Monday, February 18, 2013

whimsy and wonder online class giveaway!

My latest class Whimsy & Wonder starts today! I am so excited about this class- I don't typically play favorites but this one might be one of faves! 

All the details HERE

And to celebrate the launch of another class I am giving away 5 spots!
To enter-

Leave me a comment- tell me your favorite fairy tale or story from childhood.
Later this week I'll draw five names and announce the winners.


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Karen said...

oh oh I know being first is bad luck for getting picked but I hope it's different in this case. I would love to be lucky enough :)

Cathy said...

My favorite fairy tale was always "12 Dancing Princesses". I loved to imagine all the princesses in their gowns walking through a forest of gold leaves.

Laurie said...

I loved the story of Chicken Little. I especially liked the character Turkey Lurkey!

Terriaw said...

Looks like a fun class! I think I loved the Hansel and Gretel fairytale the best as a child. But I also loved to play outside (in the woods) and make up stories. I wanted to illustrate a story about a little girl who kept a pet baby bunny in her backyard, and kept it a secret from her mom fear she wouldn't be able to keep it. When her mom discovered the secret, she helped the little girl take care of the bunny. Silly!

Adrienne said...

My favourite fairytale was one by Robert Munsch, the Paper Bag Princess. Maybe he just re-did it, I can't remember, but I loved that book and that story when I was little :)

Rachael said...

It's not a fairy tale but my favourite story from childhood is mrs pepper-pot, I loved her and her adventures :)


Amanda T. said...

Mine was always Cinderella. We have a big, elaborate Catholic church in my city, and I always used to pretend that it was Cinderella's castle and that she and the prince were up there living such a happy life.

Thanks for a chance to win a spot in a super fun class!

Saraccino said...

I loved as a child Momo from Michael Ende. Strange enough I forgot about this for years but just some time ago I read it again... and found how much this is an story also or somehow even more for adults. It is about time and how you spend your life, in the end, what is really important... and you just have to look around and you see the grey men all around you!

Amy said...

I always loved Sleeping Beauty...even though it was a little bit scary.

Miek said...

Hi next week we start a project on fairy tales on my school. I am a theacher so i have been very busy this week and i love a lot of fairy tales but i know my favorite is about the litlle strong girl "Little Red Ridinghood".

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win a spot in this class. I do not have a favorite fairy tail but I enjoyed reading the Big Dog Little Dog books to all my grandchildren over and over again. We all have dogs and could relate to the antics of these 2 dogs.

merete said...

I loved that grown ups read to me. The two stories that still lingers, are one about the life of an englis countryside girl during or around the war. Her name was Milly-Molly-Mandy and was my mothers favorite from childhood. The second story was written by Anne-Cath. Vestly and also about a girl:Aurora. She was a girl from my own time, so I could relate to many things, also having a mother who was working by choice.

I love your classes, - I' ve learned a lot.

Unknown said...

I would adore a chance to win a spot in the class. I loved Sketchbook Delight! My favorite fairytale was always Sleeping Beauty :)

Mrs. C said...

My favorite book to read as a child was "The Borrowers". I checked it out of the school library more times than I can remember! The thought of little people living in the walls of the house fascinated me! :)

Blackinese said...

Looks like an awesome class! My favorite story was Alice in Wonderland.

liberal sprinkles said...

I loved The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton for all the wonderful adventures in strange and magical lands. Thanks for the chance to win.


Analog Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Analog Girl said...

It's so hard to pick a favorite story, I loved them all, and to this day I'm still in love with fairy tales. But i guess the one that took my breath away was Hans Christian Andersen's "Little mermaid". It was so different from the disney film, and it proved me that fairy tales don't need to have happy endings to reach one's heart.
This story touches me deeply, for it proves that Love is unselfish and eternal. You don't need to end up with a prince to show how real love is.
When I get home from work I'll have to read it again! :)
Hope i'm lucky enough to get one of the free spots!
Thank you!

goudenregen said...

My favorite fairy tale is The wild swans by Andersen. I would love to participate in Whimsy and Wonder, just working with the materials got.

Maria E. said...

