
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Where Women Create Book GIVEAWAY

I am so EXCITED that the Where Women Create Book of Inspiration in here!

The book goes behind the scenes and in the studio with some amazing and creative women. I am honored to have been a part of this project because my studio is actually the #1 thing in my life as an artist that is most important to me. I have gone from working in the bathtub in college (to keep the paint contained in my tiny studio apartment) to a small guest rooms, to kitchen floors, to hallways, to now working in a large transformed garage where I have NO RULES! I am not lying when I say that every day when I walk downstairs and into my studio, I am filled with joy and appreciation for the space that I work in. My studio truly represents my life long journey as an artist- at times feeling nonexistent and limited, my creativity being confined to corners, wishing for room to reach higher, my goals outgrowing my environment and FINALLY have a space that is large enough to hold my big creative dreams.

Jo Packham and Jenny Doh have created a book that is packed full of inspiration, yummy images, color and stories. Regardless of where you work, I guarantee that you will find encouragement, motivation and inspiration to create!!

And because I am so excited I am giving away a copy of the book signed with original artwork that I have painted on the first two pages!

Here are the rules-

Leave me a comment
Tell me your favorite place or space to create
I will draw one name and announce the winner on Saturday, April 10th morning!


  1. I do LOVE my studio on the second floor of our house, only 10 X 12 & crammed but I do LOVE IT!

  2. Oh, oh, oh, I need this book so badly! I have a room in my house that is a combination home office and craft space. And I work from home so the office part is crowding out the craft part! We're working on separating these spaces over the next few weeks and I would love some inspiration for my wholly only finally crafty space!

  3. susie carranza10:25 AM

    a small spare room in our house. smallish - but lots of great light and decorated to inspire!

  4. Looks SOOOO inspiring. I love seeing where women create and have been super inspired by your blog this year! My favorite place to create is in my bedroom/attic/studio area where I can spread out and hide from the rest of the world (even the computer)!

  5. Nicole10:26 AM

    Sweet!! I have a corner in my laundry room that houses all my stuff....tiny but workable. I think we all make do with what we have when the muse kicks us!

  6. I love to create while sitting on my bed. It's weird, I know, but I do all my best work at night and back in the day, when I was still in high school, this was the only place I could create at 1 am and not wake the entire household. 12 years later and I have yet to grow out of this habit.

  7. I do all my creating at the kitchen table.

    It is perfect for me as it models being creative and taking time for yourself to my kids.

    It keeps me in the thick of the action; people inevitably get involved or steal a piece of table themselves to work on a project of their own and the restrictions (like having to clean up so we can eat dinner) helps me keep a good balance.

    Every now and then I'll section off our huge table with masking tape and make the area inside the tape a no-touch do-not-cross zone. Then the kids know I'm really serious. LOL.

    I'd love to win that book - it looks incredible and I love new ideas and inspiration.

    Thanks for blogging so consistently, it's a happy spot in my day.

  8. I don't have a proper space yet... but we're willing to move so I really hope I'll have a dedicated spot somewhere ;) (it's one of our requirement in our hunt).
    So at the moment my favourite place to create is in our living room, as I am in the center of our current home.
    You can be proud to be in this book, that seems awesome !

  9. I love my little craft room on the second floor of our house. It's small but I have everything I need in there. It's also where my kids do their crafts so it's fun when we can be there together creating our projects. Thank you for the giveaway and thank you for sharing your wonderful art with us. You are very inspiring!

  10. I have a little corner of my bedroom designated for my "art space"! I'd love to get some more ideas on making it more "inspirational"!

  11. I don't have a space of my own. Just sitting at the big kitchentable and see happy children playing around. Very happy with my needles and threads, fabrics, little buttons and more stuff that looks craps to some one else but I love it!

    Take care!

  12. I don't have a wonderful place to create - yet - but it's planned for our future remodel. After years of wanting one, I will finally have a room JUST for sewing! Right now, I share space with the guest room.

  13. i have a room at the back of my house that is all mine. i look out to my neighbor's red barn and trees everywhere. it is quiet here and my room is cozy and messy.

    one wall is books and magazines, one wall has shelves crammed with supplies and tools. i have a big comfy chair which my dogs let me share with them while i'm reading and looking for inspiration.

    i have a table which usually has piles of stuff for projects and my computer which opens up another whole world for me and the ability to meet all these wonderfully talented people who i dream of meeting in person!

    it's my happy place and you are more than welcome to come visit and play with me any time!

  14. Love your blog! I actually have a big ol' art space for the first time in my life and I'm working to claim it! I set it up to be multi-purposeful, but it doesn't (yet) reflect me as an artist - it has all the components, but it doesn't speak to me (again, yet). So my favorite place to create right now is my dining room table...but hopefully that will change soon! xo

  15. Since the "boys" are 39 and 42(yikes), I have successfully turned 2 upstairs rooms into
    "office/library" and "studio"!
    It is my sanctuary!
    Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  16. right now, i just lay out newspapers on the living room floor in my one bedroom apartment to create. soon, my boyfriend and i will be moving to a 2 bedroom apartment, so i hope to have a little more space and a crafting table! i can't wait until i can have a whole room that i can call my craft room!

