Tuesday, October 23, 2012

new online class & a giveaway!


It's that time again! Time for a new online class and with the holidays coming I have created a simple, fun and creative class that doesn't require lots of time. Last year I put together what ended up being one of my favorite online classes- Create Daily- 30 days of simple and creative projects, prompts and ideas with the hope of inspiring others to make time to get creative every day. 

And now I am using the same concept for a holiday class! Join me for 30 days, 1 one posting per day for 30 days- ideas, tutorials, projects and lessons to inspire you to get creative in simple ways this holiday season. From photography- to doodling- to painting- to holiday craft projects- to baking- to creating homemade gifts and MORE this class will be packed with fun and inspirational concepts that can be applied to your busy holiday schedule. 

for more details or to register visit my online shop HERE 

IMPORTANT NOTE- All of my classes have unlimited access- once you register you can create and access at any time and work at your own pace.  Just know that once you are in- there is no deadline or pressure to create.


And I can't announce a new class without a giveaway! 
I'm giving away 5 free spots
Leave me a comment- let me know your favorite winter or holiday tradition
I'll randomly select 5 people later this week!


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Christine said...

Because I work in a school I just love all the sticky glittery crafts that get done in the run up to Christmas.
Please enter my name in your draw

Pleuntje said...

Here a post from the Netherlands. I like to introduce you to all of my blogfriends so if I win the give away,
I take a picture of myself sitting behind my computer, drinking hot chocolate and doing the online workshop
nice and warm and freezing cold outside. X

Karla @Art Whisper said...

As the weather turns to cooler days here in California, I love to make my traditional run to the nursery for my cool weather variety of flowers that include pansies, violas, lobelia, and alyssum. It's about that time of year now....

Would love to be a part of your class.

Warm regards,

Sandy said...

I love to bake treats for my family during the holidays. Thanks for the contest

adrienne said...

What a great idea.. I'm definitely in need of some inspiration!

Favourite holiday tradition is having our family reunion during the Lunar New Year. Interstate or overseas, we'd all try to head to Penang for this event.. and decorate our family home in red & gold :)

Bubamara šarena said...

In november our family tradition is to docorate our house door.We usually make some children drawings, like snowman with funny hat or bunch of snowflakes children do alone. And lots of candles around the house when is dark outside.

Atharva said...

For past three years we are celebrating my son's birthady, my husband's birthday and Diwali in the same week. That is my fav week of Nov. I plan and create variety of crafts in October.

OnePerfectDay said...

This class sounds like lots of fun!

Our favourite holiday tradition is the trimming of the Christmas tree with carols blaring, lots of very loud singing and mugs of hot cocoa.

Fräulein Rucksack said...

This year it's definetly the candle making - in candlelight - I can't wait for.

Chantal Hanna said...

My favourite holiday tradition.....decorating the house with Bing Crosby singing White Christmas. We make our hall and dining room look like a it's covered in snow, we have white pompoms hanging from the windows and ceiling and then we cover the windows and glass cabinets with paper snowflakes that my kids cut up. We decorate a tree in the hall with white tinsel and it all looks magical.....and we do this because in the South West of England we rarely get snow anymore.

Sabine said...

My favorite holiday tradition is crafting Christmas presents, decorating my home and baking cookies while listening to classic holiday music like White Christmas, Driving home for Christmas... I can't wait to hear those songs again. :)
Would love to listen to them this year, while participating in your lovely class. Sabine

Analog Girl said...

This is such a great giveaway!

So, my favourite winter/holiday tradition always has been getting in the sofa with a blanket, my family, lots of tea and homemade biscuits and just watch a good movie, all cosy and warm (if it's an old movie, even better). Love it!

Thank you for the oportunity! I'd love to have a free spot on your class.

Anonymous said...

During the winter I love staynig home and knitting christmas presents for my friends and family and moreover when everybody is wearing the items for the christmas dinner.
Hélène From Mallorca

fivegoblogging said...

We always make our own Christmas dinner hats in our family. The kids get to choose their own theme, colours and designs and then let rip with the glitter and glue. I make my own though (can't quite let go enough ;-)

Emilia said...

I don't go Xmas shopping, instead I make a lot of handmade gifts for my friends.
Thanks for the giveaway!

art.soul said...

my favorite winter/holiday tradition is to gather my cousins at hom and just play Monopoly until we are all mad because it's always the same person that wins... since we were kids! :D

what a great opportunity.
greetings from Portugal

Vera said...

This giveaway sounds reaaallly good! :)

My favourite holiday tradition is on Christmas. On Christmas Eve, in my grandparents' house, full of kids (I have a lot of cousins), we sit on de floor and call (very very loud!) to Santa's ('cause he is old and could not heard well!). It is so amazing to see the children's faces, especting and their expressions when he finally "appears"! :)

Thank you for the oportunity!

Dawn W said...

Decorating gingerbread houses with my kids. They are 11 and 13 and we have been doing therm since my oldest son was 2! Every year they come up with such interesting ways to decorate them! So much fun!

barbara said...

I love to decorate the Christmas tree with my two children, with handmade decorations made and collected during the past years, plus some of them that date back to my own childhood.

The Blume Family said...

My mom started a Christmas Alphabet scrapbook made with Christmas cards when I was a little girl. When I had my kids, we made the same scrapbook and we add to it every year.

