Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Honoring my History
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Once again ArtFiberFest was a wonderful experience and I cannot say enough about the amazing and creative people that attended! This year it was at Reed College in Portland, OR and for anyone out there that is looking for a new and creative experience this the the retreat for you!! Everyone (as usual) completed all kinds of wonderful projects. All of the students in both of the classes that I taught, TOTALLY exeded my expectations and put their own twist on my techniques and projects. I never get tired of seeing the things that I teach get turned into something unexpected! My grattitude goes out to Teesha, Tracy, Tiffany and Trista for putting on such a fabulous, well thought out and inspiring retreat- they totally ROCK! Here are a handful of pics from the last few days!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
There is No Place Like Home
Friday, June 19, 2009
To USD with Love
Eight years ago I moved to San Diego from Oregon to start fresh and to see if a relationship would work with my now husband (living in the same city). Back then I am not sure what I set out to accomplish- I was in love and looking to change my life ( I did not have much of a plan) The first thing I needed before moving was a job and when I flew to San Diego to interview at USD I had no idea at the time how much a job would affect my life. In the last eight years I worked many different positions at the university (I even lived with students for a lot of the time) always looking for something that would click, where I felt like I could stay forever and be comfortable. I am now happy to say that this never happened, I was always uncomfortable, always wanting something more in work which has lead me to this new chapter in my life- I never thought I would be so grateful for being uncomfortable!
After having some time to reflect on the last eight years, I've found myself feeling so blessed to have the lessons and experiences that my job at the university provided me- the greatest being the people and the relationships. I started my life here not knowing anyone except my husband and I can honestly say that I am walking away from a job with some of the most amazing and wonderful friends that I ever could have hoped for. People who encouraged me, who saw the real me, who listened, who trusted, who provided something that I never really had and that was community in a job. So many people in my day in day out life at work were why I made it through each and every day- while I was never truly fulfilled in my job duties, I was overflowing with friendship on a daily basis and for that I am so thankful. Last night a group of us gathered for one last hooray and as I looked around at all the friends I have, at how different each of them are and how each of them has brought something special to my life- my heart was full and it makes all the ups and downs of this crazy journey totally worth it!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Big Change
Oh goodness I am exhausted...lots of work this weekend almost too much work. I am preparing to move into the last 3 days of my job this week (Thursday is my last day) and presently I am just trying to keep it all together, keep my eyes looking forward, trying really hard not to get too hung up on this BIG change that will be happening in my life. Last Friday my wonderful collegues at the University of San Diego threw me a party and WOW was I surprised and I actually went away feeling closure to the last 8 years of my "professional" life-something that I really needed. Now, as I head into the last few days of my job and then into the next chapter of my life, I know that I will be reflecting upon what comes next, there is so much going on in my head and as much as I try hard not to go there (only because it tends to freeze me in my tracks) I know that I will be doing soul searching, celebrating and seeking balance...sigh...bear with me.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Graffiti Clutch
I had to share these lovely photos that Lara (an Etsy customer and fabulous artist) took of the hope graffiti clutch that she purchased. These photos perfectly capture the vibe of my purses...LOVE THEM!!! Thank you Lara!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

So my week did not quite start out the way I had planned. Yesterday we were dealing with my hubby's car getting broken into- see previous post. By the end of the day we finally got things fixed and taken care of but what a pain!! I am happy to say that life is back to normal (whatever that is) today. I am in full work mode, trying to get everything accomplished and ready for my day job coming to an end (8 days and counting!!) and my art life starting which will kick off with a trip to Oregon- half of the trip at the coast in my hometown hanging with the family and the other half teaching at ArtFiberFest in Portland!! There is so much to do not only for the trip but for the next chapter in my life... but this is the time that I work best in- crunch time!!
I have been working on my online teaching schedule and I am happy to announce a new 5 week class called Recycling Remix that starts July 13th (the first 10 people to register get a one of a kind messy journal-made by your truly) as well as another round of Graffiti Chic starting in August. (See the posts below this one)
I have continued to work on getting lots of new stuff ready for the Artists Marketplace at ArtFiberFest- just a reminder if you are in Portland or even nearby stop by for some WONDERFUL handmade wares:
Friday June 26th
Reed College, Student Union Building
Parking and admission is FREE!
I have also been working on more handmade goodies for the Renagade Craft Fair in Los Angeles on July 11th and 12th I am creating all sorts of brand new purses and accessories so if you are in the area- drop by and visit me!!! (more info to come later!!)

Then I will be off to Arizona to teach at Art Unraveled- Larger than Life on August 10th and Trashy Clutch on August 11th. I am pretty sure there is still time to register so if you want to join me for some messy fun check out the Art Unraveled site for more info!
There will be lots more coming in the next few weeks so stay tuned in!
In not so exciting news...remember how I was growing my hair out a while back? Well, I gave in and chopped it-YIKES- for some reason I have the hardest time with my hair growing out and feel so much more like myself with my short crop. Oh well, perhaps I will start all over again this summer but for now I don't have the time to mess with fixing hair!
Graffiti Chic August!

Learn the art of graffiti!! This class will introduce you to the concept of graffiti and tons of techniques- layering, messy color, how to make handmade stencils, handwriting, different kinds of spray painting techniques, non toxic substitutes for spray paint, using household materials and tools, paint pens, free writing, and all sorts of other techniques and materials to create your very own graffiti compositions on paper, fabric and canvas that can be used in scrapbooks, journals, collage sewing and all sorts of mixed media projects.