  17. My dining table mostly.. close to my kid (normally she is shuffling between kitchen, living room and her room) and plus i dont have many rooms in my apartment. so making use of every little corner. :-)

  18. I have a very small desk and its full with stamps and inks and paper and pencils. Sometimes its full with laundry, because this very small desk is placed in the room where I do my laundry. Sometimes its empty because the beautiful people that I live with have taken away my pencils, glue or scissors! Sometimes its filled with invoices and bills because its also the place where I try to get organized in those things.
    It really doesn't matter at all. I LOVE my very small desk because I always feel calm and happy creating things I like behind that desk. Come to think off it...most of the inspiration comes doing something totally different. Like riding om my bycicle in this (also) very small country called the Netherlands! (Hope you'll take that as an excuse for my not-so- perfect-english;)

  19. what a great giveaway! I too, am thrilled to have a studio space of my own. it's light-filled, cluttered and full of inspiration!

  20. Beautiful! :) I love to take my sketchbook outside and just lay in the sun and doodle. Especially when the weather is gorgeous like it is now in AZ! :)

  21. My art studio is on "my side" of the master bedroom I share with my daughter. The wall curves with two windows looking out onto the trees (we're on second floor)-- it's like having an art studio in a tree house. =)

  22. I claimed our closed in formal dining room as my studio! It's my solace and place of refuge to create and relax.

  23. recently downsized to an apartment, my new favorite place to create my art is my kitchen counter. i can hold a paint brush in one hand and a spoon to stir the soup in the other and i can be in there for hours, happy as can be.

  24. what an awesome book giveaway and your studio sounds wonderful. I have portable studios (baskets, boxes, bags, and folders) that I can carry with me wherever I go. Whether it's the kitchen table, the floor in front of the tv, an easy chair or a picnic in the back yard. I don't have a dedicated space right now. And I don't have a lot of time to create, being a full time mom and part time worker.

  25. My studio has also "migrated" with every move. I've had spare bedrooms and multiple rooms depending on the size of our home. Now we have downsized to our "Love Shack" and my studio is my dining room table and an antique red cupboard that I've had for over 25 years. Most of my stuff is in a climate controlled storage facility and I go over and grab what I need for certain projects. It actually helps me keep my focus...with less choices I'm happy to create where ever I find home or on vacation :D
    Can't wait to see this new book and especially your studio!

  26. Newly renovated studio out of our garage.
    Studios for me and my husband plus a big room for classes and stuff.

  27. My space is 10 feet by 10 feet, and that includes my Bernina on a narrow table, four three-drawer wicker chests, two tall and narrow wooden 10-drawer sets on wheels, a drafting table, a three-light pole lamp, two wicker storage containers, and a wooden dining table that acts as my work table. All of this is in the breakfast area next to my kitchen. It's not my dream studio, but my dreams find seed here, and it is "my" space.

    Congrats on your large studio space. Someday . . .

    Love your art work and the parasol tutorial is so clever! Thanks for sharing.

  28. out on the hiking trail taking photos...nature is totally inspiring

  29. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Hello, it's Jenny (from your ning)!

    I'm in the kitchen for the most time, on the table because I can spread my things.

  30. My favorite place to create ironically is under a big tree in my moms campsite (pic on my blog of it in January in the snow) Unfortunately I don't get chance to too much due to it pretty much raining all the time where I am in the UK.

    Thanks for the chance.

  31. My favorite space to create would be a whole room just for my supplies, but since I can't have something like that right now, I'm ok with just "my little corner".
    By the way, thank you so much for this giveaway. I hope I'll win.

  32. My favorite space to create my fiance's family cabin. It's so peaceful there. Anywhere outdoors really. My spirit feels at one with the world. I have a studio in the new house we bought but is very unorganized and needs a lot of work! I think this book might just be what I need!

  33. Oh....I create in my kitchen. It has the best natural light. I do have to clean up as I go, so I cant just let it go and come back to it, but it also lends to having my kids play with me too~so fun!!

  34. I wish I had a studio! At the moment, my favorite place to create is the kitchen table - because it's the only place I have - but someday, I will have a dedicated studio space, when my kids are a little older.

  35. What a serendipitous post! I just finished writing a big blog article on my little studio in the sky! It's definitely my favorite place to create!

  36. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I currently create in a teeny tiny corner of my husband's and my bedroom, because we have a friend living with us for a while in what had been my studio. But I'm looking forward to having that room back soon! xoxo.

  37. whyducks11:31 AM

    My creating place is our dinning room table. My very patient husband is often squashed into the most minute space to eat his food. It is a sunny room overlooking our small garden, so I can watch my 3 pet ducks digging up my garden and I can keep a firm eye out for Mr Fox, in case he decides he rather fancies duck for dinner!

