flowers from Alisa Burke on Vimeo.

You can head on over the shop HERE for all class details and registration

Leave me a comment
Tell me your favorite flower
I will randomly select 5 winners and announce them at the bottom of this post later this week
Congrats! Email me at alisaburke@gmail.com and we will get you access to class!

1 – 200 of 393 Newer› Newest»It is definitely my favorite flower is poppy :)
I love roses, especially old fashion roses with beautiful scents. Also love hydrangeas - they remind me of my grandparents.
My favourite flower might be the spiked rampion. There are a lot of them along the roads right now (in the Pyrenees)and they are really delightful to see. But I suppose that in a month's time my favourite flower will be another one juste for the same reasons ! thank you for your blog, Alisa.
Catherine in France
I love roses, I think they are so beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win - it looks like a great class! Liz
Actually my favorite are All Flowers ...from orchids..to sunflowers...to roses and pansies....but the best are the wild flowers !! Thanks for a chance Alisa !!
My favorite Flowers are Tulpis...:)
i just love alliums and agapanthus.....thanks for the chance to win
My favourite flower is daffodil :)But i also love wild flowers a lot.
My favourite flower is iris
Gerber Daisy, reminds me of my dad because we had one sitting at the side of his bed as he was losing his battle with esophageal cancer!
A daisy! Love love love those :)
I love orchids, especially live ones.
I particularly love peonies and Gerber daisies.
Wow...brilliant...my fave flower is the daffodil xx
Lisianthus, by far! So romantic and soft. They remind me of my wedding bouquet
Love love loooove peonies and daisies! Thank you Alisa :-*
my fav flower is hibiscus....i love making it...this oppotunity of ur classes is huge...i hope i win it ..thanks
My favourite flower is Persian buttercup (Ranunkel in German)! Have a beautiful day!
Gerber Daisy because of the simplicity
So many flowers to choose from, but at the moment, blue hydrangeas!
Which flower is not to love? I especially like lilac and carnations.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Stéphanie (in Paris)
It's poppy!
Sunflowers are my favorite Thank you for the giveaway
tshort1@indy.rr.com Fran Short
Poppies are my fav
I love all flowers, coming from the Netherlands where flowers a very affordable I used to buy some flowers every week, a different kind each week. Now I'm living abroad and have found that I can't do that anymore, at least not the big bouquets I used to get.
One of my favourite flowers is the Freesia, I find the way the flowers are arranged on the "branch" interesting and the smell divine.
Thank you for the give away.
I just recently started using watercolor and I love it! My favorite flower is the daisy, but I find painting any flower using watercolor is very enjoyable! Thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in your new class!!!
I've always loved tulips - although recently it's a toss up. They're all favorites!
Thanks for the opportunity
Thank you for the chance to win! My very favorite flowers are dandelions.
I started to say daisies are my favorite for cut flowers, then I looked around my house and realize that roses seem to pop up quite frequently as a decorating motif. For actual growing in Florida heat, I love the humble hibiscus with all its glorious colors. Thanks for an opportunity to win one of your fabulous classes.
Thanks for the chance to win... Sunflowers are my favourites. Though I recently discovered Passion flowers which are very pretty too.
My favorite flower is the carnation: they smell lovely, come in lots of colors, are easy to grow and cheap to buy and once in a vase, they last forever. This looks like the perfect summer class...thank you for the chance to win!
Lilacs because they are spring and smell wonderful
My favorite are Hydrangeas, particularly the ones with the bluer blooms. I put used coffee grounds at the base of the plants I have to promote this blue shade. They're absolutely gorgeous!
My Favorite flower is the Poppy. I just love the bright colors of all flowers though. There is just such a bright sunshine smile on the face of every flower I meet. Thanks for a chance to win!
It's always been daisies. Daisies and summer are the best.
I love roses! I hunt estate sales and flea markets and always buy anything vintage with roses on it. I especially love old paper or fabric. This weekend I got some old postcards with roses and a beautiful old hat box covered with roses. I would love to learn how to paint them! Thank you for the chance to win your class!
Picking a favorite flower is like picking a favorite book, it's just impossible. It depends on mood, season and where you are (indoor, outdoor, etc), but one of many favorites is the schersmin - because of the wonderful smell. Yum!
Happy summer!
I could stare at your paintings forever! I have two favorite flowers so it would be mean if I tried to pick...Hydrangeas and California Poppies...Love love love them.
So hard to choose :) Poppies, Sunflowers and the list goes on. Love your paintings. Thank you for sharing your talents. And thanks for the opportunity to win.
So hard to choose :) Poppies, Sunflowers and the list goes on. Love your paintings. Thank you for sharing your talents. And thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hi. Both I and my daughter love your work and coloring pages.
