Wednesday, October 08, 2014

doodled lunch bag clips

Over the weekend, at the retreat in my studio- I served sack lunches every day but I wanted to make them a little bit special. I decided to transform some of my ocean themed doodles into decorative and fun little clips for each lunch bag!

I started by drawing some simple fish, jellyfish and shells in black pen.

Next I made photocopies of my drawings and then added some quick color.

Then I cut everything out and glued them to the top of a clothes pin.

Last, I added a doily and colorful paper to the top of each lunch sack and finished them with the clips!

It was such a fun way to transform a plain lunch bag into something a little bit special!


Steffi said...

Sehr schön. Die kann man bestimmt auch an Glückwunschkarten klemmen. :-)

Gruß Steffi

Elisabetta Brustio said...

So simple and nice!!!

jabbott said...

Very cute x

Crooked Feather Studio said...

What a fun way to add something special for your guests.

studioGypsy said...

delight.ness!! :D

stefanie stark said...

These clips are super super cute! I love them and it looks to me you made a lot of them! Your work sometimes is really an incredible inspiration!

Laura Lea said...

These would also make sweet little gift bags for spur of the moment presents.

Unknown said...

Super cute!

Carolyn Morgan said...

You are so prolifically creative!

Jolly Clamps said...

You are so talented, Let me know if you have Youtube channel, i want to follow your designs for Christmas event.


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