I have now taken crazy to a whole new level-PUBLIC CRAZY!
You didn't think I was just going to hide my recycled city away in the house did you? As I worked on growing my city (this is now a weekly project for me) I was flooded with ideas and inspiration to take it on a photo shoot around town. It reminds me of a whimsical city by the sea and I had the brilliant idea to take it to the most whimsical REAL beach city in my backyard- Coronado, CA! I loaded up all my different cameras and left early in the morning hoping I could get an empty beach and could skip tourists and people that wanted to stop and stare. Of course I had no such luck- lots of lookie loos, runners in my shots, tourists who wanted me to take their picture, conversations about what I was doing and a lovely passerby who helped me out when my city (and shoes and backpack) suffered an unfortunate accident due to the rising tide! It was a little challenging to get as artistic as I wanted but overall I must say there is something strangely liberating about being crazy and creative in public! And now I am even more inspired with ideas and ways to use my city (which will need a little repair) so stay tuned!

Loved it Alisa!!!
That's awesome, Lisa! Your constant work is truly an inspiration.
This is the coolest thing EVER, EVER, EVER!!! You must drive up to Capitola with it and do photos on the beach there, too. If you do, I am tagging along :)
You are amazing! Very very cool. My only question is: When do you sleep, girl!
this makes me sooo happy! Awesome- thank you!
AWESOME ALISA!! Your city had a vacation on the beach!! Sorry there was a flood...:( Did you have insurance?? :) Glad you had a fun day...we are having a BLIZZARD here! COME ON SUN!!
I love it! So cool. Have to admit I gasped at the water coming in!
Wow, this amazing! I admire your courage to be 'crazy in public'. The photos remind me some of the Lunenburg, Nova Scotia waterfront where my son lives. It's a world wide historic site and is often seen in magazines.
I love this! I wish I could be so crazy and creative in public! I love your work!
How cool is that!!! With the rising water you could have called it Recycled Venice!
That city of yours just keeps getting better! I LOVE the 4 photo where the tide washed up and left a beautiful glass like quality to the sand and your city is photographed on the same angle as the background buildings. amazing!
beautiful. I'm almost sorry the tide got it.
Didn't you just love the reflection in the water? It made it real! Just signed up for Grafitti Chic. I need to break loose a bit. A lot!
Love it!
Ps. There's nothing wrong with "crazy". Crazy is way more fun than normal.
oh wow. how liberating, it looks like a little Venice!
i love that you werent preciouss and let the tide in....jenxo
Wow. What a project and great photo shoot! I think the pic of the city as a closeup shot reflecting in the water is my favorite. I showed my DH this and he said his mother used to make him and his brother's cities to play with their cars and army men, when he was little. She recycled everything into toys for them. I love your city!
the last shot you should call venice...this is just awesome...and what a wonderful activity for kids to do as well...i want to visit your little place...xxx
che idea geniale!!!
belle foto complimenti!!!
sono fra le tue lettrici costanti!!!
ti stimo molto
a presto
I love your "city" especially the ones with the water under them. Sorry they got wet but what a grand shoot, go girl you make crazy look good. Your the best Alisa, so creative and out of the box great.
It's perfect and so lovable!!
.....in the Undertwasser style!!!great Alisa...
Hello. And Bye.
beautiful! i stumbled upon your blog and i fell in love with your rosettes tutorial!! it helped so much!!
i linked you to my blog---
check out what i made from using your tutorial!
I LOVE this!!! Wow!
what total fun! and the hotel del beach was the perf location!
SO wonderful! Gives new meaning to 'House Boat'. Happy happies.
I love how fun this is. Wonder if FEMA recovers cardboard cities? I might have cried when the tide came in on my city.
Again, W~O~W~ Public and crazy brings it to an entirely new level of inspiring.
One of my favorite quotes is simply, "You don’t have to live your life the way other people expect you to."It's the uniqueness that changes the world and the people around you.
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