I love your ideas and would love to participate in this class. Thanks for sharing!!

Benay Blume

Erin Fish said...

My favourite tradition centres around our four grandchildren. Every year since they were born, I have hand stitched a Christmas ornament for each of them. When they leave home, to be on their own, they each will have a Christmas box of ornaments to start their own tree.
Thank you for this opportunity.

Kara N said...

Our family traditions have changed a lot in the last few years as my nieces and nephews have grown older. I'm still trying to figure out what my new favorite is.

I loved the original create daily and am so looking forward to this class.

mariana said...

i like buying and making little pressies for the advent calendar. i did not know this until 3 years ago and i love it.

Barbi said...

I love your idea of every day craft. I think such a project will keep me in my creative mood for the whole month and I would be very happy to get spot in it. So, please, enter my name in the draw.

My favourite winter tradition is sledging on nearby hills. When I was a little girl, I was building snow roads with brother and friends and we keep on doing that even though we are adults now. We take cousins and other kids with us and we have a great fun in the snow. :)

Estee said...

I'm not very much into winter and we don't have many traditions about it, but I do love making soups again :)

jenny said...

OK, I give it a try! What I prefer is to create. I like te take time to do lovely things to decorate, it's a little as if I'm out of the world et simply be at that time, I love it! It's hard te explain in english, there aren't my words!

I don't often leave a comment here but I read your blog almost every day and I love it, so I take today to say thank you for all your sharing et good continuation!

Linda said...

We have a new holiday tradition now the kids are grown up. We love to go to a Christmas concert, either full orchestra and choir, or the local Salvation Army band at our local church:)

Jen 926 said...

Definitely decorating the tree--especially now that the kiddos are old enough to help. We always listen to the same cheesy Christmas CD we got for free in college!

Bid said...

My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. Family, heat, carefully chosen gifts, smiles, expectation, hopes, sweets, warm colors.

I'm here for a chance to the give give. I can't buy so I have to try my luck. Good luck to all and thanks for the opportunity!

verobirdie said...

On the afternoon of Dec 24th, we ( my daughters and I) back a cake in the shape of a little man. When still hot, we ate it with a cup of hot ocolate. They would not miss that ritual. Even if we are shopping, they insist we are home in time to bake our cake. Did I mention they are now 30 and 28???

livethegoldenrule said...

For the last 32 years I have gotten pictures of the kids w/Santa. Both girls were crying with their dresses almost over their heads when they each were around 2. The person taking the photo would ask if I still wanted it. I would say "of course!" One year our youngest was at the mall and asked her boyfriend if he wanted to go get his pic. w/Santa. He said "No!!" She told him he didn't understand, it was not a question- with Mom we have to get a picture! 7 years later and he still does it for me. Some years some of their friends (that have adopted my husband and I)have been in the picture. My Grandson has been in the pictures for the last 9 years. Last year I made each girl a book of their own. Now they understand why it has been so important to me. Their teenage years are priceless. The "Santa picture" and a handwritten note telling me of a good memory for my scrapbook is all I ever want for Christmas. ;-}

Barbara said...

For the last 35 years, my husband and I go for a long hike in the local national park forest during the week of Christmas. Nice way to enjoy the quiet of winter and each other

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the holidays is putting up the tree and pulling out all of the handmade and gifted ornaments that adorn it. Each year it is like taking a trip down memory lane. We love re-telling stories on each other and laughing while putting up our tree then sitting back after it is light and basking in the glow of our happy family.

Fallingladies said...

I have so many that it's hard to pick a favorite tradition... I think it's cutting the tree at the tree farm, they provide the saw and a tree caddy and when you return from your hike to get the tree they have complimentary spiced cider or cocoa and sell wreaths in a tiny cabin on the hill.
Thanks for the chance to win, i would love to take one of your classes! I stop by your blog all too often!

Snap said...

I must watch Scrooge and White Christmas a dozen times before the holidays are over. Love them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Chris Graham said...

Due to a new path in life I need to be very conservative during the holidays. BUT what that has done for me is to awaken all my senses to enjoy the seasons. I am stepping out and experimenting with my creative side :). Thank you for the inspiration your blog has given me.

Yvonne said...

My favourit holiday craft is making traditional swedish candy and gingerbread.
Hope you draw me!!!

anja said...

we always celebrate saint nicolas but now with our adult children studying away from home we celebrate in the christmas holidays but always in the saint nicolas spirit which means that each of us creates a surprise present which holds the real present. So all of the family get busy with paper and glue and paper maché; it's great fun. We would love to get more ideas through this online course!

Irene said...

wowwwww I think this class will be fantastic!
I love the christmas color : red or all white

Buffy said...

Sounds like a fun class,a favorite holiday tradition is baking for my family and wrapping presents!

Unknown said...

I'd have to say my favorite winter tradition is snuggling up in warm blankets, with a cup of tea in hand, while reading the Christmas story on Christmas eve. Would love to win a spot in your class!!

Jeanette said...

Watching Christmas movies! Especially, The Bishop's Wife, Christmas in Connecticut and A Christmas Story. The extra blessing is getting to watch them with my elderly Dad who lives with us, we started a new tradition together last year. Priceless! Thanks for the opportunity! Sounds like a month of fun. :)

Potiron said...

I just love your classes, I'm always checking in on the ones I've registered for!!!

