Wednesday, October 19, 2011

no sew- upcycled baby hats


Long before little Lucy arrived I had prepared my monthly post for ilovetocreate. It was back when I was in the process of nesting and I spent a few weeks creating some baby clothes and thought that some super simple hats made from upcycled t-shirts would be an easy and fun project. And now that Lucy is here I actually had a teeny tiny little model!

I always like to first raid my closet or clothing that would otherwise get donated before I purchase fabric. And since I have WAY too many t-shirts that I don't wear I decided to use a few of them.

photo (4)
I started by drawing out the shape of the hat.

and then cut out the front and back.

Because I was short on time (again) I decided not to sew the hat but instead use Aleene's Fabric Fusion Fabric Adhesive Pen. It is non toxic and completely washable and one of my favorite "no sew" products to use.

I applied the glue to the inside edges of the hat- the tiny applicator tip is perfect for small projects.

Of course I couldn't resist creating some rolled fabric flowers (see my tutorial here) to add to a couple of the hats.

IMG_0006 copy
I glued the fabric flowers to the hat and let everything dry for around 36 hours.
Last I tied a knot at the end of the top of the cap- this can be adjusted depending on the size and desired length.

I created a handful of caps in different colors and patterns.

And just like that I have a little collection of baby caps all ready for Lucy to wear!




Wendy said...

Oh my gosh, she's adorable! And the hats are cute too... well done :)

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

She is sooo sweet!! Cute hats.. Congrats Mama :)

debbie said...

I know you are so happy,,,your little girl is so sweet. My "baby" daughter is now 29 years old. Enjoy everyday, they go too fast!!!
Debbie S.

Miriam said...

I usually don't care much for babies, but your little baby is soooo cute!!! Congratulations! I'm very happy for you!

kelly barton said...

oh these are so cute and lucy is totally rocking the marigold.

Shalet said...

Adorable! I love the flower detail!

Anonymous said...

Lucy is so sweet! Fantastic hats!! Cute, easy and super practical idea!

Kerry said...

Super fabulous! I can't wait to make one!

Nelly said...

Oh my! Cute hats, even cuter baby!

MarleneMAZ said...

Lucy is so cute :) she looks adorable in the hat you made. Congrats again to you both.

snik said...

Nice baby hats and such a cute model! And she's such a lucky girl to have such an imaginative and creative mama!

martha brown said...

Oh, Alisa, she is so perfect! Congratulations!

martinealison said...

Bonjour Alisa!
Toutes mes félicitations pour cette magnifique jeune fille!!!
Il est adorable ce bébé...
Je n'ai plus qu'à me réjouir à présent des bébés qui naîtront chez mes enfants (j'ai eu 4 enfants). Ma fille Fauve a un petit Nathan qui aura 1 an (déjà!) le 25 novembre prochain. Et tout juste hier soir, mon fils aîné m'a appris qu'il allait être papa début avril...
Donc, si ma belle-fille accepte, je veut bien essayer de créer ces si adorable petits bonnets que portent votre bébé...
Merci pour l'idée ingénieuse...
Je vous fais de gros bisous à vous deux... Prenez bien soin de vous.

Teddi said...

perfection! yes she is. the hats are cute too.

Penny said...

She is the most beautiful baby, I hope she is as good as she looks,and the little hat is such a fun idea.

Mary said...

these little hats are adorable, and they are just perfect on precious Lucy. Alisa, she looks so cozy and content.

Mary said...

these little hats are adorable, and they are just perfect on precious Lucy. Alisa, she looks so cozy and content.

Lorri Flint at Art Camp for Women said...

Congrats Alisa! Lucy is darling and we at Art Camp for Women are thrilled for you! You were right, little Lucy came the same week as October Camp! She could have been our youngest Camper! Enjoy your little sweetie, Lorri and Lori

Janie Husband said...

oh my, a little bit of heaven in a sweet, sweet hat.... blessings...

Jeannie said...

Lucy is so very, very beautiful!!! The hats are adorable. I wonder how a 58 year old would look in one? :D

Sandy said...

So adorable and a great idea.

se7en said...

Oh the prettiest little thing in world she is - how clever you are!!!

Rachel M said...

Aw how sweet!

la.daridari said...

the project
... and Lucy!

Lisa said...

gorgeous photos of a gorgeous baby!!

Creative Grammie said...

Lucy is adorable! And so is the wonderful hat you created. Great idea Alisa!

Fra' said...

I could spend hours standing still admiring such a beautiful little girl! Sooo sweet :)

projecantasi said...

Hmmm, It looks very stylish, both are easy.
Also, I admire your hair your models. Hair model in the photo on the left, how did you do?

Bren Graham Thebeau said...

She's an adorable model and what a great idea for creating hats for her to wear. Love it!

jgr said...

Lucy is stylin' already! She is precious and the hats are a great idea.

Rachel said...

I so miss the age when you can pose them any which way you like and they sleep through it all!!! She is just adorable!

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

The model is spectacularly adorable.

OH! Sorry... I was supposed to comment about the hats? *wink* Precious. Soooo creative. You'll get a lot of mileage out of those!

knittinghen said...

