Today has been a very good day- I just heard back from
Artfiberfest and I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching 3 classes in October- please stay tuned for more info! I cannot express how excited I am about this opportunity and cannot wait to take part in this amazing retreat!!

In not so exciting news....I am also very excited to have found this punk inspired, pyramid studded bracelet on my lunch break- finding yummy accessories for cheap might not be exciting to most but I LOVE a good bargain and I have been looking for something like this for a while- who can beat $7.00? Unfortunately, this is going to be a
doozey of a weekend- I HAVE to finish up some wholesale purse orders, prepare for my
demo at
CHA, clean my art room and the house (AGAIN), go to a wedding, go house hunting and desperately try to get a little of relaxation here and there- YIKES-wish me luck!