Monday, March 10, 2014

birthday week celebration- a sale and giveaway!

Friday is my birthday, I'll be turning 39 (yikes!) and I thought it was a good excuse to have a little celebration here on the blog. Every day this week I've got a giveaway- I'll be giving away some fun stuff so check in every day for a chance to win!

Today I'm kicking things off by announcing a SALE on online classes that will last ALL WEEK LONG! I've got classes marked $10 off for you over in the shop HERE.

And today I am also giving away 10 spring/summer season passes (season pass includes all four of my spring/summer online classes)!

Leave me a comment and tell me your favorite birthday memory.

I'll pick 10 winners and announce on the blog tomorrow(Tuesday)!


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Marcia Beckett said...

Happy Birthday dear Alisa! I have just good memories of playing silly games and goody bags. I'd be thrilled to win a season pass.

Arielle said...

Happy birthday, Alisa! One of my favorite birthday memories is of my 30th birthday celebration! We held a Skype celebration with my parents and grandparents on one side and my wonderful hubby and I (who were literally half a world away from my parents)on the other side. We all decorated and wore funny hats while I opened gifts they had sent me and we all ate cake. I was surrounded by my family, even though we were separated physically. Best virtual birthday ever!

Ruth said...

Have a great day.
One of my best memories,I got home from work, my bag was packed and taken unto a flight. I got to spend my birthday with my mom, no better birthday.

KrisR said...

Happy Birthday!

One of my most tender birthday memories is angel food cake with confetti sprinkles. Actually, my birthday is in early April and I think I'll make it for myself this year as mom and grandma aren't here to do it for me. (cheesecake sounds good too though!)

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Parabéns, Alisa!
Lembro meu aniversário de 6 anos. Refrigerante de guaraná é uma delicia mas me fazia mal. Neste aniversario bebi guaraná e não passei mal.
Um abraço!
Congratulations, Alisa!
I remember my 6 year anniversary. Soda Guarana is a delight but I got sick. This birthday drink guarana and not got sick.

Bree said...

My favorite birthday memory came this year as I turned 30. I was still on day five of bed rest and hours from leaving the country for a weeklong birthday celebration trip that I had planned for oh-so-long. I ended my 20's in the hospital and began my 30's surrounded by family, pizza, and lot's of laughter. Even though things didn't go as planned (they rarely do) I couldn't think of any other way to start this next decade. There was so much love and light. In the end, everything happened as it was meant to. I've been reading your website for years and years and taking one of your classes is on my 31X31 list of things to do this year. Thank you for the opportunity and Happy Birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm closing in on 39 myself. YIKES. When I turned 22, I got to spend my birthday with favorite people, live music and then a random barbershop quartet singing Happy Birthday to me in a restaurant afterwards. That was so cool!

Unknown said...

Happppppy Birthday!!! <3 Thanks for offering a giveaway.

My favorite birthday memories are the ones where I'm surrounded by my family, and friends. Last year was pretty low key, but a day spent with my sister that was enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, alisa!!!
My favorite birthday memories is the one I woke up from my son and hubby with hugs and kisses. Then my hubby made breakfast and my son help. It one I haven't forgot and will always treasure.
lisa baja

Natalie B said...

My favourite memory is spending my 40th birthday in Bali. You can't beat a relaxing facial, then a massage and then a beautiful dinner by the sea.

Patrice said...

One of my favorite birthday memories is a party at the beach, good friends, a cookout and a fabulous sunset!

Catherine said...

My favorite is probably the first year that my boys picked out presents. They got me red nail polish and a magenta clutch.

My most memorable is the year that I begged my mom for a banana cake ... and almost barfed when I ate it! :)

Happy Birthday!

Lauren said...

We just celebrated my daughter's first birthday today....she literally face planted into her cake to eat it! It was so funny, that is my new favorite :)

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! My favorite birthday was two years ago...waiting for my grandson to be born...he was two days early, but now every year we get to celebrate together!

Christa said...

Happy Birthday to you! My favorite birthday memory was my sweet 16. I had about 70 friends over for food, ping-pong, and music.

Unknown said...

My kids now get so excited for my birthday. I love the cards, kisses and hugs. The best "gift" I ever got was from my husband - private Thai cooking lessons. Yumm.

emily said...

After a long time trying to get pregnant, 8 years ago on my birthday I got to bring home my twins, it was the best gift ever!

Beth said...

Happy birthday, Alisa. My favorite birthday was when my son was 7. We went to the Cub's kids day at the ball park. it wasn't something I would normally pick for my birthday, but watching my son and seeing his joy made it my best birthday!

Unknown said...

my happiest memory is when my dad was home to surprise me for my 14th birthday....his birthday was March 10 so happy birthday pisces...Love your blog!

Effy said...

My favourite birthday memory is of the year a bunch of my friends came over unannounced and dragged me out for dancing and shenanigans. I was feeling sorry for myself (omg 33 so old! *laughs*) and they weren't having any of it.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! My best birthday memory was the year my birthday was on thanksgiving and my friends and I went to NYC and watched the Macy's thanksgiving day parade! Loved it!

lynn1231 said...

Happy Birthday to you!
When i was little my mom would make a birthday cake and my grandparents would come over for cake and ice cream. Those were my favorite birthdays.

Tahn said...

I like my birthdays very low key (as an introvert) so the best ones for me are the ones when I spend a quiet day with my family.
Happy birthday to you. I hope you have a great day :)

Tahn said...

I like my birthdays very low key (as an introvert) so the best ones for me are the ones when I spend a quiet day with my family.
Happy birthday to you. I hope you have a great day :)

Mon said...

Hi Elisa,
Happy birthday week!!
One of my favourite birthday memories is one from when I was \5 years old. My parents and I were traveling for the Christmas holydays and we had been on the highway most of the day, but at dusk we arrived to a little town and my dad stopped at a burger king, got a little "muffin" and a candle and we celebrated in the road after a hamburger. It was so great that I can still remember the music playing at the place while we were singing the happy birthday! :)

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to a lady that inspires me!
When I was young we bought our milk from a milk man. He brought milk every week, and we bought ice cream from him as well. My fifth birthday was milk day, and when the milk man found out it was my birthday he gave me a box of fudgsicles. Not the most elaborate birthday gift I ever received, but it made me feel very special, and it was the firt memory that came to mind when I read your post.

