Sunday, May 01, 2011

new online class- watercolor bliss and giveaway!

watercolor copy

My next online class starts June 6th and registration goes live today!

In my last online class- Sketchbook Delight I touched on using watercolors when sketching. I received so much feedback about working with watercolors that I decided to dedicate a class to methods, techniques, projects and inspiration with watercolors. (With my own unique, simple, messy spin of course!)

watercolor bliss online class

This online class will introduce you to everything you need to know about working with watercolors. From exploring a variety of simple supplies and tools (even how to create your own pigments) to learning all about traditional techniques and ways to break the rules, from mixing and layering color to dripping and splattering to creating compositions and discovering how to use watercolors in a variety of different projects to ultimately finding your own style.

If you enjoyed Sketchbook Delight and are looking to push it further with watercolors OR if you are new to using watercolors- this is the class for you!



In addition to launching registration today, I am also giving away three FREE spots in the class!


Leave me a comment

Tell me your favorite subject to paint

I will draw three names and announce the winner on WEDNESDAY- 5/4


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mama bleu said...

I absolutely love watercolors. I'd say my favorite things to paint are birds and flowers. I love the things in my garden!

Natalie B said...

love your blog and no matter what i will be taking this class... i am so keen to learn more about watercolour!! I love to paint anything and everything. i just love to continually experiment.

Lost Aussie said...

12 years ago I met my husband (and his watercolor paints). He started me on a journey the likes of which I never would have imagined. Although I seldom paint anymore, bird houses and flowers are my favourites and I'd love to get back to the "real" brushes.

Michelle Remy said...

Love, love, love watercolors and I am so excited that you are offering this class! Any time that I spend with my paint is a favorite time!

Kasey said...

ooh, pick me, pick me!! I want to buy the sketchbook class too and when I saw you were offering the water color class I couldn't decide ( can't afford both right now). Flowers are my favorite subject matter. I am an artist as well as a childrens art teacher. While watercolor isn't my strong suit I have recently been turned on to the Koi travel set ( recommended by you!) and I am loving them! So easy to set up and clean up! Would love to learn more in your class!

Lauren said...

I love to paint flowers!

jovialjudi said...

I so enjoy your blog! I love to paint flowers, landscapes, and things of nature. Thanks for a chance to win! Hugs, Judi

kelly said...

i'd love to win a spot. i was a painting major, mostly doing modern portraiture and line studies, but watercolor has always terrified me!

bensedin art said...

My favorite things to paint are flowers and hearts:)!

VAKAnomi said...

I like watercolours but don't quite know how to use those...So this course would be perfect for me...I love to paint butterflies, flowers and art journaling stuff..nothing has to be so perfect just's the most important thing to me.

Denise said...

I've been on an owl painting kick recently - my daughter's favorite. Every time you post a picture of your watercolor sea treasures I get inspired to find my own to paint... :0)

Karen said...

thank you for doing this Alisa!! I cannot wait!! My favorite subject is butterflies. They come in such a plethora of colors!! said...

Pick me...pick me:) I am just beginning to uncovering my inner artist and cannot wait to take this class. I like dragonflies and flowers. I would also like to learn to paint people.

huntla1 said...

I am such a beginner. I took a watercolor class last summer but was so overwhelmed. I pretty much just got started doing backgrounds. So that would have to be my favorite thing to watercolor -- at least right now!

Tracy Verdugo said...

Hi Alisa...this looks like a fantastic class...would love to be in the draw to win..hmmm what do i like to paint? Anything spontaneous and to intuitively watch how the colours and shapes emerge and intuitively discover my subjects!

Thien-Kim aka Kim said...

I love painting all the dresses that are in my head. It's funny designing them in my mind and getting them out on paper because I don't have time to sew right now!

Bee Yourself Fabrics said...

I love watercolors. It's fun to paint whimsical houses!

Jackie said...

I loved learning about watercolors in your Sketchbook class and have enjoyed playing with them since them, but would love to learn more. I love painting anything - from things around my house to flowers and birds. Can't wait for this class!

Amy said...

you are so generous! thank you for offering a chance to win. i paint with acrylics, but have often admired watercolors for how they capture light. i'm in the process of a painting of dreamy italian houses on a hill; if i could get the hang of watercolor, i would paint fruits. thanks again!

