Wednesday, July 20, 2011

shop is now open and a GIVEAWAY!

It is official! The new online shop is open for business. Please note that there could be some bugs to work out at first so I appreciate your patience.

Update your bookmarks with or use the shop link in the left column.

And to celebrate today's opening I am giving away 3 $50.00 shopping sprees in the shop.

Just leave me a comment below-
tell me how you started your morning

You have until Friday and then I will draw three names and announce the winners!


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Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Alisa! Loving looking at all your beautiful goodies! I started my morning out early with a small earthquake. Nothing serious, just enough to shake the bed and the door. A bit later in the morning it was off to the beach for us to enjoy the glorious sunshine! Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
ariellecarlson (at) gmail (dot) com

nadège said...

félicitations pour l'ouverture de votre boutique, j'adorerais être plus riche pour pouvoir m'offrir une de ces jolies créations.....
La première chose que j'ai entendue est mon réveil pleut en France, une tasse de café, une cigarette,(je sais c'est pas bien....) et le premier bébé que j'accueille est arrivé à la maison, gros calin et bibi , tout va bien....bonne journée, Nadège

nadège said...

félicitations pour l'ouverture de votre boutique, j'adorerais être plus riche pour pouvoir m'offrir une de vos créations....
réveil grenouille, il pleut en France..... café, bisous à mon chéri et cigarette (je sais c'est pas bien....) bonne journée

Tamytha said...

Congratulations on your new store! It looks beautiful!

I started my morning by taking a shower, drinking a diet coke and getting ready to meet a team of teachers to discuss discipline for the next school year. School will be here before I know it. Farewell, calm and relaxing summer. :(

Katerina said...

Mornings always start with COFFEE!! And Alisa's paintings always brighten the day; love the shop!

Katerina said...

My days always start with COFFEE, then I wonder if it's cool enough to go and garden; but then I can always just sit and look at Alisa's beautiful flowers instead! Great shop, hope lots of success

The AfterCraft said...

I start my morning with a fine cup of coffee and toast with homemade jam.

Raine said...

My morning always starts by checking out the latest crafty deals online. I'll have to add your store to my list! Congrats!

Noemi said...

Congratulations!Your work is amazing and it is good to know you have got a shop now. I hope I can take part from Hungary.

I started my morning early today because yesterday's storm made our roof wet and now strange noises coming down from there - the boarding is creaking a bit.But after I had a really delicious piece of chocolate cake and it made me happier! :)

Laure Porché said...

Hi Alisa! So kind of you to give us a chance to win some of your great work/teaching (I'd definitely take the Watercolour class!!!)

Well, it's not very glamour but I started my day when the rat that currently lives in my mom's walls (much to her dismay!) decided it was time for me to get up and made noise accordingly! After that, there was nothing else for me to do than go to work on the book I'm translating at the moment...:)

All the best for your new endeavour!

iHanna said...

Congrats to you and your mom for a job well done!

I started my morning a few hours ago with sour milk and müseli, as I do every morning. :-)

Things Hand Made said...

My day started properly after I had dropped the kids off to school, I went for a run with a friend and we caught up on each others gossip!

Anonymous said...

I started my morning with my first ever green smoothie, to be honest I think I've to try another recipe because this didn't really do it for me xD

Marja Seidemo said...

Beautiful shop!! I woke up, could hardly breathe beacause i had a big fabric dog in my face..and that´s how i wake up every morning these days by my sweet dog Juno, putting her favourite toy in my face:)

Anonymous said...

Wishing the coffee fairy would bring me the best from Starbucks...... Or doughnuts, mmmmmm.......

Estee said...

Congratulations on your new shop!

I have an exam today so I started with studying...

serendipity said...

way to go....all the best for you both in your new adventure... the new shop
hhmmm start to the day, I'm on a diet so I woke up thinking of food and starving....breakfast over and done with ..time to do some online excersise (as my local gym has closed down) ...righty we go...OK after 30 minutes the only part of my body that has done any exercise are my fingers and hand....I've been doing sufing not that one on the water but the one on the computer !!!! damn...yet again it's happened !!!!
two weeks into diet....well blow me down....I've GAINED...can't think why !!!!