Have not checked your blog in a while but glad to see Lucy made it here safe and sound and that you are well too. She is so beautiful. Congrats. Enjoy those first few tiring months~they go by too quick!!

Tamara Hallock said...

Lucy is such a sweetheart. You are going to have so much fun making all kinds of things for her!

SuzyMcQ said...

Brilliant! Incredibly beautiful images of an incredibly beautiful baby.

Kathie said...

Your hats are adorable and your beautiful baby looks perfect in them. she looks like a little flower.

Kelly Warren said...

Too cute! both little Lucy and the hats. Congrats Mama!

Ariadne said...

What a little beautiful model she is!AriadnefromGreece!

Die van A (Christel - Luc en Gaëtan) said...

Soo cute.. adorable!


AngieR said...

You are amazing!! These little caps are so adorable and Lucy is absolutely perfect! Congrats!!

lekyvijay said...

there is only one thing for me to say ...............ur simply amazing
take care

jabbott said...

Gosh you are creative

Deb said...

Lucy Matisse is beautiful! Love the name and the hats. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

So. Stinkin'. Cute.

Dianne said...

How cute is this!!! She's so lovely... and looks warm and cozy in her cute little hat!

Cindy said...

Adorable Lucy. Adorable hats.

Rose Clearfield said...

So cute! Thanks for the tutorial!

Eveline said...

She is the best model ever! And such cute hats, too.

Nelda said...

Oh my goodness, she is so cute I can't stand it. The hat is wonderful, too.

Unknown said...

Love the hats, they are adorable. And what a gorgeous model! :)

Unknown said...

You and dad must be "giddy" with happiness! Your little girl is a beautiful baby!
How did you know this color would be the exact one for her? Take care and protect our little one! Hugs! Loretta

Emilia said...

She is so cute!!! She is lucky to have such a creative mom like you.

Arti K said...

What.. no way! I thought the yellow hat was the inspiration piece that you were trying to recreate! Lols. I should know better by now. Awesome job, and it looks better than anything I've seen on the market. Can't wait to see her in the black-and-white.

Rita said...

Lucy is so sweet!!she´s a angel :)
Enjoy every second, it´s great to be mama
I love your ideas!!!


Darcy said...

She is absolutely gorgeous and makes the perfect cute-hat model!

Judith said...

Welcome,Lucy! Congrats on your beautiful baby, Alisa. The project is gorgeous, too.

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor said...

What a little darling! Lucy, you look fab in that hat. Your Momma is going to make you the most fashionable baby in town!

Denise said...

How cute is she? Did you dye any of the white T-shirts or choose them for what they were?

Jess said...


Cory said...

Prettiest little model I have ever seen....
What a beautiful blessing.

marie said...

So cute and lovely baby and hat! It suits her perfectly!!

Lesley Edmonds said...

What a fabulous idea and doesn't Lucy look so cute wearing one of her bespoke hats.

refabulous said...

I've been a fan of your work for some time now, and was so excited to see that our baby was due just a day or so before your little one. :) I loved reading your pregnancy posts, seeing your artwork... so inspiring. And now the adorable baby posts! Yippeee! Congrats on your beautiful Lucy!

And the hats -- SO adorable. I must whip up a batch for our baby Donovan!

Blooming Soul Arts said...

oh gracious...she is a beauty and the hats are simply precious on her!

Yvonne said...

What a gorgeous sweet little the hats.

studioGypsy said...

just the best!! :) xo

Diario de crecer said...

So sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!! She is so cute and sweet. I'm name is Vane and I'm a Spanish. I read your blog every week. Today when I saw the pictures of your baby..... I decided to write to you. Another time, congratulations!!!

the old white house said...

oh my gosh.... adorable, and the hat is too! t. xoxoxoox

becky Mercado said...

This is sooo sweet. I have a brand new grandson....I may try this. Love your blog and your style. Do you have a button I could grab?

Michelle said...

Lucy is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations. Those hats will definitely keep her little head warm through winter.

Mechelle said...

What an adorable little baby!!

Angela Meijer said...

could she be any cuter? love the hats as well.

JessiVille said...

Lucy and the hat are the most adorable things EVER!

Jessi xox

Annasofia said...

your little girl is pure perfection. as all babies are. congratulations.

marla grace said...

love it! i'd like to make one of these for my baby cousin that's coming this weekend! is there a way to print that pattern drawing? i'm just not sure how big to make it, and i'm not able to save that drawing.

thanks for sharing!

Kathryn said...

Can you post the measurements? Thanks!

Szamóca said...

With your permission I will use your tutorial for premature babies's hats for a hospital in Budapest (Hungary). They are lovely.

Nicole said...

These are super quick, easy, adorable hats!! I am going to raid my closet/drawers right now and am planning to make one for my friend's baby, due in September.
Someone else asked if you could post the measurements; I think that would be really helpful.

Thanks again!!

yılbaşı said...

hello thanks for this.

baby-hats said...

Hat is very cute, very warm

Unknown said...

Fabulous idea. Can not wait to make for my granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

Really i am impressed from this post.thanks for sharing your great.

Custom hats in NY & Millinery in NY

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article, thanks for putting this together! This is obviously one great post.

Veiling & Dagaanbieding


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