Tuesday, August 20, 2013

altered bench

It should come as no surprise that I like to draw on furniture and once in while something comes over me and I have this uncontrollable need to get creative altering something in our home! Recently it was a bench that was screaming for a makeover. A little spray paint and some of my doodles transformed the bench into something new!

I started by spray painting the bench in a dark teal color which meant I needed some light colored materials for the doodles-

Paint Pens- I love oil based paint pens because you can use them to draw on just about any surface.

Correction Pen (or white out pen)- I will use a white correction pen to draw on just about anything and believe it or not they are pretty darn close to permanent.

Nail Polish- I love adding dots to embellish my doodles and drawings and colorful, fast drying nail polish works great!

Then I filled the entire surface of the bench with doodles. The bench is BIG so I picked simple doodles and pattern that were easy to repeat over and over and over again. 

Doodling Tips-

Keep it Simple-
Doodles don't have to be complicated- sometimes using simple shapes or lines and repeating them is all it takes to create a surface filled with pattern.

Find Your "Go To" Doodle-
I think everyone (whether you consider yourself an artist or not) has a doodle in them. And it is very likely you have a design that comes easy to you (mine are flowers). Think about the things you draw over and over again when you are on a long phone call or bored in a meeting- I call these "go to doodles". Try using these doodles as as starting point in your creative projects.

Draw and Repeat-
The easiest way to create pattern or even the illusion of pattern is to simply repeat the same things over and over again. You can alter the size, placement or color to create 


Carin said...

You've got to be kidding me! My mouth is hanging open. I LOVE this and have just bookmarked this for a future project. Thanks for sharing!

Anne said...

Great idea and great job! We can see differently now all the ugly pièces of furniture proposed in a flea market...A lot to do.

Christina Perraki said...

This is the most beautiful bench i 've ever seen!!!!

Anonymous said...

It looks amazing!

guinevere saunders said...

It looks amazing - Another idea for when I get started on my own garden. gorgeous blue color looks great with the white doodles and the nail polish blends it all together nicely.

Liz said...

Really love this!

Scent of style said...

Great project!

Helen said...

This is so great! I love the simple repeated patterns and flowery doodles, I think a limited palette makes it look amazing too!

alexa said...

This is glorious! I have been wondering when you are going to decorate your car or bikes :).

schulmanart said...

i have some furniture in my house I am dying to paint on-- I think this gave me the courage

klepsidraes said...

very summer

Tanja said...

Georgeous! Did you glaze it with something in the end? Looks so nice and shiny in one of the pics.

Holly S said...

LOVE that quilt...could you show a shot of it-I'd love to see the whole thing? Thanks!

TXMess said...


Tasha said...

Прекрасно! Спасибо за вдохновение и радость, которую дарит твой блог!

Melanie said...

This is so pretty. Love it.
Liefs, Melanie

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I am completely in love with this... You've just inspired me.. something in my house will get doodled on very soon.

trish said...

Hi Alisa! The bench is adorable! I am curious about the sweet little quilt as well. What type of machine do you have? Is it a free-style?

livethegoldenrule said...

Beautiful job! Many, many years ago I seen Tammy Faye Baker on tv. She said she had a "secret weapon" to make anything beautiful.....nail polish. Never forgot that. I tell everyone that it can change anything, and it is so durable. I believe she used it on some flowers on a pair of her shoes. ;D

Barb said...

What an amazing piece of art. The colors are beautiful.

Analog Girl said...

I love the idea! I need to try this out soon. Thank you so much for the inspiration! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing bench!
"Everyone has a doodle in them." I love that statement! YOu should doodle something and have that quote written on the doodle :)
I consider myself artistically challenged but secretly think there might be an artist hiding in me, which reading your blog is enticing me to explore.
I love your style, how you decorate your home, how you have followed your heart. I love the art you do with your husband. He is incredibly talented as well and the combined pieces you do are my favorite. YOur little girl is adorable and it's nice to see how you encourage her creatively. I love that pic of her in your most recent post - it looks like she is sporting a jaunty mustache as a diguise and asking 'who me?'

Swannie said...

Oh my...that bench is stunning! I never would thought to use nail polish as paint...brilliant! But, as much as I love the bench, I am totally smitten with the quilt hanging over the bench. It's gorgeous!!! Must be another one of your amazing creations! Would love to see an up-close pic. Thanks!

kellythom747 said...

this is amazing- so pretty

Terri said...

Such a gorgeous bench! I love that it's completely covered in color and doodles. I need to develop my own "go-to doodle" for projects like this. (hmm, maybe I need to go to more boring meetings, which always inspire me to doodle) This project would be so great for the front porch. Love all the tools you used too.

pengobatan cepat hamil said...

thanks for very good information and educate hahaha :)

pengobatan cepat hamil said...

thanks for very good information and educate hahaha :)

studioGypsy said...

brilliance.once.again! xo

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Peacock-inspired! I love it! One of the comments here is right, it does put flea benches under a whole new perspective! Love it! When we've saved up to build our house, this will definitely come in handy. You are so artistic and creative, where do you get your creativity/creative ideas? :D


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