I'd love to win this one!!! My favorite christmas holiday tradition is making foie gras and my "pain d'épice" a kind of gingerbread... My sister-in-law always asks me for one as a christmas gift to her every year, so I always make one for her and another one for the rest of us to share!!!

and... I love to sing classical Christmas carols in french and in english.... (but I'm the only one in the family who does....LOL)

Happy Holidays to you!!!

Nancy said...

I'm absolutly in love with all kinds of Christmas Songs. By the 1st of December I start searching the web for Christmas Radio Stations from all over the world, to see what the music in other countries is like and I love it!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Vonnie's Pie said...

Hi Alisa!!! I love getting up early Christmas morning and going to my daughter's house and seeing my grandchildren with their Christmas goodies. We all fix a yummy breakfast and just enjoy each other... Some of us even go back to sleep!!! LOL! Would love to win a spot in your wonderful class!!!


I have 9 grandchildren and every Christmas we make an ornament to hang on the "kids" tree. Over time, the number dwindles down because as they get older they shy away. I still have 5 that will have a great time making them.

papelhilo said...

I so love your work, I can't resist a giveaway !
thank you so much !

Faznali said...

Hi Alisa, I'm Fadzlina from Malaysia :)

My holiday tradition is cook for my family and i'm just love it!
I love art but having lack time to enjoy it, it's not that i'm too busy just don't know where to start coz i've left it for quite long time.

Hope to get this giveaway and turn on my creativity side back.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Jane Wetzel said...

My favorite thing about the holidays is that my 4 adult children all come home and spend the night on Christmas eve again :) It is awesome!

Beverley Baird said...

What a great giveaway!
I love so many things about the holidays. But my favourite tradition is decorating the tree. As I unpack the ornaments, I remember where they came from or who they were created by. As a teacher I have many ornaments given or made by students and I love these. Carols are playing and special cookies are being nibbled.

Mary said...

we always get our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. i love bringing it home, smelling the pine, putting it up, (yes even getting it straight in the tree holder) watching my home transform throughout the day as we decorate. we do much less decorating these days, we keep it simple and each piece seems more welcome than before. sitting with the tree lit the first night is a joy, anticipation growing as i think about the days ahead.

Alisa, thanks for this opportunity.

Unknown said...

My favorite thing about winter is when you get a cold dreary day and have a fire in the wood stove and stay in all day and create art, bake, play a game. Of course, too many of those days in a row can be a problem, but every once in a while, it's nice. Thanks for a chance to win a spot!

Unknown said...

My favorite new tradition is that we go to the Botanical Gardens on Christmas day every year. I love journaling every day about Christmas. I also love the decorating, and the twinkle lights... I'm hoping to continue making new traditions.

Anonymous said...

My favorite tradition has become keeping my December Daily journal. I love looking at them every year ... I only pull them out at Christmas time and I love doing them everyday!

Sydney said...

We drive around and look at Christmas lights. I used to do that as a child with my granddad (who passed away in 1993)and I always had cold little hands he would warm up with his big warm hands. He would always say to me, "Cold hands, warm heart!" I knew that wasn't true, he had one of the warmest hearts around and his hands were always warm. :)

Terriaw said...

This sounds like a fun class! I could use a boost of fun, creative projects when I'm in the midst of homework projects. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! My favorite holiday traditions are making handmade ornaments to exchange with my sister and a couple friends, and baking cookies with my family the Saturday after Thanksgiving.

Auntie Jill said...

Watching the magic in the children's eyes.

Thank you for the chance.

jeannie lucky said...

I love to make and create gifts for my friends and family. I love to bake and wrap with decorations or homemade gift tags. Tradition is homemade love.Hope I win.

Johnnal said...

My kids and I decorate gingerbread houses. It is so much fun!!!

Shelly Reinhard said...

I love Chex Mix and look forward to making it during the holidays to give away as gifts. :)

Dawn said...

I would love to win a spot in your class. Sounds like a lot of fun!! One of my favorite Christmas traditions is to give each of my kids a present to open on Christmas Eve. Usually it's a board game and after they open we spend time together as a family playing it. Last year though we got them each a roll of bubble wrap. They were stumped at first but soon realized it was BUBBLE WRAP! They started popping it, wearing it, sliding on it, you name it. We had so much fun watching what they would do next. Great giveaway :)

Susan said...

This class sounds great. I would love to win a spot. Thanks for the chance.

Effie said...

Making the Christmas cake... Everyone gets to stir the mixture and make a wish.

redzshadow said...

My favorite holiday tradition is getting some hot cocoa and taking a drive around town with my husband to see the lights. It was one of the things we did when we first met.

wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

TWINKLY lights in the silliest of places! can't have too many! thanks for a chance xo
could/would you give us one little peek as to what one promt or idea would be like? i have encorporated some many of your teachings into my work and thank you! xo

Valen said...

I love crafting with my girl Christmas decoration, i love the smell of the cinnemon cake :).

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

My favorite holiday tradition is that we (my hubby and 4 kids) go and cut down our Christmas tree. It'll be especially poignant this year since my oldest son is a senior in high school.

Kerry said...

Momma-mades are my favorite holiday tradition. Each of my 3 kids, my hubby, my parents, and my sister get a gift that is handmade by me, just for them. My son always wants his own canister of homemade peppermint bark, and my daughter loves things made with fabric!

Unknown said...

