Hello Friends! My next online class Inky Blooms goes live today and today I have a tiny peek and I am giving away 5 free spots in the class. Scroll to the bottom of this post for a chance to win!

There is something so simple and beautiful about creating with ink. In this class we will use my favorite subject: flowers, to explore a variety of expressive techniques.Using brushes we will experiment with creating dynamic and bold floral ink brush paintings.
This class is what I like to call a "micro class" it is structured into 1 LARGE lesson.
All of my classes have unlimited access- once the class goes live you can create and access the class at any time and work at your own pace. There is no deadline or pressure to create.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SUPPLIES: This class like all of my classes, does NOT have a required supply list. Instead I will be sharing the supplies that I like to use and then give you a variety of options and inspiration to use supplies that work best for your process and your budget.
You can head on over to the shop HERE for all class details and registration!

Leave me a comment
Tell me your favorite flower
I will randomly select 5 winners and announce them at the bottom of this post tomorrow!
Email me at alisaburke@gmail.com and I will get you access to the class!

This looks GREAT!
The sunflower which dot the fields in summer has to be my most favorite flower. Love your flowers---so difficult to find a favorite.
Ranunculus!! Oh how I adore them!!! Your new class looks great!
Inks blooms, great idea Alisa !!
Mark making at its best which looks like another super little class!
Beautiful as always!
Ranunculus, freesia, dahlia - my top 3 :)
Wild rose...so delicate and beautiful :-)
My favourite flower is Calla Lily...
Thanks for the chance to be a part of your class...
loving your inky blooms xx
I'm a florist so thats a really hard one, has to be a gloriosa lily!!!
Hydrangeas..would love to learn to paint
It's got to be alliums...followed by agapanthus.. Something about big round flowers on long sticks!
Ooh, that's a hard one. Freesias for scent, lilies for elegance, and sunflowers because they're so much fun to draw.
I love sunflowers.
New class looks fab! Got to be roses, they remind me of my lovely mum who sadly is no longer here 💐
My favourite flower is Delphinium.
I think your black flowers look great!
I love roses - so beautiful! Liz
Ma fleur favorite est l'Edelweiss
Bests regards of the Switzerland
All the wildflowers, especially the blue ones :) I love the diversity of it!
What a lovely giveaway and a great class! I wouldn't say I have a favourite flower as such as I love them all from the simplest daisy. I currently though, love the last of the Passion flowers curling over the arbor and the orchids that sit in their pot next to my comfiest seat x
The orchid is my favorite flower because my wedding bouquet was made with them. They were white with a little purple in the center. Love your artwork btw��❤️
An ancient wood filled with bluebells - would love to know how to replicate them in ink.
My fave flower is the classic, simple daisy. Thanks for the chance!
I love dandelions!
So difficult to choose... I love peonies!!
I love love narcissus! They mark the end of winter and the arrival of early spring here in my town :)
Poppies, the colours are just so vibrant! I also like that they are so fragile and that they only can be enjoyed where they grow...
I love flowers.. but hibiscus i love most.
Thank u for this opportunity.. wish i could win a spot:)
I love gerbera daisies. Thanks for the great giveaway! This class looks amazing.
my two favourite things...ink and flowers!
I love gerbera daisies. They always seen so happy to me! Thank you for this giveaway!
I love all flowers but my favorite would have to be roses. Thanks for a chance to win!! ~Sophia
I love dahlias! Looks like another great class.
As always, LOVE your inspiration.
My favorite flower is a peony--lush and full.
Thank you.
What a great class. I love zinnias! Thanks for this opportunity!
Echinacea...commonly know as the cone flower I believe. Love it !
The rose for its eternal beauty and smell
Lately I have enjoyed drawing/painting sunflowers! Franpatpi
I love 2 completely different flowers: spider mums and forget-me-nots! One fancy and complicated and one simple.
Hi Alisa, tulips are my favorite flowers. Too bad we can't find them here in Brazil... Have a great day !!!
This class looks like so much fun! My favorite flower is a rose or a lilac.
Love the colour and shape of Gerbera daisies!
Ranunculus is my favorite flower.
Looks like another amazing class Alisa! My favorite flower is hydrangea!
California Poppies are my favorite flower.
Hi, Alisa! I'm absolutely in love with Lilacs and Lavender flowers, they are my favorites!
Snapdragons are so much fun!
My favorite flower is a simple Daisy.
My favorite flower is a simple Daisy.
Oh, do I have to pick just one? Poppy, rose, tulip, daisy. If I have to narrow it down: Poppy.
I've always thought Lily of the Valley was my favorite but it has been over 50 years since I saw one that I don't know anymore. All flowers are beautiful in their own way but scented ones are my favorite. (Except simple daisies and sunflowers - they don't need scent to distract from their beauty.)
Poppy x
Hey Alisa, I LOVE all flowers. To pick just one favorite is like picking your favorite child. If I had to say, my all time favorite would be the Hydrangea
I would LOVE to win a spot!!!!
my favourite flower: Lisianthus !!
