My creative business is growing and evolving which means my creative space has been overdue for some changes. My dream for the studio has always been to somehow divide up the space so I could have a few different areas for different projects and creative tasks. And since we are always up for a DIY project around here (and because I am married to a talented retired structural engineer), I was finally able to transform my space.
We had all kinds of ideas of how to divide up the space but what we decided on was creating moveable walls. I've worked in galleries and loved the idea of what you often find in a gallery- a hollow wall that can be painted, moved and changed depending on the exhibit or creative project.
Andy got busy designing the walls- the most important thing for us was creating walls that were light weight (so I could move them around) but still be stable enough for everyday use. I won't go into all of the project details but above are the plans that Andy sketched up for himself.
After the walls were made I went to town painting them!
With front and back I have a total four walls and I painted one of those walls black.
The black wall will double as place to paint (I prefer to paint on unstretched canvas stapled up on a wall (its better on my back). I will also be using the black wall as a photography background. I have been using more and more dark backgrounds for my photos so a black wall makes sense for me.
The other three walls I painted white. One of them will be used as a "statement wall" that I can paint murals, pattern and backdrops for online classes and photo shoots. My plan is have this wall change with different projects. I painted a flower wall that I will be using as backdrop for some spring projects that I have coming up.
I even painted the edges of the walls for a little bit of extra flair!
The other two walls I kept white (for now). I desperately need a blank space (other than our home) to stage, style and photograph all kinds of art, class material, tutorials and DIY projects. Right now both of these walls face windows where there is wonderful natural light and I plan on utilizing this light for different photography and filming projects.
Because the walls are light and I am able to move them around into different configurations.
We can even turn them into a closed off little room that could be used for privacy when Andy and I are working on projects at the same time.

And because I also teach classes in my studio I will be able to set set things up in different confirgurations depending on the class size and subject matter.
While this project was exhausting (we tackled it all- construction and painting- in about 3.5 days) I am crazy excited about all the ways I will make use of these moveable walls!
This is the most gorgeous idea and realization of it EVER! :-)
Absolutely awesome!
Super idea !!
wow! it looks great!
Love this idea! The flower wall is so beautiful!
I love your blog and find you extremely inspirational
Very beautiful!! Seeing that the walls are thick, you could leave some of the area blank and use for storage by adding shelves inside the wall. I also have a concern. Are the walls secured to the main wall? I would not want any possibility of one tipping. I know Andy built the walls nice and thick so they have a nice base,and I'm probably being a worry wart, I just thought I would throw that out there. You both did a great job!
This is a great idea!!!!! Absolutely love the way it transforms your space infinitely
I just love this, so very creative and beautiful! Your work is amazing, and inspiring!
Amazing! I love the way your mind works! So inspirational!
Hugs Giggles
è un'idea geniale!Le pareti sono utilissime e bellissime! Prevedi di aggiungere anche delle rotelle a scomparsa sotto? Per non rigare lo splendido pavimento in legno del tuo studio!!! Sono curiosa di vedere i prossimi progetti primaverili!
Alisa ispirami!!! Ne ho estremo bisogno per tirarmi su di morale!!!!
It is a brilliant idea! Walls are very useful and beautiful! Expect to also add wheels concealed under? Order not to scratch the beautiful wood floor of your studio! I'm curious to see the next spring projects! Alisa inspire me! I badly needed to cheer me up!!
The most amazing idea on art decor ever… I would love to do one too :)
These are wonderful! Thanks for including the plan sketches too.
Question: do you have felt or anything on the bottoms to avoid scratching up the floors when you move them?
I love your movable walls, they provide so many solutions so so many
studio "problems" that crop up frequently. Three and half days well spent!
They are so cute. The walls turned out great!
The movable walls are a brilliant idea! So unique and so adjustable to any space you need!
Brilliant idea! You have my dream studio. Someday when my dream is realized I'm totally using this idea. = )
CRAZY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The walls are lovely but its the 4 tiered cart that caught my eye. I know Ikea has a 3-tier but where did you get the 4? :)
I LOVE this. You are a genius.
How do you slide them around without them damaging the wood floors?
This has to be one of the best ideas I've ever seen. This has so many applications that I can think of right off the top of my head. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Great idea for a great dynamic result. I so love the idea of a transformable space according to one's needs or/and moods.
Wow, your studio is amazing! What a great creative space!
I love, love, love. What a fantastic use of space and what a great idea. I will be filling this ideas in my mental filing cabinet for when I make my studio in my garage. xx
I love, love, love your big floral walls!!! They are awesome!!!
These are beyond fabulous. I hope that you share them on Pinterest!!
Ok seriously I need those walls. Great project, thanks for sharing.
Hey, you have done such a wonderful job with this.It is quite inspirational.
I can hardly believe how fabulous this is. Great idea...and the flower wall is to die for. Clever you...BOTH of you.
This is genius! And Beautiful. Love your style.
Holy Moly these are awesome!!How perfect, and I love all the option's!I'm having total studio envy!
These walls are so innovative for your ever growing studio! I've been following your blog since, I think 2008. :) I just love seeing all the new creative projects and progress you've made. I'm a fan!
This is amazing!!! All your work is amazing, by the way! Thank you solo much for sharing what you do, we are blessed to know you!
Yet another fantastic idea!!! The walls look awesome!
Awesome idea. Now, you're set to photograph any way you want. The walls are also big design walls! Multipurpose.
thats a so great idea of how using a big open room... great really
Wauw! You're so inspiring!
Good Luck to all your projects!
Greetings from Holland, Liza
Hi, would love to know how stable the walls are for tipping, am about to have my dad build one - we are looking at castors underneath and 600mm deep - but would love to know more details about yours - would you share?
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Really it is cool and so graceful..can we use this ideas in office also like.Architectural wall panels and Wall panel systems - Transwall
I was so shocked to see that someone had built one of my crazy ideas. Beautiful. I have had a house in my mind for many years that I want to build. Most of the walls would move to accommodate a busy and changing needs of a family. I'm a little stuck on the part of electricity though. Are either of them wired in anyway. I would want many walls that move. Anybody have ideas for this crazy dream?
A great studio! Love the moveable wall ! Thank you for sharing!
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