Thursday, October 25, 2012

beach pumpkins

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I come from a surfing family (and I am married to a surfer) so for my final fall pumpkin project I couldn't resist creating a few whimsical beach themed pumpkins! 

For those who have asked what I do with my pumpkins- I actually use them through November in home decor, I will also use them as a center piece on the table and even give them away to friends and family. 

For those who have asked if its sad to throw them out when the time comes- the answer is no. I actually love creating art/craft that is temporary. There is something quite beautiful to me about a creative project that have a shelf life!

Here is run down of all the pumpkins tutorials over the years. Its been a blast getting creative with such a simple materials and I can't wait for more fun with pumpkins next year!

1. black and white pumpkins 2. finger painted pumpkins 3. pattern pumpkins 4. geometric pumpkins 5. sketchbook pumpkins 6. messy pumpkins 7. pretty painted pumpkins


Katie said...

I'm just imagining you carrying your beautiful pumpkins down to the beach for a photo shoot! I love it!

dawn said...

Great pumpkins! They look so bright and full of life on the beach, very effective :)

martinealison said...

Vos potirons sont absolument extraordinaires... Belle créativité.
Gros bisous

HollyM said...

I love the pumpkins! My son recently took up surfing and I'm envious!

Preeti Dubey said...

these are amazingly beautiful ! i loved the surfer pumpkin most ! :) and your idea about creating art with a shelf life is equally interesting. :)
keep creating and inspiring !

marla said...

You are SO talented!! These pumpkins are amazingly beautiful :)

Teddi said...

oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! :)

Sara said...

Pumpkins on the beach! What a great thinking out of the box idea. All your pumpkin creations are great. I like the idea of creating something with a shelf life. It just means you can create more. It's a good thing.

Victoria said...

Alisa, your pumpkins are the best! So creative.
I have such fond memories of the retreat.
Hope Lucy has a fun Halloween.

trish said...

I love your pumpkins especially the beachy ones! Your work inspires me!

Question - how do you feel about people posting your stuff on pinterest? I am trying to be more careful about this and notice your work on there often.

Kay said...

I haven't gotten pumpkins for years but these make me want to paint some!!! the setting on the beach photos too.

Unknown said...

Love your coastal pumpkins and must share! :D

Journal Swag said...

Alisa, they are absolutely awesome!! You're so inspiring!


p.s. still daily using and enjoying the techniques that we learned at your retreat in September!

Denise said...

Lovely work! Congrats!
I blogged about you at

Kayla's Drawings said...

I am a new reader, and am totally loving your blog! Your pumpkins are phenomenal & are making me want to do something creative & untraditional for ours this year.

laurie said...

beautiful pumpkins! i have no problem with temporary art, either. i paint the scenes for our school theater club and after the final performance i have to prime it for the next season. everything is temporary, in a way...

A Little Creation said...

Dude, those are totally bitchin'
Chris =]

Linda/Thistledown and Co. said...

Love the beach pumpkins - I live in Florida so they really spoke to me. Thanks for sharing those and all the rest.

vintagevixenarts said...

Hang the typical! And hooray for the unexpected! All your examples are wonderful!

Erin said...

They all look great. I love the sunset/sunrise pumpkin.

create everyday said... alternative way to appreciate the pumpkin
thank you!

Crooked Feather Studio said...

These are so much fun! I can't wait to try some pumpkin painting of my own later. Your surfers inspired my to think outside of the autumnal box when I plan my holiday decorating!

studioGypsy said...

oh i just LOVE these!!! :) xo

Caroline said...

After just having spent a week in San Diego, your pumpkins are making me "homesick". They are awesome.

dawn said...

WOW WOW WOW, these are amazing and so fun!! Love that you did so many styles of pumpkins this fall.

Jane Wetzel said...

You make the best pumpkins ever- I think I NEED to come to one of your workshops since I love your blog!

Jacqueline said...

LOVE the beach pumpkins.

Gold On Runescape said...

I like your own pumpkins especially the beachy ones! Work inspires me!

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