Rose Clearfield said...

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday! One of my favorite birthday memories is going to the Lyric Opera to see The Marriage of Figaro with my husband for my 27th (golden) birthday.

Janie Husband said...

Happy birthday to you.......all birthday memories are Special to would b e hard to pick just one... Make some happy memories on your day.....

Cynthia Marie Pettigrew said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa. All year long!

My last birthday brings me happy memories! My daughter and her family had just moved back to the area and my son and his wife hosted the celebration at a local park with a BBQ and a lot of good old fashion play with the grandchildren.

Happy birthday memories!

Linda Sagastume said...

Happy birthday! Favorite birthday memory was my sweet 16 when mom threw a surprise party for me and my gift was a VW bug, painted bright yellow, used of course but new to me....

Cindie said...

Happy Birthday!

One of my favorite memories is going to see Mary Poppins in the theatre with my little girl friends, it's the only time I had something special like that for a party. It was fun to bring back memories of it when I saw Saving Mr. Banks this year.....might have to rent Mary Poppins now!

GypsyWoman said...

My favorite birthday was spending my 50th in NYC with my husband, walking around town, eating dinner in a nice restaurant, going to Fao Schwartz and playing the piano Tom Hanks did in "Big" (I think), Finding a Raggedy Ann doll at Toys R Us and having a huge chocolate dessert and coffee to top it off! What a celebration!! Plus, additional days celebrating Chinese New Year in Chinatown, plus many museums!! Love NYC!!

Kasey said...

Happy birthday! My birthday is on Thursday ! My favorite birthday memory is when the blizzard of 93 snowed in all my friends at my house. We were having a sleep over for my birthday and it never snows in March, right

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa!!!
One of my favorite birthday memoeries was my first birthday after moving to the States. We had had a major snow storm (over 2 feet of snow) the night before but my husband and I still wanted to go out and celebrate. We didn't have a car yet so we decided to take the bus to the mall to see a movie and have an early dinner. The ride took over two hours! But I remembered I loved it, everything looked so beautiful, the sun was so bright and the sky so blue... And we just spent the entire ride holding hands and talking. :)

Niqueknacks said...

Happy birthday!
My favorite moment was when my mom surprised me teaching for my birthday

robyn said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for this and all your generous offerings, I'm inspired every time I visit your blog.

Miriam Prantner said...

Happy Birthday! One of my favorite birthday memories is my eldest daughter's first birthday. There's a chinese tradition where you put a bunch of things on a table and then bring the kid in and whatever the pick up first is supposed to be an indication of their future job. To my parent's chagrin (since they don't think it's ladylike), my daughter picked up the mini hockey stick.

Blackinese said...

Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your very special day.

As a child, I remember birthdays being special, not because of birthday parties or presents, I don't even remember having either of those, but because my Dad insisted that the birthday person get to relax from their chores the entire day. So with 3 sisters, the effect was tremendous, and something we looked forward to when it was each of our turns.

CreativeJanine said...

Happy Birthday! My mom always made our birthdays special. We'd all get up early and open presents around the dining room table. We'd get to pick our favorite meal for supper. Fun times.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

A very happy birthday, Alisa! My favorite birthday memory was a birthday party that my mother organized for me and we used an art easel to make paintings. I thought that was so, so cool, as a 6 year old!

Soraceballos said...

Happy Birthday
My favorite memory is that my mother always celebrated my birthday two days because I was born at midnight.

Meghan Thimjon said...

Happy happy birthday week!
Wow I have had some great birthdays but my favorite was when I had my 13th at Benihana with all my friends!
Love everything you do! But I am just a broken record because I say that all the time! Simply amazing!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa! Besides close vision starting to go, this is my favorite stage so far. I hope it is for you too!

My favorite birthday memories have just recently started as we have added family by birth and marriage. Besides the good times of us being together, it's funny to see the creative ways cake decorators fit in 6 names (we're within a week of each other) on a quarter sheet cake, haha!!

Fia Kilbourn said...

Happy birthday! My birthday is 6 days before my daughter's birthday. Two years ago when she turned 3, we surprised her by having the service staff at a restaurant bring out ice cream with lit candles and sing Happy Birthday for both us. When they first came out, she just stared with her mouth open. When she finally realized what was going on, she broke into a grin and tears of joy were in her eyes. I feel so special sharing or birthday celebration.

Michelle Heslop said...

Happy Birthday week Alisa! I'm sure 39 is going to be a fantastic year for you! My favorite birthday memorie are definitely with my kiddos, Noah 6 and Cleo 3. For my birthday last weekend we decided to brave our favorite sushi restaurant with the kids. (Fearing the wiggles and chopstick fights we always opt for take out). We left a children's bouncy castle birthday party and headed for the restaurant. Well, after a couple of bites Noah grabbed his stomach and in a very loud voice said, 'my stomach hurts soooooo bad, I think I have to....' at which point I jumped up saying 'shhhhh let's go to the washroom'. Well, let's just say he ate something at the party that didn't agree with his stomach and we spent my entire birthday dinner in a teeny washroom. We did come back to the table once in time for him to announce, 'I have to poo again' in his outside voice. I stood at the table guzzling my wine as we put our coats on to make an escape. The silver lining is that earlier that day Noah had asked if I liked surprise parties and set one up for me while I was out. They jumped out of the bathroom with their dad as I walked around pretending I was home alone. :) I am starting to see a bathroom theme emerging as my favorite birthday memory.

Sending some spring time birthday wishes from Victoria, Canada.

crazyestonian said...

Happy birthday!
One of my favorite adult birthdays was the first one I celebrated with my husband. We were in Madrid and went to museums and walked in golden sunshine and maple leaves. Late in the evening, to compensate the lack of cake, my husband bought me a large hot waffle from a street vendor. It had a pile of whipped cream on it. It was exotic and neat to wander the Spanish night.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

Happy Birthday Week!! And aren't you sweet having such an awesome giveaway on your blog!