I love all the flowers because they give me hope and power.
Happy summer!
Hola Alisa buen día desde Uruguay, te cuento que mi flor favorita son las Margaritas, un cariño grande y me encanta tu arte!!!
I have two flowers that I love : gerber daisies and tulips. I love the gorgeous shading that tulips have and the beautiful shapes that the daisies provide. Thank you for this generous opportunity.
My favorite flower is the tulip, they are so unique and remind me of spring. thank you for the chance.
so hard... i think hakea laurina blossoms, although i do love plum blossoms in spring, lilly of the valley and daffodils :D oh, and poppies!! ok I'm just a flower person!!
I love roses - pink roses :-)
Zinnias are my current fav! This class looks awesome!
Cherry blossoms are lovely. :)
Hi Alisa, thanks for the chance of winning. WOW difficult question. I love flowers a lot, wild flowers especially like poppies or wild roses. But i also love the digitalis and dicentra spectabilis.
Echinecia. Especially with a bee on top☺
Freesia, love the look, love the scent.
I love hibiscuses!!! They remind me of my childhood :). Thanks for the giveaway!
So pretty! My favorites are peonies (which don't really grow in Florida) and hydrangeas.
I love daisies.
My favorite flower is the dahlia.
My favorite flower is the dahlia.
My favorite flower is frangipani.
I love daisies ... such a happy flower!
My flower flower is lily of the valley!
I love daisies, roses and hydrangeas!!! I am a florist so I am blessed to work with these daily!!! Love your classes!! Thanks!! Yvonne
love the video! I think my favorite flower is probably peonies or daisies.
Gardenia - *fingers crossed on this one!*
Hi Alisa, thanks for the giveaway. I love many (all?:) kinds of flowers, but the number one are peonies.
I love peonies and hydrangeas which both grow in my garden.
I love them all....but if I had to choose one it'd be the peony.
Zinnia's are my Favorite.
Cherry blossoms are probably my favorite, they are simple flowers but still have a wonderful beauty to them.
I love all flowers but my favorite has to be Bells of Ireland!
Roses are my favorite. Pink to be exact!
I love peonies and gardenias.
Yellow roses! Growing some vintage scented yellow pretties in my garden!
peonies,lotus....r my favourites
Dutchman's Britches!! They always make me smile.
Yellow Dahlia for me.
I love Dahlias and black-eyed-susans.....this class looks amazing!
Your flowers are gorgeous! Would so love to take your course. I love peonies.
Oh gosh, I have a lot of favorites...roses, tulips and peonies. Oh and I love the scent of gardenia. I guess because it reminds me of my childhood.
WILDFLOWERS!!! hands down. I love the messiness, random, and colorful blooms. and if I don't win a spot, im taking this class anyway! I love your classes!
Peony is my favorite. Your class looks wonderful!! Thanks for a chance to win!
Cala lilies! Love your blog!!!
Love Gardenias! They smell so big and sweet.
My favorite flower is definitely Ferber daisies! Such a beautiful variety of bright colors.
Sunflowers! Thanks for the chance to win :)
My favorite flower right now is called musk thistle. Unfortunately it's actually considered a noxious weed/invasive species in CO but it's flowers are so beautiful!!!
I love calla lillies!
It's so hard to pick a favorite flower, I love them all. I love painting them all! Your class looks wonderful, as usual! You are a very talented inspirational person! Love your art!
This class looks amazing! My favorite flowers are peonies. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
I love the look of watercolor flowers! My favorite is gerbera daisies - they are happy flowers. It would be so fun to take the class and learn the how to and find my own style too. Thanks for all your hard work on these classes!
gladiolas are my fave! thanks for the opportunity!
I have a ton of flowers I love - but my all time favs are Trumpet Lilies.
Sunflowers...they seem to me to be a flower of happiness and promise. Beautiful faces...
Oh your vid is so lovely!! It's hard to choose but...ranunculus. There. I've said it! ;-)
So hard to choose a favorite flower, but lately I've been enjoying the wildflowers all around me, particularly the simple, unfussy, cheerful Black-eyed Susan! They are just so bright and happy!
My favorite is lilacs.....but it is really hard to just pick one......I love your watercolor flowers.
My favorite flower is the gerbera daisy. Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite flower is the gerbera daisy as well! I love the orange and fushia colored ones especially.
Dahlias maybe? They are so symmetrical and cool looking!
My favorite is carnation with her amazing colours and textures. It's just wonderfull flower.
The floral world is so beautiful in its diversity which makes it rather difficult to have only one favourite.
