Wednesday, March 16, 2016

art print GIVEAWAY!

Ok you guys today I am giving 3 people a set of art prints that include 5 different collaborations by my husband Andy and I. 

In addition, Andy and I are also giving away a custom portrait. One person will win a custom portrait (subject matter is up to them) made by Andy and I.

To enter leave a comment below.

Tell me one thing that you are grateful for today!

I will randomly draw a winner and announce them at the bottom of this post on Thursday, March 17th.

*****************UPDATE WITH WINNERS*********************

                         email me at

Winners of the sets of prints:

Winner of the custom portrait:


1 – 200 of 249   Newer›   Newest»
LovesToCreate said...

I am extremely grateful that my husband and I were able to move to the mountains of Colorado to be with our children and grandchildren. Although I love my home state of Michigan I had to go where my heart is. It is a grand adventure!

Kob Koon Kaa said...

I am extremely grateful that two years ago we found out that we - me and my husband - belong together...we were about to split up for good but found out that we loved each other deeply and belong together and now we are having the time of our lives and have found out what we really believe in and want to do together...see the world, be free, live simple and do it together...

marjo said...

I am grateful that we live so close to nature, that it's spring and i can work in our garden again. teach our kids about growing stuff, providing veggies for dinner and growing flowers just because they are beautiful. Have a great day Alisa, hope you have lots of things to be grateful for as well....

Liz said...

Oh, wow! I'm such a big fan of the things you make in collaboration!!

I'm so very grateful for living in a country where people are free.

Virginia said...

I am grateful for waking up and every day and being thankful for all that I have in my life - feeling very blessed!

Hope you have a great day, I love seeing your collaborative work together - amazing!

becslb said...

What an amazing giveaway! I'm grateful that despite my chronic health issues and the problems that causes that I am able to get out walking the dog, taking my children to their activities and to just be with them and my gorgeous fantastic husband. I'm also grateful that Spring is on its way, that it's getting lighter and warmer again!

Crea8ivemum said...

Thanks for this beautiful giveaway, Alisa. I am greatly inspired by your work :) I am grateful for my beautiful family and for my wonderful life - I am truly blessed !

Anne said...

Thank you Alisa for this week around your birthday. I am just grateful for discovering this new post with your marvelous drawings. I already have a bag of yours and it made my day when I got it.

papelhilo said...

what a great present ! I love your work (and Andy's of course) so it would be wonderful to win !!

Meagan said...

I love your collaborations! I was so grateful for the sun today and yesterday- I think it's finally warming up.

Meghan Thimjon said...

May sound silly but I am grateful for an injection in my knee and the diagnosis that came with it! My knee has been swollen since September and I am getting some relief finally!
Would be insanely ecstatic if I were to win anything that you and Andy collaborated together on!

Kiki K said...

I'm grateful for an understanding and supporting husband and the family we made together. thank you for the chance (love your work and especially the ones where you colaborate with your husband)

Effie said...

Great giveaway ...grateful for a reasonable nights sleep!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for life. This time last year I was coming to terms with skin cancer, a year later I am cancer free and holding my 8 week old baby boy, Orin. Feeling very blessed! Thank you for this continued source of inspiration and positivity. After reading your blog I have been inspired to return to making my own art and cant wait to share it with my son as he grows, as you do with your little one x

Fran said...

It is hard to pick one thing. Everyday I get up I think of all the thing I am grateful for. My husband and his return to health are the top of the list. Also---I work at the best place in the world with the most amazing people. And last but not least ----my daughter just had a baby and she and I are going to have quite the journey together!!!

JAToto said...

I am grateful for another day that I've been given...another day to get it right, walk in kindness, spread joy, and be a better person than I was yesterday!

zina said...

Your post is a great chance to think positive and simple...what I am greatful of? easy! Yesterday we had a tiny visitor in my kitchen... a snail! My mother has sent us fresh greeds from Crete in order to cook them and the snail was among them. And I thought...he was in a great grass in Crete and my mother collected him accidentally, he sent him to Athens (this is a huge trip from him) and he discovered my kitchen. Imagine his surprise and how terrified he might be... so I am grateful that I have a home, my home , with my family in it. Two adorable kids and a great hubby! Life is simple and we have to enjoy every moment :)

Jennifer Lemke said...

