Friday, March 13, 2015

thoughts on turning 40

Tomorrow I turn forty and to be honest it doesn't feel real at all. Forty has always seems so far away, so grown old! Yet here I am saying farewell to my thirties. And while it feels big, I have decided to embrace it and welcome a midlife with open arms. I have no idea what the future will bring but the last ten years have been full of growth and SO MANY lessons learned. Here is what I know...

Age is just a number- I still feel 29. 
Having a three year old at forty will keep you young (tired but young).
Pursing your passion every day is good for the soul.
A good night sleep and drinking lots of water is better than botox.
Life is too short (and too precious) for drama.
Life it too short to have toxic people in your life.
Family is everything.
It's ok not to fit in.
Confidence comes from being yourself.
I am WAY stronger than I ever knew.
There is nothing wrong with boundaries.
It's ok to have fair skin and freckles and all those people that made fun of me for my pale skin can kick rocks!
It's a waste of time to compare yourself to others.
It's ok to ask for the things you need.
My parents were right about everything.
I know what I want and I won't settle for anything less!

Cheers to forty years!


Sangita Pillai said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa. May you have many many many more creative years :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday in advance. Best wishes in your personal life and your creative career. I do read your blog every day and over this period of time you became my personal hero(ness) .I admire in you the combination of being fragile and strong at the same time .And what attracts me most is the ability of seeing beauty in ordinary things .And on top of all you are gorgeous ,attractive,appealing.

Be proud of yourself

Enjoy your day and continue being ,,you,,.

Effie said...

I've read your blog for quite a while now and what comes across more than anything is that that little girl of yours is going to have the most wonderful memories..
Happy Birthday.

Virginia said...

Happy Birthday Alisa - have a beautiful and blessed day!

Madeleine said...

Happy birthday Alisa, from one of your faithful blogreaders! I enjoy all your posts and am currently doing your blogging workshop (lóvin' it, so many great tips!) I do love your C.S. Lewis quote and think it's soo true! Age really ís just a number (just turned 56) . Wishing you lots and lots of happy creative years !


Mami Made It said...

Happy happy birthday! It's true, having a young kid keeps you young. Got my girl at 37 too.
Enjoy life! But you already do :)

Jill said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your 40s... it's just a number and you are truly only as old as you feel. I'm 41 with a 3 year old, 5 year old and 6 year old and they absolutely keep you young and make you see things through their eyes, which makes everything so much more wonderful! Enjoy your day and that gorgeous little cherub of yours! And keep creating fabulous art!! xo

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! I love your thoughts on turning 40 and you are so right it is just a number. I loved the bit about pale skin as I have always thought how great you look and it has inspired me, at 45 to finally embrace my pale skin! Have a great day with your lovely family!

Unknown said...

The Happiest of Birthdays to the woman that has brought so much creativity happiness to me and to others! Enjoy your day.

Unknown said...

Алиса! С днём рождения! Всё только начинается!!!:)

Mihaela said...

Happy Birthday, dear Alisa! Your spirit and soul age is your true age.

Janet Ghio said...

Happy birthday!! You've learrned some great things on your journey so far. And you are as young as you feel. I will be 70 in a few months. 70!! OMG I can't believe it!! Other than the aches and pains that go with it--I still feel 40!! Have a wonderful day and many more happy birthdays!!

Anonymous said...

A new decade, ah, a new chapter to write. Good health and much happiness to you, dear!

Leone said...

Looking back from just having turned 75, you are still a kid! Happy Birthday!

ZanziBach said...

Congratulations! Alisa, you are amazing in your 40s!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. You are so beautiful and I love that you are pursuing your dreams. Have a great day.

JJO said...

Happy Birthday! Love your philosophy of life.

TJ said...

Happy Birthday! Wishing you health and happiness as you round this milestone. Can't wait to see all your creative adventures in your 40s. You got this!

moongirl said...

Ya, you go girl! Happy 40 to you! I'm going to be 42 in a couple of weeks and life is fabulous!

Cindy Tobey said...

Happy birthday Alisa! I hope your special day is amazing!

Unknown said...

you're doing great! learnt wonderful lessons so far and going strong. the best is yet to come. happy happy bday

Brooke said...

