligatawny Soup so we don't have to make dinner tomorrow and I can create instead!

Daire said...

This may not be very profound, but today I'm grateful for coffee! I stayed up really late working on an assignment last night, and without caffeine I really wouldn't be able to do much today!

I really love your canvas pouches - I keep wanting to buy one but I never seem to get to the shop in time! (So I have to settle for just constantly buying classes instead...)

Kristina said...

I'm grateful for my son who turned 4 today. He has brought with him some chalenges, like light version of autism and some other health issues, but he turned my life upside down and gave me possibility to start my journey as an artist. I'm also grateful for you, because you a living example that everything is possible, and dreams do come true!

cxw said...

So today I'm so so grateful that my lovely husband takes one day of vacations to play all day long with our son, so I could have a whole day for my work :)

I love your canvas and my fingers are crossed hoping I'll win one!!

And today is your birthday day, right? Happy happy birthday!!

Catherine said...

I am grateful that I live so class to a school which focuses on helping children with motor disabilities - - and that my son gets to learn from them this month!

Skye Rae said...

Great giveaway again! I am thankful for being healthy and for the health of my family too.

Gina said...

What a fabulous giveaway... who could resist. I'm grateful for the opportunity to own a piece of your art!

ginger said...

I am grateful for my day off!!!

Linda said...

Today I am grateful for signs of spring after a long and very harsh winter in Indiana.

cbee said...

I'm grateful of my wonderful husband whom I have married only a few weeks ago.

CJ Smith said...

I am grateful that you share your talent and ideas and inspiration with us through your blog.

The Teaspoon said...

I am grateful for my slowly improving health, and even though I was exhausted yesterday I was up for a little yoga today!

marjolijn said...

Spontanious ideas are the best! How great to discover all these new possibilities. and how wonderful you share this all with us. Thanks so much!

Erin Fish said...

I am grateful for becoming a grandmother 17 years ago. It was the greatest gift that I have ever received and I often tell her that. I am grateful that she loves art and is very, very creative. Thank you once again for this generous giveaway. Happy Brithday.

Karen @ WhimsiKa said...

I am grateful that I finally have a dishwasher...yay!!! I love love love it! ( would love your book too :)

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my daughter only having woken up twice last night and for the shower of kisses I got from my sweet husband before he left for work! :)

Jessica Loughrey said...

I'm celebrating my birthday too (today!) I'm grateful for my family.

Fallingladies said...

I am thankful for snow-days and my 4 wonderful kids...
(and for you so kindly offering all these giveaways)

annette said...

Hi! Grateful in Maine that we did NOT get 2 feet of snow!! Loved this book!

Katie Cannon said...

I am greatful that I still have my dad with me. He has had three strokes since last July and even thought it is hard caring for him on a daily basis. I know that I am truly blessed to have him with me each day. I love your canvases by the way.

Debbie said...

I'm grate for my hubby who makes my lunch everyday and slows me down when I get ahead of myself.

Anonymous said...

I am grateful for my family.
So, so grateful. I love my family more than anything.

I am grateful for many, many more things, but my family first and foremost.

Thanks for the chance to win. This seems like the best giveaway day yet! :)

Have a good one!

Niki said...

Today I'm thankful for artists like you that are so open to sharing their ideas! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my husband who has spent the last 3 days under our house in a 2 foot crawl space fixing a pipe so our shower will work again.

Lori said...

I am grateful for the internet and the online community that exists for artists today. Amazing!!!!

Amanda T. said...

Thank you again for being so giving!

I am grateful for my husband who has been taking care of me and our 17 month old while we recover from strep throat. He's a fantastic guy!

I actually got our family to start keeping gratitude journals. With two teenagers who want everything their friends have and a having busy household, it's nice to take a minute each day and write down something you are grateful for. Helps everyone in the family realize how much we actually have.

Vanessa S. said...

I am grateful for my 9-month-old son... what a blessing!

HallMom said...

I'm grateful for a day home with the kids.

corinne said...

Awesome!! I am so very grateful for my family, and for Spring! xoxo

bmerves said...