Anne said...

Well done on the new shop!!!
Quiet walk in the forest with my puppy this morning...

Unknown said...

Up at 4:45AM to go mop a church floor. Not the most exciting but it does mean I got in a paid morning workout! Lovely shop, just lovely.

Stephanie Zito said...

How exciting! Big Congrats!!!! I can't wait to head over and check everything out! I started my morning off by waking up with no room on the bed (my 5 yr old snuck in last night) and my 4 yr old waking me up at 6:30 a.m. eek!!! Having a quick cup of coffee and then off to check out your shop and then I have an OB app't to head to (yep, 8 months pregnant and absolutely suffering in this heat wave we're having)! It's going to be a long day but I love my life and wouldn't want it any other way! Congrats again! Thanks for the chance to win!

Emie58 said...

Congrats on opening your shop!!! I started my day with yoga....

Anonymous said...

congrats on your shop! It´s GREAT!!!
I started my morning with my 2yr and hub,pulled me out of bed, hah!!!
Afther that breakfast for everybody, juice and milk...and then to work!!!


The Splendiferous Life said...

Shop is wonderful..congrats! I woke up to Ants all over my I was a bug killing mama this morning followed by a huge cup of coffee.

cjmama said...

Make a large pot of coffee, let the dog out and feed her, and settle in to see what you are going to inspire me with today!

Nelda said...

Congratulations! Your shop looks wonderful. I started my day with a cup of coffee and the glorious picture on your blog. Love all that vibrant floral color.

Dori Patrick said...

Howdy! What a fun giveaway! And congrats on this wonderful dream realized! I started my morning with a good long walk with my puppy, Elsie. It's hot here, so we were nice and sweaty when we were done! Ha!


So exciting! And such an inspiration!

wdmk said...

Your shop is so nice, very good job! I am planning on taking your water color class when I get back from vaca! YAE!

Kerry said...

I began MY day reading your blog and re-visiting the WaterColor Bliss videos in your "classroom"

Congrats on the to continue my morning by perusing the shop!



janey jennings said...

Alisa, I love the new shop! Congrats to you both!
I started my day with a big cup of coffee, and paying bills.
Best of luck, I'll be checking in regularly.

astr!d said...

i woke up to my annoying alarm clock, pulling me from my beautiful dreams. got ready in haste and hit my fav coffee shop. im much less cranky now!!! lol

marinj said...

So excited to have your shop open! I can't wait to tell all my friends! I love your stuff, so creative and just downright cool. :)

marinj said...

I forgot, I started my morning by having a cold coffee drink with my sister.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Congratulations! Good Montana morning from beautiful flathead lake on Finley point with girlfriends, lapping water, and God'S Peace!

Julia Graber said...

... with a cup of coffee and inspiration from blogs. pjgraber at juno dot com

Murmu said...

How lovely!!oh boy this is cool..another giveaway!!so stared my day with a cu of coffe and my dog near by:D...cross finger!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new shop!!! It is YUMMY. I am enjoying my morning coffee as I browse around.

meganarline said...

I started the morning checking my email and of course reading blogs (like yours). I already know what I'm going to spend the prize on!!! Thanks!

Daniel said...

Congratulations on opening your shop. I love your work. I started the day with a bike ride - it's a gorgeous day!

Shay said...

I started my day with a tall cup of green tea and a large bowl of cinnamon and banana oatmeal!

Sheila said...

Hi Alicia
Congratulations to you and your mum!
Started the morning with a lovely cup of tea in bed and a quick look at a new book! Wonderful!

Cedar Ridge Studio said...

I started my day with a cuppa tea on the deck than I set my sprinklers on the dry spots in the garden for the day. Cooled off by looking at all the posts on blogger that I follow. Sweet summer. Now to the studio to create something good.

inbal weisman said...

Love your shop- GL!
I started my morning cuddling with my kids and than made them breakfast. A neighbor visited me and we had a smoothie together.
have a great day!

Carol B. said...

Congrats on your new shop! You are truly amazing! I start off every morning checking out my email, and then going straight to your blog!!

