Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Painted Parasol Tutorial

In my humble opinion, you don't need much to make something really beautiful! Give me a black sharpie pen and white paint and I think I could transform just about anything. When I was in Colorado last week I found some really bright paper parasols for $5.00 each at Hobby Lobby. I couldn't pass them up and knew that they would be perfect to use to demonstrate how simple supplies can go a LONG way!

Start with a colorful parasol (you could also use an umbrella), white paint and a black pen.

Open up the parasol and draw, doodle, free write (it's up to you!) all over the surface of the parasol. I didn't plan mine out- I just went for a spur of the moment floral inspired pattern.

Fill the shapes with white paint- it doesn't need to be perfect!

Once the paint is dry add lots of details, lines, etc on top of the areas that have white paint.

The result is a totally unique, one of a kind parasol to use or for decoration!


Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I must go to hobby lobby and get some to decorate.

jgr said...

This is totally cool, thank you for the (endless) inspiration!

Kittyj said...

These are awesome awesome AWESOME!!! I have no idea where to find a Hobby Lobby or I would be there NOW! I have never seen parasols for such a great price - love them in the summer! Of course I have never seen any as beautiful as yours! You are amazing!

Kittyj said...

P.S. I just looked - no Hobby Lobby on the entire west coast!!! :(

Tricia said...

You are amazing. Just thought you should know.

LRH said...

Oh, your parasol's are gorgeous! I want to leave work early to see if our HL has any!!

whyducks said...

You make it look so easy, it is gorgeous.

Herm said...

Your parasols are so beautiful, you make it look so easy!!!

Cori Lynn Berg said...

Oh my gosh! How fun! Think i may have to try to make a few of these.... Alisa.. also.. if you get a chance.. I took your grafitti chic class last spring and i just wanna say.. i love all that i learned.. I'm really using what you've taught me if you want to check out my art blog...

Ro Bruhn said...

Brilliant idea, I have an orange one at home, thanks for sharing.

Bee said...

I love your ideas!! I've got to go check out Hobby Lobby.

Cindy Pestka said... with 3 ingredients or less! Those parasols are absolutely cool and wonderful. I think your technique would work great on plain paper lanterns, too. I've seen those in dollar stores and import stores if you don't have a Hobby Lobby near you.

Dianne said...

Absolutely beautiful! But I'd have to be able to draw!!!

Jessica said...

when you are speechless on a blog, should you just say "I'm commentless." But then that's a comment... oh well, point is I like it.

Jo Reimer said...

Michael's will never make up for Hobby Lobby. I wish we had their stores here in Portland.
Your parasols are so lovely.

teri said...

thanks for the inspiration!!!

Emerson Bindery said...

Wow, those are gorgeous!

Virginia said...

These are absolutely gorgeous - unfortunately parasols of these type don't get used in Yorkshire very often but loving the look anyway!

Unknown said...

You never fail to amaze me.
*lightbulb goes off*

Wendy said...

W~O~W! How can you make even this look easy?? Very impressive!

seide said...

I have been using parasols for years and this is an awesome idea- thanks!

Katie said...

What kind of paint did you use? :) These are beautiful!

Miss said...

I'm hypersensitive to fluorescent lighting and sunlight, and I've been needing a parasol collection for awhile now. If anybody finds out where to get one in WA state or a site that ships - please let me know. :)

Jane LaFazio said...

waaaaay fun said...

Those are so, so beautiful Alisa. I love them! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

Unknown said...

so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!! And your photos are wonderful too!!!! ~Jess

britt said...

uber cool.

renbot said...

yes! one more lady in the quest to bring back the parasol..i've done twenty of those over the last yr or is gloves..

Carmen said...


lipzilla said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I want a whole lawn of them and just sit in the middle of all the wonderful colors! Totally inspired!

Anonymous said...

Your parasols are fabulous, so creative

Kim Taylor Kruse said...

I freakin' love this! Your parasol turned out gorgeous and I think it's great that you're trying to inspire people to make beautiful things with inexpensive elements.

P.S. I found you via the

meg said...

Wow these are totally beautiful!

Aliena said...

WOW, gorgeous. Very similar to one I've recently brought from Myanmar, only the paint used is black.

Extra tip: In there they use decorated parasols as lamp shades for lanterns/lightd lying on the floor.

divavlena said...

Tack! för att du delar med dig av din fantastiska kreativitet, Härligt!

Anonymous said...

beautiful work!

Unknown said...

This is really tremendous that the way you describe I'll really appreciated your work
wedge bootie


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