I am grateful that spring is so close. I can smell it in the air and see it in the little green blades of grass that are popping up amongst the soggy, matted, brown winter grass.

Unknown said...

I log in to your blog every morning to start my day with a some great inspiration(even though I am working a corporate job!) Love your work!!

Linda Celestian said...

I am grateful for love from friends and family and the beauty of nature!

Michelle Knight said...

Unless I win this give-away, I will surely buy this book!
I am grateful for being healthy and having a great husband!

Krys72599 said...

I'm grateful to have discovered that I do have an artistic bone in my body!
My next big step is to believe I can make "good" art...

vintagevixenarts said...

I am grateful to be a mom to the most wonderful little son one could ever have:)

Anonymous said...

Just adore your beautiful canvasses! This morning I am grateful for finally breaking down and discovering Downton Abbey! I'm hooked! :-) Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Lauren said...

I´m grateful for my beautiful beautiful family ♥♥♥
Tnank you Alisa!

Ellyn said...

thankful for my new house and new studio space! I would love to work with your beautiful scraps

Unknown said...

Bad news last night, so I'm thankful to know the sovereignty of God today and that He works all things together for good for those who love Him.
(Romans 8:28)

Donna B said...

Good morning Alisa! I enjoy so much reading your blog every morning and being inspired to be creative in some way each day!
I am grateful for all of my wonderful friends who I love and love me back no matter what.

Joanie Hoffman said...

I am grateful every day for my super dogs! Thanks for the giveaways! Happy Thursday!

ShanB said...

I'm grateful my car started and I didn't have to walk to work like yesterday, its very cold today.

Jane B. said...

I am grateful for my health - physical and mental - wishing you a happy birthday, Alisa!

Unknown said...

I am thankful for waking up this morning with the shalom of my Creator. I am thankful for the opportunity to win this book and get inspiration from it. I am thankful for the robins that will soon arrive and bring with them the daily rhythm of spring and gardening.

Carol said...

I am thankful that at 64 I am up painting vaulted ceilings using canvas for drop cloths to be torn up and reused later in various projects! Thank you so much for your book, Sew Wild. I have incorporated its techniques into so many fun projects.

purplenails said...

I am grateful for being home to enjoy snuggles with my son and for some warmer temperatures that are finally letting us get out of the house and go for some walks to look for signs of spring!!

Unknown said...

I have so much to be grateful for, but overall I am most grateful for my husband.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday week, Alisa! I am grateful for my sight which gives me that ability to enjoy today's beautiful sunrise!

Quilter422 said...

another great giveaway, thanks for the opportunity! today i am grateful for a carolina-blue, sun-filled sky.

Anonymous said...

Well it's snowing and icy and cold here in Massachusetts. Daughter with hurt ankle and too many commitments. I'm grateful to be alive, to have 2 wonderful children, to still have my 97 year old Dad and to be able to create. Love your messy clutches.

Betty said...

Happy birthday, Alisa, and thank you for the giveaway. I am grateful for hope today, the spirit that never stops believing spring will come.

Kasey said...

I have yet to catch one of those cute bags when they are on sale,..would love to win! Thankful for my awesome creative job and for family who supports my dreams!

Lynn said...

I"m grateful to receive your email every day to discover your original work. It stimulates my creativity!
I love your blog!!
I'm also grateful for the beautiful sunshine and blue skies!!

Sharon said...

i am thankful that the sun is out today and that it stopped snowing. I am always thankful for my wonderful family that the Lord blessed me with!

Melissa @ Sweet As Texas Honey said...

I am so very grateful for my family. I have two of the coolest kiddos and hubby who overwhelms me with his love and generosity.

DebP said...

I am grateful for this cold, cold day, knowing that I will appreciate the warmer tomorrow that much more!

Julie Arthur // said...

Today I'm grateful for my husband who left me a little sticky note on our bathroom mirror say that he wished he could be home with me all day. I'm grateful that he goes to work every day to do a job he doesn't like, so that he can provide for us. :)

Mary C. Nasser said...

