Monday, August 15, 2016

new online class- the travelers journal and a GIVEAWAY!

Hey Friends! My latest online class The Travelers Journal goes live today! And to kick things off I am giving away 10 free spots! Scroll to the bottom of this post to enter to win.
I carry an art journal or sketchbook wherever I go, even when I travel! The result are pages and page full art, free writing and collage inspired by my experiences. In this class I will be sharing some of my favorite concepts and techniques for keeping a journal dedicated to travel and adventure.

register for class HERE 

There are many online workshops out there at different prices with different content. Back in 2009, when I decided to offer an online learning option, I set out to create a structure that is similar to taking a "live" class from me.  My mission is to provide an affordable class with a learning environment where you are watching lots of demos, learning techniques and then creating on your own art.

  • I have three different structures of online classes: 
Large Class: These classes are $50 and have 5 HUGE lessons that include videos, photos, written information, prompts and more. My large format classes dive deep into a variety of techniques, projects and information.
    Mini Class: My mini classes cost $30 and have 3 HUGE lessons that include videos, photos, written information, prompts and more.
    Micro Class: These classes cost $15 and have 1 HUGE lesson that includes videos, photos, written information, prompts and more.
    • My classes are a combination of video learning (with demos, techniques and me talking) and lots of photo steps outs of inspiration, techniques and process.
    • All classes are all filmed in my studio. Since 2009 I have been tweaking my gear and my process with the hope that video/photo content gets better and better. My #1 goal is to provide inspiring lessons and visuals that are easy to understand.
    • My classes do NOT have a required supply list. Instead I share the supplies that I like to use and then give you a variety of options and inspiration to use supplies that work best for your process and your budget.
    • All of my classes have unlimited access which means once you register you can create and access at any time and work at your own pace. Whenever I "release" a new class- I release each lesson "live". Many people enjoy working in this format, as the lessons are posted each week but once all information gets posted there is unlimited time to access everything. I have found that some people prefer to work along with the live format when I release a new class, while others will wait months until they have the time, money and the schedule to register for the class. Either way works- just know that once you are in- there is no deadline or pressure to create.
    Head on over to my shop HERE to view all of my class offerings!


    Leave me a comment
    Tell me one the your favorite places that you have traveled
    I will randomly select 10 winners and announce them at the bottom of this post tomorrow!


    Congrats! Email me at and we will get you access to class!


    1 – 200 of 202   Newer›   Newest»
    Meghan Thimjon said...

    Has to be Hawaii! My first trip was spur of the moment with my youngest child when he was 9 and the next time was with my sisters family! Oh how I love being at the beach!!!!

    Anonymous said...

    It will have to be where I am now - Dubai. I'm here for work and it is so culturally different from home it blows my mind. I wish I was with my family, because I miss them terribly. One month to go

    se7en said...

    Oh what a dreamy journal to create... love traveling from Antarctica, and the Southern Ocean Islands, and bus tripping through Africa... and lingering months in Europe... but y favourite trip ever was when I took my kids and we stayed in a village in the mountains of Lesotho... magical.

    Unknown said...

    For me Indonesia! The country of my origin, so familiar yet so exotic to my Dutch home country. The culture, the colours, the nature, the smell, the food, I could go on and on...

    Graziana (La stanzetta inglese) said...

    The place where I will fly tomorrow!

    Suman Pandit said...

    My favorite trip was when I went to Goa with both my boys and my best friend !! thanks for the giveaway Alisa !!

    Unknown said...

    I loved visiting London! Was there a few years ago and would love to go again.

    frau nahtlust said...

    Woo - love your classes and have some a few in the past which still help me to create backgrounds (for example). One of my favorite places I visited was the Italian island Elba. The light there was just beautiful and it was overall a great atmosphere with lots of fond memories....
    Good luck to everyone with winning a spot in your classes and thanks for the offer!

    Jocelyn in NZ said...

    Ooh - how exciting! My favourite place is Venice, Italy - I was there for 3 days, 7 years ago, and have dreamed of going back. And in 3 days time I am! A week in Venice and 2 weeks cruising the Greek Islands.
    If I could create a travel journal from this trip, that is half as glorious as yours, I will be truly satisfied. :)

    Linda Gardiner said...

    I've had a chance to go lots of great places, but my favorite still is the Grand Canyon. 9 day raft trip. It was years ago but traveling through history in that amazing place was goose bump producing every day. I take a journal where ever I go but the chance to learn more techniques for entering my memories artfully would be great. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us.

    iHanna said...

    Every new place is special, but a favorite is the Island of Gotland, Sweden. I keep returning & love it!

    Happy journaling!

    Cecile said...

    Hello Alisa! Thank you for this giveaway!
    I'm the biggest travel addict I know and have decided (while abroad) I was going to learn/practice drawing... Favourite places from a beautiful travel around the world are Taiwan, New Zealand, Indonesia and...Oregon!
    I'm dreaming of a beautiful traveler's journal for my next adventure!

    Have a lovely day!

    KUAKANA said...

    All the places I travelled to are my fav places, because I went there with people I love

    Bubamara šarena said...

    My last trip in Spain...Granada was great. I love every moment there.

    Bernice Hopper said...