My favorite winter tradition is to walk the canal path from Butler University to the Indianapolis Museum of Art after the snow has fallen and the gardens are whitewashed. In Indiana, it can almost look like a black and white photograph because of the low light and stark contrasts. Walking with DH - my fav!

Unknown said...

thanks for this great giveaway !
my favorite tradition is decorating the tree with my kids .^_^

B @ Sweet Limes said...

I am on my own this year with my kids and looking forward to deciding on some new traditions.

Ariel said...

Our favorite tradition is putting up the tree and the lights. Everybody contributes in decorating it.

mali.s said...

My favorite winter tradition is to bake lots of différents breddle and sweets during december's week-end and to give them as little gift to amm my friends an d family. Left overs are eaten at x-mas eve.

Pippa said...

Mine and my daughters favorite tradition is going to the Bethlehem Visit at a local church in our area. We look forward to every year.

Ami said...

Sounds great! I just made two of your upcycled-book-pages autumn leaf wreaths (one for home, one for my very grey cubicle) and love them. Can't wait to see what ideas you have.

Anonymous said...

This class sounds Great!

My favorite tradition is putting up the tree and the lights.

Thanks for this great giveaway !!!


Ditsy Bird Designs said...

What a great class idea!
My fave Christmas tradition is hand making Christmas gifts for friends and family...and all the lovely plotting, planning and sketching that goes with it.

Kathleen said...

my favorite tradition is baking cookies with my husband..we have alot of fun making cookies..thanks for the giveaway

*jean* said...

oh, girl, you rock...this is such a great idea!!! thank you for the chance to be a part of it! my favorite holiday tradition is to make a few ornaments every year...ever since i was a kid (and that was a while ago...)

Iulia Dromereschi said...

My favourite holiday tradition is the building of nests for the Easter Bunny. I know it might sound silly; how's that, building a nest for a bunny?! - yet it's true. I'm from Romania, and we used to do this with my father when I was child. One needs to gather all the necessary wild stuff (i.e. grass, branches, leaves etc.) and build a nest of them, in order for the E.B. to come and place red eggs and presents within.

I'd like my name to be inclosed in your draw, please.

mary e said...

I think my favorite has to be making Danish kleiners with my daughter/daughters and finding a special place for the nissas.

Anonymous said...

I could really use a dose of the holiday creatives to get me in the spirit of things! I'd love to take this class!

HT said...

My family situation growing up was rather tenuous, and so we never really had any consistent traditions. It has always made me feel sad and has been something I know is important to do differently with my own family and children. I'm working to build my own traditions. My son is still an infant, but I have plans in the works. Driving around to see Christmas lights, making cookies and treats, delivering treats to neighbors, and definitely lots of service projects for others.

Leah said...

This class will be a blast! Picking out the fresh tree and freshly cut wreaths...that is one of our favorite parts of the tradition line-up. The smell. The color. Wow! Sigh...

Leigh said...

My favorite holiday tradition is reading my daughter "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve. My dad gave me the book, which is illustrated by the wonderful Grandma Moses, about 40 years ago. We also read "A Wish for Wings That Work: An Opus Christmas Story" to remind her how beautiful she is.

Cathy said...

I love the holiday season, so picking a favorite part is hard. But I would have to say the fact that my parents still wait until all three of us kids are home to put up and decorate the tree together is what I'm most thankful for. We try to do it the day after Thanksgiving but sometimes it doesn't work out, so they'll wait until as late as Christmas Eve to put up their tree so we all get to do it as a family.

Miriam Prantner said...

Sounds like a great class! Thanks so much for the chances to win!

DebP said...

decorating the mantle and dining table. giving one special ornament to each of my children that has special meaning during the year. Thanks for the opportunity.

Laurie said...

Our favorite holiday tradition is for all of us to get into our "new" Christmas Eve pajamas. My husband and kids can't wait to see what I've picked out for all of us. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's just cute, and the pajamas are ALWAYS warm and cozy.

Can't wait for your class!

Pat Gill said...

What a wonderful class! Our favorite tradition is to make chicken n dumplings for christmas dinner--and I make it from scratch!
Love your blog and hope I win the class
Pat, A Remade Life

Christie - Fine Lines said...

Sounds like a fun 30 days!! This time of year I start assembling 12 favorite new recipes that I've tried out during the year. I put them together in a holiday booklet for family and friends.

Deb said...

My favorite holiday tradition is taking a hibachi to the beach and grilling and chilling, without being in the kitchen all day long!

Appreciate the giveaway.......

ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

Beck said...

I love decorating the house and making cookies and handmade gifts for christmas. This sounds like such a fun class!

daydream kate said...

My favorite winter tradition is one walk alone. I love to get a peppermint white chocolate mocha and walk around in the first snow of the year. I always love taking a few pictures, sucking in a deep breath of crisp air and enjoying the total quiet. It's one of the highlights of my year and it totally gets me ready for a holiday season full of family and activities.

juli said...

my favorite holiday tradition here in kansas city is to drive down to see the Plaza lights with the kids. we go in pajamas and pop pocorn to take with us in the van. then maybe a stop for hot chocolate on the way back:) thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in your class!

donnaing said...

Our favorite Christmas tradition is to go see the Living Nativity that local churches present. It is just beautiful and every year starts our holiday season.
What a wonderful contest. Good luck to all.
Donna I.