Cre8tiveQueen said...

Wow! Love the new site =) Congrats! I started my morning with a granola bar and walk with my golden, it was perfect!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Christie - Fine Lines said...

I started my morning here, checking out blogs. Am working my way towards some coffee and then it is off to work.
Hope the new shop is a smashing success!

Emilie Steele said...

I started my morning listening to NPR and chilling with my cat, Lily.

Daydream Kate said...

I spent the morning talking with my 19-month-old about going outside. Or as she says, "ousih".

Melanie Jade said...

Yea! Congratulations! I started my day hearing the workers fixing the floor in my mother-in-love's home (where I'm staying) and feeling my cat crawl under the covers to hide.

Sheri said...

Good morning Alisa. I am here starting my morning like I always do, with you and your awesome blog and a big cup of coffee. I love your new online shop, it is beauteous. Sheri

Maegan said...

Let's see...I am a raw foodist and I started this morning with a juiced fruit and veggie drink! Congrats on the shop opening! :)

joanieART said...

I started the day painting, of course! Gessoing some new little squares of all recycled paper and then on to painting 100 Recycled Faces! Congrats on new store....going to hop over there now. Blessings!

Ceci said...

SO EXCITED to go shopping!!

So where should I start? Office phones down, 80 +/- brokers who can't do anything for themeselves, back & forth with phone company & corporate, my friends dog - who I babysit from time to time & love - had to be put down this morning, AND its sopose to feel like 115 degrees in DC today. Great start!

I love your blog!! It's a huge inspiration. I will probably zone out while painting tonight. Please pick me! :)

Fay said...

Love your shop!! I started my day late for work, spilled my drink on my shirt driving to work - but the good thing was i opened your e-mail when I got there (my first smile)

Unknown said...

My days start with the iPad and a pot of coffee! Love the blog! I'm going to have to spend more time here I see!

Susan Jonsson said...

The shop is so great! Congrats to you and your Mom! I started my day with coffee and my journal...with my dogs and cat plopped on the sofa with me! Thanks for the chance to win.


Angela Nebinger said...

I started my day snuggling up to 8 baby puppies and making sure their mama got her free time for a bit.. every new mama needs a little time to herself :) WOULD LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to win!! Keeping my fingers crossed til Friday :)

MrsLittleJeans said... had 458 entries. I found you from my dearest kerinrose. Decided to follow you so to be reminded to take the online sketchbook class, love to draw and had never heard of on-line drawing. Now I see you have a giveaway.

So, I started my morning with taking my cats out for a walk and play. If you knew me you would know that that is my everyday. Then to my office, to read my poem from Storialist (love her) while drinking coffee, then a few stops here and there, mail and off to chemistry lab work...uuuhh.

I don't mind not to win, finding you is like a big win to me already.

: )

leslieb said...

Wonderful about your shop! I love your photos and will be excited to explore. This morning, as always, a large cup of coffee, and unload the dishwasher before getting everyone up to start the day!

Jennie Z. said...

Morning began with a smile. No migraine in a Very Long Time. Medical science has finally found an answer for me! Still grinning.

Sandye said...

*squeal* I can't wait to check out the site!!! My morning has been spending painting Harry Potter wands with my four kiddos (we made them yesterday with dowels and sculpy--so fun!) and then we tidied up the kitchen. My house is now occupied by a couple of little witches and two older wizards. :) Congrats on the Grand Opening! Now I'm off to check it all out! Those poppies are calling my name!!

Candace said...

Congrats on your shop. I had to do a quick cleaning as a long-lost relative was stopping by. We have had a steady stream of house guests since July 3rd. Enough already.

knittinghen said...

Congrats on the shop. It is lovely. I know you and your mom are excited.

I started my morning with eggs and coffee for me and mushed up bananas and oatmeal for ABear and then we went for a wonderful 30 min walk.

whitney said...

I had a rough morning, my daugher was having a serious mommy moment and did not want to go to camp. I had to hold her hand and sit with her for a while unit she was comfortable. My second daughter waited outside in the car and watched the city give me a parking ticket for $50!! She apologized profusely as she really wasn't sure how to handle the situation. oh well, on with the day.