I am grateful that my husband is coming home today from his work trip!

Unknown said...

I am GRATEFUL for my wonderful family!

Marika Lemay said...

I'm gratefull for my family and my husband who stays will me even if I'm ill. I'm gratefull for you, Alisa, and all you share and give to us. Thank you very much!

Unknown said...

I am grateful that I had half an hour to create art today. yay!!

Unknown said...

Of course I am grateful for my wonderful sons who bring joy and life to our home. And my husband who works hard and is a terrific family minded man but I am also so grateful for the internet where we can connect with people who are across the country and around the world who share the same interests. We can learn from each other and support each other.
I do love the collaborations between you and Andy--what a talented team you both make.

Alice Tischer said...

You are my best menthor ever! Love all your work!

Pam said...

I'm grateful for sunshine. We have had such a long dark wet winter, and yesterday the sun snow and I was able to go cycling. I'm lucky enough to live near a cycle path following a river into the hills and the countryside. It was wonderful being out in the fresh air and close to nature. I'm very stiff and saddle sore today though!! Can't wait to do it again, and take my sketchbook with me this time!

LOCKwerkE said...

I´m grateful for meeting my friends and I´m grateful for my family. I love your pictures and the great giveaway. Thank you. Karin

Nicole said...

I'm grateful for my imperfect happy life! Hope to win your giveaway! Have a good day, Nicole

Martina said...

I am grateful that I can leave for a great holiday trip to Japan and Taiwan tomorrow! So excited....

Erin Fish said...

I am grateful for my husband, who is my soulmate, our grand children who make me smile and for the ability to do art which feeds my soul. Thank you for this generous giveaway.

Erin Fish said...

I am grateful for my husband, who is my soulmate, our grand children who make me smile and for the ability to do art which feeds my soul. Thank you for this generous giveaway.

Unknown said...

Estoy agradecida por la VIDA de hoy, el amor, la buena salud y prosperidad, gracias


I am grateful for so many things, but especially for my husband and family! This is a wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

Unknown said...

I am so very grateful for my hubby & children!

gretchen said...

I am grateful that spring is here! and for clean water and fresh air...

Anonymous said...

I am so very grateful that I am loved.

Beth said...

I am grateful that I am healthy.

Stephanie said...

I am grateful for the strength and love I have been blessed with through my faith... and my daughter who is my sunshine!

Megan O said...

I'm grateful to have just finished a super fun hip hop class with a bunch of hilarious ladies and a fab teacher.

I'm Sara. said...

Wow! This is an amazing giveaway! Thank-you! :)

I'm grateful for God's word reminding me I am valuable. And coffee. :)

Gigi said...

I am grateful for my family

Terri Paulson-Sasaki said...

I am grateful for my 9 grandbabes. They are amazing. Every time I am with them it is like being at Disneyland and all the holidays wrapped up together. I can't imagine my life without them. Thank you for this giveaway it is wonderful. I would love for you to draw my oldest grand daughter, she is beautiful - inside and out.

Spittin-Toad said...

I am grateful for family, my farm and my garden but most of all Gods love!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my son with autism. I have learned so much from him and how to appreciate our lives together. All the struggles help me celebrate the triumphs we have!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my son with autism. I have learned so much from him and how to appreciate our lives together. All the struggles help me celebrate the triumphs we have!

Unknown said...

Hi Alisa,
Today I am grateful for the cool breeze and pretty sunset sky. Thank you for your continued inspiration.

Kristina said...

Today I'm so gratefull for a day off alone at home. This is my special time to rest, to read, to seek for some inspiration and to make some art!

Christine said...

I am grateful for the signs of spring I can see in my garden

Unknown said...

I am truly grateful that I could get out of bed and go to work today. Some people aren't as blessed. Thanks for the inspiration your site is always providing.

Domestic Diva said...

I am grateful for my salvation and promise of eternal life with my saviour Jesus Christ...He is risen!

Les'Nspired said...

I am grateful for the volunteer work that I do!
Thank you so much!!

Unknown said...

So grateful for all of the inspiration that surrounds us every day!

Mary said...

I am grateful for my family and my two rescue dogs.

Mary said...

I am grateful for my family and my two rescue dogs.

FEFA said...

I'm grateful for being in good health and for family.