My favorite birthday memory is my 18th birthday. I had just left for Bible college and a few of the students took me out for my birthday. It turned out to be a huge surprise party with lots of students joining us. One of the male students pulled me aside later and gave me a dozen roses in private...and I had only met him 1 week before! We have been married for 29 years now. Best birthday ever!

Janet Ghio said...

Happy Birthday-what a cute photo! we always bought my birthday cake at a wonderful bakery called the Cake Box in Kansas City. And I could have as many roses made of icing on it as I wanted. Those were the most delicious roses!

Anonymous said...

my favorite memory is when i was 5.....60 years ago. my grandmother and aunt both made me birthday cakes. those were the only ones i ever got till i got married and had my own family. i have a picture of one of the cakes with my grandmothers writing on the back....i treasure that picture. hope you have a wonderful birthday. blow out all the candles and make your wish come true. xox

Anonymous said...

my favorite memory is when i was 5.....60 years ago. my grandmother and aunt both made me birthday cakes. those were the only ones i ever got till i got married and had my own family. i have a picture of one of the cakes with my grandmothers writing on the back....i treasure that picture. hope you have a wonderful birthday. blow out all the candles and make your wish come true. xox

Christina said...

For my fourth birthday all I wanted was a mylar balloon and a rose from my Daddy. My parents were delighted to make my (very reasonable) dreams reality, and I had a magical day.

Erin said...

Taking my grandma to the movies and coming home to a surprise party when I was 17! 10 years ago. Classic fun! Thanks, and Happy Birthday to you!

Kathleen Angeles said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! I wish you all the best in life!

As for my most memorable birthday celebration, it was when I turned 22 when my special person surprised me, treated me to a movie and spent the entire day with me--something that was really out of her character considering how unexpressive she is. Indeed, it's the smallest things that sometimes bring the best memories! said... favorite was when I was a teenager and dived into our neighbors pool and all the kids in the neighborhood jumped out from no where and came crashing into the pool. I remember laughing so hard, I swallowed water. and if that's a photo of you alisa, it looks just like Lucy grown up a little more! <3

Deb's Artful Journey said...

Happy birthday!! Enjoy all of your celebrations!! My fav bday celebration was celebrating my bday in Maui!

Lynette (NZ) said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for the great giveaway. Childhood memory - always got to choose whatever we wanted cooked for dinner and dessert - I ALWAYS chose roast chicken dinner and pavlova to finish

Jenn said...

Happy early Birthday!!! My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 16 and my mom had a surprise party for me. It was all of my relatives, my best friend, another friend, and a boy I sort of liked. I was totally embarrassed, but it couldn't have been too bad if I still think of it as a favorite memory!

Victoria said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful celebration.
My favorite birthday was when I was eight years old and my mother threw a luau for me.
She was wonderful and always did everything so creatively, I miss her.
We had a dozen little girls sitting on cushions on the floor, with a big wood door used as a low table.
Lots of crepe paper flowers,leis and hulu skirts for all. She served Hawaiian Appitizers called pupus:)
Thanks so much for helping relive this nice memory.

Unknown said...

The year i turned 30 i didn't have any big celebration, but 11 days later i birthed my baby girl.

LKH said...

Probably 16. My friends kidnapped me first thing in the morning and took me to Denny's in my pajamas. Super embarrassing and fun!

Anewdawn 16 said...

hi alisa..wish u a very very happy birthday :) favourite birthday memory would be of this year when i turned 33. days before my birthday my husband kept asking me what i wanted as present for my refused everything.He was in a fix what to give me.then on my birthday in the afternoon..the delivery guy came with my birthday gift..ordered by my husband..watercolours and three was a complete surprise..nd my happiness knew no bounds..i was so happy that my husband knew what i really wanted nd it made me love him even more.just wanted to share it with u..thank u

Kim said...

Happy Birthday to you! The birthday I remember the most was my 6th one. It was a surprise party and everyone showed up at the same time and knocked on the door,I opened the door and was shocked and shy! I ran out the back door and hid under a bush.......sitting on a wasp nest and was stung 6 times in the butt. After it was over my mom always said I got 6 stings and 6 candles on my 6th birthday. Not funny then but it is now!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to you Alisa! My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 13, my parents wouldn't get me a dog- which was the only thing I wanted. That afternoon, a stray dog happened along and came on our back porch! I fell in love with her immediately! My parents weren't really pleased, but I was.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite birthday memories was when I visited my niece in Virginia from Texas on her second birthday. It was an amazing birthday! My sister and I decorated the entire house with Elmo decorations, balloons, streamers and presents. We had the most delicious Elmo cupcakes that had Elmo's face made with giant globs of red frosting. By the end of the day my niece was covered from head to toe in chocolate cake and red frosting. It was a completely joyous experience to watch her encounter each new surprise as the day unfolded. The birthdays that I have gotten to spend with my nieces have been the most magical I have ever had in my life! I am blessed to be able to share some of these moments with them.

Molly Tucker said...

Happy birthday, Alisa! I have a March birthday, too, and some of my favorites are the years my birthday falls on Easter. :)

Robin West said...

Last summer I was feeling kinda down, about to turn 60! All my brothers, their wives, nephews and nieces flew into town to make it special and we had a huge party on the patio of my favorite Mexican restaurant, one of my bros hired a mariachi band, it was a warm and magical night! I am so happy to have such a loving and generous family and turns out 60 is not so bad.

JoAnn Stevens said...

Happy Birthday week Alisa!! Last year for my 40th I got to celebrate with my first solo gallery show and a huge party with my whole Family and all of our closest friends!! It was so meaningful... I love Birthdays!
Have a beautiful week!

Day said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!!!
My favourite birthday was when I turned 24. It was the day after I was married and everything just seemed magical.

Lucas & Amber Dickson said...

Growing up, the dessert I requested on my birthday was always angel food cake with sliced strawberries. Every year I remember us laughing because the cake looked so plain and crumbly even though it was always tasty. One year, my parents couldn't find the birthday candles and we used matches instead. There was the brown, 'blah' cake with burnt-out matches on the top. It was the most forlorn dessert ever.