Among my top 5 is the echinacea flower: the magical thing about my love for this flower is that I got drawn to it at the moment that my body needed it the most, as its quality as a medicinal herb makes this flower an extra wonderful natural creation.
From the aesthetic point of view, I love its simplicity.
Lately, I have been loving the simple beauty of the daisy. Thanks for the opportunity!
I've loved sunflowers since I was a teenager, and never outgrew them. Peonies and hydrangeas are right up there, though.
Love your paintings. I am not sure I could pick a favorite. But some weed daisies picked by my kiddo are holding a spot of honor in my house currently.
My favorite flowers are Tulips! Love the color variations. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Roses have always been my favorite. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Have two granddaughters who are both getting interested in watercolor. Nice to have your tutorials to give them a jump start!
My favorite flower is the peace lily!
That's like asking me which is my favorite child!! ;-) Hydrangeas, morning glories, bee balm, columbine, lavender, daisies, bells of Ireland, hollyhock, English daisies, roses ... sorry, can't name just one!
My favorite flower is the dandelion. They are beautiful, resilient and give hope for wishes to come true.
Cala Lily is my favorite flower. Have always wanted to take a watercolor class and now you have given me a chance to win one. How cool it that? Thanks
My favorite flowers are the blue blooms from my mother's old hydrangea bush.
My favorite flowers are the blue blooms from my mother's old hydrangea bush.
I love gerber daisies when they are super bright colors!
I absolutely love your photos above! They're all so colorful and summery. Thank you so much for the chance to win a spot in what I know is an awesome class! As for my own favorite flowers, I would say it's a toss up between tulips, snapdragons and crazy daisies.
Very appetizing preview, my watercolor sets are already calling :)
My favorite right now is borage. Next week? Depends what's blooming then.
Beautiful bluebells - nothing beats an ancient woodland full of them.
My favourite flower has to be foxgloves because of all the happy memories of walking down country lanes in Cornwall, which seem to be full of them. I'd love to win this give-away so I can put my watercolour paints to good use!
My favorite flower is the blue orris. maiumaia@hotmail.com
My favorite is hydrangeas - gorgeous colors and delicate little flowers creating a beautiful bloom. I love following your blog.
I absolutely love ranunculus! I love how colorful your work is!
Love bougainvilleas !! They are my favorite flowers!!
I love, love, love zinnias! All the colors, layers of petals and ramble-y vines and leaves.
Hydrangeas. I keep trying to convince my husband that we need to put a bunch in the front yard.
I love lisianthus. Deep purple rose-like shape, yes, please!
My favorite flowers are peonies and hydrangeas
For me: the anemone, because of the beautiful purples, pinks, reds and whites, but nevertheless always natural colours. Never too pink, never too purple. They know when they are beautiful enough. And I love poppies, little miracles: so many strength, color and detail in the heart of the flower, on such a tiny stem!
I love peonies!!
I love poppies!
I love peonies...............they are sweet, delicate and old fashion........
I love all flowers but wildflowers are my favorite.I enjoy working flowers into my cards and even scrapbooking.I would love to win so my watercoloring skills would greatly improve.
Hi Alisa,
For me, it has to be the dahlia. It can be a soft, round pom-pon shape or spiky like a cactus but always in the most beautiful shades.
My great uncle used to grow them at their beach house and when we would spend holidays there in the summer the dahlias would be so bright in the hot sun, almost luminous. They filled the garden, and my memories, with the most amazing pops of color.
Watercolor kicks my behind! You always make it so easy to follow along. I love the daisy's and the roses and the leaves...
Sunflowers! They're big, pretty, and best of all produce sunflower seeds that my kids and I love to eat!
Poppies! Thank you for this opportunity!!
Lilacs -- though hydrangeas and sweet peas are also high on my list.
What a difficult question! There are so many lovely flowers! At this moment I go for the seeds of a dandelion.
Lilacs with carnations as a close runner up.
Peonies and tulips are my favorite! Great giveway, thanks!
Ooohhh. I've been wanting to learn how to paint watercolor flowers for a while now! My favorite flower used to be tulips, but now it's dahlias. Thanks for the chance!
I love peony, in French we sait "pivoine", a lovely word no ?
Wowwww thank you so much for this giveaway Alisa! Such kind of you. I love so many flowers...but my faves are poppies and peonies!
This class looks so great! Esp for summer
I love sunflowers!!
Tulips - all shapes, sizes and colors!
ooooh mine are tulips all the way! I love how they open up so wide and come in so many colors! thank you for the opportunity Alisa! :)
I my all time favorite is the hyacinth. But hydrangeas are a close second.
I really love all flowers but my favorite flowers are hydrangeas!
