With the new year in full swing I am sure there are a lot of you out there setting goals and hoping to pursue your creative dreams. Today I have put together a post for those of you looking to get focussed and jump start a creative career.

TIP: Keep in mind that defining who you are and setting creative goals for your career may take weeks, months even years of trial and error. But taking the time to define who you are will keep you authentic and provide a clear direction for your creative goals.
Once you have a good idea of who you are and what you want, I think it is important to begin putting yourself out there. This could mean anything from showing your art, selling your art, taking a class, looking for ways to be creative, connecting with others, starting a website or blog, growing a business, etc. One of the most important things in my journey as an artist has been putting myself out there and trying different things. While I had lots of dead ends, failure and rejection I was able to really learn, grow and evolve as an artist.
TIP: It can be really scary to put yourself out there as an artist because the creative process often feels so sacred (which makes rejection and failure feel really intense) but taking chances and trying different different things will help you become better at your craft.

Selling goods or handmade products (or art) is a really accessible and easy way to put yourself out there.This is something that I did for years on the side. After spending 8 hours at my day job I would spend weekends and evenings creating stock and large quantities of handmade goods or art to sell. While it was hard juggling a day job with my creative endeavors, this process really enabled me to put my art out there with a safety net (my job), that enabled me to take risks and even fail.
Good to sell can really vary depending on your strengths, schedule and needs:
Hard Goods: From your art to handmade creations, hard goods or your actual handmade products are what a lot of artists and crafters want to sell. There is nothing better than making art and then putting it out there for others!
E-Goods: E-goods are another option- anything from digital downloads, patterns, digital kits, online classes and DIY tutorials can all be sold. Typically this route can take a lot of time to set up and keep fresh but in the long term it can be rewarding because you are don't have to work like crazy to make tons of products.
Knowledge or Services: Your knowledge or sharing something that you are good at is another option for selling. From teaching classes to writing articles and books to consulting- your strengths and experience can be a great way to offer something unique for sale!
TIP: Unless you get lucky, it can take a lot of time to actually sell enough products to make a decent paycheck. Don't give up if things are going slow. Instead hang in there and try making little changes to the way you sell and market your goods.

Craft Shows: Craft shows can be a tricky venue to show and sell your work but is a great way to gain experience putting yourself and your work out there. Typically you need to apply or jury into a show, there may be a fee associated and you typically need a booth for your work. A great resource for finding all kinds of craft shows is The Crafts Fair Online Directory
Online Shop: These days selling your work online is really accessible. With sites like Etsy, Big Cartel, Storenvy and easy to access resources for building your own store (I use Shopify), getting your work online is one of the easiest way to begin selling your art immediately!
Directly From Your Website or Blog: While an online shop is the typically the way to sell, you can start small by offering things for sale on your blog or website. With resources like paypal (or online payment applications) you can add simple shopping options to art that you want to to sell. If you are starting out and want to test the market, this is a simple way to get started.
Galleries: Getting your work in a gallery can be challenging, but it is a great way to showcase your art and build your creative resume. Often you will need to send a copy of your portfolio or resume to begin the process.
Handmade Boutiques: Handmade or smaller boutiques are a great alternative to galleries. They are a little easier to gain access to and often will be interested in a variety of handmade products, accessories and art. Approaching a boutique is as simple as walking in with your portfolio or samples and asking to speak to the manager. If in person feels too scary you can always send email inquiries.
Consignment: Consigning your work to smaller independently owned stores is not a big money maker but can promote your work and provide some great experience selling in a retail setting. When you consign you split the cost of your work with the store typically 60/40. While you can loose or not make money consigning it can be a great way to try out a retail setting.
Wholesale: Selling your work wholesale is another option but is typically a better fit for those artists who are producing larger quantities of handmade goods. From selling to boutiques, stores and galleries, wholesale accounts can provide you with more steady work selling your goods, they can supplement your income and can help get your work out there. There are also a variety of wholesale trade shows where you can exhibit your work (typically an investment to apply) and attract new wholesale relationships. In the past I have really loved using the wholesale crafts.com, a resource that connects artists with buyers.
TIP: It might take some time and trial an error to find the right place to sell your art. Don't give up. If something doesn't work- give it some time and be willing to try another opportunity. Often it takes a lot of testing the waters to find the right fit.