Lily of the Valley
I added your blog to my Feedly a couple months back and WOW! What amazing things I've discovered in doing so! Your colouring pages are works of art; your colouring skills are awe-inspiring (you've helped me to improve on water-colouring, which I find quite challenging...not a talent that comes easily to me); your tips and techniques are eye-opening; your product reviews/recommendations incredibly helpful. At the moment, I also have two of your recent post ideas flagged to do with my niece (6) and nephew (4): the ice-dyed dress (we'll do a t-shirt for my nephew) and the art with yarn, which will be a fun, fabulous giggly-mess of creativity! Thank you for the class opportunity|
I love giant peony blooms!
Pansy!!! People use the word to denote weakness but the flower can be trampled, crushed, dried out, look dead, go through harsh winters, but it will always bloom again and will be stronger for it all.
Queen Ann's lace and hibiscus!! :)
It's hard to choose only one flower ! But I'll go for peony.
Woodland Phlox – I call myself the reluctant Gardner, my wife keeps a incredible flower garden and I am always amazed by and drawn to the abstract beauty of it.
Thanks for the giveaway.
David Austin roses are a favorite. Thank you for your generosity!
Ok, seriously, the picture of the ink in your rinse glass is pretty awesome. The intensity of black & white watercolor caught my attention, it's pretty striking and sweet at the same time. My favorite flower is Siberian Iris, for the exact same reasons: in my garden it's the most intense pigment, the contrast is striking and it's super sweet as a cut flower in a vase too! Thanks for all the inspiration Alisa!
Oooh, I love me some Gerbera Daisies!!!! Your watercolor blooms class is one I've been eyeing up lately! Thank you for this opportunity, Alisa!
Ok, seriously, the picture of the ink in your rinse glass is pretty awesome. The intensity of black & white watercolor caught my attention, it's pretty striking and sweet at the same time. My favorite flower is Siberian Iris, for the exact same reasons: in my garden it's the most intense pigment, the contrast is striking and it's super sweet as a cut flower in a vase too! Thanks for all the inspiration Alisa!
cala lily is my fav flower. would love to learn how to make them.
Bleeding Heart. I love the color and it's delicate appearance.
My favorite flowers are orchids & hydrangeas! Love hydrangeas fresh or dried! <3 Sounds like a great class.
- Kara Beth
Thank you for having such an inspiring blog and I really enjoy your classes too!! Peonies, I think are such pretty flowers.
I love your work...I ordered some notecards and was so sad to use the final one! I adore daffodils: they give me hope that spring will come and the snow will melt and the world will once again come alive.
Love your blog! Peonies are my favorite for sure!
Great!Thanks for the opportunity! I love poppies!AriadnefromGreece!
My favourite flowers are wild orchids. Thanks for continuing to inspire.
I adore all the flowers you draw and paint! They are all my favorites! I would love to take this class! Thank you for being so generous in sharing your art!
I adore all the flowers you draw and paint! They are all my favorites! I would love to take this class! Thank you for being so generous in sharing your art!
My favorite flower is the gerbera daisy.
oh how lovely!
Cosmos. Thanks for the chance to win a seat. Love all of your flowers.
White rose! Thank you for the giveaway :)
I can watch ur blog pix and videos all day .. endless inspiration ! thank u .Its not easy to pick one flower every flower is so beautiful its own way ..lets say
my fav flower is Rose :)
I love sweet peas very much. Thank you for a chance to win, Alisa!
peony's and gerbera daisies
I love many flowers but the dahlia's in downtown Anchorage each summer are wonderful to photograp
The tulip is a favorite but really it is hard to narrow it down to one!
Daisies, sunflowers, zinnias - hydrangeas ... too many beautiful ones to pick just one!
I love peonies! Gerbera daisies are also a favorite. I guess I just like them all!
Favorite flower? That's a tough one as there are so many amazing flowers. Hmmmm, Dahlias are amazing for their geometry and variety, the giant blooms of Sunflowers make me smile, and tea roses are beautiful. But I like Cosmos for their ethereal quality and gorgeous color. So I guess Cosmos it is. For today.
Carnations are my favorite flower. They last for a really long time and come in amazing colors. Thanks for a chance to win a spot in your class. :=)
favourite flower: the hibiscus and very gratifying in line pictures. I'd love to get some tips drawing them in ink!
Snap dragons would be great in ink!!
DAHLIA's are my favorite to draw and paint! Morning Glories and Peonies are my favorites for growing, picking, and display! (I love them all really, so it's hard to narrow it down to one in particular!)
Classic roses!
I love all flowers but my favorite is the Iris. It's beautiful, delicate petals.
I love roses...thank you for the giveaway.....
Peonies! Definitely peonies.
I've been enjoying the classes I've taken so far. Lily of the Valley are my favorite flowers.
