
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Painted Parasol Tutorial

In my humble opinion, you don't need much to make something really beautiful! Give me a black sharpie pen and white paint and I think I could transform just about anything. When I was in Colorado last week I found some really bright paper parasols for $5.00 each at Hobby Lobby. I couldn't pass them up and knew that they would be perfect to use to demonstrate how simple supplies can go a LONG way!

Start with a colorful parasol (you could also use an umbrella), white paint and a black pen.

Open up the parasol and draw, doodle, free write (it's up to you!) all over the surface of the parasol. I didn't plan mine out- I just went for a spur of the moment floral inspired pattern.

Fill the shapes with white paint- it doesn't need to be perfect!

Once the paint is dry add lots of details, lines, etc on top of the areas that have white paint.

The result is a totally unique, one of a kind parasol to use or for decoration!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! I must go to hobby lobby and get some to decorate.

  2. This is totally cool, thank you for the (endless) inspiration!

  3. Kittyj12:18 PM

    These are awesome awesome AWESOME!!! I have no idea where to find a Hobby Lobby or I would be there NOW! I have never seen parasols for such a great price - love them in the summer! Of course I have never seen any as beautiful as yours! You are amazing!

  4. Kittyj12:20 PM

    P.S. I just looked - no Hobby Lobby on the entire west coast!!! :(

  5. You are amazing. Just thought you should know.

  6. Oh, your parasol's are gorgeous! I want to leave work early to see if our HL has any!!

  7. whyducks1:18 PM

    You make it look so easy, it is gorgeous.

  8. Your parasols are so beautiful, you make it look so easy!!!

  9. Oh my gosh! How fun! Think i may have to try to make a few of these.... Alisa.. also.. if you get a chance.. I took your grafitti chic class last spring and i just wanna say.. i love all that i learned.. I'm really using what you've taught me if you want to check out my art blog...

  10. Brilliant idea, I have an orange one at home, thanks for sharing.

  11. I love your ideas!! I've got to go check out Hobby Lobby.

  12. with 3 ingredients or less! Those parasols are absolutely cool and wonderful. I think your technique would work great on plain paper lanterns, too. I've seen those in dollar stores and import stores if you don't have a Hobby Lobby near you.

  13. Absolutely beautiful! But I'd have to be able to draw!!!

  14. when you are speechless on a blog, should you just say "I'm commentless." But then that's a comment... oh well, point is I like it.

  15. Michael's will never make up for Hobby Lobby. I wish we had their stores here in Portland.
    Your parasols are so lovely.

  16. wonderful
    thanks for the inspiration!!!

  17. Wow, those are gorgeous!

  18. These are absolutely gorgeous - unfortunately parasols of these type don't get used in Yorkshire very often but loving the look anyway!

  19. You never fail to amaze me.
    *lightbulb goes off*

  20. W~O~W! How can you make even this look easy?? Very impressive!

  21. I have been using parasols for years and this is an awesome idea- thanks!

  22. What kind of paint did you use? :) These are beautiful!

  23. I'm hypersensitive to fluorescent lighting and sunlight, and I've been needing a parasol collection for awhile now. If anybody finds out where to get one in WA state or a site that ships - please let me know. :)

  24. Those are so, so beautiful Alisa. I love them! Thanks so much, I'll be linking.

  25. Anonymous8:44 PM

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea!! And your photos are wonderful too!!!! ~Jess

  26. renbot4:15 PM

    yes! one more lady in the quest to bring back the parasol..i've done twenty of those over the last yr or is gloves..

  27. Absolutely gorgeous! I want a whole lawn of them and just sit in the middle of all the wonderful colors! Totally inspired!

  28. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Your parasols are fabulous, so creative

  29. I freakin' love this! Your parasol turned out gorgeous and I think it's great that you're trying to inspire people to make beautiful things with inexpensive elements.

    P.S. I found you via the

  30. Wow these are totally beautiful!

  31. WOW, gorgeous. Very similar to one I've recently brought from Myanmar, only the paint used is black.

    Extra tip: In there they use decorated parasols as lamp shades for lanterns/lightd lying on the floor.

  32. Tack! för att du delar med dig av din fantastiska kreativitet, Härligt!

  33. Anonymous4:58 PM

    beautiful work!

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