Wowzers! What a giveaway!
One thing I am grateful for is my adorable funny puppy!

Полина Виноградова said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Van L= said...

I'm greatfull because SPRING IS IN THE AIR!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alisa! Today I'm grateful for the beautiful spring weather here. :)
Emese T.

Полина Виноградова said...

Hello, Alice! Happy day to you! I am grateful that I have a loving family, the art and science!

Unknown said...

I am so grateful that I opened my eyes today and saw that I had been given another day to enjoy on this wonderful and beautiful Tennessee mountain! Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous prizes! Carla

Mada said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! First of all I want to tell you that you are a beatifull person both inside and outside and I loved that look on your face when you tore the canvas on the film- pure happines.Today I am greatfull for beatifull sunny spring weather, which allowed us to go for a walk for the first time from a long time. But above all I am greatfull for little boy who, at this very moment is sleeping on me. I have to tell you - it hurts :)I have only one hand available my legs are each in different position - they are shaking, my back hurts but I love it!


How fabulous!!! This morning I'm grateful that both of my children, 15 and 18 year old boys, still choose to "hang out" at my house with their friends. Love being a part of their social lives!

Lynda said...

I was grateful for the warm weather. Then it went away. But it's coming back! Spring isn't far away.

Jill-O said...

I am so grateful that the cold that has plagued me all week is finally easing up so I can go back to work today.

Magda said...

I'm grateful for peace day, away from military action, although this "far away" does not mean so far at all. Greetings from sunny Poland :)

Denise said...

- I'm grateful for sunshine (I live in Chicagoland and there has not been enough sun and warmth, lately.)

- I'm grateful for friends who send me coffee, from cool places they've been to on vacation.

- I'm grateful for my grandson who makes me laugh via Facetime, (he's in Hawaii, I am not.)

- I'm grateful for washi tape and my ephemera collection.

Haley said...

I am grateful that I got a couple hours of sleep last night. time change+teething baby does not make a happy night

Nancy S said...

I am grateful for art and music and the difference they make in our lives.

Marty Mason said...

I am grateful that you share your energy and inspiration and love of art with me. I am grateful that I found your blog oh so long ago and get to enjoy each and every post.

Dana said...

I am so grateful for the sun shining on my face while I'm riding my bike :-)

Cheryl Connell said...

Today I am grateful for the sun! After such a horrible winter storm yesterday and a half a foot of snow - looking forward to it all melting.

lynn1231 said...

I am grateful for a sunny day today in the 50s - it has been a long winter here!

Debbie Miller said...

Thankful that I can work from home today and not go out into the snow!

Cim Allen said...

I am so grateful that my family and I are all healthy and happy. I could list so many more things, but I'll just tell you one :) I'm so grateful for so many things.

Martyna said...

Today I'm thankful for beautiful sunny day and Spring which has already started :)

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the simple email I just received thanking me for my hard work.

jan said...

alias...I am grateful for the opportunity to win this AWESOME prize! You are the most inspiring artist that I follow.

Denise said...

I'm thankful for my two-year old's curly head, and that he wants to hold my hand so often. :)

Unknown said...

i am grateful for artists!

astr!d said...

how funny! i just posted on fb not even 15 minutes ago that i was extra thankful for coffee and sunshine this week!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for sleeping in my own bed after a trip to California. I am also grateful for time to read your bog as I was unable to get my daily fill the past couple of days.

Janell Cleveland said...

I am grateful for how I see life now that I am exposed to artists like yOU>

C Williams said...

I am very grateful for my husband.

annette m said...

Hi Alisa, I have been following your blog now for a bit and love your wonderful energy and inspiration. Thank you!!! I am grateful for the love, health and happiness of my wonderful family my husband and two teenage boys (can't believe I have teenagers) my mom, dad and brother.

Erica said...

I am grateful that I get to work with kids everyday. Im constantly inspired by them and their interactions with one another. They always remind me to live lightly and laugh hard. :D

Linda Kunsman said...