    It's so hard to choose a favourite place. I just love Venice and want to go back there. I love the hidden places of Florida that tourists don't go to! Next year I'm going back to Charleston & Savannah and knowing how to make your kind of travel journal would be great for that trip.

    Chocolatetrudi said...

    My favourite trip was to Japan with friends for an amazing eight days. We've been planning to go back ever since. However, work is taking me to Denmark next month, so we're holidaying there instead. I always take a sketchbook, and I'd love more ideas for recording impressions and experiences while on the move.

    kasia said...

    best place we visited was Cornwall in the UK - you would love it there, ocean, rocks and so many surfers!

    Unknown said...

    Ooo either the great barrier reef, or Granada in Spain 😃

    toadstooldots said...

    OUtback Australia is always great, no favourite place their its just romantic to be free under the nightsky

    thanks for the giveaway!!! :-)

    LoveLaughCollage said...

    Ooo you got me thinking.....probably Barcelona such a cool place with awesome architecture! Thanks for the giveaway!!

    Mary C. Nasser said...

    One of my favorite places I've travel to was the Big Island of Hawaii...Kilauea Volcano and so much wonderful geology! Made lots of paintings from my visit there! :)

    Cindy said...

    Love, love, love your blog. This spring we visited Vietnam. So enjoyed the people, the colors, the street scenes, and the little blue, plastic chairs!

    Maya Kuzman said...

    I just saved some books tossed away to transform them into travel journals and this class sounds like the jackpot! Just what I need to document our travels!!

    cjsrq said...

    One of my favorite journeys was traveling in a VW bug across the US (from Virginia to California and back) one summer while I was in college, alternately camping and staying in motels, with my best friend. I wish I had kept a travel journal because we visited some fabulous places and we had lots of adventures. Perhaps I'll do it again one day and have a travel journal to record it all!

    april dawn said...

    I'd have to say my most memorable trip/vacation was a trip to WA DC with my sons 8th grade class. We did a full walking tour with an amazing tour guide who took us to the many "off the path" memorials around the city. We walked over 37 miles that week. It was exhausting but also amazing. And to see our son soak it all in was the best thing ever. We also went to the Pentigon's 9/11 memorial which was very emotional.

    Anonymous said...

    I loved Palm Cove (Australia). We had two weeks there staying in a house near the beach - just lovely! Liz

    mb-RI said...

    Great question! There are so many wonderful places - my favorite place traveled was with my dad. We went to Tibet, as well as China and Hong Kong. The home of the Dali Lama was inspirational!

    Abby said...

    Iceland! I was there just a few weeks ago, and I'm already dreaming of a return visit.

    Nancy said...

    Venice and Burano...I could go back again and again!!

    thedayschool said...

    Vienna. I've been there twice and still want to go back again.

    Susan said...

    About ten years ago I had the chance to spend one month in New Zealand. It was so incredibly beautiful. I wish I had kept a journal while I was there! I love your journal pages!

    JJO said...

    Traveling around the state of Michigan. It offers beautiful beach scenery, glorious forests, and pristine wilderness in the Upper Peninsula.

    Sherly said...

    Hands down my favourite place I have travel to is Australia to go visist my daughter and grandson Mason who has been
    living over there for 10 years now. I have a traveler notebook and would love to win your class so that I can learn
    how to art & journal in it. Already planning a trip for March.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win,

    Maura said...

    I love visiting the U.S. Virgin Islands, particularly St. John where 60% of the island is a national park. The flora and fauna are amazing and inspiring!

    Stéphanie said...

    My favourite place I've travelled to is by far Ireland. I love that country so much <3 Can't wait to go back there this year.

    Shay said...

    This looks awesome!! I love traveling to France and will have a chance to be there later in the month...and this would be perfect for documenting it!!!

    Joanne said...

    my absolute favorite place in the world is italy -- we have been 3 times and plan to go again next year for 3 plus weeks -- we love the hill towns of Tuscany and in particular montalcino -- last year we stayed in an apartment on the main piazza -- when the landlord opened the shutters and I saw that view of the piazza with the bustle of locals shopping and the bell tower I said I was never leaving -- we love walking to bakerirs, pasta shops, fruit stores -- a dream come true -- thanks for a chance to win

    Unknown said...

    My favorite was traveling im Greece. All the beautifull islands, lonely beaches, sunrises ...

    Haley said...

    This class looks great! One of my favorite places I've traveled was Burkina Faso (Africa).

    andrea50harris said...

    I am getting ready to go an a few business and pleasure trips--this class would be great!!!!!! My favorite trip was Australia. New Zealand is a very close second!!!!!!

    Mandiemc said...

    The most interesting place I ever went to was the old USSR way back in the 1980's...old dark basilicas the walls adorned with gold icons and semi precious stones, with little old ladies praying secretly ( religion was frowned upon by the old communist state) in beautiful patterned headscarves. The Hermitage museum, and the Winter palace with the mirrored ballroom, recently seen on UK tv in an adaptation of Tolstoy's War and Peace. The chandeliers in the metro. So much beauty, and yet all with a slight undercurrent of fear as all tourists at that time were constantly monitored by the KGB!

    Ringelgarten said...

    I just returned from Greece, And that will be my favorite place forever!

    Karen Sabrsula said...