Haley said...

oh my gosh, what a great giveaway! I'm grateful for my family that continues to go above and beyond.

Katie Cannon said...

I am most thankful for my family

Unknown said...

I'm so grateful for good health!

Unknown said...

Life is a blessing! Grateful for my good health and a loving family.

Mary W said...

Happy Birthday - great celebration for all of us!! Totally grateful for the internet and the wonderful people that share on their blogs. The world is getting so much smaller and friendlier.

Izzy said...

I wanted to buy your lovely, expressive prints for my room - maybe I'll win them instead!!!!
I am thankful for Jesus and His joy that fills my life.

JessieHughes said...

I'm grateful for all of the wonderful artists putting stuff out there to inspire others to make art...and dogs, always grateful for dogs!

JessieHughes said...

I'm grateful for all of the wonderful artists putting stuff out there to inspire others to make art...and dogs, always grateful for dogs!

ladylyn said...

At this exact moment? Tea. But there's always lots of stuff I'm grateful for. :)

Chenay said...

This morning I am grateful that my 22 month old only woke up a couple of times to nurse during the night;)

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

such a lovely gift! Today I am grateful for our health and ability to think clearly! My husband lost his job and we have decided to be creative in our approach to another one and be grateful for life and liveliness!

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for my husband, who finds almost as much joy in my art as I do, since it makes me so happy and excited.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family and friends, for the journey I have traveled, the people I have met that have helped mold who I am. For people like you who share a part of themselves , who inspire others. Blessings to you :) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family and friends, for the journey I have traveled, the people I have met that have helped mold who I am. For people like you who share a part of themselves , who inspire others. Blessings to you :) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Terri said...

I'm grateful for a recent vacation to the beach and ocean with my mom - thanks Mom!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family & my art as they are both my respite after the day is over. After losing my mom 5 months ago I've relied on my artwork to get me through since family is far away. But they are no more than a phone call or text away either. I love your work and spirit...thanks for keeping the creative fires lit~ <3

kilkachwil said...

After many grey and cloudy days there is sun outside my window, feel spring in the air, and I just can take a break to go for a walk with the dog :)....

Clare said...

I am grateful for my granddaughter Charlotte . . . children have a way of making you realize what is important. I love seeing the world through her eyes.

Judes said...

Another opportunity for another beautiful day!

Laura K said...

My father-in-law had throat surgery on Monday-- I am so so grateful that the surgery went well and he is doing good.

Unknown said...

I am so very grateful for my amazingly supportive, creative and loving Mother ♥

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for waking up and breathing because every day is a gift and only you can choose what to do with it. Make the most of it!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for Spring and the new leaves that are sprouting from the trees.

Kris said...

Today I am grateful that I have learned to listen to my body and spirit so that I can give them what they need.

Joanna said...

I'm grateful that the forecast is calling for a few days of sunshine here in the PNW!

debbig said...

I am grateful for my little dog Gracie. She helps me through the day and gets me out to exercise!

MarcyKate said...

I am grateful for my supportive husband, I couldn't make it through rough weeks without him.

MarcyKate said...

I am grateful for my supportive husband, I couldn't make it through rough weeks without him.

Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway. I am grateful for the internet, it has opened up the art world to me and allowed me to learn from so many different artists, including you!

Unknown said...

The GOOD HEALTH of my family.
Thank you, Alisa for this opportunity.

Unknown said...

A clear sunny day so I can hang up my laundry outside.

A Broken Head said...

something to basic - my car works. I'm commuting this week to a different office - 35 miles one way. Last night I learned a friend is stuck in the desert with a broken radiator. Today, the working car, has my gratefulness.

Becky said...

I am grateful for my sweet little boy.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for having developed the ability to stop and look at the each moment through a positive light.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my little family. However crazy, busy, loud and messy it may get it is still my beautiful mess and I wouldn't have it any other way. haha. Thank you Alisa for this opportunity. Fingers crossed.

Kim said...

I am so thankful today for the sunshine and wind to dry everything up a bit. What a wonderful giveaway! You two are the bomb.

Unknown said...

That I am able in my 70's to spend time in a community garden in the morning and watching my grandson for the afternoon.

BasilBot said...

I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have in my life that not only support me but tremendously encourage and inspire me in so many ways. I feel so blessed and loved.

Jess said...

Today I am grateful for home and safety. So many people don't have that.