Rhiannon said...

i would love to be able to join your workshop. i have been looking for a watercolour workshop this year and so far have come up with very little. i have been following your blog & flickr site for a while now and i am always so inspired by your watercolour paintings. they have such colour & life to them. sadly i can't afford it at the moment though *big big bum out* :( it's great to get a chance to be in to win a spot though ^_^ xx best of luck with the workshop, im sure its going to be fantastic!!

Rhiannon said...

gah: pressed publish before i was finished haha! my favourite thing to paint in watercolours is bird eggs, flowers, sunset lanscapes - at the moment im teaching myself to do a minimalistic but colourful landscape :) Thanks again for the opprotunity to enter the giveaway!

Kate said...

What a great thing to giveaway! I actually started experimenting with watercolors because your sketches and paintings were so inspiring to me.. I love attempting to paint ocean scenes with a sailboat or two in the water. :)


Michelle said...

Oooh how exciting! I began saving up my pennies as soon as I saw that you were releasing the watercolour class.

I am very, very new to watercolour painting, but so far my favourite thing to paint is streets filled with little tiny houses.

Luthien said...

I love watercolors! Especially in backgrounds. Rightnow I'm trying to paint a lot of flowers and I'm still learning... :)

Katrijn said...

I just started with watercolor, a course would be so helpfull!
My favorite subjects are flowers and plants, straight from my very tiny garden.

2thebeachcrafts said...

Landscapes, though what I want to create that's in my mind's eye or directly in front of me, never even comes remotely close to what comes out on the page! Boy, do I need help!! Can't wait to take classes from you at some point, so even if I don't win, I'll be a student of yours at some point in the future! Thanks so much!

Diane said...

I am very new to watercolours - again. I tried it years and years ago and have just reignited my excitement to do it.
I love to paint flowers and still lifes (is that how you say it?!) but I reckon I could have a go at anything if I knew how!

Nessa said...

i ll registere for your workshsop because i love the way you use watercolors....
the fav things to paint for me are faces and ladies....Trying to give them a mood and some expressions...


Joan Princing Art said...

Like a lot of others, I am very new to painting. I took your Sketchbook Delight Class and LOVED it!! Working with watercolors is so very relaxing and I love how the colors blend together.

My favorite subject to paint would be the ones that turn out half way decent! :o)

Right now I am experimenting to find out what is meant to be "My Own Style" as well as my favorite subjects. However, currently I am painting subjects from nature to pets (in particular: Pugs!).

Excited for the giveaway!

Crafting Queen said...

Would just love to take your class, your work is amazing and would love to be able to understand how the medium works. Fingers crossed :) Anesha

barrentree said...

this class looks amazing! My favorite thing to paint would have to be words-i love words. :-)

aichaku-愛着 said...

i like painting backgrounds and flowers. i need to learn how to paint and draw better, i hope i get to win this class then i can have enough money to buy the sketch class too!!! :D thank you for sharing your incredible knowledge. :D

Teleri said...

Congrats to your new class :) Your photos alwasy inspire me to paint more, especially the light, airy ones of sea shells and feathers and other things your found by, near or in the sea.
But my favorite subject to paint are plants and architecture.

☆*Ashleigh*☆ said...

I have just started using watercolours so mainly experimenting with them at the moment. Your class sounds amazing!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! It is so inspirational! I have recently been trying out watercolors, and I have to say that my favorite thing to paint right now is pennants! I love those little banner flags! They're so bright and fun. I am not very great at painting with watercolor yet, but I would love the chance to learn more about it!

Another favorite thing to paint is just random splotches of colors! I love mixing colors, and watering them down to see how they come out! It's wonderfully therapeutic!

Eva said...

Dear Alisa,

I love to paint flowers:)

papelhilo said...

I would love so much to learn more about watercolor, especially with you, I love your style !
I love to draw nature elements as you do, and also parts of the body (i'm in love with hands and feet !)

Diana said...

I just love your work and your blog and would be in heaven if I won a free spot in this class as watercolours are my favourite thing in the world - next to my little kitten! It follows then that she is my favourite subject to paint! But, I am keen to learn much more and this class would really cheer me up - I am recovering from a broken wrist and have been unable to do much art for so long that I am getting withdrawal symptoms!

Mermaid33 said...

Watercolours are great .I really enjoyed sketchbook delight ! I have several" Muses" i live close to a beach in Sydney , so anything related to Summer,surf and sand.I also like drawing fruit and vegies. I am a little fickle and can swap and change to anything that is colourful! I also like macro views of things.Mmmm thats my problem my focus :) and I have NEW watercolours !

