The last couple of months, I feel like I have been holding it all together- managing the balancing act that has been my life for so long- jumping from one project to the next- one responsibility to another- switching gears at a moments notice. Though I know things will be winding down once we get past this renovation and move, it still feels never ending and today I physically feel it all catching up with me…my body aches, and I am exhausted! But I have to say that this last weekend though full of moving, lifting, packing and unpacking was one of the happiest days of my LIFE- because we moved all of my art studio (which was a tiny extra bedroom) into our new garage. Now I have real space to stretch out, paint big without destroying anything, lounge on the couch that we relocated, sew at my sewing table and them move over to the floor to paint, make a mess and let creativity take over!! As I began to put stuff away and organize, I found myself filled with absolute JOY and disbelief, in fact I even shed a few grateful tears!! One of my dreams since college was to have my own painting studio- not just a room but a real big creative space like those I remember seeing in books and art history classes. While everyone else was busy memorizing slides, I was busy studying the few photos of the great painter’s studio spaces- looking at all the details of the space, admiring the unintentional messy details that exist when you are in the midst of creativity- Your space as an artist says so much about yout creative process and I have been facinated by all of my favorite artists and their space! Now, I have a place that I have dreamed of and as soon as I get it all organized I will take some photos- perhaps I will take them in black and white as a tribute to my inspiration pics!!