Sara Martin said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!

My favorite birthday memory is actually not mine but my brother's. The last time we were all together on his birthday before he passed away 4 months later.

Thank you for all that you do for your followers.


Reva Madryga said...

My favourite birthday memory is definitely from when I was kid, and would have hot tub parties! My birthday is also in March, and when I lived in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) March included plenty of snow. We would always have competitions to see who could sit the longest in the snow in their bathing suit before hopping back into the hot tub. Bonus? If you stayed out in the snow the longest, that just meant that you had to suffer the longest back in the hot tub, with the crazy pins and needles feeling your body would get wherever it was touching the snow! I'll never forget that feeling on my legs and butt!

Happy Birthday March Baby!

Unknown said...

One of my favorite birthday memories is one from my daughter's fourth birthday last year. We tried to convince her all day that it was her birthday and she kept asking where her cake was. When her dad came home from work and brought her cake home she said "NOW it's my birthday." She is so silly and strong willed! Happy early birthday, I'm happy to share my birthday month with such a creative lady! (My birthday was the first).

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu (imagine I'm singing...tihihi)
Well, my favourite birthday was the one three years ago when I met my brother the first time after 37 years missing and we could celebrate together :0)
Thank you so much for giving this chance to win :0)))))

Feutrella said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa!
I remember the surprising party last year. Some friends organised a little party for me.

Despina said...

Happy birthday! My favorite memory is a surprise party my parents organized when I was ten. And I thought they had forgotten my birthday that year!

Melody said...

Happy Birthday!
My favorite birthday memories is when I got a puppy when I turned six.

livethegoldenrule said...

My favorite memory would have to be my Grandson's first bd. We had the party out on the back deck. It was Aug. 2 beautiful weather. He had a chocolate cake and by the time he was done, he was covered in it. We had to put a chocolate butt print on the french doors! Have it on tape!!! XD)........I almost forgot, Happy Birthday!!!!!

Christine said...

Happy birthday...hope you have a wonderful day!
Birthday memory...birthday in the tropics when it's usually
cold in winter

Rebecca said...

Happy birthday!

It is not necessarily a birthday memory, but a picture when I was a toddler. I am surrounded by family and I am digging into a bunny shaped cake with my hands and eating it.

MadameRenard said...

My birthday is in april and my 8th birthday was at the same day of Easter. We celebrated Easter and my birthday the same day. I had a giant chocolate egg; it had a card with a bunny and my grandpa transformed it in a wearable mask for me. I used it to play with my cousins all tha afternoon :)
Sweet easter/birthay memories!

Teresa R said...

When I turned 18, my mom took me out to a nice restaurant, just the two of us. My mom mentioned to the waitress that it was my birthday, and a man at a nearby table heard and bought me my first alcoholic beverage as it was his birthday, too

Cynthia said...

Happy Birthday to you. My favorite birthday memory is not my birthday but the first birthday of my daughter. The memory is so special because she is special and she made our family feel complete.

Virginia said...

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Favourite birthday memory - my Dad secretly buying me a 7th birthday cake for a little party I had with tiny pink rice paper roses on it - it was beautiful, no photos just memories of it!

Karen @ WhimsiKa said...

My 50th! My husband took me to France and bought me a gorgeous watch on the Champs Elysses..well this actually happened the week before my birthday..we were actually in the air on the day!
Hope to win...thanks xx

A.L. said...

Happy birthday!It was two years ago and I spend this day with my friends:)

Dana said...

My best birthday memories are those of my childhood when all of my friends gathered in the house and we played alll day long!
Fingers crossed for this wonderful gift!

marjolijn said...

Happy birthday! And don't bother about age!
My 50th birthday was special. I made a big trip with my daughter in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala. On my birthday I was in Guatemala. That was a precious moment!

Hogwartography said...

Happy birthday Alisa. Mine is March 17th. My best birthday memory is when I returned home to find a treasure hunt in my backyard. My friend had put together all the clues by writing beautiful poetry that took me to my next clue. I was instantly transported back to being 7 years old as I search over and under bushes for the next clue. It was magic. The end prize was a stunning fairy garden statue. But the treasure hunt gave me something priceless - my inner child!

chandana said...

Happy Birthday!

My fav birthday memory - I loved how my 31st birthday panned husband baked a chocolate cake for me and iced it and decorated it with sprinkles. He drew a birthday card for me and we had a quiet celebration. I made a wish over my birthday candles; savored the delicious cake; went out for a special lunch with hubby and my parents.

Christine said...

Happy Birthday!
I remember going to a mediaeval banquet in a castle with a bunch of friends for my 21st birthday.

Isabel said...

My best birthday was my 40th. I was pregnant and four months later I've got the best present I ever had... my daughter Diana!

cxw said...

Happy Happy birthday :)
Today is my son 3rd birthday, and I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun with his train candles, he loooooooves trains!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alisa - 39! Congrats - from my experience it just gets better!!!
My last birthday was very special and I thought I would share the lovely speech my son made at the party
A few words to celebrate Mum’s 61st birthday.

Mum didn’t have the big 60th Birthday Party she was planning because all three of her children, were having babies! And she was, as usual, there to help.

However, at the beginning of October she woke up one morning and emailed us all saying I feel like a PARTY and here we all are tonight.

I would describe Mum as a bit wild and whacky. She loves to dance. I know we’ll see her moves on the dance floor later. She is incredibly artistic and creative.

Most of the time when I’m having a coffee with Mum she will be there chatting away and the whole time knitting, either a jumper for one of the grandchildren, or creating another pattern.

She is of course a fantastic Mum and Granny to her three children and eight grandchildren.

Mum, the phrase, ‘Best Mum in the World,’ is probably over used but as far as we are concerned that’s what you are!