    When your website is Artful Wanderlust, you get the idea I love to travel! Most days it is my back porch where I can marvel in the wonders at my feet, but my favorite places include Yellowstone, away from the crowds and in the middle of what nature intended or hiking in the San Juan Mountains in Southwestern Colorado . It puts me in a place where artistic vision flies, calmness reigns, and peace abounds!

    Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

    One of my favorite places is the South of France. I love the pittoresque villages, the farmer's markets, the food, the smells and the language.

    Heather B said...

    I love to travel - so I'm not sure I can narrow it down to just one trip... but I will try. One of my favorite places is the island of Sicily off of the coast of Italy. The scenery is to die for. I leave for Ireland in 3 weeks and that might be my most favorite place - I'll let you know! :) So I need to get my journaling on!!!

    lizzord2002 said...

    Sunken Gardens and Aquariums in throughout the United States.

    Peggy Festerling said...

    I love traveling out west so I'd have to say Sedona, AZ! I hope to move that way one day.

    Cindy Courtney said...

    Have been many wonderful places, including India, China, Kenya. But my most recent trip, to Normandy, was the most moving. In that lush, fertile, incredibly beautiful countryside and soaring coastline, so many gave their lives--I marveled at that juxtaposition. It could have been my best vacation ever.

    idyllicchick said...

    I've been fortunate to visit Bruges two times, because I just couldn't get enough of it the first time! It is truly a fairy tale city, and I can't wait to be there again!

    dianne said...

    My favorite place I have traveled to so far is also my favorite place I have lived....Boston. Can't wait to go back to visit again!

    Analog Girl said...

    Such a great giveaway once more! Thank you so much for this!
    The favorite Place I visited was Florence in Italy. Love it dearly.

    Janet said...

    My favorite places to travel are Ireland, England, Scotland, France and Portugal! It's hard to pick just one, bc there is still so much to explore in these places - Neolithic, Roman, medieval and modern. I love it all!!! Would love to win a spot in your class!!! said...

    Venice.I would love to go there again.Thank you Alisa for your blog. said...

    Venice.I would love to go there again.Thank you Alisa for your blog.

    Anonymous said...

    My favorite place that I have visited is Sedona, Arizona. Loved climbing the rock formations there.

    Emily Lynn Downey said...

    My favorite place to travel is Charleston, SC. It's beautiful and historic and so inspiring! Thank you for the giveaway :)

    lakeavemom said...

    Well, there's no place like home.BUT! it is my good fortune to live in a beautiful place. So my favorite place to travel is to my porch overlooking the Saint Lawrence River. (but I notice that your neighborhood is beautiful too!) xoxo thanks for brightening my days with your posts.

    Carolyn said...

    In May my daughter, sister-in-law and I went to Iceland for 10 days. It is a beautiful country with many waterfalls, volcanoes, glaciers, icebergs and geothermal pools. The people were warm and friendly. We are hoping to go back someday and see the Northern Lights.

    Bea said...

    My favorite trip was to Turkey three years ago. I don't think I could take that trip now. So sad what is happening. It is a beautiful and interesting country...b

    Christy said...

    Hoping to see Venice again someday. To see the sights, art, and eat of course. I struggle when traveling to make time to draw, often rushing to see the next thing, and squeeze in as much as possible. How do you make time for art making?

    Unknown said...

    The State Parks of Texas! I moved here a year ago from the UK and have only seen one! I'd love to visit the rest and journal about them! Apparently they're beautiful!

    elizabeth ann clawson said...

    I love to visit Eureka Springs AR! We stay in a cute cabin at Lake Lucerne, where deer and birds can be watched from the porch. Then it's a short drive to visit anything else in the area.

    Iara said...

    I am fortunate to have travelled to many wonderful places but my favorite trip was to Sardinien in Italy. The water is crystal clear and the sand is like powder sugar. we will be travelling for the second time to the same little village again this Fall. I can't wait!

    Toni Hinchcliffe said...

    I can't pick just one place! I lived in Europe for seven years and was lucky enough to be able to take art history tours to many, many places. Learning about where you are going and what you are looking about is one of the most important pieces of travel for me. Everything is so much more interesting when you LEARN about it! My husband and I now live in Iowa, and we recently drove to Eldon, Iowa to see the house in Grant Wood's American Gothic painting. It was just a day trip, but it was perfect! While there, I purchased a book about all the other Grant Wood locations in Iowa. Now I can't wait to visit them all!

    Jane Wetzel said...

    LOVE Charleston SC...I am fortunate to have my daughter living there now so I get to go visit more often! Thanks for your blog :)

    Judith said...

    My most recent trip is my favorite - Cannon Beach! The flowers! Haystack Rock! I like to make photo journals of trips I take. I would love to make one like yours.

    Clare said...

    I would probably have to say Hawaii.
    Although - since I no longer live in Iowa - when I travel there - It will always feel like and be home.(So that would be my favorite for a different reason)

    sally.wilson said...

    Scotts Mill in Oregon. We had a picnic when I was 12 years old. It was magical - there was a beautiful waterfall that I played on. I have always wanted to return.

    just a scrap of paper said...

    Alaska has to be my favorite, the beauty is overwhelming! Thanks for the class giveaway.

    Rebecca T said...