Anonymous said...

always exciting to launch a new business!! Congrats and best wishes. I started the am on the riding to get yard mowed before we hit the predicted heat index of 105 today.....!!!
missy from the bayou

Ami said...

So cool!
I started the morning listening to my alarm go off, thankfully it was to "Lisztomania" by Phoenix. Then I got outta bed and got ready for work.

Jessica Loughrey said...

i started my morning giving my daughter a bottle with my first cup of coffee (of 3) at my side.

Anonymous said...

My day got started with reading your blog, honestly.

I wake up each morning, check my email, then go through my fav blogs for a quick pick me up.

After that, do whatever needs to get done for the day, cleaning, bill paying, errand running, client business, blog posts, listing art in my etsy shop, putting art up on Zazzle, daydreaming about what I want to be when I grow up (ya, I'm adult, but I still have so much to learn in this life), and of course, fueling the body.

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! I started my morning with a long run! Have a great day :)smiles, jackie

Kashuen said...

Great shop! I start my morning with a cup of coffee. Then I play with my 9 months old baby for a while. Turn on my computer and start checking email for a while. I hope I can win because my 5 years old really like your drawing (& me too). Thank you.

delphine said...

your shop is beautiful!
I started my morning by going to the doctor with my son.

Kelleigh said...

I started today by going to Comp2 at the community college then working up at my church planning our art camp! We have some super awesome projects this year for the kids :)

leeanne said...

Great news about the shop. I started my day queueing for tickets at 7am for the school music concert.xx

DASI GLAM said...

Hi Alisa love your new shop. I started my day at the doctor so... not a very happy girl today. But it's getting better. Good luck!

Angie: said...

Congratulations on the shop! The morning started me as usual by waking one of the kids, but I was happy as it actually wasn't the youngest for a change! Lets hope he continues to sleep in past 6am! In my book it's not really morning til 7am! xx

Virbana said...

Shop looks great! I started my day with a smile from my 1 year old daughter, and oatmeal with fresh wild blueberries my mom had picked. I think that's quite luxurious. :)

margaret-spence said...

The site looks nice!

I started the morning by moonlight as I let the pups out to do their "business" by the light of the tiny waning slice left in the sky.

Betty Jo said...

Congrats on your new shop! I just started in mixed media, so this morning I worked on a watercolor, collage piece inspired by my granddaughter. I would love to win the gift certificate. Thanks so much for your generosity.

Donna Belcher said...

I started my day with a big cuppa joe from my Keurig and lots of Pop Tart kisses from my little boys.

Ruth Ann said...

Love your shop! The items are soo inspiring and make me smile! I start my morning each day by drinking cheap gas station coffee! LOL My little secret is that I LOVE gas station coffee! lol
Hope you are having a wonderful week!
-Ruth Ann

Kaz said...

Hi Alisa, it's 6am here in Australia and I'm just catching up with my favorite blogs. Wow! Congratulations on your awesome shop, I love your style and wish you and your mum the very best with it.

Daltry said...

I woke up early to take a very important admissions test for college. I PASSED!!

Unknown said...

What an opportunity!! I started my morning with coffee, a green smoothie n a box full of cath kidston goodies that arrived! ^_^

primdollie said...

congrats on the new shop it looks fabulous!! So happy and excited for you! also waiting for your new book too!! enjoy! hugs Linda

Theresa Plas said...

Holy Mackerel...484 comments???? WoW! Big Congrats on your shop alisa - I'm off to explore it after this entry....and I started my morning with coffee and my blog:)

Ginger said...

I started my morning with some iced coffee and a trip to the grocery.
Congratulations! Excited about your shop!

Jana said...

Lovely website/shop!! Thanks for this opportunity :) I started my day with a good cup of coffee, the newspaper and a homemade M&M cookie, yum!

wisecandy said...

I started my morning with two little boys jumping on the bed saying lets have fun today. Thanks for the giveaway!

susan in seattle said...

