Wednesday, June 21, 2017

creating with a kid- life size self portrait

You can find more ideas and inspiration for creating with a kid HERE


Doro Kaiser said...

Oh that reminds me on my daughter. i always did this with her when she was a little one. in summer you can use chalk on the sidewalk... great fun, too!
love, Doro.

fenci said...

Oh, I just love this idea! will make it with my kids during this summer holyday. Thanks, because I`m searching for this kind of ideas all the time :-)

Nupur said...

This is soo fun..we(me n by brother) used to do that when we were little :) thanks for reminding...i will try to make the same with my kiddo

Elisabetta Brustio said...

Wow! Ma è un'idea bellissima!!!! Proverò di sicuro con i miei bimbi!!! Grazie

Wow!But it's a beautiful idea !!!! I will certainly try with my kids !!! Thank you

Mary said...

So Adorable!!

Suzanne said...

We used to do this in the pediatrician's office, in the exam room. We always had at least 15 minutes by ourselves waiting for the doctor. We'd do it on the paper that is rolled out on the exam table. We would bring a sharpie and other colored pens, and put as much detail on it as time allowed. Then we'd roll it up, and finish it at home. It was a great way to keep her occupied while waiting.

BlueBirdLegacy said...

This is fantastic!

malissa said...

I love this idea!!! and look how happy she is :)

jabbott said...

Got to do this with my little one x

Diana Trout {} said...

Oh my gosh, Alisa! Look how big she's gotten. I haven't been around in a while. My son did that at a summer camp - he's 26 now - and we were just talking about his process when he was working on it. I love it!

Toni Hinchcliffe said...

Alisa, I absolutely LOVE this! Thanks for sharing it with us. I am a retired elementary school teacher, and I always tried to incorporate art into my classroom. I am an avid follower of your blog posts, and I have loved watching Lucy grow up and all the creative things you do with her. You are an inspiration!

Dede Warren said...

Your little Lucy is darling, and so is this project. I'd love to do this with my granddaughter Ruby, who is quite taken with Lucy as well! {{wink}}

*side note...
the link did't work for me???

MMO 2025 said...

Alisa! Look how big she's gotten.

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coco said...

Sweet and Crisp ! :)


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