This is technically not your typical fairy tale, but Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was my favorite. The imagination and creativity was amazing. I was fascinated how the costumes seemed to match the personalities of the characters. Oh, and the ending - the big test for Charlie. He always comes through and gives me goose bumps. My family thinks this is crazy and gives me a hard time about this being one of my favorite movies.

Anonymous said...

Cinderella ... of coure, lol. My book was so pretty and I loved looking at it.

lovesonic said...

my favorite fairy tale is snow white

Little Ella Lu said...

I loved The Secret Garden from the moment I started it.

Audrey said...

My favorite fairytale was Little Red Riding Hood. I even dressed up like her 2 years ago for Halloween and sewed my own cape. :)

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

My favorite fairy tale is The Princess and the Pea.

Thank you for the chance to win!

Cristi Clothier

Charmingdesigns said...

Pippi Longstockings was my favorite..I would LOVE to win a spot in your new class

Emilia said...

Thanks for offering a giveaway. My favorite fairy tale was Cinderella.

NancyS said...

The Little Princess I read over and over again. I don't think I cared so much about her princess status as I cared about her vindication. And I loved her pet rat.

HallMom said...

I loved Hansel and Gretel.

Jenifer said...

Love the story of the last unicorn!!!

. said...

I loved Charlotte's Web as a child. Not so sure if it counts as a fairytale. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sushi said...

I always loved the wizard of oz. especially the drawings in my book were so lovely.

Unknown said...

My favorite fairy tale was and is my own live. You make it happen every day of your life. My parents make that also true. These days I putting there out my strength.
But my story was Cinderella.

Thank you !!!!

Judith said...

My favorite was Cinderella. I would love to win a spot in your class. Just finishing up "Watercolor Bliss". love it!

Stacy said...

My favorite story from my childhood was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!

Linda B. said...

I loved, still do and have my childhood copy of, The Snow Queen by Hans Anderson.
Even as a child the quality of the illustration drew me in as much as the story itself

denise in wnc said...

One of my favs was Snow White. I also loved The Giving Tree.

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

My favorite story from childhood was Harriet the Spy. Would love this class, I think! Pick me!! Thank you for doing this!

Delfina von U. said...

Pippi Longstocking was definitely a favourite. Wanted to be like her and never grow up.

Janice Faye said...

My favorite fairy tale as a child was Cinderella. I just love all of the mystery and fantasy that is in that story!

Dana said...

The Story about Ping! It's the story of a chinese domesticated duck who gets separated from his family on the Yangtze River. Never fear... all's right in the end!

Thanks Alisa! I'd love to win a spot in your class. You're very inspirational!

HollyM said...

I remember that I loved Enyd Blyton but don't remember titles. Was the Land of Nod one? I must look them up sometime.

miq said...

Hansel and Gretel is my favorite, how can anyone not love a story that includes a gingerbread and candy house! I'm not sure if I loved the story more, or imagining the scene.

redzshadow said...

My favorite was always little red riding hood. I enjoyed most of the fairy tales that took place in or near the woods. I guess it was the mysteries inside the forest that appealed to me the most.

Susan Jonsson said...

My mother gave me "Elves and Fairies"....illustrated by Garth Williams. My life changed with that book. She wrote my name on one of the beautiful fairies....I still believe. This book is one of my most treasured gifts....I just noticed it is back in print. Please add it to Lucy's bookshelf. All of the stories are favorites...since I was 3! I have the original edition...(so I am old). Long answer to a short question...Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class.


C. said...

When I was a kid, my favorite tale was Hansel and Gretel. I'm sure sure this is my favorite story, but I just loved the beautiful illustrations (of the candy house and garden) of my book at that time (I was not paying attention to the witch and cage and all that stuff, just the beautiful candies!)

papelhilo said...

I've always been a big fan of fairytales (I buy them for my kids now but it's sort of a selfish gift !!)
I especially loved all the Grimm tales (with all those long haired princesses)

Ingegnere Sentimentale said...

cinderella!!! My mum used to tell Cinderella's tale to me and my sister. Every evening she tried to make a little change, but we would correct her! No changes allowed!
Or red riding hood. Dad used to change the colour every time and each coloured riding hood was set in a different place. Yellow riding hood was a fish an a shark was waiting for her... :)

Anonymous said...