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Having mainly used acrylics, I started using watercolours when I signed up for Sketchbook Delight, so would love to learn more. My favourites are anything other than landscapes and bright colours.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have recently gotten really into watercolors! I'd say I enjoy painting/find myself often painting flowers

lindsaybluto (at) yahoo (dot) com

Sonja said...

What a great opportunity. I only started painting a year ago. I'm using acrylics mostly, painting faces, houses, a couple of birds.
I never used watercolors and would love to learn how to use them. Sounds like a great class. Love your messy way :) I've a got a book of yours about fabric.

kass said...

Adored your Sketchbook class and looking forward to this one as a nice distraction from my other project! I love painting the things I photograph - plants and flowers, anything really! Thanks for sharing your brilliance A

kass said...

Adored your Sketchbook class and looking forward to this one as a nice distraction from my other project! I love painting the things I photograph - plants and flowers, anything really! Thanks for sharing your brilliance A

Jermaine said...

I love to paint... nails!

Uniflame said...

I would love to win a spot in your course! It seems like a great course and since I am below minimum income, this would be so awesome! So thanks for the chance. My favorite subject to paint has to be all things nature :) Flowers, trees and animals :)

cynni _universe (at) hotmail (dot) com

Gio said...

I love to paint flowers and cats!
I'm a beginner, and I'm eager to learn more!

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

I would love to win! My favorite subjects to paint are my India inspired Suns and random back grounds. :)

Pranita said...

I love to paint my doodles! :)

pranita319 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jenni C's said...

feathers, patterns...and birds...and random marks..that lead somewhere...are my favorite..

Arielle said...

I haven't played with watercolors much yet, but I love to paint outer space/sci-fi pictures. Also love to draw/paint beach scenes. Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

elisa.b said...

My boyfriend bought me a watercolor set for my birthday last month and I've been itching to explore new techniques and subjects. I haven't painted since I was in middle school but I remember painting lots of flowers and birds. I still find myself drawn to them as possible subjects. I would love to take your class; I find your sketchbook posts inspiring!

Gretchen said...

I don't have a lot of experience, but I love seeing watercolors of old city buildings - there's just something about the fluidity of watercolors capturing the solidarity of it!

se7en said...

I loved the Sketchbook Delight course and when I went looking for inspiration I hit upon buildings and I have been dragging my children, gleefully I might add - because there is usually an ice-cream, drawing historic buildings of Cape Town... we are loving it!!! So thank you for getting me going and motivated!!!

Janelle said...

Hi Alisa
I love your style of watercolour painting... it's always so inspiring. My favourite thing to paint (although I do very little) is probably nature... love flowers and birds and insects.

Vicky said...

What I love to paint most are buildings (mostly religious buildings), places I've been instead of taking pictures (like the tent on the camping) and people (because my paintings of people look ridiculous, I really need the practise!).

mama3davis said...

I know just enough about watercolors to be dangerous. I would love to win this class!

mama3davis at gmail dot com

Steph said...

OOh I'd love to win a spot in this class for sure...I've enjoyed sketchbook delight soo much especially this media and you've always made it so easy .....I'd love to paint those flowers....:))

Trace said...

My painting skills are so haphazard, but my untrained self enjoys painting coffee shop scenes. I grew up with an artist mom so I've been around painting all my life, but I've never had any formal training. I used to wake up an see my mom in the rocking chair in the corner of my room painting me and my teddy bears in all our piles of blankets. It would be fun to take a class and be able to swap tips with my mom!

Anonymous said...

I love to paint scenery or the the sun coming down...THank you for the opportunity to win a spot in the class.

Emie58 said...

Thanks for a chance to win a spot in your class. My favorite things to paint are nature related... butterflies, birds, flowers etc.
Thanks, Emie

jeannielucky said...

I love flowers and birds to paint. My parents had a florist growing up, so flowers were my passion and my backyard foliage is still my passion.

Julia said...

I love working with watercolors and I always draw people and the clothes they're wearing. I don't have much patience with landscapes or flowers :/

maria said...

My father was a painter and when we were little my brother and I used to draw and paint with him all the time until he passed away when I was 14. Now I'm almost 30 and it's been quite some time since I've started to feel this urge to get in touch with my artistic side once again. Then I stumbled on your website and your beautiful work has given me the inspiration and the push that I needed. So thank you.

Aviatrix said...

I love painting buildings and people. I love painting what I see around me to what i can picture in my head. Watercolor is such a versatile medium, i love using it in all my sketches!
Love your work. =)

maryh said...

