Back in early March we came to terms really quick with the fact that this year would look very different. As a family we decided together that we would adjust our expectations, make changes, we would cancel plans and change our lives to stay at home.
On the business front I’ve pivoted more than I thought was possible. And when it comes to parenting, we’ve had to practice lots of grace. We decided that doing our our best (even if it’s messy) was enough. And even more important, we chose to focus on making memories. Those memories haven’t looked like things we do every year or the things we planned for 2020, they are aren’t fancy or spectacular but they are sweet and simple.
This holiday season we will continue to stay home, we will continue to pivot and do our best but I am going to do everything possible to create magic and memories for my kiddo. And when I’m very old, I hope to remember this time not only for the sadness or disappointment or the challenges that were overcome but as a gift and a moment where time stood still.