TIP: It might take some time and trial an error to find the right place to sell your art. Don't give up. If something doesn't work- give it some time and be willing to try another opportunity. Often it takes a lot of testing the waters to find the right fit.

While working as a freelancer still means you work for yourself- it is common to build relationships and work with agencies or companies that use your services. Anything from graphic design, illustration, photography and even creative consulting can all be things offered in a freelance capacity. Thanks to the internet, working as a creative freelancer has become more accessible because it is easier to connect with opportunities.
Licensing your work is another avenue to make an income from your art. From home decor to art to accessories, there are all kinds of opportunities to get your art on a variety of products. It can be a tricky to begin the process of licensing- you typically need a good body of work and lots of education and understanding of the industry. Not every licensing opportunity will be the right fit for your work but there is a lot potential to grow and expand your art business. There are some great resources out there for artists looking to learn about licensing- I really like Maria Brophy and Tara Reed for good clear information about the industry.
Not ready to jump into selling your art or handmade goods or ready to be a creative entrepreneur? There are still all kinds of ways to get your "creative fix" while making money, learning the ropes or even finding where you fit in. I spent a HUGE part of my creative journey working for other people and trying A LOT of different things. For many years my goal was to find a job that had creative elements where I could use my strengths and skills. From working at galleries, a frame shop, interior design, event planning, graphic design, creative programming for college students and marketing- I tried a lot of different jobs hoping something would fit for good. Many of these different jobs were perfect for the different stages in my life. While I spent many days in my cubicle day dreaming about making art full time, I was still able to learn new skills, take home a paycheck and have a safety net that enabled me to take risks with my art.
Below is a list of some different paths and ideas that might look a little different from the like of a self employed artist but they are still creative nonetheless!
Below is a list of some different paths and ideas that might look a little different from the like of a self employed artist but they are still creative nonetheless!
Galleries and Boutiques: A gallery or even a specialty boutique where handmade items are sold is a great place to be surrounded by creativity. It is also a wonderful way to learn the in's and out's of selling art. Some of the greatest lessons I have learned about art were during the days when I worked in a gallery. From understanding the public and what they liked to working with artists, putting on creative events, planning shows, handling and archiving artwork and networking with a variety of creative individuals were all things that I discovered on the job. These types of jobs (or even volunteer opportunities) provided me with a valuable education and lessons that I still reference today for my own business.
Retail: Along the same lines of working in a gallery, finding a retail opportunity that has merchandise that inspires you is something that can also provide a creative atmosphere. Flower shops, art supply stores, clothing stores, even unique cafes and restaurants are all places that can be creative and inspiring places to work while you pursue your art on the side.
Event Planning: I spent a handful of years working in an event planning position. From planning educational lectures to organizing fundraising events to hosting workshops for college students, I was able to get my "creative fix" while working on events. While I was able to get creative, I will say that working in event planning was really stressful for me and I often found myself worried and over worked. But with that said, I learned a lot of valuable skills that I have used in planning and organizing my own retreats and events.
Marketing: Working in marketing was where I really was able to learn and experience lots of creativity in a 9-5 job. From photography, graphic design, creative brainstorming, learning to work with clients and collaborating with a team all become part of my everyday tasks. Marketing can be a very inspiring and creative atmosphere to work in.
This information is really just touching the surface of all the different things that you can do to jump start a creative career. I hope some of it is a little bit of encouragement and hope that there are all kinds of options out there if you are craving something more creative!
Have your own advice, tips or things that have worked for you? Feel free to leave comment
Hello Alisa: I have to give you a big, big thank you for this post. You just wrote what I needed to read to jump!
I always visit your blog because I find it so inspiring, but today.. you rock!
Million thank!
Thank you.
Lots of really good tips and information here!
Great article :) thanks for useful tips!
Amazing article, thank you for the tips!
Check out my latest OUTFIT POST
XoXo Venoma
Venoma Fashion Freak
Great post Alisa! I signed up for your class "The business of being creative" and as usual you give such great practical advice and information. You are very generous with sharing all you know. Thanks!
Thank you. These tips are so helpful to someone who is a bit afraid to put myself out there.