Alisa: I learned so much in your sketchbook class and can't wait for this watercolor class. I love painting whatever strikes my fancy -- animals, beach scenes, things around the house.

Aviatrix said...

I love painting what i see around me. From people to buildings to landscapes. I include some form of watercolors in almost all my sketches and projects.

Love your work =)

Barb said...

I just started painting last year and that was with acrylics. Landscapes tend to be my preference. I absolutely drool when I see your watercolors. I'd love do this online class!

Wendy said...

It's weird but my favorite thing to paint isn't any one subject in particular, but the folds and shadows in fabric. I love the lines of light and dark. I hope I hope I win a free spot cause I'd love to try more watercolor painting, instead of just acrylics.

Nicky Stevenson said...

I'm happy to paint all kinds of things that surround me. I love the effect of using watercolours with black ink. Would love to win.

jgr said...

I took your Sketchbook Delight and loved every minute - my favorite subjects are portraits of women.

emily said...

I am so excited for this class! Water colors have always been my favorite medium. I love to paint flowers and birds.

Brittan said...

what a sweet thing for you to offer! i am really inspired by your work and have been working with watercolors lately. i have to say, they can be very difficult!!! my favorite subjects are reflections of nature: feathers, crystals, flowers (which i fell are really difficult!), trees, etc... hope you are having a lovely spring!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I've been dieing to learn how to waterpaint. This class is just perfect! I love to paint faces but all I've been using were acrylics. Thanks for the chance to win the spot on your class. :)

Denise Mulligan said...

I love your blog Alissa,
I think my favorite thing to paint depends on the medium. In acrylics and oil I like faces and landscapes. Watercolor I like animals, plants and flowers.
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Have a great day!

Trix said...

This looks like a wonderful class. Flowers, food and daily diaries are my favourite watercolour subjects..

Terri Stegmiller said...

I've started playing with watercolors this year. I've always loved watercolor paintings. I enjoy seeing your paintings and I'd love to learn more about these paints. My favorite subjects to paint are cats, birds, flowers and female faces. I look forward to your new class.

bpandos said...

I haven't had much experience with watercolors so far, but would love to get into it more - especially as part of art journaling. Looking back over the years a subject that keeps cropping up in my sketches is stone walls -the kind you see in gardens or separating fields. I guess I like the shape and color variations that you see - never the same.

Pam said...

I think watercolors are fabulous! I'm self-taught, mostly books, youtube and favorite subjects to paint are (anything) especially poppys and other flowers and beginning to do portraits--would love to take a class--hope I win!!!

Carol Sloan said...

I love to paint birds, flowers and abstract backgrounds. I'm enjoying your bold use of color Alisa!

Wendy Swenne said...

Oh my, can't believe you are giving away this aweseome class.

I've never really got to paint with watercolors. yeah, a bit, but it didn't turn out quit well, unfortunately.
This would be so great to win, so I can learn from a really great artist. Love the work you are making and I wish I could be that good.

What I love is to paint flowers.

Thanks so much for a chance to win.


jen said...

I am such a beginner - my favorite thing to paint is whatever my children are painting at the moment, so yes, I'm admitting that I paint at about the elementary school age level!

I'm hoping to move us all toward some nature painting - lots of grasses and flowers and bugs - this summer.

Cindy said...

I am totally new to watercolors, though I sketch. I'd love to be able to use watercolors for landscapes, flowers, and portraits.

Wendy said...

My favorite thing to paint is birds and i adore watercolors! I took your Sketchbook Delight class and it was wonderful! I would love to explore watercolors more in this class. Thanks for a chance to win a spot!
Wendy H.

Sherri B. said...

I'm just starting with watercolor paints (thanks to your Sketchbook Delight class), but I'd say that I have a fascination with painting cupcakes. :~)

barbara said...

I am still exploring watercolor (alone and mixed with other media): I love bright colors and/or dark ones, no pink, light blue, light yellow etc. This is a not so happy time in my life and in my watercolors I try to express drama and hope.

Anne-Laure said...

M'y favorites subjects are shells ! Now I am living near the see and it is a real pleasure to seek beautiful shells and to draw it !
Your watercolor drawing are so inspiring !!...

Have a good week Alisa !

Fifi said...

love your blog and Thanks for a chance to win!
my favorite things to draw are birds and zentangles ;)

Zeynep İrem Baş said...

i love acryilic paint. my favorite painting subject is nature...

SaraswatiChB said...