I loved reading Aesop's Fables so much that I did quite a few book reports on it!

beth said...

Jack and beanstalk. I loved dreaming about all those green leaves and the beautiful climb he must have had.

Natasha White said...

I can't decide between Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree or the Pippi Longstocking books. :) The class looks always! :)

laly said...

My favorite story was Heidi by Johanna Spyri. My best friend had it at home and every time I came to her I used to read it.Was a time I almost knew it by heart.

Author said...

Looks like an exciting class. My favorite is a book Winter of Fire by Sheryl Jordan.

craft boulevard said...

my favorite was a book by Roald Dahl called "Danny the champion of the world" i could read it again and again!

terrylynn2 said...

Cinderella for me. Still my favorite after all these years!

Linda said...

can't decide between Cinderella and Snow White:) I'd love to win a place on your latest class:)

maryh said...

My favorite -- a kid's poem, starts like this: "Grampa lost his glasses once in a pot of purple dye and when he put them on again he saw a purple sky."

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Alice in Wonderland is my favourite. Fingers crossed to be a lucky winner on your latest great looking class.

Kimberly said...

As a child Cinderella was my favorite, but I feel compelled to add that The Princess Bride is my favorite fairy tale as an adult. :-)

marie said...

I loved "Princess & the Pea" mom read it to me, I read it to my sister, and we acted it out with Barbie dolls too!
We made a mountain of fabric mattresses one summer and stacked them all up for Barbie to snooze on. My mom generously provided my sister and I with an assortment of fabric remnants to use. I can pictue it now...thanks for stirring up a fun memory!! (and for a chance to win a spot in your class too!)

Vee said...

My absolute favorite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. I have been reading and watching different retellings ever since I was a little girl and still do to this day.

Katherine McNeese said...

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was always my favorite, as a child and now too!
looks like a wonderful class

Teleri said...

I'll try my luck :)

My favorite story was that of Lukas the railroad engine driver ("Lukas der Lokomotivführer) with his best friend Jim Knopf and their faithful locomotive Emma, written by Michael Ende. Could listen to it over and over again, some parts I know by haert even today.

Kiki Halbert said...

I've loved every course I've taken from you Alisa, and this looks absolutely wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win it!

Fil said...

The Children of Lir was one of my favourites - the wicked stepmother turning the children into swans and they had to live 300 years on 3 different lakes and could never come onto land ... I felt so sad every time it was read to me ...
What a wonderful chance to win one of your great classes Alisa - this one looks great fun.

Katharina said...

Although I'm from Germany, the country of Grimms' fairy tales, the story of my childhood is no tale but a real story of me and my little sister. Back then I really wasn't an aggressive person (btw: still ain't ;)) but one day my sister made me crazy and provoked me that much that I couldn't control myself anymore and bit her. She was bleeding and crying very badly. When our mum came in asked what was happening my sister told her that she had knocked herself on the cupboard. Since that day my sister and I are inseparable. She is such a good person!

PS: Dear Alisa, actually I should concentrate on writing my thesis, which I've to submit on March 7, but I cannot restrain myself from taking a look at your blog every hour! I Love it!

Donna said...

Would love to win. My favorite story is really a song: the owl and the pussycat.

linda said...

I've always loved The Little Mermaid. Looks like such a fun class - thanks for the chance to win!

Kathleen M said...

Oh, I would love to add some whimsy and wonder to my routine these days. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. My favorite childhood book is "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes". I so enjoyed that the female character bunny could pursue her whimsical dream despite the naysayers who said that a mother could not deliver Easter eggs.

Julie Arthur // said...

Eek I would LOVE to win a spot!!! I liked all the fairy tales. The one that comes to mind is The Princess and the Pea. I feel like I can identify because I am such a light sleeper and any little noise or intrusion keeps me awake hahaha!

Estee said...


Jamie said...

this would be a dream come true! i've been telling my husband just how much I've been looking forward to this course.

for me, Beauty and the Beast is tied with The Little Mermaid. i always wanted to sing like Ariel, and i loved the Beast's garden and the castle.

i'll be crossing my fingers!!!!!!