So happy to have a new place to shop! Congratulations! My morning started when I woke up @5 on accident. Went back to sleep though. Then started later with a lox bagel and coffee.

sugarcreekstuff said...

I know that this is going to sound bad but it's true.
My morning starts with an injection, an ice pack and a cup of international (fakey) coffee.
I get that out of the way first thing and I don't have to dread doing it for the rest of the day.

Okami said...

started by day with a dog in my face telling me to get out of bed

jana said...

hmmm...70 minutes on the elliptical followed by weights and crunches. that's what happens when i take 4 days off.

Katie said...

I started my morning by writing my morning pages (from the artist's way). It feels good to just get stuff out on the page.

Melissa said...

I love love love your shop! Its so beautiful. I started my day with my puppy growling and yipping at the thunderstorm going on outside. I can't help but giggle at her goofiness. =)

Anonymous said...

I just browsed your new shop - awesome! I started the morning at 3... and at 6 a.m. nursing my baby and then officially started it two hours later when I put my contact lenses in and got my toddler up. Now I've just ended my day signing up for your watercolor class. WooHoo!

Ellen said...

Best of luck!! I started my day quaking with fear facing a follow up visit with my oncologist. And all's clear! Wahoo!!

mama3davis said...

So excited your shop has opened!! I have been patiently waiting. This morning started out with the computer screen making a funny noise and going out as soon as I sat down. It only got better from there, hopefully ending with the new-to-me washer not spinning. Fortunately I have a wonderful friend that is feeding my children at her house as I write. Thank God for friends.

mama3davis at gmail dot com

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor said...

Beautiful new shop Alisa! I wish you the best of luck. I started my morning, like every morning... with coffee and emails.

maeve said...

Gorgeous! Congratulations! I started my morning with a quick yogurt breakfast and then out the door for a haircut. Nice and short for this near 100 degree weather! Yay!

Sarah said...

Woot WOoot!
Started my morning with a protein shake.

Unknown said...

I started the morning realizing I forgot to buy espresso last night at the store while grocery shopping. :(

Amy said...

congrats! i started off my morning with no air conditioning on the hottest day of the year! amy @

Bohemian Brown Sugar said...

Congrats on all of your accomplishments. My morning started by driving into DC from Charlotte and catching a noon flight home to Detroit. I was able to sketch with my 8 yr daughter in our journals and outline my weekly art projects. You and your Mom are so inspirational.


Coffee...always with coffee...and THIS morning I watched as the house painters got to work painting my house the most gorgeous green ever!

So happy that your shop is open. Best of luck :) I'm hoping you'll carry more of your bracelets...I love the multi-colored set I have, but wish I had the purple set to go with them.
I'll keep checking back!

Cat said...

I started my morning by sleeping through both of my alarm clocks and waking up 15 minutes before it was time to leave for work!! That sets the tone for the whole day,unfortunately. Congrats on the shop!! and thanks for the chance at the giveaways!!

ginigin said...

Congratulations and best of luck with the new shop!! Thanks for the chance to win some shopping.
I started the day with a sprouted wheat bagel ... the first wheat I've had in a couple of months of a restrictive diet. My celebration of being able to eat more foods now.

Lynda said...

Congrats on your new shop and wow, what a giveaway!
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and checking my email.

happyacres at

Pen Pal said...

I want one of everything! I started my day waking up next to my husband and daughter, sprawled all over me, in our too small bed (and I can't imagine a better way to wake up!).

Paige said...

I started my morning my learning about YOU and looking at all your videos on vimeo and getting super inspired to paint big on craft paper I have...Thanks for a great start to my day!

JanT said...

love your store and your creativity. Started my day with a cuppa Joe or 3 and a load of laundry (yuk).

JanT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HanaHeat said...

Looking forward to spending time in your shop! I started my morning by getting my workout in! It's great to start the day with a good sweat.

~Kelly~ said...

I started my day by starting some black currant jam, then getting ready to play some volleyball!!

Kelly <3

Tina Vogt said...

I started my morning with a cup of coffee. Congratulations on your new site. How fun to be working with your Mom. I would love to work with my daughter. There is no one I love quite as much!

Rosebud said...