    Switzerland! I was lucky enough to volunteer at the Girl Scout Chalet for a summer season when I was in college.

    Kathleen said...

    most favorite was a cruise to Hawaii....what a wonderful trip..thanks for the giveaway...

    Jenn said...

    I was lucky enough to take the trip of a lifetime to Germany to visit where I was born - the US Air Base. It's a trip I'll never forget but I would have loved to have something like a travel journal to take with me. Your class looks awesome!

    brenda said...

    20 years ago my husband and I took a trip across our beautiful USA. Lots to see we would love do another one. Switzerland was another favorite. Love going on the trains and trams. Hiking amongst the cows with their bells is a must. Thanks for the chance to take your new journal class.

    Anonymous said...

    I love central Oregon and had such a fantastic time visiting Black Bute with all the family. I could go there again in a heart beat.

    Mary W said...

    Your travel journal is rich with visuals and memory. What makes it really special is it's completely done by you and would be fun to make AND fun years from now to look through to remember all the things that time removes from our memory. My favorite trips were always when we had no money but lots of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and time together with the kids. No place special - just remembering the fun we had together.

    Nela Dunato said...

    Greece. It was 12 years ago, and I haven't traveled much outside of my own country. It was before I started sketching obsessively, and I'd love to go back and capture the majestic monuments and the beautiful coast. This summer I'm spending my vacation at my parent's place, but still sketching my surroundings, and I'd love to learn some of your "secrets" :)

    debbig said...

    I have traveled a lot to Mexico. I am most excited to be traveling to Peru next month! Going to Machu Pichu that has been on my bucket list for years! Would love to win so I can learn to journal and keep track of my trip. Thanks

    Michelle Remy said...

    I haven't traveled all that much - love San Diego & San Francisco - but I lived just outside of MAdrid for two years (as part of USAF) and that was a sublime experience! I would go back in a heartbeat!

    Terri Y CZT16 said...

    I grew up traveling across America thanks to my dads job. I still travel and will being sharing this adventure with my husband when he retires Aug 31 this year. I love the places with trees and all shades of green and blue, all the different flowers in each state, the mountains and rolling hills, open skies of the prairies, and the wind blown desserts with their multicolored sunsets. I guess the United States of America would be my favorite place to travel. There is so much to see and experience in our country.

    April O. said...

    We took my Grandma to Yosemite a few years ago. It was a special gift from us; she hadn't been there since my grandparents' honeymoon. It was our first time visiting there, and not only was it such a touching trip, the scenery was beyond breathtaking.

    Unknown said...

    The best vacation that i have had so far was to US Virgin Islands. OMG! the color of the beach, it is literally etched in my memory. Beaches, the people and not commercialized place combined made it the best vacation for my husband and me. Definitely will do it again. Hopefully that time with a Traveler's journal :)

    Kathy W said...

    Hmmm. I actually don't travel just to travel very much. I have visited my sister in central Washington several times and the fruit treans and "the Rattler" hills are interesting.

    amber said...

    My husband and I are traveling the United States this year by rv focusing on the western side of the country. Astoria, Oregon has been my most favorite place.

    sue said...

    My favorite place I have ever gone to is Pittsburgh - I am originally from there and have moved away to Philadelphia. I miss my mom so much and every single time we go - it is a super treat ...... you don't realize what you have until it is not so readily available.

    Kepi said...

    My favorite place was Israel. I went there this spring and loved every minute. From the Golan Heights to the Dead Sea - beautiful country, great people. Can't wait to go back.

    Stephanie said...

    I love to travel and each time I go somewhere I take a journal with me that never gets filled or hardly even written in... My dream is to create the beautiful journals you do! They are absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for the giveaway, I would love to learn your tips to journal on the go! :)
    My favorite place I traveled to as an adult was Italy! I can't wait to start to travel more with my daughter now that she is a bit older!

    Anewdawn 16 said...

    my favourite place would have to be Goa (India)...i love beaches,sun and slow paced worry less life we have there..when v vacation.i love the amazing family time we have there.thanks for the opportunity would love to learn from u :)

    Unknown said...

    I love sketching on vacation - your travel journals look amazing - I'd love to learn and expand my art practice while travelling! My favorite place to travel is the Upper Penninsula of Michigan - it's wild, quiet - a true hidden gem!

    Unknown said...

    Can't beat Paris!!

    Unknown said...

    Can't beat Paris!!

    Katie Cannon said...

    I loved touring Europe when I was a teen. It is still the most memorable trip of my life.

    Nicole Blean said...

    What a creative idea for a class. Inspired by your travel posts, I took the mini art journal I just bought from your website on vacation in a ziplock travel case with mini watercolors and did a sketch. Now, I have a mobile art journal pack. My all-time favorite travel experience was when I went to Costa Rica as a foreign exchange student. Keep up all of the inspirational posts!!!

    Jorin said...

    Because I love the beach and the color of the water there, my favorite place is the Côte d'Azur, it's warm and turqoise, the water is amazing... Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

    Becky said...

    I love to travel! Maui, Costa Rica, Ireland, all favorites

    Unknown said...