OnePerfectDay said...

The class sounds wonderful!
Thanks for the giveaway!

One of my very favourite childhood stories was The Cat In the Hat!
I just loved everything about it! The Cat, the story, the illustrations, the colours!
I still remember the excitement that holding that book generated for me!

Julia said...

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I love the idea of hiding in a wardrobe, only to find that it is a doorway to another world. Thanks for the chance to win.
Julia Molewyk

Stephanie said...

My favorite fairy tale has been Cinderella. I love how good always wins out over bad and true love prevails.

Thank for the opportunity to win a spot in your class. I love your classes!

Consie @ Atop Serenity Hill said...

I would have to go with Sleeping Beauty as my favorite.

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

I always liked Sleeping Beauty.
Her prince saved her and the lived happily ever after!
Who wouldn't LOVE that ending?!
Your class would be very much appreciated...I am a mixed media artist and instructor and I'd love to learn NEW and INSPIRING art INFO!!!!
My blog is:

NanW said...

I loved any of the Brothers Grimm!

Tam Hess said...

I always loved Rose Red and Rose White...was enchanted by them!

Lisa said...

Cinderella! Thanks for a chance to win...would LOVE it!!

Rita Vindedzis said...

Peter Pan!! Absolutely loved this story. Especially the flying :-)

Nichole said...

I loved Alladin growing up. The location was beautiful. The magic carpet and the genie were so fun and exciting. I wanted to fly around the sky with all the gold and jewels with Alladin and the little monkey Abu!!!I would love to take one of your classes, you inspire me so much!

ellen gets crafty said...

I have always love Cinderella. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I'd love to win a spot in the class.
My favorite tale was about butterfly fairies that came to a lonely little girl every day to keep her company.

brownsugarhoney said...

YAAAY thank u for the chance!!! My fave fairytale was The Never Ending Story & The Cosby Show :P
(i couldn't decide between this class & sketch book delights, if i win a spot...i'll sign up for sketch book delights...AWESOME!!!)

Lynda said...

Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite. I love whimsical art and children's illustration. This class looks like fun!

hcolvin said...

Ive had an old book since I was little, I'm sure its long out of print, but it is called Mr. Mixie Dough, the Baker man, by Vernon Grant. I loved the illustrations! I would love to win a spot in your class!!

God's Little People said...

Would love to join you in this fun looking class Alisa. My favorite story was about a dog running away because its human called it stupid. Left such a lasting impression about talking kindly to animals.

livethegoldenrule said...

<3 The Electric Grandmother <3

Jennifer Lemke said...

My favorite story was and is The Velveteen Rabbit. When I was little, I had a cassette tape that went with it. The woman who read it had the most soothing voice and lovely British accent!! :)

TesoriTrovati said...

I do so love all fairy tales. Cinderella was the best. Did you know that there are over 300 different Cinderella versions and nearly every culture has one? I used to teach a storytelling unit to my 7th grade English classes. I also had a book of Hans Christian Anderson stories. They were dark and frightening. The Red Shoes is one that I remember. When my sister was little we had the book Princess Penelope's 365 Dresses. She was a spoiled princess who had a different dress each day. Until the day that her father taught her a lesson and refused to make any more. She saw the lowly kitchen maid wearing the same dress every day and learned the lesson that not everyone was as fortunate and was happy with what they had. Also read the Paperbag Princess to my own daughter as a great story of a strong female character who could take care of herself. Thanks for the chance! Enjoy the day! Erin

GLoria said...

Such Fun. My favorite was the Ugly Duckling because I was one. The story always gave me such hope for positive endings.

Anonymous said...

I always loved Cinderella.

Unknown said...

Little Red Riding Hood. An independent young working girl with the ability to defeat the bad guy!

Colleayn said...

My favorite story from childhood is like my own faery tale. I thought everyone experienced life how I saw things. When I was on the playground, I imagined the metal tube jungle gym over the hard cement as my castle. It was a true to life castle with doors, windows, carpet, furnishings, flowers, and more. I couldn't figure out how people didn't know where the door was. Each day from Kindergarten through Elementary school, I couldn't wait to play in my castle, decorate, etc. And this was all in my mind as everyone else only saw silver metal tubes making up something for kids to climb.
This would be so fun to win!