Love your new shop ! Started my day by sorting stuff for a garage sale and doing laundry... Really enjoy your art!!!

Kym said...

A Shop? Yay!!!

Rachel Sparks said...

I am amazed by your work! I would love to win and be able to have some of your incredible pieces in my home! Thanks!

Amy Eileen Koester said...

The shop is wonderful; I love the photgraphy and that it coordinates with your blog.

I started my day at school, taking a figure drawing class. Been struggling but had one successful drawing today.

Wendy said...

My morning started with a run, and then a smoothie, and then some happy daughter time. I like mornings!

Tracy Verdugo said...

Big congrats Alisa! I started my morning with a birthday kiss from my beautiful daughter and a big mug of coffee x

Jacqueline said...

I started the morning with some crochet and filling up the green bin... Oh, and I fed the birds too.

Denise said...

Your shop is gorgeous! Can't wait to spend a little (lot!) more time exploring it!

I started the day with a quick cup of tea, then out the door for a family adventure at the beach and antiquing on our way to a cool vegetarian restaurant for lunch. Fun!

JoJo said...

Congratulations - the shop looks soooooo nice!
I started my day with cuddles with my husband. It's winter here in New Zealand and it's hard to get out of bed when it's cold and rainy!

marti said...

Hi Alisa, I love your work. My morning started late, with a big kiss from my husband and a great tea. Loved it.

Lia said...

Alisa, I love your blog and your shop is looking great. I'd love to win and take your online class - watercolor bliss!
I started my morning preparing for my weekend guests - setting up the guest room with flowers and funny "welcome" greetings, now I'm off to do a bunch of cooking for dinner.
lots of luck with the shop!

Stefanie Warreyn said...

Congratulations, very pretty. I'd love to win a voucher. I started my morning with some take away porridge at my desk and a quick perus of Etsy before starting on the day's work...

Lia said...

Alisa, I love your blog and your shop is looking great. I'd love to win and take your online class - watercolor bliss!
I started my morning preparing for my weekend guests - setting up the guest room with flowers and funny "welcome" greetings, now I'm off to do a bunch of cooking for dinner.
lots of luck with the shop!

Ana Gonzalez said...

Felicidades Alisa, mucha suerte con las ventas!.

Yo empiezo el dia mirando el mar desde mi ventana, despues desayuno pan con aceite de oliva virgen español con una tisana de yerbas con miel.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the fog outside my window.

C. Jaeger said...

I started my day by waking up to a dream about fabric shopping. That is a good start to the day. I am excited about your shop. Best wishes!

EV said...

I started my morning with coffee, toast, & blogs! :) Congrats on the new shop!

Judy H said...

I started my morning late as I was at the emergency room with my 18 year old until 4am. The reason for her nausea was discovered. Lots of live questions now abound. So a big cup of coffee with a lot of sugar and cream. Screw the calories this morning. I'm looking at the various sites I follow to center my breathing and not freak out.

Anonymous said...

I was so looking forward to your store! Woo hoo!! Started the morning by leaving for work and saying hello to the baby birds on my back porch. Even though I can walk right up to the nest and they must think I'm some sort of giant, they always bring a smile to my face. Happy Friday!
Shelly Reinhard

Joy said...

Congrats on your new shop! Started my morning by having a cup of coffee and checking my favorite blogs!

Susan Turney said...

Started the day as I do everyday! Reading blogs. I love your bright colors and fabulous always makes me feel ready to get going!

dg8357 said...

Well it's the end of a week off for me. I did a hot yoga class each day (yay me lol!) and today was no different. Now for a special treat I'm off for a facial - paid for with a gift certificate I received for Christmas - I guess it's Christmas in July for me. Good luck and much success with your new store!

jackie said...

I started my day with a cup of tea, made for my husband, before packing him off to work so that I could enjoy my day!

Amy Munson said...

My day started with a little boy who could not get out of bed fast enough and a little girl who insisted "stay ina my bed" and then it was off to day care and work with an ice coffee in my hand and the little mermaid on the iPad in the car.

Leslie said...

Love your blog and will go shopping this weekend... thanks!

bonnie leukert said...