Laura E said...

I am grateful for my husband who does all he can to make my life a great one!

Sue A said...

I am grateful for my co-workers. They make my day job less like drudgery and a lot more fun.

Sue A said...

I am grateful for my co-workers. They make my day job less like drudgery and a lot more fun.

Anonymous said...

A 3.5 year old little boy who needs 3 hugs and kisses before I can leave. xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for hugs -especially from little ones. Some days you just need a hug :)

Danielle Janecek said...

I am grateful for the gift of art that God has given me and the ability to create everyday.

Ana O said...

I am grateful for my body- the physical body that performs all of these amazing functions and is now helping me train for a half marathon. We take it for granted so often, but after 3 years of medical scares, I so appreciate when it functions well.

Lorraine said...

I am grateful for having seen the beautiful sunrise this morning through the fog and the trees along the river on my way to having some medical testing done. I only wish I had had enough time to stop and take a picture and admire it more - the sun was so intensely gold and through the fog on the river bank it was stellar.

Lauren said...

I am grateful for my parents...we are soon to be moving back into their house with our kids so that we can save up for a down payment. A hard decision, because who wants to move back to their parents' house, but I'm grateful they even offered it as an option.

Corin Tschoepe said...

I am greatful for springtime! I always get so down in the winter months, and this new dose of sunshine and flowers is just what the doctor ordered!

CiNdYe said...

I am most grateful for my family and the complexity, challenge, growth and rewards they each bring to my life.

MrsZ said...

I am grateful for the spectacular progress my mother in law has made in the last few days in the hospital and for Gods answered prayers! She was admitted 3 weeks ago and they found a tumor in her brain. She was able to get out of bed yesterday and use the restroom by herself.....something she has not been able to do in months!

maria f. said...

Now that's a cool giveaway! I am grateful for the beautiful outdoors and especially the sun that is shining on us today.

Jody said...

I'm grateful for my family and the unending love and support I receive from them.

Unknown said...

I am most grateful for my wonderful family and my spectacular girlfriends!

Özge Başağaç said...

I am grateful for my family, especially my beloved 12 year old cat who had a serious heart failure last week but survived it. And my dear friends, my chosen siblings in life :)

Teri said...

Grateful for... my life that I am living.

Ellyn said...

So grateful today for news that my daughter will not require surgery.

Isabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jean said...

I am grateful for the ocean and how it never changes but always changes. It is so beautiful and calming sometimes, and stormy and unpredictable at other times. But it is always there, waiting for us to see it, feel it, smell it, and savor it.

Isabel said...

I am grateful for ... my knee healing well after my ACL surgery and for all the future adventurous hikes and travels I will be able to do once I am better.

Michelle P said...

So grateful for my vacation that starts this Friday! Long over due and much relaxing to be done with my favorite people (my family)!

maeve said...

I am grateful for this day, for life and health, for family and friends, for my faith in God and for all His blessings on my life.

maren said...

I'm super thankful for my kids! (and naptime)

Crev said...

What a nice giveaway! I'm grateful for my cute (and colossal) baby - it took us 3 years to get her but it was worth every moment! And I'm grateful for my sweet and hardworking husband, who busts his rear making sure we have everything we need.

Charissa said...

Today, I am grateful for so many things and it is hard to choose just one! I guess I'll just say that I'm very grateful for the chance to win this giveaway. Thank you, Alisa and Andy!

Ms. Becky said...

I'm grateful for my kitty Daisey.

Moois van mie said...

I'm grateful that I don't have to cook today because I went to work for the first time since I got the flue and I'mto tired to cook :)

Test said...

This is an amazing gift! I am grateful for spring being on its way!

kruthika said...

I am grateful to be able to work from home while being pregnant and for all the goodness that I have to this day. :)

Nancy said...

Thank you so much for this generous offer. I am grateful for so many things, it's hard to pick just one. I am most grateful for my happy home and wonderful husband.

*Andrea* said...

I am immensely grateful for the closeness of my family. My husband and I have four kids 14 to 21. Even though they are growing in many ways in many different directions right now, their centeredness remains connecting back home and to one another. I'm just very aware of how precious a commodity it is and never want to take it for granted! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISA!!! may you feel especially loved this week!

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for hearing that little voice that guides me through out my day....