Angela said...

Mine is Rapunzel.

Michelle Remy said...

*sigh* Of all of your classes, this is the one I'd want to win to spot to more than anything!! My favorite fairy tale from childhood? Definitely Cinderella...

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Looks like a fun and creative fav fairy tale is Little Miss Muffet.............I hate spiders.

Jenny Rodriguez said...

I loved Snow White. When I was growing up she was one of the only dark haired heroines. It means a lot to a little girl to feel represented.

DoOverDog said...

I always loved "The Three Little Pigs" -- so suspenseful!

Nora James said...

I was in love with Cinderella-enough that I would volenteer to clean the house because I was "playing Cinderella". I also loved East of the Sun and WEst of the moon.

Victoria said...

My favorite fairytale was Cinderella, I loved her dress:)
Thanks for a chance at winning a fantastic class.

Amy said...

Where the Wild Things Are... not a real fairy tale but I have always loved the illustrations in the book and the imagination of the main character. I would love a chance to take this new class.

gina smith said...

My favorite is Alice in Wonderland. I would love to win a spot in your fabulous class. Love your work.

Tally Knits said...

Not really a fairy tale, but I always loved The Secret Garden. I've read it multiple times, seen the movie a million times, and long for a secret garden of my own!

I also love Beauty and the Beast.

Peaceful/Paisible said...

The Princess and the pea...loved it...even made a small altered book with it ...
love to all the family !

Anonymous said...

Favorite stories.....The series of the BoxCar Children. I recently reread the original Peter Pan. Tinkerbell is not as nice as the Disney movie makes her out to be. HA!

Lesley Glenn said...

Favorite stories.....The series of the BoxCar Children. I recently reread the original Peter Pan. Tinkerbell is not as nice as the Disney movie makes her out to be. HA!

Hwee said...

I loved "The Little Mermaid" as a child.

simona sarno said...

Hi from Italy! My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella!

BJ Nelson said...

What a great giveaway! Peter Pan will always have a special place in my heart. When I was a baby I would watch it every single day. I ended up wearing out the tape!

denisemichelle said...

As a very young child I loved my well-worned copy of Hansel and Gretel illustrated by Sheilah Beckett.

But my favorite books to read on my own were three vintage (even back then) volumes of The Children's Hour, they were like an encyclopedia of fairytales and stories. I loved the ones with fairies and brownies, convinced that they were real.

Nancy said...

One of my favorite stories as a child was Charlotte's Web. I would love to win one of your classes. Thanks for the chance to win.

Fran said...

The Little Engine that Could!!!! I used to read that to my kids over and over, Now if they are facing something tough I always remind them.

donna said...

This class looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Jungle Book has to be my fav. I am a huge fan of your work:)

cindy c said...

would love to win one of your classes-- my favorite fairy tale was rapunzel

Nora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toni Charissa said...

My favorite story teller was always Shel Silverstein. I still have a couple of his books & love to read them to my girls :)

Kimberlee said...

I used to love the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books. :) Happy times.

Nora said...

Shel Silverstein was my childhood hero. I slept with his books at night. Where the sidewalk ends and others.
Alices adventure in wonderland. She was super cool in the 80's. Not so much now lol

Leeshy said...

SO hard to choose, but probably Rose Red and Snow White.

Isabel said...

My favorite tale was Cinderella.

Laura Maria said...

My favorite story was The Giving Tree. I still enjoy reading it every once in a while :)

Natalie said...

There were so many that I loved... Rapunzel was always a favorite, and I loved Peter Cotton Tail.

Hunter said...

My favorite story as a child was James And The Giant Peach. Still love it!

CD said...

Congrats Alisa, looks like a great class! I've always been a hard core Anne of Green Gables fan. I felt that she was just like me with her dreamy, whimsical way of going about life, her flair for the dramatic, and the way she could get lost in a magical world all her own. The twin I never had :)
Blessings and Enjoy your class!

Renegade Behavior said...