Michelle said...

I love making snowflakes with my children and anyone who comes in the door. The teenage boys complain a little but theirs get hung up just like everyone else's. It's so fun to see them improve every year.

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Because we have extended family in other states, we have come up with a fun tradition- they all come to our home for Thanksgiving..my kids, grands, sisters neices and nephews - we have "Thanks-mas"! We have the normal Thanksgiving, but the next day is "Christmas Eve" and we shop, lauth, wrap, have hoit chocolate and all the "normal" stuff..then Saturday morning is "Thanks-Mas" where we all get up, stay in our PJ's, and we get to "see" each otehr open the presents that once were dlegated to the mail and where no one got to see the reaction of the faces of the participants! The Grands love it & it allows the grown-up kiddos have thei own Christmas morning and day witht heir own, new traditions. We love it ans all are happy!

Blackinese said...

Getting together with extended family around the holidays is something I look forward to every year.

Joanna said...

Wow, I'd love to take one of your classes! One of my favorite holiday season traditions is to make cards to send instead of buying cards (take that, Hallmark!). I also like to make small baggies of apricots dipped in chocolate to give to friends and coworkers.
I've been feeling the need to get back into creating more art since work and health issues have been so stressful.

megan said...

Cooking, Baking and feeding my family & Friends... To me nothing says I love you like good food....

Stacy Kristine said...

This is perfect! I am really trying to get back into the habit of doing something creative every day, so I'd love to do this class! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity. My favorite holiday tradition is our $5 gift tradition. Since everyone in our family is grown, we limit our gifts to one $5 gift per person. It forces us be creative and thoughtful in our gift-giving, and we don't spend a fortune or put the focus on material things.

Lidia Baltazar said...

Hi Lisa!! Hail from Mexico, and well here in one of our traditions are the Posadas holiday season and good will start on December 15 and end on the 25th, We do the traditional punch and break also Piñatas!! really had a great and memorable time!!

Jo said...

Our favourite holiday tradition is all the making that comes before the holidays and then the nervous excitement of giving the gift (and hoping the recipient likes it) My kids always look like they are going to burst as the gift exchange day draws nearer. It is so hard for them not to share their secrets gifts after working so hard on them!

Sara said...

Love your classes.
My favorite holiday tradition is during Christmas when me and my family make ginger bread cookies and send them to are neighbor. It's so much fun to see the little kids smile when you hand them the cookies, its priceless.

Alma Boheme said...

My favorite holiday has to be christmas time. It is filled with magic in the house with a lot of arts and crafts , good food and old movies. In our house we celebrate it up until Jan6 for three kings day.
A class of yours would be great, we try to incorporate art into our every day but sometimes I need some inspiration and new ideas for the kids.

bethwalker07 said...

My favorite holiday traditions...stockings and hot chocolate! Thanks for the giveaway!

Janice Faye said...

I live in Minnesota so that means snow! My favorite winter tradition is during the first big snow to snuggle up by the fire, have homemade hot cocoa and watch the snow come down! I love watching the sparkly little flakes and it makes everything look so pretty! I love that cozy winter feeling!

Katherine McNeese said...

hand made and recycled are our holiday traditions

Christine said...

My favourite is ad event time making advent calendar for my girlies even in their teens they can't go without it

Kelly said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and house for Christmas! It's just so magical, especially if you live somewhere cold and it snows. I grew up in MI and now live in So Cal and it is just not the same. That is why I'm so excited for this class! It would definitely help get in the Christmas spirit.

dielutter´s said...

my most favourite holiday tradition is to share time with my family on every sunday evening/night before christmas ( in germany its called advent.. 4 sundays) and sing carols, eat cake and cookies and watch the advent- wreath with the candles.

TammyP said...

Making holiday cookies.

Jen said...

Our favorite tradition is decorating the tree and house on the same day. We always have goodies baking at the same time, to enjoy during and after decorating.

Jess said...

Every year my best friend and I search magazines and websites for the best selection of holiday cookie recipes. Then we spend an entire day or two just making a million batches, split them up and package them in creative and fun ways so we can send them to friends and family near and far.

Beth H said...

The kickoff to our family's Christmas celebration has always been my dad's birthday celebration on Christmas Eve. The celebration was always separate from the Christmas celebration - and no combination birthday/Christmas gifts for Dad! Since we lost Dad earlier this year, our tradition will change. I'm not sure what we will come up with, but it is always primarily about family being together and enjoying each other's company!

Hope Amen said...

A favorite holiday tradition is to make ornaments to give as gifts prior to Christmas. I would love to be inspired by your class to create something new this year. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

Little Ella Lu said...

Every year we go out in the woods behind our house and trek all over looking for our Christmas tree.

Kimberly said...

I would love this so much!! My favorite holiday tradition has to be decorating the tree or drinking hot chocolate. Simple but heart warming!

Sarah Spindell said...

My favorite holiday tradition is on Thanksgiving. Waking up to nice cool weather outside, my mom and I are baking in the kitchen, football that day, pumpkin pie, family and just feeling the love in the house from the minute you walk in the door. It's pure bliss and my favorite day of the year. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your class.

pak said...