    Growing up we would take a yearly family summer trip to Diamond Lake, OR. It really wasn't the most glamorous place in the world, but the excitement of hitting the road each summer with my family is a feeling that I long for again. That trip always marked the noticeable change in the summer mood, and today whenever I begin to feel that downward descent of summer into autumn I think about being on the shores of that lake.

    Unknown said...

    My favorite place to travel is Ville Franche Sur Mer which is a little village in France between Nice and Monaco. I would have loved to create a travel journal while there but if I win this class and can use it when I return! I moved to San Diego recently and would love to do some travel journaling there! Thanks so much for giving us a chance to win your class!!

    Caffeine Cafe said...

    Nelson, New Zealand...

    Anonymous said...

    Any place near the ocean in beautiful Southern California is a great place to be. Santa Barbara, or hanging out at Venice beach will do just fine.
    Thanks for the opportunity to throw my comment in the hat!

    Sharon chapman said...

    I really enjoyed the Florida keys. So enchanting. I also loved Hong Kong and Japan many years ago. I enjoy your blog so much (classes too) and have really enjoyed watching you sweet little girl grow from being in a back pack when you would be out and about to her charming artistic self. I travel to Gearheart for my ocean fixes and hope to meet you some day!

    Sharon chapman said...

    I really enjoyed the Florida keys. So enchanting. I also loved Hong Kong and Japan many years ago. I enjoy your blog so much (classes too) and have really enjoyed watching you sweet little girl grow from being in a back pack when you would be out and about to her charming artistic self. I travel to Gearheart for my ocean fixes and hope to meet you some day!

    Susannah said...

    I'd love to have a go at the class as travel journaling is something I've always wanted to get to grips with and have ago a go at. A perfect opportunity Alisa, thanks!

    Unknown said...

    I really enjoyed Denver, CO and the surrounding area. So much to do in the city and out of the city, not to mention home of my favorite football team, the Broncos!

    Carol said...

    Definitely Florence, Italy. There is beauty everywhere and everything from the smallest meal to the grandest feast is so artistic! And getting to see Michaelangelos David in person brought tears to my eyes.

    Anonymous said...

    I LOVE your blog!!! You always have great pics and you create such great pieces. Anyways my favorite and biggest trip of all was to Cabo SanLucas. I have never been to such a beautiful place even though I live a hour and half from Wilmington which is so pretty. We have great beaches in North Carolina but I was loving Mexico. I even started a scrap book when we got back years ago but never finished. At that time I was working long hours but I am home now with some time, and would love to take your class.

    Shellie Smith;))

    Kate Burroughs said...

    Just came back from visiting Ashland, OR. Had a great time going to plays at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

    Kimberley A. said...

    I really enjoyed traveling to PA with a group of friends! However I do wish I could travel abroad which I am applying to do this year!

    Anna said...

    We recently went to Santorini and it was amazing. The natural beauty, the food and the people made the trip so memorable. Plus we took our adult kids and their spouses. Ahhh happy mama!

    Wendy said...

    I love travel journals - would like your info on this-- I have a solo trip coming up and would like to take this along

    Unknown said...

    oh Lapland, Samish country up to the north of Sweden ! Sames are beautiful people, generous, open...and their country is just magic ! Visit Scandinavia !

    PJ Lawrence said...

    I have been to a lot of places, and each one seems to become my favorite for a while, until the next! I did enjoy Jamaica in 1986, it was not a tourist trip but I was able to live among the people for a week up in the mountains. Here it is, 30 years later, and I find myself wondering if it is still as friendly a place as I remember.

    twobutterflies said...

    I have sooo many favorite places. But if I had to pick just one it would probably be Florence, Italy.

    Unknown said...

    I love Colorado best of all the places I travel.

    ann @ studiohyde said...

    One of my favourite places?... has to be Rome Italy. Wow! wish I could have sketched whilst on that trip.

    Rita A. said...

    How fun. thank you. One of my favorite places is the historic area of downtown Seattle. The Undergroud Tour, Pioneer Square and just over to Pike's Place. So much fun.

    Leah said...

    I'm still doing small things and venturing farther and farther out for longer stays. Chicago has been a favorite revisit for museums and architecture. And hot dogs.

    becslb said...

    I live in the UK and although I have and do go abroad, I really enjoy exploring my own small country. Currently we are in Pembroke, South Wales and being by the sea is amazing! Thanks for a great giveaway!

    Mindy Hagan said...

    I was lucky enough to get to go on a cruise last year around the Canadian and New England areas, which included Prince Edward Island. While I loved the entire trip, PEI has to be my favorite place to have traveled so far. Everything was so beautiful and the air felt so fresh and clean. It just felt like such a magical place. I did create a small travel/smash book sort of journal, however it would have been awesome to have created something more in depth and colorful.

    Penny said...

    I love your travel journal idea! My favorite places I've been are Kenya, Thailand and Germany!

    Ali Gitt said...

    Haven't been to many places outside USA. So I would say hiking Colorado mountains. Salt Lake City scenery. And the waters of the carribbean.

    LKH said...

    We are headed to Fiji in October and I am in a serious creativity rut! Would love to win. We were fortunate to visit Italy this summer and Venice is my favorite place in the world.

    Anonymous said...

    I was able to take a class in Glacier National Park about 10 years ago and that was probably my favorite travel adventure I have had.....ok maybe the class in Maui, that was pretty cool too!