Happy birthday Alisa!!! It was an absolute pleasure to meet you this year (you me & the sea).
I love your list of what you know for sure, it's bang on! I hope the next 40 continue to be filled with health, happiness and lots and lots of creating!

marinj said...

Happy birthday!! I loved your list so much, I printed it out and am hanging it at my desk as a reminder about what is important in life. Hope your birthday weekend is wonderful!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. I will turn 50 next month and do not feel it is possible.

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite artists that always inspires! And what a great list for any age.

Geisslein said...

the 40's are great... :-)
happy birthday to you!

Mary W said...

One thing you do well is live out this quote: a smile is cheaper than plastic surgery and better results. That first picture of you on the beach show what a beautiful woman you are - it is stunning!

studioGypsy said...

happy happy birthday beautiful girl! the 40's are gonna be great! :D xoxo

Meghan Thimjon said...

Welcome to the club! I so understand when you say age is just a number! I have been dealing with chronic illness for the last 16 years! Gosh I can't believe its been that long, anyway my body may feel old but my brain feels like I am in my 20's!
I know you are probably doing something fabulous for your day! Enjoy!!!

Martina said...

You're an amazing person! Happy Birthday :)

Michelle P said...

Happy happy birthday, beautiful!

Emily B Creates said...

Happy Birthday! You are beautiful and SO talented! Enjoy your day!

anka said...

Happy birthday and all the best to you in your next decade and beyond!

Anonymous said...

You've learned some really wise lessons. I say you're 40-years-young (and I'm right behind you) - Happy Birthday, Alisa! = )

Sue @ A Colourful Canvas said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Alisa! Wishing you a 'day at the beach' kinda celebration!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

My 40th was my best birthday ever -- with the help of a few friends, I held a sit down dinner for 20 and served everyone a 5 course meal -- it was also the beginning of many many changes in my life. Next year I turn 50 and I keep thinking that maybe then I will feel like a grown-up. :) Happy birthday! The best is yet to come. Tammy

Beauty Follower said...

Lovely scarf!

Happy Birthday... 40 is awesome ;)

TwinkleToes2day said...

Sending very many Happy Returns for your milestone birthday. You made it and you ROCK it!! {{hugs}} :o))

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa! :))

Elisabetta Brustio said...

Buon compleanno Alisa!!!! Pensa le coincidenze: hai la stessa età della mia sorella maggiore e compi gli anni un giorno dopo la mia mamma! Quindi... Tanti auguri!!!!!!!!
P.S. Le lentiggini ti stanno benissimo ed hai l'aspetto (e l'anima) di una ventinovenne!!!!

Happy Birthday Alisa !!!! Think coincidences: you have the same age as my older sister and your birthday one day after my mom! So... Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!
P.S. Freckles you look great and you look (and soul) of a twenty nine year old !!!!

Ariadne said...

Many happy returns dear!Enjoy every minute and I totally agree with everything you say!AriadnefromGreece!

astr!d said...

happy birthday!!!!

dawn said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I LOVE these photos so much, captures your gorgeous heart and smile in them! You have inspired me so much and I actually started painting when I turned 40, almost 6 years ago and I found your blog soon after that. I've loved watching you grow and change and become such a dang good mom and role model in all you do. Thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing and fun you do for us. I wish I knew all this back when my kids were little, now they are almost out of the house and I didn't get much art with them. Seeing you with Lucy is the sweetest, she is lucky to have you and Andy. You are a beautiful gift to this world, so remember that on the hard days and know we love you for YOU!! I adore your freckles and hair, and yes we always thank our parents later in life, lol. so remember that with Lucy and the rest of your list was PERFECT too!
Wishing you all the very best for you this year of turning 40!! BTW, you don't even look close to being 40, seriously maybe 30 but that's it. Love and hugs, have fun celebrating!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Alisa!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!! You look great. Congratulation on turn 40. I hope you enjoy most wonderful and fun day. ~Adalgisa

Donna said...

Happy Birthday Alisa. 40 looks great on you. Cheers to you. Thanks for all your inspiration. You were amazing on Jeanne Olivers interview!!
( psst I'm turning 40 this year too ;) )

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, do celebrate your lovely skin and freckles, it's so pretty. It's partly what makes you look so young still. The rest of it is your own joy in life and the world around you.