My favorite holiday tradition was playing Bingo with my extended family at Christmas. Mom would load up on sale items, rebates and free samples all year. Old and young, we all played for the chance to get to the pile first. Then the fun really ramped up when the bartering began - two bottles of shampoo for a pack of razors? Anyone? Anyone?? Sometimes Mom would be sneaky and leave the best things in plain brown boxes, so you never knew what you were getting. Mom passed away two years ago. Christmas hasn't been the same since.

Jennifer Allison said...

oh BOY! my favorite holiday tradition has GOT to be doing the Christmas Polka with my dad around the living room during tree trimming time. hands. down. :)

Fran said...

Putting up the tree is my fav

Monica Geerts said...

I love making as many gifts as I can and wrapping them in kraft paper done up a different way each year!

linda said...

Cool class idea! When the weather gets cold, I always love to venture out to favorite cafes and just soak up the holiday spirit with my hubby. I think it's good to go out... just to hang around and people watch!

The Millers said...

This is so exciting! You are so creative! I would love to take your online class!

My favorite thing about the holidays is being with family! We will all be together in the same place which doesn't happen very often anymore! i am so excited!


dvw said...

Would love to treat myself to this!

Gill said...

Mince pies and damson gin for me!!!

Monika said...

Ringing the bell before opening the christmas presents...decorating tree...and cookies and cakes...

Debbie said...

At Christmas time, I love baking cookies for my friends.

Khrissy said...

My favorite tradition is baking a million cookies with my Mom and sister. We watch White Christmas and Charlie Brown while we bake and chat for hours.

Unknown said...

Being far away from family, in a foreign country, kinda puts a damper on the holidays, just a little bit....I try every year but we still need to find our own special traditions within our little family, the kids are only 3 and 5. A little bit of inspiration would go a long way ;) ... Ho Ho Ho.

Meghan Thimjon said...

What kicks off the holiday season for me is crafting for gifts! I love to have a different wrapping "theme"if you will. Most of all decorating the tree with the kids!

Giggles said...

I have so many favorites and probably why I love winter so much!! Decorating the house early so I can enjoy the lights and listen to carols for two months!! Every year my family goes to a movie, dinner, and then we drive around looking at Christmas lights... I've done that since my daughter could sit comfortably in a theatre...One of my very favorite things of all is to visit art knapps nursery to see all the decorated indoor trees...each year they're different and beautiful. I sneak photos of all the color and twinkle. Not only do I get a natural high surrounded by all the color and beauty I am always inspired when I leave!!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Donna said...

OOOOOOO I LOVE Christmas time, it's my favorite time of year!! I can't just pick one tradition. I love the tree decorating, baking, playing in the snow, Christmas morning, having my birthday 5 days before.... all of it is wonderful. New traditions are being formed as our family grows!
Thank you Alisa, sounds like a great class :)

dawn said...

This class sounds just like what I need, tons of fun and creativity!! Thanks sooooo much for this chance to win, so thoughtful of you.

It's pretty hard to pick just one thing I like. For me it's the kids and the joy of seeing their faces when doing all the holiday activities and then Christmas morning and how they still get up at the crack of dawn to come down.

My personal favorite just for me though is sitting by the tree lights at night before bed. I get a blanket and just sit there and stare at the beauty of it and thank GOD for all I have each year.

Alisa, you will love this holiday more and more as your sweet girl gets bigger. I love spreading this magic of the holidays all month long, not just to Christmas but to all the days and into the next year. You will have so much fun with her and make JOYFUL memories.

Thanks again!!

jobi said...

Each year I design and make my Christmas cards and I'm always looking for inspiration. I love everything Christmas...family, friends, gift making, cookie exchange and the best....listening to Christmas music while making tamales.

Ginger said...

I am a Colorado mountain girl who was transplanted to the Pacific Northwest a few years ago. So every winter I decorate my windows with glass and crystal snowflakes to remind me of home. Then I throw on my cozy warm sweaters and take long walks on the beach with my husband and our two dogs, feeling blessed to live in another beautiful place!

Terree said...

I celebrate Chanukkah, and I'm hopeful that works with your class. I need light by the time December rolls around. Anything glittery or involving lights is a must at my home.

Janie Husband said...

chance to win.....yah!!!...my favorite holiday tradition is to bake cookies with my grand babies....they get sooo exited and it make me sooo happy to see them...

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradition is getting new pajamas for everyone and wearing them Christmas Eve to watch movies.

Vee said...

My favorite holiday tradition is something my husband started several years ago with my kids. Every year my husband and I make up a story that leads to a magical adventure that takes place in the upcoming weeks to Christmas. We usually do things, like make magical cookies to help Santa save the day and other various activities that revolve around the story. We makes maps, letters, clues, or whatever else for the kids to find and work though. Whatever the story, it always ends with a celebration on Christmas Eve.

Nathalie Koyabe said...

On Christmas Eve, at 12:00 we put our shoes under the tree, then all hide in one room far away from the tree. One by one we go out to drop our presents on the shoes and then go back to the room. The smaller the room, the more fun the waiting is... :-)

Trisha said...

I love decorating our Christmas Tree.

Kim said...

I'm In! I love your online classes!!!!

Sharon Stanley said...

ooo, i do love a giveaway and this class is right up my way...do count me in!

Scatterjoy said...

Thank you Alisa for the chance to to win a seat in your inspiring class!
Favorite tradition, hands down is watching The Polar Express while drinking hot chocolate with my kiddos! "Never, ever let it cool!"

Christina said...