    Anonymous said...

    I love going to many places around TX and NM but one of my most favorite trips has been to Guatemala! I got to visit the jungles AND the cities. I kept a small journal while I was there but didn't draw much. I would LOVE to take this class to have more inspiration on creating a travel journal!!

    Anonymous said...

    I love making travel journals and wish I had one for all of my trips.

    My favorite trip to date has been Africa, with Ireland being a close second.

    Unknown said...

    Natural wonders soothe me as much as big cities energize. I have room in my life to enjoy both. I aim to create more usable and shareable travel journals.

    Stella said...

    I live in Annecy (France) where a lot of people come to visit and I love traveling around the region.
    Thanks Alisa for the inspiration and more!

    Suz said...

    I have never taken a class from you but am planning to take this even if I'm not chosen. I really like the idea of a small class for less money. I am actually able to get through it in a reasonable amount of time without having to stop so much for real life intrusions. Thanks for the chance!

    Carol said...

    I loved traveling down Highway 1 on the coast of California! Thanks for all you do...I love your posts and read every one!

    stampattic said...

    My lifelong dream was to visit France and it came true in November 2014. I loved the bustle, food and museums in Paris. But visiting the Alsace area during the Christmas season was magical with castles, Christmas markets and vineyards to enchant us. French culture has seeped into my soul and now its energy inspires my artistic choices.

    Shelly Reinhard said...

    I really dig traveling along a coast, no matter salt or fresh water...and being able to find treasures in all shapes and sizes! Always crushin' on your inspiration, Alisa...and think this class would be a blast!

    Short Attention Span Girl said...

    I think my favorite was New Orleans. I loved it so much, I actually looked up jobs and housing while I was there. Not feasible, so back to reality for me, but someday!

    CDL said...

    I'm traveling in England right now!

    Lynn said...

    We finished Route 66 in March and loved it! Alaska was also a special place! said...

    Wow! My favorite place? I have been all over the world to so may wonderful places how can I decide? Each trip i take I want to move to the country...I'd say Paris because I have spent the most time there and in all season, alone and with with my husband and/or son......but then there is Spain.....and Japan.....

    Suzanne Reynolds said...

    One of the best trips I took was to New Mexico; specifically Santa Fe and Taos. Rich in art and Native American culture. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

    Potiron said...

    I love to travel, I've been lucky to travel to many exotic places such as Vanuatu, Madagascar, Africa, Myanmar (Burma), Southeast Asia, India but also Berlin and Rome and of course Yellowstone, Arizona, Utah, etc.... (I live in France)

    It is difficult for me to pick one special place, but I would say it's a tie between India (Rajasthan and Southern India) and Yellowstone and Arches National Park.... very different places but they all bring me such good memories.

    I've been wanting to catalog my journeys, always having a hard time to find a way to do it during the trip, but also afterwards while sorting through the many many photos and what to do with them.... all tips would be welcome. I've followed your classes in the past and always found them quite inspiring!!!!

    btw (I'm planning a long journey sometime this winter....)

    Thank you for this giveaway and all this blog. I follow you here and on instagram and love and admire your journey as mom and artist

    A bientôt!!

    heidi said...

    My favorite place to visit, always, is St. Augustine, Florida!

    heidi said...

    My favorite place to visit, always, is St. Augustine, Florida!

    Ingrid said...

    I love traveling to Italy - I've always wanted to do an art journal of all the places we go to remember all the little things, colors and flavors! What a great class! :)

    Anonymous said...

    I've been to Ireland twice and would go back in a second. Also went to Costa Rica in May and would go back there, too. Then there's Maui... = )

    Bobbie said...

    One of the most interesting places I've been is the Plitvice Lake National Park in Croatia. It's a collection of about 17 small lakes that have walking paths(fairly easy walking) connecting them. I have never seen clearer water in my life ..... so clear I wondered what the fish eat.

    Anika Starmer said...

    One of the favorite places I've been to is the California Coast! I'm heading back there this October and cannot wait. This workshop would be perfect to give me ideas for capturing memories in my journal. Thanks for the chance!

    Janea aka Naya said...

    My favorite place was Paris as an adult, and Mesa Verde/Yellowstone as a child. But I love to travel and I handmade 2 journals for our Europe trip several years ago and filled them up with bits and bobs from all the lovely places we went. I love hanging onto ephemera, I get that from my Grandmother.

    moi said...

    I was in Lisbon earlier this month and it is just beautiful. I can't wait to go back and the memories are so sweet

    charmi said...

    one of my favorite places I've been to is Alaska !! Loved the natural beauty all around! I also love Florence for more cultural experience!

    Snap said...

    I loved Maui, but have to say that southwest US ... New Mexico is definitely the Land of Enchantment! Thanks for the chance to become a member of this class!

    Sue Rumsey said...

    Thanks for the chance to win a class, it looks fantastic. I think my favourite place would have to be Paris!

    Lesley said...

    Iceland!! But I'm heading out to the Outessa women's retreat this weekend. Sure to be full of adventure. This would be a great way to document my getaway.

    Megan said...

    Oddly enough, Chicago. Sure it's not exotic or fancy, but it's the place I pine for when I'm not there.I've been several times and I can't wait to go back. Of course, I've never been there in the depths of winter!