Have a great birthday with your family. You've achieved a lot in your life thus far and helped and inspired a lot of people along the way, here's to a great new decade for you. 40 is good!


loverofnewfs said...

Forties are great, but fifties are even BETTER. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

oi said...

Feliz cumpleaños! Te deseo que seas siempre tan feliz! Un abrazo.

Anonymous said...

Hello, just saw your post (today is the 14th) and didn't realise that we share a birthday today!! Except I am turning 55! Have a great birthday from another creative Piscean from Down Under.

anja said...

happy birthday and ....turning forty is not much different than nearly turning sixty (i still feel 29) and all your mantras are still true for me today. in fact this post is a lot better than seeing a psy' which i stopped doing thanks for all your inspiration and have a great day, anja, dutch but from France (just to add up to all the nationalities i see here above)

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is my birthday too and I wish I was I'm going to be 55 but still feel 40 so I guess that counts. Enjoy your day and being's wonderful. Happy Birthday!!!
Cindy B.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 40 last year, in the midst of one of the most difficult and trying times of my life and I remember the CS Lewis quote most days as I try to battle my way out of this difficult period. You're an inspiration to me, as you completely live your life so fully and on your own terms....thank you! Here's to always feeling 29 ;)

Patty Marker said...

Happy Birthday Alisa. May the next 40 be even better than the first!

Jo Murray said...

Have a wonderful day Alisa...there's lots still to do.

Raine Phoenix said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it's the best one ever and that all of your wishes come true. Honestly, I thought you were in your late 20s or early 30s. You have an ageless beauty. <3

Lynette (NZ) said...

Happy Birthday! Great post - welcome to the 40s you are going to love them :-)

Barb said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barb J
North Carolina

Anonymous said...

I endorse what you say Janet - I'm 62 and loving it!!! I love the freedom all that gathered wisdom brings me.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday form the UK. I remember those feelings so well, and agree with almost all you say. I LOVE being in my 60s. I please myself! Thank you for being so generous with your sharing and have a wonderful decade!!!!

God's Little People said...

Happy birthday Alisa! You make 40 look beautiful. Just the way it should be. Thank you for being such an inspiration and live wire. Your life provides such a lovely dose of love and light each day!!

Vivyane Veka said...

Happy Birthday Alisa !!! And great great week-end to you and your beloved ones = )

clara said...

Happy birthday! I agree with your thoughts! You're my myth! ;-)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday. You still inspiring me even in this wisdom .... Have a nice day with your dears ....

Mary C. Nasser said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa!
You are an inspiration to so many of us!! :)

Jane Wetzel said...

Happy Birthday...looking at 60 for me this Summer...seriously, 40 was one of the best birthdays for me...all my forties.. HAVE FUN! YOU are awesome and I LOVE your life :) Thanks for all your inspiration!

ABT said...

Happy birthday from Portugal!
It's a delight to feel your energy through your words, pictures and art. Thank you for sharing!

Özge Başağaç said...

A very happy birthday. Wish you a year full of good health, happiness, fun and creativity.

Brig said...

Happy birthday Alisa! Same day as my brother (14th March??) but he's about to finish celebrating his as it's the evening of the 14th here (Perth WA) and you'd be just starting to celebrate. It seems kind of weird when you see it like that. I still remember leading up to the day I turned 40. I started feeling really down about a month beforehand as it was hitting me as to "how old" I was getting and that I hadn't even had a child yet. Ha! And here I am now at 48 with a 3.5 year old. Then it dawned on me only about a week after that realisation that i shouldn't be feeling down about it. I was a VERY happy, healthy, fit, 40 year old and most people looked at me in shock when saying I was turning 40. Back then, I looked closer to 29 as I was single and didn't have a care in the world. I felt proud and grateful that I had my healthy life, I was young (inside) and had no ties. I was able to do and choose anything I wanted to. I began to make different choices and life only got better. Now I'm close to 50 which seems even more weird but I am once again happy for the fact I now have my beautiful girl and by 50, with your inspiration along with others, i will be doing more art and following a fulfilling path. You should feel proud for what you've done. You're amazing!