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the kids I work with who taught me to be happier with what I have and who I am.

HallMom said...

I am grateful for our homeschool co-op. It makes our lives richer to have others share their passions and gifts through teaching classes at co-op!

Unknown said...

Because I'm grateful i have the disposition to create every day and have my family,my fiancee and my loving puppy, they are my inspiration.

MoodyCatCrafts said...

I'm grateful to have a loving family around me to cheer me up when I'm feeling down!

Cheryl Connell said...

So cool you are giving things away around your own birthday!! :)
I am grateful today for a new wonderful unexpected person in my life.

Ariadne said...

Oh that's a great giveaway! I am grateful these days because my family had enough space and food to share with a refugee family from Syria for a few days!AriadnefromGreece!

Chesley said...

Happy Birthday week! I love your collaborations with Andy, how awesome a giveaway is this? One thing I am grateful for today is ... the power of forgiveness and how it has affected my life!
Thanks, again, Alisa!

Joanne said...

WOWZA!!! What a giveaway - thank you. I am grateful for my husband. His health is failing and I am happy to have him around every single day!

Unknown said...

I am grateful that I can wake up every morning & start again fresh + optimistic [no matter what the outcome of the day before].

Christina said...

Your collabs with Andy are always AMAZING!!! Today, I am so thankful to be able to begin again every single day! Life is very good! :-)

Thanks, Alisa, for the chance at a giveaway!! :-)

lzymzy said...

I'm grateful for passions shared!

knit by nat said...

Happy Birthday week! Thanks for the generous chance! I am so grateful for the little family my husband and I have created and the smiles they bring us everyday.

Emily Stowe said...

I am grateful that spring is here!

Cristina said...

I am incredibly grateful for the beautiful blue sky today.

Alyssa said...

Thanks for all these awesome chances for these giveaways! I am thankful for my parents, who support my love for art and my ambitions in having an art career.

öznur said...

I am grateful that my son came home today from his work trip!

Jeanne Dowd said...

After multiple eye surgeries since last September and the journey of recovering from an unexpected complication from one of those surgeries. I am grateful for my eyesight and the ability to see beauty all around me.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!
Today I'm truly grateful for long naps, because while my son sleeps I get to paint! haha

BlueBirdLegacy said...

I am so thankful for my health, and having the ability to get outside and enjoy life.

Montgomery Family said...

Thanks so much for such fun giveaways! i am thankful for walks on the beach with my kids and finding little pieces of "sea pottery" that wash up on the beach.

Taylor said...

I'm grateful for sunny days and inspired motivation to create new things! I'm such a huge fan of your collaborations - this would be amazing!

TheFoleyFive said...

i am eternally grateful for music that makes my heart bump, that transports me to another place and makes me feel like I'm invincible, for just 6 glorious minutes.

Kimi said...

I am grateful for family, health and work.

Unknown said...

Fantastic giveaway! Love your work! I am greatful for my hard working and supportive husband and my two wild and crazy daughters.


Thankful and exited for all the giveaways! My family and my health

Rebekah said...

I am thankful for the beautiful that is shining this evening after a day full of clouds. Sun is wonderful!

Tracy said...

I am hugely thankful for my family and the love we share.

Emily said...

I am always truely grateful for health. I know it wont always be this way so every morning i wake up without pain or illness i thank my lucky stars!

Meghan said...

I am grateful for a warm house on a chilly (almost) spring day and dinner leftovers so I don't have to cook tonight.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I am grateful to see daffodils about to bloom.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! I am grateful to see daffodils about to bloom.

twobutterflies said...

The number one thing I will always be thankful for is the health and happiness of my kids

Heather Greenwood said...

I'm grateful for my sweet family

Unknown said...

Oh have been wanting one of your prints forever, they are GORGEOUS! I am so grateful for the opportunity to win them! Love your work.

Rebecca said...

I'm grateful for the sun coming out today after so much rain.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my husband and beautiful daughter.

Barbara said...

Your art work is beautiful , but I don't know how I missed that your husband is an artist too

Author said...

Happy Birthday, week! These are gorgeous. I'm grateful for the sunshine today. And a bit of time to enjoy it with my family.

Unknown said...

Today I'm grateful for the sudden spring we're having today in the Northwest!

purplenails said...