It's coming up to the day when my husband and I bake fruitcake mini loaves. Now if you're thinking, "Ugh! Fruitcakes?!?" like those hard as a brick, icky, weird colored candied fruit ones you get in the grocery store - NOT! We use a Jamaican Fruitcake recipe we discovered a few years ago that uses lots of nuts and real dried fruit, is doused in spiced jamaican rum and is "cured" for 6 weeks. We get so many requests from family and friends that it has morphed into a yearly tradition.

Richelle said...

building a comfy fort out of pillows, blankets and chairs in our living room and watching christmas movies inside of it!

Andrea said...

My favorite winter activity is hot cocoa by the fire as the snow falls outside. Your class looks so fun.

Hasibur From Bangladesh said...

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chocolate birthday cake
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the Domina said...

I love singing, so Christmas caroling with friends is one of my favorite traditions! And of course, making all kinds of handmade gifts for my family is up there, too.

Kay said...

I love watching old movies over the holidays...on Christmas day we sometimes go to the movies as a family. When the boys were little we would go to the West desert and shoot off rockets. Had to create our own traditions as there were only the 4 of us!!!

Shelly said...

Hi Alyssa,
One of my favourite Christmas traditions is making lefse (Norwegian flatbread) on Christmas Eve, listening to the Christmas greetings from around the country on CBC radio, enjoying the cold outside and the warmth inside!

lilotte said...

In France, after Xmas, there is the Kings feast : it celebrates the 3 kings who give gifts to the new born. We celebrating by buying a special cake with a crown on it and inside is a dry bean. The one who gets the bean wins the crown and can choose a queen (or a king)

hcolvin said...

I love when its cool enough to bake! I like to bake lots of Christmas treats and give them away so I don't eat them all! I also love to plan holiday menu's!

Jeannie said...

My favorite tradition is the day after Christmas. My Mom, Aunt (both in their 80's), sometimes my sis, and I spend the day creating. I always get art supplies, books, dvds, etc. for the holidays. We hit the craft store for supplies and then spend the day playing. No stress, no crowds, coffee/tea and cookies and memories. I look forward to that time spent together more than I do Christmas. (Lunch/dinner are catered by my hubby and Dad - pizza!)

Julie Arthur // alonewithmytea.com said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve soup and Christmas morning cinnamon rolls! Would love to win a spot in your class!

Rach said...

I would love to do this course so much! Sounds like fun :)

My favourite holiday tradition is definitely putting the tree up, it has to be on the evening of 1st December (that's the earliest I'm allowed to do any Christmassy stuff!) and my husband and I put our gradually growing collection of pretty ornaments up to the sound of lovely folky Christmas music, makes me feel warm and fuzzy! :D

I'm Sara. said...

What a fun course! One of my favorite holiday traditions is visiting our city square to view the thousands of lights on display! I especially can't wait for this year now that my daughter is old enough to notice! :) love your blog by the way! I read as often as you post :).

Emily Joy said...

Every Christmas my family gives homemade gifts to everyone:) It is a special way to show our love and invest in our family without spending a whole lot of money! I love it.

Katy @ Eat Drink & Decorate said...

My favorite "tradition" we have is going to the movies on Christmas night. We've been going since we started dating in high school... 22 years ago! We will have our first little one this year so it'll be interesting if we still make it!

All the reasons to get together with friends and family are why I love the season!!

Emily said...

my favorite holiday tradition is watching the movie "The Polar Express" with my parents and sister every Christmas Eve!

Christina Tischler said...

One of my favourite things to do is create... aything really. I absolutely love creating with my two and four year old - we paint old pieces of scrap wood, make wonky ceramic beads and do all sorts of fun and adventurous stuff.
I think being involved in an online class would help me "get my creative on" each day! It's so easy to let everyday life get in the way - it'll be nice to have a reminder and some prompts!

Sarah said...

I'm sure your ideas will be great again! I guess one of my favorite traditions on christmas season is opening a calendar every day from dec 1st till the 24th. it's a german tradition to open such calendars, mostly filled with little chocolate, a cute picture or something different. make the waiting time run faster.

have a great time with your little family!

Lisa Gallup said...

My favorite tradition is setting up the advent calendars on Dec. 1. :D

Cassi said...

I would love to be a part of this class as I'm a huge fan of your work - thanks so much for a chance at a spot! My favorite holiday tradition is the advent calendar in all of its forms - it's one of my kids favorites too!

Nicole Maki said...

We have teenagers now (16, 15, nearly 14) so our traditions have had to change a lot the last few years.

My most-loved new tradition is that I wrap up all our favorite games and we play one each night of advent leading up to Christmas. It forces us to slow down and make time for each other during the busy holidays.

Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

I love decorating the tree, wrapping presents, ice skating. Its all so fun!

. said...

When I was a child every year, my family would make a gingerbread house and decorate it. Then at our super bowl party we would blow it up. Thinking back it sounds incredibly strange but I have very fond memories of it.

Thanks for the chance to win!


Read a Holiday Story Every Nigh!!!!!

Simple Domesticity said...

I would love to win a spot for this class!! One of my favorite winter traditions is baking cookies with family and giving them to others.


Unknown said...

Our family tradition is pretty simple, after dinner on christmas eve we go outside and sit looking into the dark sky trying to spot Santa's sleigh. Most of the kids in my family have seen it! Even Rudolph's nose!! love Christmas magic!!!