Please can we all raise a glass and sing Happy Birthday to Mum or Sandra!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Alisa! Warning ....never call your Brother a Prick. It was my 8th birthday and I called my annoying brother a prick (had no idea what it meant). My mother was so angry that she throw my birthday cake in the bin. Haha. She was a pretty bad cook so no great loss. Ps I do love my Mum! X have a nice day. You may have had it by now as I am in New Zealand?

merkusje said...

Happy birthday Alisa!!

My favourite birthday memory was a surprise trip to the Arnolfo Ristorante. It was a truly amazing experience which I will never forget. My partner arranged it all, and I didn't know anything about it until he told me we were going on a trip and drove us to the airport ... fantastic !

Anonymous said...

Hey there birthday girl! I spend my fav birthday in south america, where me and my husband took a roadtrip from the north straight to the south. I spent my birthday in the atacama dessert. Such a beautyful place. Loved it so much!

Have a great birthday, Claudia from Vienna

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!

My favourite birthday memory is my 35th birthday. I sent an invitation asking everyone to get 'lei'd' with Karen. We had blow up pools full of ice for drinks, water pistols were a big hit, especially with the over 35 crowd. All in all it was one of those special moments that make you glad to be alive.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Emilia said...

The best birthday memory is the cakes that my granpa (a chef) was baking for me on my birthday.
Happy birthday Alisa!

Analog Girl said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! What a wonderful gift! :)
My favorite birthday memories is having family parties at home. The day before I'd stay up late with my mom and we would make all sorts of food and cakes and candy for our guests. And all the excitement waiting for everyone to arrive was so thrilling! I cherish those memories more than anything.
Have a nice week! said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!!!My favorite birthday memory was when I back home from work and found floor that leads to the living room covered in roses.And I had very nice time and dinner with my husband. Thank you for opportunity to win.

Unknown said...

Ho, joy. My favorite is from my 7'th birthday. I got a puppy (I wished for it for a long long time). His name was Yuri and for 12 years he was like a brother to me because I was an only child. Happy birthday Alisa and thank you.

dawn said...

Happy early Birthday Alisa! I love this cute picture of you as a child. I see your hair darkened as you got older too, I had white blond hair till I was 3 and then turned brown and now dark brown.

Thank you so much for making this a fun week for us and a chance to win. YAY!!

My favorite birthday memory is my 16th surprise birthday party my mom threw for me. I was so surprised and I loved it!!

You don't look old enough to be 39 either, figured 30 to 35 tops.

Thanks again!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! Hope you spend another day full of beauty and creativity!

I should confess that all my birthdays are happy. I try to make them different and enjoy any minute on those days. Nothing for me is better than continue growing up and enjoying every year as a kid!

But I remember with a special love when I become 14 and the only present I have for my parents was a keys. To be concrete the keys of my home. This day I was invited to be sited on the table with all adults in my family and I received the symbol of my maturity. I will never forget that!. Something simple but with a deep meaning.

Unknown said...

You're very kind!
My best birthday memories is to have a full house with family and friends.

Pat said...

A favorite birthday memory is celebrating my 68th birthday with my sister in Paris...both of us loving the art, food and sights!

muriel said...

Happy early birthday! My best birthday memory was the first time my son celebrated it to me without the help of another adult. He brought breakfast to me as I was still in bed and wished me a happy birthday. Then he cooked lunch and gave me presents that he had chosen, bought and wrapped all by himself. All this was a total surprise to me.

Barbara said...

I hope you'll have a wonderful birthday! My favorite birthday memory would be the surprise party I was thrown for my 30st, I did not expect a thing, and I always do :)

Unknown said...

My favorite birthday memory is the year my father gave me three gigantic teddy bears!

Alina said...

Thanks for this awesome giveaway! My favourite birthday memory is from 2011 when we were gone for the weekend to a good friend's parents house and they've organized a surprize party for me with cake and decor and everithing. Was soo nice of them

Deb @ inner compass designs said...

Happy birthday. My favourite birthday memory might be the year I got to have a bowling party with my friends -because I always had home parties in our small apartment it stands out as making me feel treated special and able to be free with my friends.

Julia said...

You was so pretty little girl, absolutely just like nowdays :)) I think every woman remains a little girl till the death :) I'm 40 already, so I know what the brilliant ages we are :) There is a tradition in Ukraine - do not congratulate til the very birthday, so my congratulations will come on Friday. Many thanks for the giveaway, it's so kind of you! My favorite birthday memories starts when my little son was born. I'm happy when he tell me 'happy birthday mom' :) (he is 4 years old now)

cheryl lennox said...

My sister threw a surprise party for me when I turned 40 and invited a ton of my friends. It was at a local B and B that had a beautiful view of the Mississippi River. We ate fabulous food, enjoyed great conversation, and I was showered with priceless memories.

tutorial girl said...

Happy birthday, I will be soon in my 39, you are right I feel it a little (yikes!) too, fun but still a little (yikes!)
Enjoy in your party and thanks for all the stuff on your blog.

Ariel said...

Advanced Birthday Wishes Alisa. Thank you for all the goodies that you are sending our way.
All my childhood birthdays were special, it was all about cutting the cake, a new gift, candies to give in school- it was a simple affair but very special.

San said...

Happy Birthday Alisa ! ♥
My favorite Birthday was last year..My Kids came in our bedroom with flowers and a candle on a little cake and selfpainted pictures :D ♥
And it would be an honor to be at your online class!
Big hug from Germany. Enjoy your Birthday with your lovely Family ♥ :)


Elia said...

Hi, Alisa! Thanks for this great chance!
I remembered when I turned 18. I celebrated it with my family and friends at home. My parents had recently furnished the light-filled lanai with a maroccan table in green and mustard tiles and it was an occasion to sit around it for the first time. I keep a photo: three generations smiling in that summer's afternoon.
I wish you a happy birthday from Spain!

Tia Fog said...

My best birthday memory? My 20th birthday, surrounded by friends and celebrating until the next morning, it was wild but, hey I was 20! :D

I hope you have a great week and thank you for this wonderful blog!

Annheidel said...

My parents threw me a surprise 16th birthday party. It was so much fun! I also remember receiving my own set of the Lord of the Rings books for another birthday. Those have been well-read. Good memories! May you have a wonderful, art-filled birthday. :)

Helen said...