I am grateful for a visit from my Gran today and the cupcakes she brought my kids ;)

Jo Murray said...

I am at an age where I am grateful for each day I wake up. It's a blessing no matter what the weather.

Brig said...

I am grateful to have blogs like yours with so many wonderful ideas and ever changing inspiration around me everyday, especially my little girl.

Ivy said...

I'm grateful that I found my prom dress today!! :)

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for the beauty that abounds as spring is rapidly approaching.

Unknown said...

I am grateful for the ability and self-assuredness to say no to things that I don’t want to do and without feeling guilty (most of the time. :-)

Unknown said...

Grateful for my family and a roof over my head

sheetal patel said...

after seeing multiple doctors in the last couple months, i'm grateful for access to some of the best medical care in the world!

Julie said...

I am so grateful for so many things. Just to be living is a blessing. Today I am grateful for my small family. I have a husband who is patient and kind. A saint too for he puts up with me every day even on the bad ones.I have two beautiful daughters who are kind and inquisitive. I am so lucky to be their mother.

Alisa said...

I am grateful that I can teach children about art and give them confidence to create what they enjoy.

Unknown said...

I'm grateful for my family. How supportive and strong they are when life gives us challenges and unexpected tests.

Kate said...

I am so grateful for all the little things that I usually take for granted -- a healthy and happy family, all the tiny spring shoots coming up, a job I love . . . too many to count!

kendall said...

I'm grateful that warmer weather is on the way!

Parmeet Arora Bori said...

I am grateful I saw this post still in time to leave a comment.

I've got a LOVE JONES... said...

I am thankful for grace!

Jeans 'n Tshirt said...

oh what a great birthday week!! and this maybe my fav idea ever!! i ❤️ alisa burke and family!
I have only recently (like the last couple of weeks) realized I spend a lot of my life liking some one else's ____ (fill in the blank with anything) better than my own. and today I had the realization that I am most grateful to be me!!! I am a good imperfect human that tries her best and enjoys life regardless ....

sandym said...

Happy birthday and thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork. I am thankful there are such wonderful talented artists such as you and Andy!!

sandym said...

Happy birthday and thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork. I am thankful there are such wonderful talented artists such as you and Andy!!

Lora Dawn said...

I am thankful to finally build the courage this share my sketches on cards! For 2016, I am attaching a little original sketch on the front of ever hand made birthday card for each of my grandchildren (19) and all of my children and their mates (12). Yea for a new vulnerable adventure!

CandaceMakesStuff said...

I am grateful for another day of life.

Marit said...

I am grateful of all the amazing people in my life.

Jodi Marie said...

Absolutely love your collaborations with your both fill your life with such beauty, color and inspiration! I'm most grateful every day for my family, children and my husband. He works incredibly hard so I can stay home with our twins. After spending their first three months of life in the hospital, we wanted to make sure they grew up at home and he makes that happen for us. They're almost 18 months old now and it is such a joy to fill their space with creativity, hear their giggles throughout the day and watch them capture little pieces of the world in their hands!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alisa
Cool giveaway. I'm grateful that my hands are still working enough to allow me the creative distraction of crocheting :).
Stay inspired!

Unknown said...

Bonjour Alisa,
i am grateful for my little family and your wonderful give-away !

Rachel said...

I'm grateful for health. My family is healthy and happy. What else matters?

Victoria said...

I am grateful for my sons and grandchildren!

Maggie said...

I am grateful to have passed my quiz yesterday at school. This is my 2nd time taking the class!

Lisa said...

I'm exceedingly grateful for my beautiful family!

Amber said...

I'm grateful for the internet helping me discover other creative souls and fun art projects to try.

Anonymous said...

Grateful that I just celebrated 30 years with my husband/best friend! Grateful he has put up with me for so long :-) Roberta @ ArtcyLucy Studio

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family! What a blessing!

Lesley said...

I am thankful to be alive as I'm living with stage IV cancer. said...

I am grateful for my family and inspiring people like you.

Pat S said...

I am so grateful for the gift of being a mother!

sandra d said...

Wowsers! How generous! I am ever grateful to have been born in a country and time where women are free and weather extremes are still relatively rare. I am grateful for my wonderful, healthy family and my continued good health snd strength. Wishing you continued joy! ❤️

Unknown said...

I am grateful for each and every new day...

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