    RosiePosie said...

    I've been waiting for this cool class! My most FAVORITE place in the world is NYC!!! in the last few years I have gone about 20 times and even spent a summer there as a nurse! The Creative energy in NYC is undeniable. I'm so in love!

    RosiePosie said...

    I've been waiting for this cool class! My most FAVORITE place in the world is NYC!!! in the last few years I have gone about 20 times and even spent a summer there as a nurse! The Creative energy in NYC is undeniable. I'm so in love!

    Heidi Hillman said...

    We just returned from a trip to Alaska and it was amazing!

    Unknown said...

    This might surprise you but one of my favorite trips was a visit along the Oregon coast. Maybe because it was a test to see if my too early retired husband would make a good travel companion. We made some rules and that made it a fun trip and with that we then made a trip to the southwestern states and then on to two cross country trips. I highly recommended doing this while you are young and free. When you are older there are so many fears and reasons why you should just stay home and be a couch potato.
    I so enjoy your blog and how generous you are with your art. You find ways to make things out of nothing and I so admire your creative energy. Keep being the amazing wife, mother and artist and thank you for all your wisdom and gifts of art. Carole

    Randi said...

    One of my favorite places is a campground called Riverbend. It sits on the banks of the upper Santiam River. It is only an hour's drive from my house, but the campground is so peaceful and the river is so much fun to play in. It has been a family favorite camping trip for several years.

    Samantha said...

    One of my favorite vacations was to Disneyland. We went last year for my son's 6th birthday. It was his first visit and mine as well (at 42 years old). It was also our first vacation as a family. Because of that it has special memories. And cemented our love of taking road trips together. We just returned from 10 days in Minnesota.

    Ivy said...

    I love journaling! One time I traveled to Key West, FL and toured the Hemmingway House, it was so magical there!

    Jane keeling said...

    One of my favourite places to visit and journal about is the English Lake District ! It really is a stunning place that always feels me with inspiration , so I do like to try and get all my ideas sparked by the beauty of the place down into my journal sketchbook .

    MarieZ said...

    I always enjoy travelling to the magic region called "Czech-Saxon Switzerland" on the Czech-German border, my native region:)

    Susan Sindhu said...

    I loved traveling to Suriname.

    ronee said...

    One of my favorite places I recently visited is Peru. The colors, people and landscape were unforgettable. Wish I had created a travel journal during this trip.

    Jennifer C said...

    Thanks for the chance! One of my favorite places is Paris although it has been many many years since I have been there. I hope to someday go back.

    Unknown said...

    Oh wow... favorite would be salzburg austria. But I love traveling in general. I wish I knew how to incorporate doing art into travel as I love both.

    NanW said...

    I love making travel journals! My favorite place I've been is Peru.

    Janice Faye said...

    One of my favorite places that I have traveled is to the North Shore. This is in northern Minnesota on Lake Superior. It’s so calm and beautiful with so many nature adventures!

    Sharlene said...

    My favourite place to visit is Yellowstone National Park. It is different each time we have visited. The wildlife is fun to watch and the peacefulness is good.

    Rosanne said...

    Tofino on Vancouver Island! Lots of beautiful rugged beaches and tidal pools to explore.

    NatalieM said...

    Paris is probably the furthest I've traveled, and while it was incredible, I was with my ex (very bad relationship, at that point it was almost over and I was essentially his companion), so it's a bittersweet memory.

    My favorite traveling memory is when I took my then new boyfriend (now husband) on a day trip to Disney's Animal Kingdom where I had worked for years in 3 different roles before I moved and met him. He'd never been and I loved showing him every corner of that park and watching him fall in love with just as I was. That trip showed me I was with the right guy :D

    Dorothee Bechtloff said...

    Stockholm in Sweden - the water, the islands, the lake, the people, art and culture. I love it all.

    Unknown said...

    I'm using my husband's google account to post this comment! Traveling is such a great way to gain fresh inspiration. Honestly, Yosemite is like heaven on earth. So, so gorgeous. Besides that, we loved Point Reyes in Northern California! Pick me! Pick me!

    Vicki said...

    San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. You would love it Alisa! An artist town with so many interesting people.

    marilyn said...

    Wow this sounds like fun. We are going to Walla Walla next month. Wine Country. I need a journal to take with me.

    Sara - the Domina said...

    I spent a month on the Asturian coast of Spain - it was such a beautiful place, and I fell in love with the culture and the people. I'd love to go back.

    Cathe P. said...

    I absolutely adore Hawaii. All that beautiful blues & greens of the ocean and clear blue skies.

    Jana Johnson said...

    Venice was magical in March! Spent 5 days there, and would love to spend even more time there. Thank you for this opportunity - we've done a lot of traveling, and road tripping and can't wait to do more!

    Giddings Art said...

    Paris. It was many years ago and I have been to many places since, but to date, Paris has been my favorite place to visit. I absolutely love your travel journals! Thank you for a chance to win a spot in your class!

    studioGypsy said...

    oh man. this is hard. i have loved all the places i've visited. but. since i have to pick one.. hiking a rainforest in Papua New Guinea.. dreamy.magical.amazing.. xoxo thankyou always for sharing giveaways.. you are a love to us. xoxo

    Sara Hayden said...

