Thursday, June 06, 2013

a peek inside my office

I spent over fifteen years working in an office and I spent most of those fifteen years working as some kind of an assistant (administrative assistant, executive assistant, assistant director). When I walked away from my cubicle to be a full time artist five years ago, I vowed to never work in an office ever again! Insert time, growth and the fact that a large part of my creative business happens on the computer, we made the decision get organized and turn our guest room into a home office. Sounds like no big deal but for me it was a full circle moment.
For the first time in five years I found myself shopping for file folders, post-it notes and dry erase markers and it wasn't for someone else- it was for me. If you have at any point been an assistant or supported, organized, filed or shopped for someone's else's office you will understand why my trip for office supplies was a momentous one. (I even had an emotional little moment in the paper aisle of Office Depot!) While I would rather be painting in my studio 7 days a week instead of sitting at the computer, I am so grateful to have my own little space to work in. Here is a peek...

see altered hanger tutorial HERE /// prints from megan wells and kelsey davis

triangle storage box from bookhou


VAKAnomi said...

Love your office...So home like and pretty...I wish I have that kind of office someday..:)

To ELLE and Back said...

What a conducive space to work in though, far superior and more creative than a cubicle from corporate america. Absolutely adore the "Every day I'm hustling" cushion, that is a regular phrase in my vocabulary ;)

Sheila said...

Current creative/former admin assistant here! I love your office space! Was it weird not to have to fill out an expense report and chase down the boss for your office supplies? :)

dawn said...

I LOVE LOVE your office space, so pretty and lots of white space! Your file cabinet is amazing, you really can doodle on anything and everything!
Having your own personal office is way more fun then a real one at work. Glad you feel good about it and made it cozy and inspiring!
I have loved office supplies since my teenage years, still going strong. Now I only wish to have a office space of my own.
Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful pictures. ENJOY IT!

p.s. Lucy's art is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

awesome space - love it!

thanks for sharing :)

Helen said...

What a lovely space
I love the bright white and space for creating, I'm quite bad at collecting and hoarding things rather than having clear space for everything, you've inspired me to have a bit of a clear out

Eulita said...

what a beautiful office, so bright and colourful ! I work as an assistant,but our office is from far not so nice ;-)

Becky Voth said...

What a wonderful space! Can you come makeover mine! HA! really, it's inspiring! :)

mstern said...

Swoon. I think I need a bean bag in my space.

astr!d said...

i love the office! its so bright and airy! and i really hope you will teach us how to make that paper chandy. -hint hint-

Ariadne said...

Lovely! I wish I had space for a home office!Do I spot some of Arounna's at Bookhou fabric baskets?AriadnefromGreece!

Jane LaFazio said...

what fun! thanks for the tour of your office!!

Unknown said...

I hope you overcome this post assistant office feelings in such a wonderful light personal and organized place... and sorry I have to leave and clean up mine.

Nicole said...


Lovely Idea

Terri said...

What an awesome home office! I love how inspirational it feels and how functional it is. I spent 18 years in cubicle land, so I can relate to the excitement of having a home office for your creative life. I love the drawing corner you set up, which I need to find room for in my own space. Love the corner to chill too.

Unknown said...

I love your office. It's my dream to have a space like that!

Jenny said...

So beautiful and inspiring! I'm totally in a creative mood now. Curious, how do you store your washi tape? (I know there are a million ideas out there, but I want to know yours!).

Emily Lagore said...

What a beautiful workspace - I am sure Lucy appreciates your efforts to make her feel welcome. Just lovely

Susana Antunes said...

This just looks like a PERFECT work office for me!!!!! Your little family just inspires me.... SO MUCH!!!!! <3

Norina said...

LOVE your office space. It has a peaceful, calm, comforting, caring, loving feel...yet very organized, clean and functional. Congrats and continued health and happiness...Thanks for sharing!

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

What an absolutely inspiring space! I love how you've put your artistic touch on every single thing. :) This inspires me to try and make my office more "me".

studioGypsy said...

absolutely the best!!! makes me so happy to see and immerse myself into! now - if only i could get my studio back into order! ha! xoxo and soo love the picture quotes. !

agazmaluje said...

My favourite: small corner space for drawing. Lovely :)

Kelsey said...

Love it! Your doodle cabinet is awesome!

Kelsey said...

And thanks for including my print in this :) I think I'm going to have to try your altered hangers!

Anonymous said...

Your office could not be any more creative! Absolutely love all the quirks & special meaningful add ons!

Natalie Hua said...

I love your office! Lucy is so adorable and talented! Her painting is amazing! You have a beautiful family and a beautiful home Alisa! Thanks for letting us take a peek!

Julie Shackleton said...

I think my filing cabinet in my work office may take on a whole new lease of life come Monday morning.

gkgirl said...

oh....i love. love. love this.

Christina said...

I LOVE it! Such a delightfully un-officy office. :)

Preeti Dubey said...

So much inspiration-filled office. loved every corner.

P'tite Plume said...

Pretty and lovely home! Love ♥ ♥ ♥

Unknown said...

Hi Alisa

Beautiful creative office !!! Please, let me know : where did you find your pouf ? I love it !!

zeemartini said...

Thanks for including that last photo of what it looks like most days.

Teddi said...

oh alisa, i really like your interior style! magnificent paper chandelier, and lucy's painting is divine. :)

Melani A said...

Love your office! So pretty!

Melani @

Anonymous said...

You are living my dream! Can you tell me where you purchased the small desk for drawing. Love your blog by the way, you inspire me to actually create.

alexa said...

Your doodled filing cabinet is just superb!

Regus said...

Most of your decorations were derived from creative artworks, and it looks practical, unique and wonderful. Thanks for sharing it online.

Valerie said...

What a lovely open, airy space!! I am so inspired :o) So glad to have discovered your blog. Thank you for sharing your lovely art!!


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