Aww Happy Birthday for all week long! And what a lovely thing to do!

One of my birthday memories involved going out with my best friend, who is not only the same age as me, but also on the same an italian restaurant and having the musicians serenade us all evening. They were cheesey and sang some awful tunes, but we loved it!

HollyM said...

I don't remember much of my childhood but I remember many of my children's birthdays. We always had an active and creative party and I liked to create cakes.
Happy birthday!

Happyday said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday memoriy was a pool party with a beachball looking cake :)

Erin Fish said...

My favourite birthday was a surprise birthday that my husband planned. In the morning he took me on a balloon ride - something I had always wanted, then out for breakfast and when I arrived home he had organized a surprise party with neighbours, family and friends.It was a fabulous day! Happy Birthday - have a fabulous day too!

Nela Dunato said...

Happy birthday! Wow I'd never guess you were 39 from your looks, you look so young!

My favorite memory was my 16th birthday when my friends organized a surprise party on the beach. They got everyone in on it without me knowing about it, I was truly astonished how they managed to do that!
The birthday itself was amazing, there was a guitar, singing, fire and so much laughter. I think that was my best birthday so far.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday. My favorite memory is my mom baking whatever kind of cake I wanted for the birthday party.

Chrissy Farnan Hoot Designs said...

Birthdays are the best!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU!!! I love Birthdays, It's all about the cake. Not necessarily eating it but the look, It must be amazing. I also had amazing cakes for my daughter too. The birthday I remember was in my 20's and an evening at the roller rink. So fun to go back in time, and skate! A few bumps and bruises to from the group too.

Happiest of Happies to you!

charlotte said...

Happy Birthday!

My best birthday memories are those of my childhood when all my friends visited me and we played funny games and ate cakes and ice cream....

joaleks said...

I was 12 and my Mum organized the best birthday picnic ever; it was in the meadow near the place we lived, the weather was beautiful – soft, sunny day in May, all of my friends had been invited, lovely food was prepared and served… I remember the excitement while looking for a treasure hidden somewhere by my parents, the music, games… perfect and unique afternoon. Even though almost 20 years have passed, I can still feel their love and magic of that day…


Unknown said...

Its my birthday week too! 32 tomorrow! YEY us and YEY for the adventurous, creative, sensitive and multi-passionate fish women that we are. ;) My favorite birthday memory, the first birthday that came as a new mother when I was 26. My ten month old daughter the light of my life snuck away with daddy and made a handprint and complete mess of a canvas. It was so terribly beautiful that came with wet kisses, and a nappy change. That was the first birthday that I realized that life had a point, to make life, create art, smile and wipe bottoms. xx

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. When I was little we would go to McDonalds on my birthday and we were allowed to have a Big Mac! It was the only time and it was super exciting.

Paper Possibilities said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! Turning 10 (48 years ago) was a stand-out birthday for me. I had a Ten Little Indians party in my big back yard (a ranch in Oklahoma). The picture still makes me smile.

Debbie said...

When I seen your childhood photo, I knew instantly that I've seen that expression on Lucy's face. :) Happy Birthday Alisa.

Becca said...

A "cake" of Dutch crumb donuts on a fancy red glass cake plate for a breakfast birthday celebration. So good!

Unknown said...

My favorite bday memory was when I was about 6 and all my friends and cousins were there to celebrate with me. When it came time to open the presents they all helped me unwrap them like I wasn't moving fast enough :)...we have it on video.

Cynthia Schelzig said...

First of all...Happy Birthday,,,as far as birthday memories...mmmm...lots... but one that makes the whole family laugh is that no matter who was having a birthday ,,,as soon as they started singing the happy bd song I would CRY....and everybody would laugh and this went on into my early teens. Man was I ever glad when I gotta grip and it stopped:)but the family joke lives on and on and on.

Unknown said...

My favorite birthday memory was so many years ago when I turned 16. My mom and ballet teacher teamed up and surprised me with toe shoes for my birthday!!!! Best surprise item I've ever received!

Happy Birthday to you Alisa :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday alisa! Every birthday should be celebrated! My favorite birthday memory is when I took my husband to DisneyWorld for his first time (we got in for free on our birthdays that year and we have the same birthday)!! We had an amazing trip and we will never forget how happy we were together that week! We had so much fun and loved being around all of that magical inspiration!! Enjoy your 39th with your beautiful family :)

beth-Hiers said...

Happy Birthday to you! Hope your week is wonderful!

Growing up our neighborhood had a pool. I loved to go there. On my birthday my Mom would give me a dollar and I was allowed to spend the entire day there. With the dollar I could get a hotdog a coke and a candy bar (showing my age :) ) Upon returning home the house would be decorated and ready for a birthday dinner and cake. Those were great days of carefree bliss.

Sharrin said...

Happy Birthday! I too like to celebrate for a week. My favorite birthday memory is waking up to cake, can't get any better than early morning cake. Thanks for the fun opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! I remember having birthday parties with my friends. We would play games and have cake and ice cream. FUN!

Anonymous said...

We have a few birthday traditions in our household.
My favourite is getting to choose what you eat all day…including the cake choice that someone then must bake. Megan

Sheri said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! One of my best childhood birthday memories was receiving my first two wheeled bike! Have a great day!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa @ Sweet As Texas Honey said...

Hope you are having a wonderful birthday week.

While not my birthday, my dad's 60th birthday party is probably my favorite memory. It was the last one I got to spend with him and the last time I saw my grandma and great aunt.

Emie58 said...

My favorite birthday memories was when we were able to bring treats to school for our B-days. Mine is in May and my mom would always bring ice cream! Always a huge hit with my classmates!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite birthday memories was my 10th birthday where all my friends came over for a classic sleepover, so much fun!

Daire said...

I can't decide if my favourite birthday memory is of being 6, and allowed to sit on Charlie the carthorse or being 19 and working my through an entire cocktail menu... both were one off experiences (and both made me a little dizzy...)

