Tuesday, May 28, 2013

noodle beads

Lately it seems like a lot of my art and craft inspiration revolves around a taking care of a toddler and instead of wishing my process (and time) were different, I have been choosing to embrace this chapter in my creative life! 

Recently a "lets play with noodles" project with Lucy ended in a TON of inspiration for me. I was suddenly inspired to transform pasta into beads. Yes I know its been done thousands of times in kids crafts but I wanted to make noodle beads for grown ups. My goal- try to make them NOT look like pasta!

I knew right away that I would be using spray paint to "prime" my noodles.

Tip- whenever I spray paint something (objects) I like to use a piece of painted canvas- I have found that things don't stick to the canvas like they would to other surfaces (like cardboard, paper or plastic) plus you can use all that color as a layer in a canvas painting!

Then I got busy altering the surface of the noodles!

1. I used permanent markers and paint pens to add lines, dot and designs. 2. I used acrylic paint to add large areas of color. 3. Using all purpose craft glue, I wrapped the noodles with colorful twine, floss and yarn. 4. I covered the surface of the noodles with fabric and then added a layer of gel medium to seal. 5. I wrapped the noodles with wire.

The result are unique and colorful beads! While they are not perfect I love that they have a or boho and tribal look which fits my taste when creating  beaded jewelry.

While the spray paint seals the pasta, you can go a step further and dip them in gel medium or polyurethane gloss.

I used my noodle beads paired with colorful seed beads to create colorful bangles and necklaces!


Zena said...

Great, so inspiring. Isn´t it great when we can do something wonderful using everyday stuff? Love the noodles wrapped with wire. Have a nice day!

Fatma said...


Giggles said...

Amazing...these are gorgeous!!

Hugs Giggles

Joanne said...

awesome -- you inspire me --

ach! said...


HollyM said...

I think it's great that you go with the flow. All the details on the beads amazes me! I love them!

Annuk said...

Oh my Goodness, Alisa... you are SO creative!!! WHO would tell these are pasta beads?? Absolutely gorgeous, they perfectly fit my taste too! :)

Amanda T. said...

Incredible. These look just like trade beads. Fantastic!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such style!

Unknown said...

Unreal. How do you do it? This is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

so much fun! I would love to try this
great idea

Tina said...

Oh my gosh, those are fantastic! I also love the idea of the painted canvas. Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Fabuleux !!! Comme toujours,
Mohair à Paris

Yolanda said...

You are always so inspiring! Thanks for the idea. My granddaughters would love this, too.
PS I took a class with you last year at create and learned so much. Thanks again. I was the strange one with the iPad!

livethegoldenrule said...

Very clever, as usual ;D I'm thinking about the small/gold ones with glitter....... Glad you are using your time with Lucy so well. Both she and you benefit from it. (We do too!!) Good Job!!

studioGypsy said...

you are brilliant. :)

Anonymous said...

It is a brilliant idea but why to use food when you can use other materials that are similar? Just saying

An_Geli_Ka said...

after i saw the first picture..i will never believe this will be pasta ;-))) - great !

Madeline Rains said...

So cool!

Unknown said...

I love that you follow creative impulses wherever they may lead. You are an inspiration.

j. wilson said...

oh how i love your noodle beds! i'm a preschool teacher and love fancifying kiddo materials into grown up materials. your beads are gorgeous! thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

very cool. they don't look like pasta at all. and what a fun project to do with kids.

alexa said...

Seriously amazing! Your creativity never ceases to inspire and amaze me ....

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous. I have always been told I am not artistic - but I love to do crafts and you frequently inspire me to try new things. I will definitely be making myself some summer boho bracelets. Thank you for being you and letting us all in! Vohn x (in Scotland)

Obat penurun kolesterol said...

thank's for information . . .

Ms. L said...

Only you can make noodles so stylish and chic! So inspired by your art!

Jen Herman said...

This is an AWESOME idea.... but won't the pasta break when it's worn? I love this idea for our local craft club!!!

Unknown said...

Will definitely try this out :) Absolutely love it...

Will post some in my own blog (http://pridenstyle.blogspot.co.uk/) once I do them, hopefully before the summer ends


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