I am grateful for internet for the connections I have made that otherwise would not have been possible and for a way to take classes and art lessons! I'd LOVE to win a copy of your book(sadly I didn't know about this book so will add it to my wish list)and canvas pouch. Happy birthday week and thanks again for the generous week of giveaways!

Colleayn said...

I would LOVE to win this! This looks like so much fun.
I live in Freezing Minnesota, so today I am thankful that it is going to get up to 40 degrees. It is going to feel so good and it will help melt all the ice and snow.

coca dear said...

today i am grateful for original thought. i had a wonderfully interesting night last night exploring information pertaining to religion, science, and philosophy. i also explored the symbolism of different flowers.

AngieR said...

I am so grateful that spring is only one week away!!! I can't wait to feel the warm summer sun. Thanks for all your generosity!

Nicole H said...

Today I am grateful for my social media and the internet. Seeing what's out there has opened my eyes and taught me so much about art and creativity...and that anything is possible.

Ariadne said...

I am grateful that I still have the belief that things eventually get better!And others share this too.ariadnesky(at)hotmail(dot)com

C. said...

This is amazing... Thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome prices!

Tiff said...

Hi Alisa! Loving this "giveaway"!! I am grateful for NEW beginnings.

Julia said...

Hello on Thursday! :)
I am grateful by love of my family and possibility to kiss and hug all my beloved every day.
Thank you for showing your inspiration!

cheryl lennox said...

Grateful = 1st robin on my way to work this morning!!!

Cindy Tobey said...

Today I am grateful for warm, bright sunshine streaming through my window right now.

jaime said...

Watching my daughter's joy as she ran around trying to catch snow flakes on her tongue. She caused me to be thankful for the snow instead of frown that it is March & it is still snowing.

just a scrap of paper said...

I am grateful to be alive today!
Your art is awesome!

Cherish said...

I am grateful for my iphone, it gives me the ability to capture moments that otherwise flee so quickly as my kids grow. Love your beach pics on IG Alisa! said...

I am grateful because I get to have 2 friends over for supper and catch up with them.
Your blog is always my bright spot in the morning with my tea.
Thanks for sharing.
Ruth K

alarmcat said...

i always love the your canvas goodies! I'm grateful for this wonderful sunny day! Adios Winter!!

Anonymous said...

today,, will be 40+ degrees above wonderful is that? it wonbderful!!! husband and i are finally getting to go away for the finally will be warm pain level is below a be a good day....I could go on and on but others may find it boring!! Smiles, Ruth

Susie said...

I am grateful for feeling better! I love love love how you mix a floral design into your work.

Kathleen said...

What a fun story Alisa! I am grateful that spring is here.

Unknown said...

Not only for today I am very grateful for my and my familys health, for the love that I get and the wonderful sunshine out there ;0)))

Katie McD ( said...

I am grateful for my "day off" morning routine of a smoothie, cup of coffee, and snuggles with my dog... especially since days off don't happen as often as I'd like! Thanks for the opportunity to win, and happy birthday week!

Unknown said...

I am so grateful that I was able to get up this morning feeling so much better than I have in days. That's a lot to be thankful for.

Sandy said...

I am grateful for our God and that I'm finally learning and understanding His word.

Scatterjoy said...

I am grateful for my husband...who is always my hero!

la.daridari said...

Hi Alisa, I'm a fan of your art and you are an inspiring artist-blogger-mom.
Today I'm grateful for My Little second Child, Paolo, Who isuoi one month. He enriched our family!

~abi~ said...

i am grateful for quiet time today. :)

Gwen Lafleur said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Today I'm grateful for the ability to work at home when I need to so I can get away from the stress of the office!

Lisa said...

I am grateful to be babysitting my parents cat. She is good company during a difficult time.

Sara said...

I am grateful for such a loving husband and the fun weekend we have planned!

What a great giveaway- thank you!!

Unknown said...

Greetings from PA! I have your Canvas Remix book and it is a great source of inspiration. I am so grateful that I took my first step along this crazy creative journey over 20 years ago :)

Lisa said...