The Three Billy Goats Gruff.... Still love it!

Mary said...

So many good ones come to mind, Brothers Grimm, Doctor Seuss, - I always loved being read to and later learning to read for myself. My earliest favorite that I can remember was Little Golden Books classic: The Pokey Little Puppy. Thanks for a chance to win a class!

kathy nesi said...

i always loved the princess and the pea!

Bel said...

my favourite fairy would have to be Cinderella because no matter where you come from or how poor you are we can all make our dreams come true. I love knowing that good girls can in fact come first. I would love the chance to do this course, sounds like heaps of fun xx

Andrea said...

I found fairie tales to be somewhat frightening!
Though I did like "Snow White and Rose Red"...It was in a huge old Grimm's hard cover, my Mother would read to me, I turned the pages...I wonder where it is now...
I am an avid fan of yours! I would love to win a seat in this course!
Thanks for the chance!

Bhupali said...

Enid Blyton's The Magic Faraway Tree :-) My daugheter is four, and I cannot wait to read it to her.

Kara said...

I always loved The Snow Queen...I grew up in LA so the idea of being so cold was intriguing, but I also loved the idea of Little Gerda going off on her own to save the boy who had been so besotted with the Snow Queen...

Jessie said...

My favourite stories were written by my Great
Grandmother and illustrated by my father. They were about my dad and his cousins visiting her in the country and experiencing magical things like fairies, a Pegasus and an underwater carnival!

Victoria Robison said...

Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale and the Poky little puppy is my favorite story. Thanks for the chance!

Tammy said...

I loved "the last Unicorn" It was so beautiful and haunting (made me cry! ) I hope I hope to win a spot!!! I love your blog and your kind heart!! {{hugs!!}} Tam

Rebecca Dolores said...

My favorite fairy tale was probably the story of Rapunzel. I can still remember laying in bed with my mother as she told me the story. :)

Anonymous said...

When my sons were little my favourite story, and theirs, was The Enormous Crocodile, by Roald Dahl.
Here's keeping my fingers crossed. ;-)
Ulrike x

Unknown said...

pippi longstockings! i loved how unique and whimsy she was! oh, pick me, me, me...such an awesome thing you are doing. huge follower :)

Nicole Maki said...

Harold and the Purple Crayon was (and probably still is) my favorite book from childhood. I was so enchanted by the idea of it.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Megan said...

I decided as a young girl (4/5-ish) I was going to be a gallery artists based on our community art gallery... So I romptly drew portraits of my mum & dad... I remember those pictures vividly, my dad with a beard and mum with a red & white striped shirt and fizzy (bad eighty's spiral perm). I've done a few gallery shows but nothing compares to my first portraits...

Unknown said...

My favorite story was, and still is, Beauty and the Beast. It's closely followed by the legend of Hua Mulan.


Kerry said...

I would love a chance at a spot in this class!! Beauty and The Beast will always have a special place in my Fairy Tale Heart.

Dona B said...

I always loved the story of Thumbellina. It made be believe there were tiny creatures living out their lives in the plants all around me. Magic!

Kelly Webb said...

I always loved the story of Peter Pan.

Denise said...

My favorite would have to be the Little Mermaid. The Disney version, though!

Pat said...

My favorite fairy tale is one my grandchildren also love--the beautifully illustrated book, Rechenka's Eggs, by Patricia Polacco. Love your art and blog.

playcrane said...

I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books. So much fun.

Heather said...

This looks like a really fun class. Would love to win a spot. I think My favourite story as a child was my Grandfather telling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.... still can hear his voice "fe, fi fo. fum I smell the blood of an English man'..!!! I am 63 now so that was a LONG time ago. Bless him.

ne_samo said...

It's difficult to choose a favourite one. Between the Andersens' fairy tales and the ones from our local writers ... But I can say my children always loved Little Red Ridinghood, so I'm going with that one.

Dotti said...

For me, it was the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg! Oh my! I could lay around on a rainy day and "what if" about this story all day long!

Kristin Dudish said...

Anything by Shel Silverstein...
(I absolutely loved his poems when I was little, but I think I appreciate them even more now.)

Kim Gillian said...