I love watercolor paintings but I gave up on them myself, because I never created the effect I wanted. I'd love to tap back into watercolor in your class, it sounds amazing. I love to draw and paint interesting patterns and leaves and I do art journalling.

Kristal Dawn Evens said...

What a great opportunity. I've just recently gotten into watercolors. My inspiration is spring in my garden - baby veggie plants and lots of flowers!

Ashley said...

My favorite thing to paint is the great outdoors!

Sue K said...

Oh I'd love to win a spot in your new class!! I love your work! Watercolors are wonderful and altho I do already have supplies and plenty of paper, I do need a lot of guidance! Thanks for offering the free class to the lucky winners.
hugs, Sue K

MollyM said...

I like to paint illustrations I draw for my kids and would love the opportunity to take this class!

Sue K said...

Ooops! Forgot to tell you my favorite subject to paint. It has to be florals!!
hugs, Sue K

Anonymous said...

Along with birds, I love to paint faces and sweet little girls.....things with whimsy and would love to be able to know more about watercolors.....

brigitte said...

i would love to learn to paint with watercolors. right now i just use them for backgrounds. but i would love to paint flowers. thanks for the chance to win a class. your work is amazing!

Jolene said...

I love my watercolors and seem to use them mostly on florals and in my sketchbook. Can't wait to see your fabulous class.

Emma Ann said...

Watercolors seemed easy until I tried them. I would love the opportunity to learn from a pro and get better at this beautiful type of painting. Thanks for the opportunity!

EV said...

I love to paint flowers. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Diane said...

Wow, 91 comments already! There sure is a lot of interest in this class. It is going to be very successful for you.
I've recently been trying to learn to paint with watercolors from books and the internet. Actually taking a class from you is going to be a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed the Sketchbook class. It made my pages much freer and allowed me to grow and be willing to take chances.
My favorite subject is Nature (much more forgiving if you don't get it quite right!)
Thanks for this opportunity.

corinne said...

Awesome! My three favorite things to paint would be flowers, anything with water and birds - but not actual perfect birds, just illusions of birds! xo

Unknown said...

I just started using watercolor pencils and crayons in my sketchbook this year and I love painting flowers.

Angie in AZ said...

Watercolor is my favorite medium to work with however, I want to learn to loosen my style! My favorite thing to paint would be birds, if I had to choose only one. But most anything from nature.
Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Kajin said...

I would love to take your class; it's such a great idea! I've been wanting to learn for ever but never took the time. What I would love to paint the most are botanicals and birds. I love nature!

Thank you for offering us this opportunity.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

I have just read my earlier comment and realise that I put I love anything other than landscapes and bright colours. I meant it to say that I LOVE bright colours.

Anonymous said...

YES!!! I loved your sketchbook delight class. I learned so much. I was so pumped to see you created yet another class to share with all of us out here. Thank you thank you!!!

So far my favorite thing to paint with watercolor - and this may sound really lame - is whatever hits me at that very moment when I have the brush in my hand. I have found if I go seeking something to paint I struggle with the whole process. But if I go with what is pulling at me that very instant it goes so smoothly and quickly.

Thanks again for all you do for us!

nannyems said...

Man do I want this!!!! I want to learn to paint everyday objects better!

Michelle said...

I love this Alisa! I love painting faces and I have been wanting to try some messy watercolor faces. How fun!

Anonymous said...

So far, I just "color" with them, but would love to learn to do more.

Jennifer Williams said...

Yea! Can't wait to puchase the class in a couple of weeks. I found that since I was having more and more trouble with carpal tunnel (even after the surgery) watercolors are what I turn to since I don't have to put as much pressure on the brushes.

I think it's really cool you are giving away a few spots! Thank you for the opportunity. Let's see my favorite subject...well, I'm not sure if it's my favorite subject but I find myself painting water bottles left and right. I have them sitting all over my house so they are never in short supply and are always in different orders so it's a new vantage point every time!

Kathy said...

I have been "playing" with watercolors since I was a kid. I love the way the colors can be bold or soft and especially love to paint flowers. Watercolors can be happy or serene...making them perfect for what I like to do.

Anonymous said...

I've never used watercolours! So would love to win a spot in this class. I paint in acrylics, and my (current) favourite thing to paint is landscapes. ~Sara

A said...

I live in New Orleans so I like painting scenes from the city.

Nikki said...

I love to paint flowers and would love to figure out how to paint them with watercolors!

Frau S said...