Thank you Alisa. I 'sell' (well I have things languishing in an unknown shop) already, and I seem reluctant to put myself out there. We hear a lot about the fear of failure but yes although that bothers me, I worry more about succeeding. What will it all mean for me in that unlikely event? So, while I figure it out I have a new shop that I pay for but haven't yet activated, a idea to blog (but worry that my opinionated self won't be appreciated) and so on. All of which holds me back. I have a lot to think about! Many thanks for doing this post for us. You always make sense!
This post is great! Thank you! It's scary and there are so many what ifs. You have done great things with your talents and should feel so proud! Hard work pays off in so many ways!
Alisa, I have to meet you in person some day. You are so inspiring and I'm there, at this point exactly, trying to "find myself". Those failures are so hard to overcome sometimes, and my photography career has been one of those that I'm now trying to pull myself out of. I think I could really push myself there if I wanted to but it's so hard competing with so many other "photographers" who have, from my perspective at least, kind of killed the industry with unrealistic expectations and unless you've already made the name for yourself in the last decade, it's impossible to pull yourself up out of that. At least this is how I'm feeling at the moment, and it's incredibly discouraging.
That's a tangent. I tend to do that.
I'm working on exploring art for myself right now, but every time I do something I think "how can I sell this?" or "Where can I sell this?" or "How can I make this different so lots of people like it?". I tend not to be able to do it just for me, which I'm lucky right now to sort of have the time for (as much as any mother really does) but I guess I don't fully appreciate that.
It's so easy to get wrapped up in what you see in artists who are successful now, and forget what it took for them to get there, like you. I found your blog and told myself "I want to be her!" but in a sense I sort of am, just on my own journey of self discovery and have to be more OK with those failures, rejections, and bad decisions, or rather, opportunities to grow from. It's so much easier to see how you've grown once it's behind you.
Anyway, thank you for the post, I may watch your video again and will be looking at new ways now to put myself out there.
Not only are you creating beautiful art, but you're changing lives too. Your blog has been a huge impact on me since I found it. So thank you.
THANK YOU for this, I have just started doing research this week to gain a better idea of what it's going to take to have a creative biz. I tried once and failed, I wasn't prepared. This time I am getting answers to the questions I had before and not be afraid to ask!
Thanks again.
Thank you so much I really needed to read this! Bless you!!!!
This post came at the exact perfect time! THANK YOU!!! You helped to verify that my hodgepodge career path is not crazy or without purpose. You gave me a real boost today and I am grateful to you.
This is a fantastic post! I am jumping back into art after 15 years, and loving every moment. This really helps me with getting back in the swing of things! I've been reading your blog for a while, but haven't popped in since I am usually reading it on my phone, but I wanted to let you know that your posts are a lot of fun to read. Thanks!
Yes, as said above ... I ask myself the question almost everyday as to how to fit in building back up my career as an artist rather than a graphic designer now I have a child AND make money. Thank you for the tips and encouragement! What a gem you are.
Oh, and it also gives me encouragement knowing you have a little girl the same age as mine and pull off what you do. It is really about time management. I'm finding myself reading less blogs / Facebook and zoning in on the ones that are really necessary for me right now – like this one.
Really helpful guide. And it's nice to read that we are so many on the same page; this post is a really good lift! Greetings from Argentina :)
Great post full of inspiration!
I love your art, thanks for your inspiration.
love this. thankyou!! xoxo
Thank you for the wonderful post and all your phenomenal inspiration!!!! A quick question - what platform have you found to work best for you for creating and selling your online classes? I've been doing a lot of searching and am so confused! :) thanks for any advice you have! Or, if this is covered in your online business class, please let me know!
This was really an interesting topic and I kinda agree with what you have mentioned here!
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This tops are really interesting and wonderful post.Thanks for sharing this blog.I hope that was very informative and helpful for creative career. Career Tips
Thank you!:)
Alisa thanks for your words . You're my great inspiration. I am starting my business with your posts . I do not know you personally but I feel the distance, those close to me . Kisses from Argentina! Thank you.
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It is just an amazing article! You really inspired me to do something right now! I have long time dreamed to becoming a freelance writer in homework service , and write different creative essays about everything. I hope that I will succeed in this thank to your amazing inspiring advices. I'm really grateful to you for inspiring everyone who comes at your website! Thank you a lot, keep doing what you do.
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