Patricia said...

Happy birthday to you. Have a nice life with all your résolutions. Big hugs.

Liz said...

Happy Birthday! You look beautiful and have such a darling family! You spoke with wisdom my friend. Praying your day and upcoming year will be richly blessed! Much Love and Blessings from Oklahoma!

Val said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa! Yup, you got all those things right, and you are living the dream!

Kate Burroughs said...

Have a fabulous birthday! You are so right about the age thing. So many people act like their lives are over once they hit a certain age-different for everyone. Most people still feel young at heart, no matter what their age. You are wise beyond your years. Keep on keeping on!
Aloha, Kate

Maureen Hayes said...

Happy Birthday. At 48 I can assure you that your 40's will rock! I just finished listening to your interview over at Jeanne's site and had to hop over to your blog. I am now following and looking forward to learning more about you and your journey.

Nanci said...

Happy Birthday Alisa! You got it right, your words are spot-on! Enjoy the day, and enjoy the naughty 40's.

Unknown said...

all true and you look fantastic here :)

Unknown said...

happy birthday

Jane Martin said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa! At 40, you are still young!

Suzanne Reynolds said...

Forever young! Happy Birthday, Alisa.

Anonymous said...

J'aime ta façon de vivre, ce que tu dis, ce que tu fais.. tu es une très belle personne !!
et je te souhaite le plus beau des anniversaires entouré de ceux que tu aimes..
very happy birthday Alisa

kathyL said...

Happy, happy birthday!!! Love your post! Hooray for 40 :)

Юлия said...


Monica said...

Happy Birthday, Alisa!!!!!!! At 40, I was born anew!!!! :) Enjoy!!!

Wildflowerhouse said...

Happy Birthday to a beautiful lady both inside and out!

djana said...

Alisa, happy birthday!

Aparna Rangnekar said...

A very Happy Birthday Alisa!!! Wish you many more Happy n Creative years ahead :)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday from Shanghai, Alisa :) Wow! Amazing to think of how you've inspired and motivated me through sharing your creative life for a decade!! So overjoyed by the love you and your family have for one another- wishing God's favor, covering and best blessings for this great year ahead!

Anonymous said...

Feel 29... and look 29!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for sharing your life and God's gift.
You have been a great inspiration for me.
Love from Portugal :)

Unknown said...

Oh I love Arcadia beach! My girlfriends and I go there for day trips then finish our afternoon in Seaside for amazing onion rings before heading home. Happy birthday!

Analog Girl said...

I'm late but still, I hope you had the most wonderful day and now you have a brand new decade to explore! Happy Birthday Alisa. I wish you all the goodness in the world. :)

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday! Love Lucy's hat, where did you get it?

medina family said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 40 in January...and I still think I'm 25. I definitely agree having kids helps keep me young (and exhausted)...we have 4 and the youngest is almost 2! You are such an inspiration to me! Your art is amazing. (I actually won a pumpkin contest using your creative ideas!) Thank you for sharing your talent and beautiful family adventures with us readers!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday. You are a beautiful soul as well as a beautiful woman. I turned 60 in July of last year and remember asking my 83 year old father when I would feel "grown-up". He said if I worked it right I never would. He worked as an engineer for 35 years and at retirement began painting full time. I aspire to be just like him when I do "grow up". Keep living your dream girl.

pavinee said...

Happy birthday Alisa. I'm turning 40 this June and I start to think about how to spend my life after this. I'm still struggling with my job and my dream but I'm beginning to combine it into my 'dream job' now. I have to make it happen! Thanks so much for being a great inspiration :D

magic shuttle said...

Happy Birthday !
You sure do not look 40 from the outside or in ! Your beautiful, energetic blog is a source of inspiration to me. Thanks ! Rock the 40s ;)

AlexM said...

Happy 40 Alisa! I wish you the best for the future. You rock and you are such a source of inspiration. Thank you for that!

Pippin said...

40's are amazing! Your list speaks to what I have learned thus far at 45. My parents were right, and it's great to have freckles, fair skin and red hair. Enjoy the 40's - I truly think they are the best decade thus far.


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