This class looks amazing! I have a couple sets of watercolors, but I don't know what I'm doing with them! My favorite things to paint are my cats.

nest full of eggs said...

landscapes ~ this class would make a great summer project ~ would really enjoy watercolor painting at the beach (of one of our 10,000 Minnesota lakes!)

stephanie said...

love your blog & your whole style- i think your work is pretty awesome! I mostly stick with flowers & trees at this point but I would love to branch out into some other fun stuff!

Ruth Ann said...

Soo glad you are offering this class! I took the Sketchbook Delight class and I fell in love with painting all the things around me that were inspirational! From Indian Corn to Bird Nests I love painting inspirational things! Thanks so much for offering this class, I cannot wait to sign up!
-Ruth Ann

Author said...

I love painting my cats. I love the fur-texture I can make with watercolors.

elljay said...

I'm 63, but in watercolor kindergarten -still searching for my own drawing muse after taking your inspiring sketchbook class.

Linda Jacks

Sophie said...

I love playing with watercolours. I don't have a favourite subject to paint but I want to do more flowers/leaves/feathers.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Just found your site a few weeks ago.. fascinated with your approach; love the simple objects like feathers, eggs, grass to draw/watercolor! Thanks for offering the free slots in the class.

Kate said...

Trees are my favorite subject. Single trees, groups, details of them, I love it all. That's probably why they are everywhere in my house.

menatra said...

What a generous gift to offer your followers! I would love the chance to participate in your watercolour class. I love painting anything from around the farm - cattle, chickens, scenery - it all inspires me, much like the beach does you.
Thank you again for such a great opportunity.

Nancy Lynn said...

I frequent your blog everyday, have purchased items from you and have enjoyed your other classes tremendously. Would love for a chance to take this class. I am just starting out painting simple items like hearts and butterflies and trying some landscapes.

Unknown said...

I am actually afraid to paint *anything* which is why I only do abstractions! But anything from nature calls to me... (sending up a little petition to the heavens that I might get a spot in this class!)

Meghan Thimjon said...

I loved your sketchbook delight class, so I am thrilled you are offering watercolors!!!!!!!
Would love to win a spot! Told my sis about you and she is going to take a class! Love it all!

Jess said...

Wow! This class looks great. I love to watercolor flowers. There is so much color variation in one blossom, if you start to look carefully. I love that.

Stapley Clan said...

What a great way to share your talent. I'm still trying to figure out what my favorite things are to paint. I mostly experiment with color.

stamping bella said...

Would love to win :)
Love sketching everyday things... Cups of coffee.. Food...

Adriana Oliveira said...

Hi Alisa,
I'm one of those who loved your sketchbook delight class, and this seems an amazing opportunity to learn and practise more about watercolour. I guess my favorite subject to draw and paint are plants, since they are my main source of inspiration for everything (photography, my handmade bags, ...). I love sketching everything about them, flowers, trees, seedpods, leaves, etc.
Thanks for this giveaway!


Amy said...

I have just gotten into watercolors, and I love them. So far, I've enjoyed painting backgrounds and people.

nadia said...

I love painting all things. whatever inspires me at the moment. this sounds like a very interesting class. happy monday alisa! ciao!

Verdant Wilds said...

Watercolour Bliss sounds perfect!! That name is like candy on the tongue!

I have just started using watercolours and slowly losing the fear of it all. My favorite things to paint are flowers and anything to do with the sea. I did a seahorse yesterday for my sister's birthday.

Lynnetta said...

I took part in the Sketchbook Delight class (actually, I'm still working my way through the material) and loved it! I'm excited for your watercolor class! It's been a long time since I've used watercolors. My most recent work has been charcoal drawings of musical instruments. I'd want to start adding color to my black and whites :)

Unknown said...

My favorite thing to paint would have to be flowers. They are just so gorgeous and colorful.

Christie - Fine Lines said...

What a fun opportunity!! I LOVE painting FOOD -- and then, I get to eat it!!!

Anonymous said...

Watercolours are my favourite medium after cameras. I love painting food, flowers & clothes, though not very well yet!

sunny1ee said...

Your work is absolutely beautiful!! I love painting colorful artworks but never really had the opportunity to learn to use watercolors. So taking your class would be an excellent opportunity for me to learn! My favorite things to paint would be flowers, sunset.. just all kinds of natures :)

Arlene said...

Well, only if I can become as MEsSy and wonderful as you! Ya think? It would be an honor to share your delightful style. I'd love to learn to paint the everyday images...just like you. The things that are round about in my life. Thank you for the chance to win a class.

dg8357 said...