Zinnias are my favorite! A big bunch in a ball jar is a slice of heaven!
I was eyeing Forrest's watercolors the other day after seeing your beautiful blooms. My fave flowers are daffodils, peonies, lilac and dahlias. And columbine. And bluebells. And dogwood! = )
I love hydrangeas. Thanks for offering this chance.
I love them all.. but I absolutely love Sun Flowers and Hydrangeas.
Hard to choose but I'm going with sunflowers.
Sunflowers.. but so many more, too.
My favorite flowers are roses.
Honeysuckle for me. The one I. My garden is just starting to come out.
Hard to choose just one flower, I love the colourfulness of flowers...
I'd love to win a spot in this class!
I love many different flowers, but right now I'm saying peonies are my favourites. Thanks!
I would love to win this for my mom. She's always wanted to take a watercolor class. :) Her favorite flower is a yellow rose. Mine is a sunflower!
Water lily is my favorite flower. Thank you so much :)
I love lilies and ranaculouses. And pink roses. Really I just love flowers. I don't think I could choose a favorite!
Ok. That's like asking me to pick my favorite child. Haha! I love them all. I think I'd have to narrow it down to roses, tulips, and poppies. Thanks for the giveaway!
It's hard to pick just one flower but since you asked - peonies are my favorite. I planted some last year and I'm anxiously waiting for them to bloom soon. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class.
My favorite flower is a Ranunculus, and since they've grown in popularity these past few years I get to see them more and more!
Inspiring and beautiful drawings and colors! My favorite flower is the nasturtium. Thank you for the chance to win a free spot for this class :-)
Hmm...sunflowers, wait chamomile, no hydrangea. I give up. Any. That's my favorite.
So hard to choose, but my heart is with any wild flower. I love their untamed beauty
I cannot pick just one flower. Flowers are my favorite flower! I love so many. Plumeria, dogwood, peonies, sunflowers, hydrangeas, wisteria, I could go on and on. Flowers are my favorite thing to watercolor, but I still need lots of practice. Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win a spot in your newest class!
Hmm...daffodils, lilacs, violets, hydrangea, lily of the valley, peonies, bleeding heart, to named just a few. 😉
Hmm...daffodils, lilacs, violets, hydrangea, lily of the valley, peonies, bleeding heart, to named just a few. 😉
Thanks for this giveaway !! My favorite flower is Iris and peony is just behind;))
If I had to pick Peonies are on top. Fingers crossed, Monday is my birthday so I hope it makes me lucky.
I have two favorites that I actually grow, french lavender perfume and calendula!
My favorites are gerber daisies, tulips, and all wild flowers!
I have two favs I actually grow...lavender and calendula.
Hi dear Alica! How cool to have a chance to win this cool class :) My favorite flower is a protea xx
My favorite flower is cyclamen!
maria panagiotou
I love delphiniums!
I love pink peonies!
I love pink peonies!
I'm obsessed with tiny flowers of any kind. The tinier the better.
Hydrangeas, Peonies, Ranunculus, and Hellebores are divine, but the spunky Sunflower is my favorite of all time.
Rebekah Cohen @
I love peonies
I love pink peonies. I think that the petals are so pretty and they look like cotton candy
I love snapdragons! My Mom always made them talk:)
Ohmigosh, to pick just one is so hard.... But I guess I would go with a light pink rose.... Makes me think of my late grandmother.
Hola Alisa!! Amo todas las flores y en acuarela se ven maravillosas!! Ojala pueda ganar, quiero hacer el taller, pero en mi pais no hay paypal!
My favorite flowers are Sunflowers!!! I hope I can win a spot it looks like a fun class :)
My favorite flowers are Sunflowers!!! I hope I can win a spot it looks like a fun class :)
Psychotria Elata
It's an usual flower found in the rainforest that looks like big red lips!
Too many to choose from 😀 but if I had to pick just one it would have to be lilacs. Love the color and they smell heavenly.
Too many to choose from 😀 but if I had to pick just one it would have to be lilacs. Love the color and they smell heavenly.
Definitely difficult to choose! Peonies for sure.., but so many more!
Amazing watercolor flowers! I love the smell of lavender and they remind me of holidays in France.
And I know your workshops are fantastic. I just signed in for mandala drawing. Very addictive!
So I will cross my fingers......
My favourite for sure is a peony.Wow, thank you for offering a chance to win a spot in one of your beautiful classes!
I love peonies and ranunculus!! :)
My favorite flower is the Sunflower!
I love the smell of Lily of the Valley flowers. I am instantly transported back to when I was a girl and had powder that smelled like that. I also love their tiny bell-shaped heads that jiggle when picked.
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