Cinderella of course! What a beautiful fairytale. So excited for this give a way! Best of luck to everyone!

Ynaffit said...

I have always loved princesses and castles... I loved reading Rapunzel... Once I got older, I enjoyed reading the many different versions of Cinderella. I sometimes goggle at the differences, even when I'm reading the Disney version to my daughter!

Jess said...

I had an old, tattered book of fairy tailes as a kid and my favorite was the story of The Rainbow Bird. It's the story of how birds got all their beautiful colors and I can still picture the gorgeous and colorful illustrations.

Ynaffit said...

PS That was giggle, not google!!!

Ashley Smith said...

My 31 year old brother just passed after an 11 year battle with cancer and such. I have been doodling and drawing memories from our childhood - swimming, playing outside all day, long vacations traveling in the car!

Melanie Jade said...

I loved The Jolly Postman, which was a British book. Each page had an envelope with a letter to/from different fairy tale characters - Cinderella, Prince Charming, Humpty Dumpty, etc. I loved that book!

Tiff said...

My favorite story is one that I read to my girls, The Boy Who Grew Flowers by Jen Wojtowicz.

Bree mcconnell said...

I always loved the crazy "mash up" stories my grandpa would tell me to make me laugh... his made up and reinvented stories were better then any that came from a book!!! I love that at almost 30 he still tells them too me :)

Mila said...

My favorite story as a child was Mary Poppins, though I don't think that's a fairy tale I do think it's filled with whimsy and wonder. :)

gatheredthreads said...

Anything involving a phoenix; I grew up watching The Phoenix and the Carpet.

Betsy Tucker said...

Favorite fairy tale? I just read The Snow Child and loved the sad, beautiful story. -Betsy

Ashley said...

Omigoodness, I love all fairy tales! But Cinderella is classic.... And I love the lyrics in the Disney movie:

"No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true."

Kelli said...

The Ugly Duckling is my favorite tale from childhood.

Anonymous said...

I've always loved Hans Christian Andersens fairy tales. They are so sad, but still beautyful. Greetings Claudia

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway, I really enjoy your teaching style & your classes!

I collect collections of fairy tales & have nearly 100 books now, most with gorgeous illustrations. My favourite fairy tale is 'The Princess & the Pea'. I still have the book that has the most amazingly rich and detailed drawing of her bed with all the mattresses & blankets & duvets stacked up. Glorious!

island jen said...

Oh gosh, this class looks awesome! I think my favorite fairy tale would have to Little Red Riding hood!

Katie Cannon said...

I always loved the story of Snow White. I would so love to win a spot in this class. Thanks for the chance.

Margriet said...

My favorite is Sleeping Beauty! I always thought she was the princess with the most personality!!!

RCTorres said...

My favorite fairytale from childhood is Disney's "Beauty and the Beast". I've always been a fan of her independence and imagination. I like to believe that her book that has "a prince in disguise" is the tale of her and Beast (her own life story, in other words).

Valerie @ said...

Little Mermaid. Definitely. I was only 2 or 3 when the Disney movie came out and I've been told I could watch it 2 or 3 times in a row! Of course I also discovered the Hans Christian Andersen version when I was younger as well, and I really loved reading it in various books at the library. Truthfully, it may have been the various underwater illustrations that always had me coming back : )

Unknown said...

My favorite fairy tale has always been Cinderella simply because it always seemed so magical and romantic! :)

Giggles said...

Cinderella was my favorite and the Cinderella concept in books or movies today I still love!!

Thanks for the opportunity!

K said...

My favourite was Pippi Longstocking, I read it more than 30 times for sure :D

Vicki said...

I loved the Enid Blyton circus books - Mr Galliano's Circus - I practiced tight rope-ing for months and wishwishwished I could run away to join the circus. and I loved Julie Edwards (andrews) book Mandy. I just passed that one to my niece a few months ago... *sigh* I love books!

Unknown said...

My favorite stories from childhood always were about my Great Grandmother! I could listen to my Grandparents and my Mom talk about her anytime (still could)! She came over from Hungary, on "the boat," taught herself English, cleaned houses for very famous people....and she was obsessed with Hollywood! She would take my Mom to Grauman's Chinese Theater and they would compare hands & feet with all the famous actors and actresses (stones).
She was an amazing woman and I was so fortunate to get to know her.
Thank you Alisa! JoAnn S.