Lindsey said...

My favorite family tradition for christmas is on Christmas morning we stand in rows of two and walk down the stairs singing a christmas song that has carried through the generations. The final 3 versus of the song have been lost, we we all hum the melody.
Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Quilter422 said...

thanks for the opportunity! i made christmas quilts for my boys a few years ago, and i love putting them over the sleeping boys some night shortly after thanksgiving. when they wake up in the morning and see the quilts, they know it's time to start decorating for the holiday and playing christmas carols.

Rachel Rodrigue said...

Our favorite winter tradition here in Montreal,Canada: Long ride in the Mount St-Bruno, and after hot chocolate near the fire place!

Toep said...

Ohhh.. This would just be what I need. Anyways, as a Dutchie, my favourite holiday must be Sinterklaas. Comes with lots of nice traditional foods (candy, cookies, yay!) and gifts of course. Bit like American Santa Claus, but then the 5th of december. Oh. And he comes with a boat from spain. And walks our rooftops with his white horse....

Esther said...

The class sounds really inspiring and useful!
My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas crafting with the kids to create ornaments and decorating home.

Katie Cannon said...

I love our count down to Christmas. Every couple of years we create a new one and we hang it up like a garland down the hall to the bedrooms and each morning we turn one around so that we know that day has passed. We use clothespins to hold each day up.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. I love everything about the holidays but my favourite (this year anyway) is making my own wreath and matching advent calender with hand picked gifts & actions for each day. My 3 year old's favourite bit is the presents!

Saskia Z said...

I love having the excuse to have mulled wine going all the time @ our apt!

kL said...

we spend the weekend after thanksgiving searching for a tree at one of the many farms around us here in sonoma county. candy-canes. hayrides. hot cocoa and finding the perfect tree to fit in our home.

Unknown said...

Baking. Anything with pumpkin!

huntla1 said...

This sounds like such a fun class. I would love to win a spot for myself!

ninifee said...

Christmas starts at my house at the 1. November. I need lots of time to decorate to try new decorations etc. then there is baking cookies, drive to christmas markets eat "Bratwurst" and drink some "Glühwein" - and I love to watch the littles when they start their "Adventskalender"

Ashley said...

I'd love to be in your class! My favorite holiday tradition is to make gifts for friends and family with a theme (like vintage reindeer and penguins, comfort & joy, blue Christmas, etc).

Colleayn said...

My favorite holiday tradition is putting up my Angel and Faery Christmas tree, our Christmas egg dish and being with family. I love the holidays. I would love to win this class. It sounds like fun!

Deb L. said...

Going to midnight vespers then tucking everyone into bed to listen for sleigh bells on the roof!

Megan said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is making Jesus's birthday cake! Each year it get's bigger and bigger! Last year it was 3 tiered! What a great class Alisa!!

- Meg

Sandy said...

my favorite tradition is the reading of the Life and Adventures of St. Nicholas, Every year starting Dec. 1st, started with my dad reading it to us, now that we're all grown and live in seperate states we all read in seperately... I think I'm going to have my dad record it for me though.

Brandy said...

I love all the cooking and food! It's my opportunity to try new versions of classics.

Kimberlee said...

So totally excited about this class!

My favorite tradition is just getting ready for the holidays... all of the prep and bustle...planning decor and menus and daydreaming of falling snow and kissing under mistletoe.

erinkathleen said...

my mom is famous in my small hometown for her fudge. I have literally had people I didn't know stop me on the street and ask me for the recipe. She guards this recipe very closely - she only gave it to her own sister a couple of years ago. She takes plates to all the schools, the nutcracker faire, and the organizations she's involved with. Famous I tell ya, famous.

My all time favorite holiday tradition is sitting in our kitchen watching White Christmas (essential to fudge making) and making batch after batch of the coveted fudge. For a time, I could only watch. Then, I was old enough to stir the sugar. Then, magically one year, I made a whole batch myself. I will never forget those winter nights. And...since I have the recipe, I can't wait to re-create them with my future children.

Jana K said...

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is making homemade gifts for our extended families. We started this tradition about five years ago when the economy started to fall. It makes everyone in the family whether rich or poor on equal footing and homemade gifts are so much more meaningful and appreciated. I think your class would be perfect to help me get new creative ideas for this years' homemade gifts.

Spela said...

I'm such a fan of your classes :)
i just love drinkih hot barley coffee and craft, craft&craft ;)

Kiki Halbert said...

What a lovely idea for a course and giveaway! I've loved all your courses so far. I guess my fave winter tradition is to go out for an evening walk after the first snow fall and just listen to the sounds of the snow under my feet. It's one of the quietest moments I experience all year.

Lynette (NZ) said...

Putting up the tree on 1st December & the kids get to buy a new decoration each to hang on it..and my mum makes the best Christmas cake.

liniecat said...

Am a huge fan of your style and this sounds like great fun!
I do love Snowy Christmas Owls. I know, I know, not necessarily the most Christmas like of birds......but along with Robins....I reckon they should be found on festive trees!

Stacey said...

I love making and taking treats to my neighbors with my kids. Nothing beats that holiday feeling and the love that you feel for everyone.

Chrissy Farnan Hoot Designs said...

Christmas Eve Hot Chocolate and opening only "one" gift!! Looking forward to class.

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