Hi Alisa,
Happy, Happy Birthday!!! I think the idea of using your canvas creations is wonderful.It makes everything original and i'm all about originality. I am most grateful for my family. Family can drive you crazy sometimes but mine has always been there when I needed them. I am also most grateful for eternal life in Heaven. To know that our heavenly home is more beautiful than anything we can imagine is the greatest art of all.

ms. molly said...

I am grateful for the sunshine today! I know it seems cliche, but when we get 7 more inches of snow and cold in the middle of March the sunshine is a luxury!

MarcyKate said...

One thing I am greatful for today: the strength I had to go back to school for a total career change.

Karenliz Henderson said...

I work for a tax accountant and I'm grateful that it's getting closer to April 15th and I won't have to work late nights and weekends.

nicole said...

oh, i would love to win this one... what a great week of giveaways! i'm thankful for artists like you who share their trade with the world... how amazing it is to connect from all over the world with such inspiring talent. today, i'm thankful for a day of nothing on the schedule that i can sit at my table and paint.

Arielle said...

I am grateful for my wonderful husband who loves, supports me, and keeps me laughing every single day! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway, Alisa! Hope you're having a great birthday week!

Kelly Cort said...

I am grateful for a warm home. It was -9 degrees this morning when I woke up! Thank you as well, for being so generous on YOUR Birthday!

Anita said...

I am grateful for my loving husband. We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this week.

Day said...

Just discovered you today as I am home with my 12 year old who is home sick. You've given me some inspiration to leave my laptop in the computer bag and sit and draw for a while instead. Thank you!

Crissy M. said...

I'm so thankful that the snow finally stopped last night. I see sunshine, woo hoo!!!

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

You are just the coolest person amazingly artistic.

I am grateful for Spring Break and the silence in my home. My 12th grader son (the baby of the family) went on a canoe trip and I am home from work this week. I have been playing with paint and pens in the silence. Perfection!

Unknown said...

I am grateful to have a warm house, food on the table and a loving family to share it with!Thanks!

LLLJess said...

Today I am grateful for my 2-year-old son. We are headed out for a drive to downtown Denver where I will take his Birthday Pictures….he wants a Superman theme. So….to Metropolis/Denver we head. He's so smart and headstrong an passionate and creative. I never knew love until he chose me to be his mama. I'm just overwhelmed with how full my heart is for my small family. My husband completes me and my son humbles me.

Rebecca said...

I'm grateful for warm sweaters!
Thank you for sharing your art!

Liz Vitols said...

I'm grateful for my awesome loving family ♥

lunetapatineta said...

LOVE all your art...It would be AWESOME to have something from you!!!!
I`m always grateful for my little family and HEALTH....

Stacey said...

I am grateful for my 4 sisters and that they are just a phone call away. I am also grateful for 4 beautiful daughters and my patient husband! Families are wonderful!

jeannie lucky said...

I am grateful that you introduced me to using canvas as an alternative for my art and teaching my high school fiber art classes...we are now working on your green pillow with rosettes. They love your messy monsters.

cjsrq said...

I am grateful for the day that I discovered your blog. Your blog/art and online classes have inspired me to create in ways I might never have thought about. Thank you!

Cindie said...

I am grateful for a beautiful sunny start to the day!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my health. I have heard bad news all week about friends and family with sickness. We take it for granted too much. Love your art!

Paige M. said...

I am grateful for my nephews. They are the two people I can always count on to make me smile, even when I don't want to. They are my heart.

Lynda Bergman Decorative Artisan said...

Last night my Kevy Lauren was partying at SXSW in Austin, TX. So, so thankful she wasn't on Red River Rd.

Kepi said...

Happy Birthday Week! I'm grateful for inspiring blogs.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance, Alisa!
Today I am grateful for not having to go to work, our wonderful house guest is going home, and some much needed time alone with my family!

Unknown said...

Thankful for my son being home on March break!

Moois van mie said...

I have to stay at gome for a week : doctor's order. This is day 4 and this morning when I woke up I was so glad to feel I regained a bit of energy . And the sun is shining !

mergie said...

I am grateful that my breast cancer was caught early.I am grateful for the doctors & nurses who were able to help me. Thank You.

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