I'm excited to learn more about watercolours - I had never used them before sketchbook delight. I love how you have introduced me to a real freedom with colour and supplies and I'm looking forward to learning more of your special techniques. I am having fun sketching and painting personal items (ie simple items passed down to me like my grandma's button bucket,mom's perfume bottles,antique furniture etc.) and yesterday I played with a journal page featuring my house. Thanks for helping me develop the skills to express this part of me.

Ashley said...

i love drawing and painting food!

denice@inkstitch said...

Oh, I would be so thrilled to take this class - your watercolors are so inspiring! Favorite things to paint... these days I am trying to paint anything I see in order to practice!

Bonnie Leukert said...

Loved Sketchbook Delight and looking forward to Watercolor to paint found items and anything nature! I can't imagine a class you have that I would not sign up for!

Prairie Jill said...

This class sounds great! I'll definitely be taking it.
My favourite thing to paint - landscapes.

Amanda M said...

My FAVORITE thing to paint is my funky trees and flowers. Add is a funky background and I am in heaven!

maria soto said...

I love flowers, but would love to learn how to paint with water colors - anything and everything bright! to make any day a happy one!!!

Anita Van Hal said...

Hey Alisa! I am SO excited that you're offering another watercolor class! My favorite thing to paint is mixed media dolls and especially doll dresses...being a mixed media doll artist I guess that would be "normal." Thanks for the chance to win!!! Hugs!

minlinhe said...

Wow! Your watercolors are amazing! I would love to win a spot in your class. Flowers are my favorite thing to paint and I would love to learn how to do them better.

MrsH said...

Alisa I check your blog everyday. As an art teacher/artist, I find it so inspirational.
I'd love to learn more about watercolors, as I've mostly just dealt with acrylic and tempera.
My favorite subject to paint: portraits.

Inna said...

I don't really paint, I draw more. Which is why a class on painting would be wonderful! Recently I painted some trees with ink though, and that was really fun. If I learned painting, I'm sure I would like making pictures of interesting animals. Perhaps whimsical creatures I've made up, jellyfish, that sort of thing.

Amanda said...

i love painting people & food!

Chelsea O'Neil - Make Special Productions said...

I love painting anything with bright bursts of color, especially flowers in the summer time! Bring on the sunshine.

Julee Bode said...

I love to paint all things in nature. I think watercolor allows for such organic colors and blends. Absolutely stunning

Laura said...

My favorite subject to paint is my little goldfish. She's covered in black and orange and red and she's so pretty.

I want to win a spot in this class so bad!! I was given a watercolor set and sketchbook for christmas. I've started painting and I adore it, but I just don't know techniques at all.

Alicia said...

I really love painting landscapes without any sign of human life to disturb it!

Kwiltsfl said...

I am currently in Sketchbook Delights and looking forward to Watercolor Bliss. I live in a coastal town and would love to paint themes related to the beach.

suzanengler said...

Birds, flowers, fruit,doodles, architecture...all things I would like to paint in watercolor!

Silvia said...

I love to paint little objects, like bugs, birds, seashells and other natural shapes. PS. I love your work so much. I shared your video with my fb friends last week.

Maegan said...

I love to draw figures and fashion!! I also love to draw nature!! or should I say paint! ;)

Marcie said...

I don't really have a favorite. I have never taken an art class of any kind, but I know it is inside of me somewhere. Just aching to come out.

Janice Faye said...

I love watercolors and am so excited you have this new class! I would love to learn more about color mixing since I'm used to usually using acrylics. I love painting flowers and nature.

Timaree said...

Just hit a wrong button and lost my comment!

Your classes seem as popular as the lottery judging by the number of entries here. Yes, I too want a chance to win. Crossing my fingers.

What I like to paint most is things with color. I don't have a favorite subject; mostly I paint something to record a memory but I love color!

jesa said...

I paint backgrounds, shapes and forms but would love to learn how to paint nature.

Jen said...

I am so excited about this! I love your style, you are truly inspiring. I tend to paint nature things, plants, shells etc. Thanks for the chance :)

Caroline said...

Yippee Alisa! I was happy to hear about the new class and would love to win a spot! My favorite thing to paint is trees and birds!

Randi said...

I have never painted before, but I love the colors and the transparency of water colors.

Claire said...

I lack confidence in watercolours, but a class would help me be brave enough to show things for feedback, I think. I mostly paint landscapes and my 7 month old puppy.

cindy c said...

would love, love, love to win a spot in your watercolor class-- my favorite subject is flowers--

thanks alisa--

cindy c

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win a spot! I've always wanted to take a watercolor class!! Watercolor is one of my favorite mediums to use in my sketchbook.

