Saturday, April 03, 2010

the denver art museum

A good part of today was spent at the Denver Art Museum- the 1st Saturday of the month is free! Thankfully I have loved ones who are willing to go to museums with me, who follow me around listening to me analyze art, recite historical facts and take lots of pictures. The museum, in addition to their permanent collection, currently has an exhibit called Embrace where 17 artists took over the museum, transformed unique spaces with installations and it was FABULOUS! I have been to lots and lots of museums and I must say that the Denver Art Museum is a wonderful space with a great collection.


A'n'G Johnson said...

Embrace! has been one of my favorite shows yet! I'm so pleased you got to see it - they are taking it down soon -

Anonymous said...

looks like a great show! i'll be flying into denver myself on monday, think i might take a peek!! ps. just love that you took your little house on your road trip. awesome.

brlracincwgrl said...

I love these photos! How stunning!

Charlotte said...

In German art museums you are not allowed to take pictures :-( I really like the picture with you and the giant graffitto up the wall.

Virginia said...

Loving this exhibition, I bet you didn't want to leave, we have a mixtureof exhibitions that take photos in and those we can't but I think sometimes it's better to be able to take photo after photo because such magical pieces from different peiople really inspire the artists in yourself! I am still on an amazing journey with your Graffiti Chic Class Alisa - it has been absolutely amazing and my style is changing so rapidly - I feel so blessed to have found your course and to have been given "permission" to be free in my art work - thank you from the bottom of my heart - I hope you continue to enjoy your travels and keep inspiring us along the way!

Wendy said...

Very cool pictures. I haven't been to the art museum since they've redone it. And I live not too far so I don't really have a good excuse. I'll have to haul my butt over there soon.

Anonymous said...

What an awesome exhibit!

Monkey Mind said...

Thank you so much for sharing those pictures. I live in a little backwater and I so miss art galleries and museums. I'll take it where I can get it! Embrace looks like a wonderful show.

Enjoy your trip.

Jane LaFazio said...

wow, I've never been to the denver art museum. pretty darn fabulous.


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