Cindy Tobey said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! My favorite birthday memory would be my 40th. My husband took the day off from work and surprised me by taking me to this little art studio to paint. He even painted a canvas too - he is so not an artist - which made it even more special.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Cim Allen said...

Happy Birthday !!! I love love love birthdays .. I try to stretch mine into at least 3 days :) My favorite memory was from when I was 12 .. my Mom had a surprise Bay City Roller party for me .. it was the best, all my friends and the cake was super cool !! Thanks for the chance

Stargirl said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! My favorite birthday was any birthday that I got to spend with my dear Mother.

Liz Vitols said...

Hi Beautiful Birthday girl �� may your day & year be filled with Big Love & joy �� keep shining your awesome creativity in all that you do��♥
I love Birthdays �� my favorite was my 50th �� yikes! My friends & family organized a surprise "Big Rock n Roll" party it was just awesome we danced & sang to all the old hits into the wee hours �� was so blessed with Big Love ♥

Juliana said...

Happy birthday, Alisa!
My favourite memory is not so long ago - 2012. I peed on a stick and found out that I'm pregnant! A wish come true and the best birthday gift ever!
Have a wonderwul week and thank you so much for this chance on your giveaway! And also for your discount on your classes, I'm gonna sign up for one at least!

Katie Cannon said...

I hope that you have a wonderful birthday week. Thanks for the sale. I love your classes and I would love to win a spot in the next 4

Alex said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! My birthday memory is of being a child and celebrating it with my family and friends.

Quilter422 said...

Happy birthday, and thank you for the opportunity to win your classes! My favorite birthday was my 30th, seems like someone treated me to dinner or lunch every day for a week.

Moois van mie said...

hip hip hoera!!!!
That's what we say in dutch to someone at her birthday.
My best birhday.My best birthday was the one that I gave a dance party at my apartment, the first year I lived on my own. The police came over because of the noise 3 imes and it ended at 6 in the morning with the ones who where still there listening to the koln concert from keith Jarreth. i never gave a dance party in my house again . It was a lot of fun but not for the neighnours and what a mess afterwords!

Bee said...

Meeting my new baby sister at my 3rd birthday party. Memories from that time are fragmented because I was so young, but I remember her wrapping her tiny hand around my tiny fingers. And I remember my mother's nightgown, all sherbet-colored and flowy. It was a good day.

Unknown said...

happy birthday. thank you for adding so much to the world. may you be blessed with wonder and beauty for all your life....

Dianna said...

My favorite birthday memories are when my Aunt would take me out to lunch and we would go shopping for my birthday present. I loved spending time with her!

Stéphanie said...

When I was on a writers weekend and they decorated the room and there was cake. It was so fun!

Kristina said...

Last year I turned 40 (just a little bit older than you :). To celebrate that I had a fun photoshot with all my girlfriends vintage style. It was so much fun!

Sandy said...

My favorite birthday memory was an Aladdin party I had when I was 9 maybe. My aunt was visiting and she drew a large Abu for pin the tail on the monkey using our pause VHS as a guide. Our video was paused so long it was never the same again and every time I watched it I was reminded of her.

Anna H said...

Happy birthday Alisa! What a sweet photo of you. My birthday is the day after Christmas, so it kind of got lost in all the other celebrating. My parents did try to make it special though, and one year I had a dinner party with just my girlfriends - that was great. Thanks for such a great giveaway, very generous.....Anna

Colleayn said...

Happy Birthday!
My favorite birthday memory is when I was little, and all my friends and I wore the big red wax lips for pictures and fun. We looked great!

Linda Kunsman said...

Happy birthday Alisa! I'm a fellow Piscean-my bday and blogiversary is this Sat. and I too will be celebrating with giveaways. I have several especially memorable birthdays-one is when my friend took me to her beach house for a girl's weekend, and another is just last year when I had a champagne dinner with hubby and got to hear and meet Keith Harkin! Thank you for your generous giveaways-I'd LOVE to take more online classes. Happy, happy birthday week!

Lisa said...

My favorite was last October. I turned 50!!! Yikes. My husband and son took me on a picnic where we gathered tons of acorns to feed the squirrels during the winter (crazy squirrel lady). My husband drew a beautiful acorn card for me and my son made a home made card too. It was SO perfect!!!!

Katie McD ( said...

I'm not the biggest birthday girl, and my favorite birthdays are the ones spent at home with my husband doing the simple things we like to do together like read, play cribbage, walk our dog, cook a meal... like last year my husband made me my childhood favorite of dirt cake, with gummy worms and all! Happy Birthday week to you, and thank you for the generous offer! I've taken a few of your classes (and want to take them all!) and to win would be amazing! The flower class is especially calling my name! (

Daria said...

Alisa, I hope you birthday week is filled with joy and laughter. My all time best birthday memory: On the morning of my 18th my girlfriends kidnapped me, blindfolded me and put me in the back seat of a VW bug for a short trip. All the girls were quiet as they walked me to the final destination and removed the blindfold from my eyes. Where was I? At the National Zoo in Washington, DC gazing at the 2 new Pandas, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing. I have never forgotten that wonderful birthday and my friends who made that day so special.

Michelle Joy Wecksler said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I have many favorite birthday memories! One particular precious moment that comes to mind involves the hand drawn birthday cards that my sweetheart makes for me. The card is usually sitting on the counter when I wake up on my birthday. They often include stick figure illustrations of us as a family :) I will cherish those cards always!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday !

My best memories was when we were celebrating the first year of our girl (as well as my mum's birthday)... We could also tell the whole family that I was pregnant of our second child. Lots of emotions !!!

Good luck for reading all the comments and memories ;)

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Alisa !! You are beautiful at 39! My favorite birthday was when I was turning 6 and my daddy came home from the war in Vietnam after 1 year. As everyone was singing me Happy Birthday to You with a cake filled with candles, my daddy walked into the room!!! What a homecoming and DEFINITELY the best BIRTHDAY EVER!! Thank you for this chance!!

Toni Hinchcliffe said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa! My favorite birthday memory is really ALL of my childhood birthdays. I always knew that there would be a party. My mom always baked and decorated a cake. (She was an artist too). Our parties were never extravagant--just family and a few friends, kids from the neighborhood and school, games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, and cake and ice cream, presents to open. It was exciting but also comforting. I was truly blessed with a happy childhood!

tropicslady said...