I love your classes and cosmos!!
Hard to choose, I love to draw flowers because they just make me happy. But I do have 3 nieces with flower names so I get a lot of practice drawing theirs: lily, rose & violet (and for some reason Lilly's been requesting honeysuckle a lot lately in her drawings)
Roses - although all flowers are beautiful! Thanks, Alisa, for this class! xo
Currently the only flower blooming in my garden is my hardy black-eyed Susans so they are my favorites today! Love the look of the shades of ink on the blooms!
I just purchased a few of your classes on Saturday and I'm loving them so far. I love your style and philosophy regarding art materials. My favourite flower is the Peonie I would love to win a spot on this class. Thanks for all your hard work!
I would like to win!
I just adore sunflowers and wildflowers and all flowers really! :) I would love to win a spot!
Your inky flowers look gorgeous! Thanks for the give-away. My favourite flower is the poppy - because I grew up in Flanders' fields...
I love plumerias, dogwoods, and all wildflowers!
I love Dahlias and daisies!
I love hibiscus.
I love ranuculus and sunflowers. Fun class. We just invested in entry level fountain pens and now have a bottle of ink at our disposal.
Your work is so gorgeous! I love ranunculus and calla lilies best.
I love this monochrome idea!!! My favorites are probably orchids 😍
The class looks fun!! I have 2 favorites...pink peonies and white lily of the valley. Oh and calla lilies too!
I compete for the fun of it since the class is so cheap anyway. I love all flowers but one of my favourite is the gentiana acaulis. It grows in the early spring here in the Pyrenees and the colour is truly amazing.
Thanks Alisa !
This class looks so fun. I love it.
My favorite flowers are peonies.
Your classes are always fun! My favorite flower is the sunflower!
Thank you for the opportunity to win your class! Perfect for Inktober coming up and I love drawing flowers especially daisies! Teresa
Looks like a blast, great way to let go of control. My favorite flower is the Bleeding Heart. Thanks!
I love all flowers. Every flower has its own essence and uniqueness.Each flower is special and beautiful.
Your talent is amazing! Love your blooms. So many flowers to love but the sweet pea gets me every time.
Columbine is one of my all-time favorites. Thank you for sharing your world with us.
Sounds like another fun and fabulous class!!!
Sunflower, zinnia, dahlia
Cosmos, viburnum, lilac...
Only one favorite flower? Nope, I love too many, including daffodils, columbine, sweet peas, dahlias, hydrangea, orchids... = )
I loooove everything you do Alisa! You are such an inspiration!!
My favorite flower is sunflower
My favorite is the shersmin flower because of the lovely smell.
Cone flowers
Enjoy your work greatly
I love irises
I love roses...
Sunflowers :) they make my heart warm, like the sun. This looks like it will be a blast!
Sunflowers :) they make my heart warm, like the sun. This looks like it will be a blast!
Looks like a grest class Alisa!! My favorite flower is a poppy, but I've been know to love Iris' too (as I have a garden full of them)!
So hard to choose! I love ranunculus, peonies, and tulips
Oh this class video makes me so happy! I'm already feeling inspired. Peonies are a favorite flower of mine, and poppies too.
Every. SIngle. One.
Peonies, poppies, gardenias and any flower found in Hawaii :)
I love peonies and plumeria.
Thank you for the giveaway! Hibiscus is my favorite flower :)
Ah ... I love a simple daisy.
Ah ... I love a simple daisy.
Cyclamen are my current favorite, popping up in my garden right now :)...Thank you for the free class opportunity!
Hard to choose a favorite right now I am enjoying the last of my zinnias and phlox. Thanks for the opportunity to take this class for free. I have never worked with ink, looks very interesting to try.
this looks so cool, would love to learn how to use ink for my design classes! my favorite is the sunflower- you should google grinter farms in lawrence, ks, it's an incredible sea of sunflowers!
I love dahlias and sunflowers and lilacs and hydrangreas and...
I love dahlias and sunflowers and lilacs and hydrangreas and...
Sunflowers- they are so bright and happy!
Gerbera Daisies. Thanks so much for the giveaway, Alisa!
Gotta love a classic red poppy.
Hi Alisa, I love Lilys. I would love to take your class!You inspire me!!!
Daisies are my favorite <3
I love daisies too
Zinnias are such bright and cheerful flowers. They make me smile!!!
Gerbera daisies - their shape is so bold and clean, their colors intense and pure.
Wow - they look beautiful. Would love a chance to learn to create something like these!
What a great class! I've always been in love with poppies - such beautiful flowers.
I love too many. Will say tulips!! Never fail to delight.
Plumerias are my favorite flower.
Zinnias - I plant them in my container gardens so I can draw them all summer long!
Tulip (read Welcome to Holland by Emily Pearl Kinglsey) - the first thing I read on the day my son was diagnosed....
Oh, I just discovered that I won! This is so great, I will send you an e-mail straight away!
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