Coming back home and to real life after my adventures in the Pacific Northwest has been a little strange...I am back to work which means I am back to living my double life- remaining professional and appropriate by day and making a mess and growing a creative business by night- I feel like Clark Kent and Superman sometimes!!! Anyway, since I got back I have been battling a chest cold which hit me on the last leg of my trip- I stayed home yesterday and made myself relax in front of the tv- sometimes it is good to veg out right?!?!

Thanks to my hubby I got out for a little vitamin D in the evening when he suggested we go for a little outing and walk along the waterfront of San Diego to watch the sunset- kinda a tradition for us when we get back from a trip.

We took our time and strolled along the water looking at all the boats in the marina, appreciating the sun on the water and lovely city that we live- we walked slow- something he is better at than I am! I am trying so hard to be happy and appreciate the now and walking a little slower toward my goals instead of always wanting more and faster. Thankfully I have a great guy by my side who relishes in the present and loves taking his time to appreciate everything along the way- a perfect balance that I am learning to welcome with each experience that comes my way! Now is it back to studio to create some new stuff- stay tuned for a give away, new work and lots of inspiration!!