That cute picture of you reminds me of Lucy!

Best birthday for me was when I turned the big 4-0. Husband gave a surprise party with several friends and cooked up a fantastic Chinese dinner.

Happy birthday!

Audrey said...

Happy happy birthday to you!!

My favorite birthday memory? My mom always makes a chocolate/peanut butter Reeces cake for my birthday and my dad always grills steak. I love this tradition!

Denise said...

I still remember the sheer excitement and anticipation the night before my 5th birthday. I received a hot pink hula hoop and a tea set. Both of which Mom had hidden (beautifully wrapped) under my bed. The memory is as vivid as thought it were yesterday! Happy 39th to you Alisa!

Sara said...

My favorite birthday memory is when I went to a Lindsey Stirling concert with my dad. We had a blast!

cjsrq said...

My best birthday memory was my 50th...we went to Ireland to celebrate it. Such fantastic memories! Happy Birthday to you! Thank your mother for me that she raised such a wonderfully creative and generous daughter!

Anne-Mette Larsen said...

I have a lot of great birthday memories, but the one that came to mind was when i was 10 or 11. I had seen these really cool shoes; white and green (looooved green - and still do) I remember being totally overwhelmed when i opened the gift from my mom and dad - and it was those shoes!! I loved them and wore them all summer long!! Thanks for making me remember theese shoees again Alisa (and happy birthday come friday :-) )

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C Pohl said...

Hi Alisa, happy b-day, my fondest memories were a few years ago, i had my first b-day suprise party that my wonderful husband did for me. I was 65 the 1st party every. He didn't know that so it made it even more special

Nicole H said...

When I was young my family didn't have much money, but one year for my birthday I got a doll I wanted so badly (but thought I'd never get). When my daughters were babies I no longer had the doll, which saddened me. Then one day when my girls were 7 and 4, I was cleaning out my mother's storage and found the doll and a bunch of clothes my mother had sewed for me! I cried and held it like it was a real baby :-) Now it's one of my daughters' favorite dolls.

Philip said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle (aka mybelle101) said...

Happy Birthday!! My favorite "birthday" memory is actually from when my husband (then my boyfriend, back in high school) threw me a surprise party two months before my actual birthday. Because my birthday is in the middle of summer, I'd pretty much never had a party because everyone was on vacation. Needless to say, I was very surprised (and a little confused at first!). Still brings a smile to my face to think about it :)

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! My favorite birthday memory is always my last birthday, because my husband and kids always do things to help my day be special and I feel so loved.

Lynda said...

Happy Birthday! I celebrate mine on Saturday. I decided I'm turning 40 again (for the 5th time). My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 18. My friends put Happy Birthday signs up all ove my high school. I had greetings all day as I went to my classes.

Unknown said...

One of my favorite birthday memories was when my daughter bought "Happy 40th Birthday" signs and put them all over the house and yard. It's a great memory.

Crystal K. said...

My favorite birthday was the year my guy took me to the giant candy store a half hour away in the country & told me to pick whatever I wanted. Oh, the sugar rush!

Ingegnere Sentimentale said...

I was a teenager, in those years where you do your best to consider your parents horrible enemies. My mum made mushrooms and ham crepes, knowing that I loved them, and I felt special. It's weird that I remember it so well. I mean: it wasn't absolutely that special that she was cooking something to make me happy! She did it quite often, actually, but that birthday is cast in my memory.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

I got a surprise party thrown for me for my golden birthday!

Denise said...

Happy birthday!

My favorite is probably my 23rd. My husband pretended like 23 was a big deal, and made me a treasure hunt that included all these reasons why 23 was such a special age. And Dove chocolates. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved my 21st birthday with my sister. It was the most fun filled memorable birthday ever :) Sophia Vida

lemonade sandwich said...

As an adult, I'm less enthused about birthdays, which is why we've started having special trips planned in significant years. My (mumble)th birthday in Paris was my favorite!

lili.constanta said...

Happy birthday, Alisa! What memories! When I turned 39, my family found water, fresh and clear water, in 26 m fountain near my house in the countryside. What a joy when water spred out with force in air! What a day!

Msita said...

My favorite birthday memory is of a special chocolate cake my mother did only for that ocasion. I'm not very fond of chocolate cakes but that one I would love and ate a lot.
Best wishes for friday.

astr!d said...

happy birthday!!! my fav bday memory, idk. my bdays were always not a big deal when i was a kiddo. i love my kids bdays though. i suprized my 13 y/o w a suprize pool party with all her friends that was great! :) 16 was a big leau.

coco.nut said...

Happy birthday!!!
My best birthday memory is quite fresh - I have my birthday on the 22nd Feb - my husband invited me for dinner, we went for a walk, and spent a very nice evening at home (without kids!). I really liked it! Probably because it was my 41 b-day and last year I had a huge party, so I appreciated the differance!

Unknown said...

Happy early birthday!
My best birthday memory was in college when I thought everyone had forgotten my birthday - but when I walked into my dorm room confetti my friends had rigged over the door fell on me and they had a mini-surprise birthday celebration waiting for me there! Such a fun surprise!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!! My favorite birthday memory was when I lived with my sister and she decorated the house before I got home from work and made me cupcakes. My sweet dog coco who was still alive at the time had a party hat on. We didn't have other family members around and we don't have many friends but it was just those little things that matter the most to me. Makes me happy just thinking about it.

Debbie Miller said...

Happy Birthday!
Everyyear on my birthday I think of the cake my mom made me when i was 4 - chocolate with white frosting, covered in gum drops. simple and sweet!

Martyna said...

My favourite birthday memory is from my childhood. I have twin brother, so we always had fights for equal part of the birthday cake - for both of us. One year our mom prepared one big cake with two smaller cakes on the top with our names - it was so cool. The best thing was, that me and my brother could always be together that day, now there is few hundreds of miles between us so it is not so easy.

Have a nice birthday week Alisa ;)

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