I started the morning looking out the window at the rain...very peaceful. I will be ordering...I will.

Deanna said...

Congratulations!!! Everything is beautiful!

jillrhino said...

Congrats! This is very exciting news for all of us Alisa fans!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

Today was my sons 16th birthday, so I started the day by singing him happy birthday, and then making him an x-box cake.

Amelia said...

Congrats on the shop!

I started my day with a mug of tea, a boiled egg, then ordering supplies for my little jewelry business. :)

lamaga said...

felicidades por tu trabajo, me gusta todo lo que haces...celebro la creatividad y siempre me sorprendes con tus ideas buenisimas, un beso Liliana desde Las Palmas.

Leigh said...

Congrats on your new shop Alisa! I started my day (as I do every day) with my husband bringing me freshly squeezed orange juice in bed. I am blessed!

Quilt or Dye said...

Is it too late to post a comment? I started by waking up next to a naked man. Fortunately it was my husband. Tee Hee.

Marilyn K. said...

Love your shop! I started the morning with a doctor's appt and then an iced mocha - yummy.

Jacque Pierro said...

Everything looks beautiful on your site and new store, congratulations! I started my day by going over blogs and checking out yours, so lovely! What a way to start the day! Cheers, Jacque of

Jacque Pierro said...

Congratulations, everything on your site and store look amazing! I started my day by going over my list of blogs that I like to read and yours is one of them. Cheers! Jacque of

Kristin said...

Mine started around 5am, with my nine month old deciding it was time for a bottle. But when he gives you that smile its so worth it!

Dulce&Emanuel said...

I started my day by reading a book while eating my favorite breakfast (fresh fruit, yogurt and whipped cream)

Paula said...

It's all just gorgeousness! I began my morning with a fresh peach and Greek honey yogurt from the farmers' market....with a cup of coffee in a handmage turquoise blue mug!

Laura54 said...

Ive only a word: WOOOWWWWWW

fran pascazio said...

Let's see...I started my morning with a cup of coffee and my iPad so I could do some blog hopping and saw your shop was opened; which caused me to shop for the hand carved stamps!! I live in upstate NY and we're in the middle of a heat wave....temps are in the high 90's and the humidity is worse.....the Great North East!!! Can't spend too much time outdoors, I'm afraid I'll melt. . .so it's a blog hop day!

Natasha said...

My morning started with my 4 year old declaring her love for me to the last number and back long cuddles.

Ányi said...

Oh, am I late?
Weel, my morning was delicious - with a big bowl of peach.
Congrats to your shop an i fI'm not too late please count me in :)
Hugs from Hungary :)

Deborah W. said...

Today, I started off the day by sleeping in. I'm on vacation this week!!

online bookkeeping said...

My congratulations to your new adventure! Looks like it'll be another set of great fun! Thanks for sharing ideas, creative works and inspiration, I appreciate everything here in your blog, it's sure worth a thousand stops.

AceOne said...

Good Morning. My day started at 4:30 am by taking my 15 yr old daughter to detassle in the corn fields of IL. Then my 25 yr old daughter's car broke down so I took her to her work; she's a nurse and is getting married in 54 days! As I was looking for some artwork for her soon to be home, I saw your website and was really interested in your artwork so I took a look. You are very gifted and creative. It has given me the courage to implement the ideas and changes in my home decorating I've been wanting to make for the last couple of years, and, I know know what I will make my daughter as a wedding gift for her new home too. Thanks. Congratulation on your baby and your husband joining you in your business. My husband and I have been working together for the last 10 years and it has worked great. Blessings on your family and job ventures... :-)

Valerie @ said...

Congrats on the new shop opening! Looks great. I started my morning with fluffy kitten paws in my face, demanding their breakfast!

Amy Milne said...

Beautiful! Love your stuff!
Started my day at my parent's house, with two little girls in bed with me who then quickly left as soon as they woke to go snuggle their Maabe and Pop-Pop before we left to drive home :)

Anonymous said...

I started my morning very happy with my cat Mary Jane in my lap!Congrats!!!
My name is Cecilia, my email is...
thank you!!!

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