I am obsessed with beach combing and this year has been a really great year for finding treasure! The result is a gigantic shell collection that I am always looking to use in creative ways. Lately I've been using some of my shells as little planters for my baby succulents.

I always set aside the shells that have a large opening. Also since succulents like drainage, I will set aside shells that have holes in them or I will even drill a small hole for drainage.

I fill the shells with a little soil mixed with pumice and then I tuck my baby succulents into the shells.

While the shells make cute little planters and accessories to use around the house, I really like turning them into a little gardens.

I use terra-cotta saucers and add all kinds of shells, rocks and my shell planters to create little gardenscapes.

I use these little shells gardens mixed in with my potted planters and all over my garden.

This is so pretty, I wish we could find this size shells in the UK!
I love this! This is a great idea!
I love this! This is a great idea!
Thank you for the inspiration.
Also, again you created a lovely mini-course: your 'Beautiful Birds' are colouring my days and keeping me -and my creativity- warm.
Adorable as always Alisa!!!!! I love beach combing and am itching to get to the beach! I have always invisioned myself by the beach! One day!!!
Lovely idea again! I really liked mixing them with potted bigger plants. Anything that reminds us of the sea is welcome to our house :)
Oh wow, what a cute idea! Here in Florida we have a ton of Giant Snail shells that would be perfect for this :)
oh that is awesome!! thankyou for this!! been wondering what to do with all the shells we collected during spring break! :P and a succulent garden would be perfect! oxoxo
Alisa I love your work and you seem lovely but it makes me sad that you take all of these shells away.
I love your idea and the fact, that you put lots of them together in the same container. It is wonderful that you can find big, whole shells that inspire people before they are broken or worn down to nothing. Great job!! I put a succulent in one of my very small shells, but it has out grown its container. I think I will combine it with a bunch of shells like you did, such a great idea.
What a lovely and useful idea. Alisa, you are a constant with creative ideas! Your site is such a bright and happy place, you always make my visits so pleasant. Thank you for sharing with us.
You never cease to amaze me Alissa with your wonderful ideas and creativity!! I just love drawing and painting shells and have a massive shell in my back yard with a gorgeous succulent in. I've never thought about getting the smaller ones and doing it as they seem too precious so I keep them indoors but they do look wonderful the way you've done it! I don't have the same supply as you do so the few I have stay in the bathroom and scattered around on display. Just wonderful!!
Great idea. You made an awesome display. All my shell finds are quite small but I may try a mini one. Thanks for sharing.
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