Kalen @ My Crafty Condition said...

I never really liked watercolor till I saw the stuff that you do. It is so fun and fresh! I'm usually an abstract kind of gal, but if I'm not doing that then retro things are my favorite subject, particularly bicycles!

amytangerine said...

i'd love to win a spot. my painting skills are not what i wish they were. so i suppose i just like putting paint down and making pretty patterns. thanks for the chance!

Adriana said...

Aren't you a darling to give away a spot on your upcoming class! Thank you! I know it will be a good class because I had lots of fun in your Sketchbook class!
Cheers! :o)

Karen said...

I've been trying watercolors, inspired by your blog. I asked for the Sakura Pocket watercolor set for Christmas, but I'm not doing much with them. I love your nature pictures, particularly flowers.

Deb's Artful Journey said...

I LOVED your sketchbook delight class and would LOVE to win a spot in this class!!

I love painting anything from nature: leaves, feathers, shells.

Thank you for your constant inspiration!

Rachel M said...

I like to paint things found in the garden.I also like to paint things from my imagination too, doodling with watercolours. Thanks for the chance to win your class.

Anonymous said...

I love painting flowers, leaves and things in the garden along with my dogs who are often in the garden with me. It would be really great to win this class and learn more about watercolors. Might give me the confidence to branch out and to do more painting. Susann T

felicia said...

I haven't painted since I was a teenager. But your blog is so inspiring to me that I'd love to try it out again. Would this be a good class for someone like me?

Kittyj said...

I love to paint flowers and of course abstract juicy messes!

Teddi said...

i think my favorite thing to paint maybe background patterns.

Maria-Miruna Plesoianu said...

I like painting generally speaking.
(It's hard for me to decide on a favorite subject to paint...) :-)

Betsy Libbey said...

I would really love to win a spot in the watercolor class.

felicia said...

Flowers are my favorite subject to paint and draw. I would looove to take your class and learn your technique. I'm an unemployed art teacher, with no water color skills except for those that I've picked up on my own.

Kathie said...

I love your Sketchbook Delight class. I love to paint flowers and beach scenese. I live by the beach and I try to get the way the water moves right. Haven't got it yet, but its fun to try.
Watercolors are my favorite paints, I love the richness of color but I'm not very good at it. I'm big into experimentation.
I'm learning how to try and make my pictures look the way that I want them too. I love your sketchbooks. They inspire me to paint more.

Tyggereye said...

Fish are my fav thing to paint, that or any animal. Watercolors are my favorite. I'm so excited about your class.

Sheryl Lynn said...

Well...I don't have a favorite subject matter so much as a prefered pallet of rich jewel tones. I have always gravitated to dark and timeworn colors. I would love to learn to use colors outside of my comfort zone and expand my love of color. Thanks for your daily inspirations!

LindseyB said...

i absolutely adore your "stuff" and I love watercolour therefore i should win!

sarahkgayda said...

I'm a fashion design major but when I'm not sketching design ideas I like to draw everything in the world: the kid I babysit, the ingredients when my moms making dinner, shoes, plants, everything. I would loveee to take this class and learn more watercolor techniques!

Janie Husband said...

although i use other mediums i always seem to favor the watercolour.......i do like florals and faces but i guess i do not have a favorite subject to nature....

AngieR said...

Sketchbook Delight was AWESOME, and I know this class will be too! Can't wait!

GynnaB said...

The only real painting I have done is painting ceramics and finger painting! I do love to doodle and attempt to paint flowers and food.

Would love to win a spot in your class!

Tracie said...

oooh why do you make me wait so long....hurry up June 6!

Jeanette said...

Loved you sketching class. You have inspired me to work with watercolors and would love to play with them some more!!!

heididawnvetter said...
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heididawnvetter said...

You are so inspiring. I enjoy painting birds and fish. I would love to take your class!!

Chris said...

I think watercolors lend themselves to nature subjects like flowers and birdies - I enjoy painting landscapes - trees, fields - and I really want to do some graffiti too. Pick me! Chris

Unknown said...

I loved sketchbook delight and would LOVE to win watercolor bliss enrollment! My favorite subject to paint is anything colorful! Shapes, plants, flowers, doodles.


Barbara said...

I love your blog and all the inspirational photos. My favorite thing to draw are flowers and shoes! I would love to win a class!

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