Class starts on August 4th and runs for 5 weeks (until September 6th) you will be able to access the site 2 weeks after the last class until Sept. 20th
Class costs $50 (thats only $10 a week!!)
Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access.
Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc)
There will be :
TONS of photos
step by step visuals
OVER 20 Video Lessons (of yours truly teaching and demoing in my studio but not in my pj's)
pdf handouts
tips and lots and lots of inspiration to download.
A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!)
New lessons will be posted each Monday and throughout the week there will be additional posts full of inspiration, you will have the opportunity to work on projects at your own pace.
Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!)
Each week will also include live and private chats AND as much email support and contacts needed.
Payment is accepted via PayPal (if you need an exception to this please email me and let me know).
Feel free to register anytime before the last day of class which is September 6th
Refunds will be made until the first day of class August 4th. After August 4th refunds will not be given.
Once you register and pay, you will receive an email confirmation with a supply list and details and login information about the site where the the class is held.
NEW July Online Class!!

Recycling Remix
Starts July 13th runs for 5 weeks!
The first 10 people to register will get a free messy journal (made by your truly of course!)
This class will completely change the way you think about everyday materials! It is jam packed with techniques, projects, ideas to incorporate a green approach and all kinds of ways to make art on a budget. For those who know me, will know that I am OBSESSED with finding new ways to redefine and use everyday materials- I strongly believe that learning to recycle and create on on a budget is a way to show respect in the art that we make.
This class will introduce you to all kinds of creative and nontraditional (and I mean nontraditional!) ways to use everyday materials, how to transform trash and things that normally get tossed (junk mail, cereal boxes, used envelopes, paper, old clothes and so much more), you will learn how to spend little to no money on supplies, inspiration in art history and lots more Everything that you learn can be applied to mixed media, fabric, paper, scrapbooking projects- regardless of the medium you work in you will be INSPIRED!
Class starts on July 13th and runs for 5 weeks (until August 16th) you will be able to access the site 2 weeks after the last class until August 30th
Class costs $50 (thats only $10 a week!!)
Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access.
Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc)
There will be :
TONS of photos
step by step visuals
OVER 20 Video Lessons (of yours truly teaching and demoing in my studio but not in my pj's)
pdf downlaods
tips and lots and lots of inspiration to download.
A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!)
New lessons will be posted each Monday and throughout the week there will be additional posts full of inspiration, you will have the opportunity to work on projects at your own pace.
Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!)
Each week will also include live and private chats AND as much email support and contacts needed.
Payment is accepted via PayPal (if you need an exception to this please email me and let me know).
Feel free to register anytime before the last day of class which is August 16th
Refunds will be made until the first day of class July 13th. After July 13th refunds will not be given.
Once you register and pay, you will receive an email confirmation with a supply list and details and login information about the site where the the class is held.
This class will completely change the way you think about everyday materials! It is jam packed with techniques, projects, ideas to incorporate a green approach and all kinds of ways to make art on a budget. For those who know me, will know that I am OBSESSED with finding new ways to redefine and use everyday materials- I strongly believe that learning to recycle and create on on a budget is a way to show respect in the art that we make.
This class will introduce you to all kinds of creative and nontraditional (and I mean nontraditional!) ways to use everyday materials, how to transform trash and things that normally get tossed (junk mail, cereal boxes, used envelopes, paper, old clothes and so much more), you will learn how to spend little to no money on supplies, inspiration in art history and lots more Everything that you learn can be applied to mixed media, fabric, paper, scrapbooking projects- regardless of the medium you work in you will be INSPIRED!
Class starts on July 13th and runs for 5 weeks (until August 16th) you will be able to access the site 2 weeks after the last class until August 30th
Class costs $50 (thats only $10 a week!!)
Class will be held on a private blog that only registered students are able to access.
Basic computer skills are needed (be able to login, access a blog, etc)
There will be :
TONS of photos
step by step visuals
OVER 20 Video Lessons (of yours truly teaching and demoing in my studio but not in my pj's)
pdf downlaods
tips and lots and lots of inspiration to download.
A high speed connection if definitely recommended (because of the above!)
New lessons will be posted each Monday and throughout the week there will be additional posts full of inspiration, you will have the opportunity to work on projects at your own pace.
Supplies needed are very simple, inexpensive craft items- (I strongly believe creating art should not cost a lot of money!!)
Each week will also include live and private chats AND as much email support and contacts needed.
Payment is accepted via PayPal (if you need an exception to this please email me and let me know).
Feel free to register anytime before the last day of class which is August 16th
Refunds will be made until the first day of class July 13th. After July 13th refunds will not be given.
Once you register and pay, you will receive an email confirmation with a supply list and details and login information about the site where the the class is held.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Bad Start to the Week!!
So far my Monday did not start as planned...I have a week and 1/2 left of my day job and lots to do before I transition into my new life! I told myself this morning that today begins a productive week! Well, that changed when my I got a call from my husband this morning as I was getting ready for work. He went surfing bright and early and when he returned to his car he found his window smashed and everything stolen (wallet, iphone, keys, all his clothes!!!) poor guy had to drive into his work with his trunks on and try and find some clothes in his office to put on so he could file a police report and cancel all plastic!! I have been stuck at home waiting to have to locks changed and then the car fixed. So much for a productive start to the week!! Maybe by the end of the day I will have something better to report!!!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
More Shop Updates!

Bright and early this morning I added more fun stuff to my shop- lots of zippered pouches!! Check it all out here
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