Megan said...

Oh! I want to see what you've done with this class so bad! Eek! My favorite story from childhood is probably Little Red Riding Hood - not sure why though, that just stuck out in my head :)

Angela Comer said...

My most favorite childrens book is Benjamin Dilly's thirsty camel. If you have not read it you must. All about the power or imagination. Love love love this book.

Anonymous said...

The princess and the pea...your art is beautiful...and inspirational....would love to do a class!

Ariel said...

My favorite fairy tale is the Snow white. Thank you for the great giveaway.

Deb's Artful Journey said...

This class looks like so muvh fun! My favorite fairy tale is about a daughter who gets married but doesnt serve any salt with the meat... i dont remember the name of it, but its about love.

Martha Dieguez said...

Maybe this one is not a fairy-tale as such, but for much " The Principito " is my favorite book and it it will be forever. I remember perfectly that my father it was counting his page for page, one every night, before sleeping, and to my what I was charmed with they were the adventures that this small prince tape-worm in his trips to the neighborhood of the planeras; being adolecente, I decide to read it to remember these nights in which my father was telling it to myself, and surprise!! I discover the real sigmificado of this literature and the topics so deep that the author touches, as the meaning of the life, the love and the friendship. Sai that now that I am a mother, also I it will read to my son. Thank you very much for being a great inspiration for my.
Maertha Dieguez (from MExico)

diana adamchik said...

Hi Alissa!!! my favorite story was and is the red riding hood!!!

becslb said...

I have 2 favourite childhood stories - 1. The Magic Faraway Tree (Enid Blyton) with tales of magic lands and the amazing slippery slope! 2. A Traveller in Time (Alison Uttley) which told of an old house and a little girl who travelled to a past era. That said I was and still am an avid reader and have so many books that I would class as favourites!

e(dot)e said...

I'm told that when I was a little girl my favorite story was "Mrs. Pigglewiggle." Apparently when I was about 2 or 3 my parents called me to the supper table and I marched in announcing, "My name's not Erin anymore; it's Mrs. Pigglewiggle."

bbski said...

Velveteen Rabbit hands down!! My mama and I would curl up to read this wonderful story and I would dream of my own stuffed friends coming to life.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this offer. Cindarella is filled with hope

Moois van mie said...

rapunzel because i was so crazy ( and still am ;) ) about long hair !!!

Marcia Beckett said...

I would love love love to take part in your class. It looks fabulous. I loved the story book Danny and the Dinosaur when I was little. I wasn't really into fairytales too much. Now I do enjoy watching cinderella with my daughter.

sarah chase said...

This looks so good!! My favorite childhood book was "Right Now" by David Kherdian and Nonny Hogrogian. (i had the wonderful pleasure of knowing them and being taught by them when I was young!)

adrienne said...

My favourite is Beauty and the Beast - In this fairy tale the leading lady, Belle is intelligent and beautiful, ordinary household items spring to life to sing & dance and the prince needed rescuing!

MoodyCatCrafts said...

The Ugly Duckling was my favourite as I always felt like the ugly duckling at school. I'm still waiting to grwo into a swan!

Jenn said...

A Midsummer Night's Dream....
I know, not a traditional fairy tale, but it does have fairies and they are so mischievous!

mergie said...

My favorite was Dr. Doolittle. I used to listen to the record every night on my "record player". Loved it.

Reese Romero said...

My favorite was Winnie-the-Pooh. I loved him and Christopher Robin. Who wouldn't love to play in the Hundred Acre Wood with them and all the others?

amy said...

Not a fairy tale, but one of my favorites was and continues to be The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. Thanks for the offer!

Jana said...

I loved the original book The Sword In The Stone by T.H. White (

Lots of humor in a surprisingly entertaining story! Thanks for this opportunity Alisa!

I'm Sara. said...

Does The Little Mermaid count? I used to have the songs from the movie memorized even! :) how dreamy.......both the fairy-tale and your online course!

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