    My favorite trip - so far! - has been to Poitiers, France. I lived there when I was a little girl. I don't remember much about it so returning as an adult was very special to me.

    Thank you for the opportunity to join you in creating something lovely.

    Sara H.

    Heather said...

    I love traveling. One of my favorite places to travel is Paris. On my first trip to Europe I bought a daily travel journal and loved keeping up with it. This class sounds awesome and I would love to try it.

    Leisurely Lesley said...

    Would have to be yachting in the Whitsundays Australia. Thank you for this opportunity.

    Joanne said...

    Hands down - Europe. Had the time of my life!!!

    MrsZ said...

    Visiting our friends stationed in North Pole Alaska! I trip of a lifetime! Moose really do walk down the streets and our friends hooked up with Santa at the Santa House and we were the first people allowed in the pen with Santa's reindeer to feed them! My little girl was treated like a Queen!

    veronica said...

    Picking up shells on Carrillon Beach FL.

    Moois van mie said...

    I wasn't a big traveller, panic attacks kept me close to home. But that is slowly changing and I recently came back from a 10 day visit to Paris on my own.That was a big step for me and i felt GOOD! It is the 3th time in a year that I visit Paris and I totally fell in love with this city. But I hope that one day that dream I never believed would become true because of the panic attacks will happenin real: One day I want to be brave enough to visit NYC :) ! And at this moment I start to believe it will some day :)

    Silvia said...

    One trip we went on to Europe included seeing Switzerland and the Adriatic Sea which was spectacular. But close to that, because I'm an ocean lover, was our recent trip down the coast of the USA.

    Tracy said...

    I think that would have to be Kangaroo Island, just off the coast of South Australia, about 45mins on the ferry. Very little wifi or phone coverage and mostly a big nature reserve. It's close to home for someone who gets travel sick, but far enough away to truly relax and be away from it all. Lots of fun walks to go exploring and occasionally you even have an echidna stumble over your foot.

    Cimplife said...

    Sunsets over an olive grove, sheep with bells around their necks, 24 close friends, vino....all in a villa in Tuscany! Golden memories that fill my heart with smiles.

    Tessa said...

    My husband and I are from NC and many years ago we drove across the country, flew to Hawaii and back and then drove back across the country taking a different route. Lots of stops along the way. It was the such a great trip and one I really look back on fondly. Our favorite place in the country was the PNW. So beautiful!!

    Anonymous said...

    One of the most fun trips I've taken was to New York. Thanks for a chance to win ~Sophia

    Anonymous said...

    Wales. My sister in law got married there in Caldicott castle. It was like a fairytale.

    BlueBirdLegacy said...

    I always look forward to taking a trip to a a place by the sea, as a family we love to spend time away at the beach. But there is a little city in the mountains, located in western North Carolina that has a relaxing and inspiring vibe. Lots of fresh local food, great restaurants, plenty of the arts to enjoy. As I write this, I realize, it is a toss up, between Asheville, North Carolina and Charleston, South Carolina.

    Courtney said...

    I love Vermont and New Hampshire, their mountain views/layers truly made me feel like the world is really so special.

    Teri said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Teri said...

    You know the old John Denver song with the line "coming home to a place you've never been before..."? That would be Colonsay, Scotland. Ancestral home of my MacFie ancestors. I left a little piece of my heart there.

    TheFoleyFive said...

    oh wasn't anywhere special, it was an unplanned day that my husband spontaneously took off. We took the kids, and my half shot brain down a winding road in the 100 degree california heat....we found an old covered bridge and it said "honey run" was still and there was water. we had some blankets and we strung the rope between trees and hung the blankets over, we looked like gypsys, and the kids played and played and I slept with baby number four under the canopy of my quilt, the breeze calming my heart. That day was magic. the entire day, I felt like I was in another life full of peace and gypsy magic. Honey were a balm to my mama heart.

    Reese Romero said...

    One of my favorite places is San Diego, CA. Even though it is not far from home, it is a beautiful place. The weather is always gorgeous and there are tons of things to do that don't cost a lot despite it being a main vacation spot in the country.

    craft boulevard said...

    Travelling to Europe!

    Unknown said...

    My favourite place has to be Maui in Hawaii...The beautiful blue waters...the beaches...the food...snorkelling...skydiving...loved every bit of my time in Maui...
    Also, the weather and the fruits there reminded us of India.
    We were staying in Seattle,we were so happy to experience something from our native place while still being away

    Michelle said...

    California! Love your work and classes!

    Crazy About Ukraine said...

    Your travel journals are gorgeous, Alisa!

    One of my favorite places so far is Kharkiv, Ukraine. My husband + cat + I lived there for 3 years. It's old and beautiful and full of really nice people.

    PS: This weekend I was helping to stain a wooden deck on the Oregon coast and totally thought of your gorgeous painted deck ;)

    SaraTH said...

    One of my favourite places is Formentera, a little paradise island from Spain. Clear, pale blue waters, white sand and beautiful sunsets :)

    Erin Estella said...

    Iceland is my most favorite place I've ever traveled! I've been to lots of places and nothing compares to the magic you feel in Iceland! I'm currently studying the language and want to live there one day! I love it there!

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