  38. With two small boys, I create whenever and wherever I can right now! I have an office space in our basement that will get more use as the boys become less dependent on mom : )

  39. i enjoy creating in my turquoise studio, a 10X10 room in our 1954 rambler that we are fixing up

  40. my studio is a downstairs extra bedroom that i share with the computer and our dog and her kennel! I lay things out to dry on top of it, but have to be careful not to let anything hang down into it, or she'll chew it up in the night! The floor is chocolate brown shag that i don't care a bit about dripping on! my table is a formica kitchen table that i don't care about cleaning up! it has LAYERS of paint and mod podge that have a story to tell! you can see a post i did about my work space here:

    but don't be fooled - it's normally much messier!

    Here's my theory: when you see pictures on TV, or in magazines of artists' work spaces and they're all painstakingly organized and tidy, that's rarely real, and certainly not realistic for most to attain. They worked their butts off to create the illusion of perfection for one tiny, solitary moment in time. If their space truly ALWAYS looks like that, then i begin to question whether they're really accomplishing anything noteworthy art-wise! For many, the reality looks much different. The REAL, nitty-gritty, true-life, day-in-day-out look of an artist's space is beautifully MESSY! (That's what I appreciate about the glimpses i've seen into your studio and process, Alisa!) That's not to say that you shouldn't surround yourself with things that inspire you and exude the mood most conducive to creating.

  41. I am the proud owner of a brandnew mega sized cutting/sewing/creative table in our studio - just for me, no kids allowed in. Yay!!


  42. I have a little studio in my house, too. When we were building the house, I requested a small, sunny room with wood floors and a sink. My husband and father built in some desks and shelves, and now me and my daughter do all the messy stuff we like in here. It's wonderful and I spend almost all my time in here.

  43. Oh, oh, oh!!! What a wonderful treat you are offering!!! Please count me in!!!!

    I am enjoying having my studio in one of the rooms in my old 1850 farmhouse. There is an old smokehouse outback that I would love to convert into a studio one day.

    I have to tell you I have paint on one of my windows in the studio, from flinging paint graffiti style!!! I am loving it!!!!!!! The flinging thing!!! :)

    Thanks again Alisa for all your wonderful creativity that you so willingly share with us.


  44. Would love this book. my favorite work space is a small closet outside on of my kiddos rooms. one day, i hope to have a big space, but for now it will work.

  45. I love my bedroom floor with music blasting. Whenever I'm done you can barely walk to the bed.

  46. Hubby made ma an art room as a surprise in a spare bedroom - it's lovely..but I still prefer sitting in the front room with him with my "stuff" on a TV tray!

  47. I have been looking everywhere for this book! I create art in my former dining room. It's a great art studio because of the built-in cabinets plenty of room.

  48. Anonymous12:16 PM

    My favourite place to art is the living room of the crappy tiny flat that I share with my boyfriend. It's small and messy and nothing is ever where I left it, but it's just about the friendliest place I've ever been, and I am happy to just be there with him talking computer-geek language at me, because he's always so encouraging.

    Looks like a beautiful book. Well done!

  49. I wish my studio was organized. It really reflects my inability to create right now.

  50. I love to create in our second bedding/office. It's not the set up I want, but for the most part it's mine.

  51. Anonymous12:43 PM

    this would be awesome -- i love flipping through these books. they're so inspirational! my fave space to create is on my favorite favorite sofa. i do everything there -- eat snacks, watch tv, blog, craft, and read books.

  52. Kittyj12:48 PM

    Cool - congrats and I LOVE the painting you did on the first pages! WOW! I love my little studio (spare bedroom) but I have to admit at the moment my fave place to create is my biggest kitchen counter! It is just the right height for standing and right underneath a skylight!

  53. Charmi1:04 PM

    Oooohhh...i live in a small apt which is mostly taken over by my daughter's right now i store most of my supplies in plastic boxes which go under the bed & i remove them everytime i sit down to paint or do anything crafty !! Mostly i switch from my dining table or my small wooded sunroom !!

  54. Congrats on being in the book!! yes-yes-yes I am hoping I win it. My 'studio' is a corner of our unfinished basement. I added some carpet remnants, a bookcase and an old dresser for storage to make it more 'cozy'. DH built me some awesome shelves where I keep all my rubber stamps and I have an OTT light so it's pretty bright.

  55. I just moved into a new place and need some more inspiration for it. I would love this book! Plus your art work is amazing!

  56. right now it is everywhere, but with much reservation until i sell my place and move into our new home.

  57. Right now i am creating in my kitchen/dining room. It's all over the place and always in the way, but its got such great light!! I just can't bring myself to work down in the basement where I store everything.

  58. I love the pottery room at our local university, SIUC. I am allowed for the cost of the clay, to use the wheels as much as I like! Fantastic!

  59. I loved creating under the palapa in the baja. it was beautiful to be outside and not afraid to make a mess. I love that your studio is in the garage. hmmmm...! ha ha ha! I may be moving soon to a condo with an attached garage. ??? happy thursday to you alisa! ciao!

  60. I don't have a designated place, but when I pull out the old card table in my room, my creative juices start flowing!

  61. Congrats on being featured in this book! Your art and projects inspire me so much, I love your blog.

    My special space to create is my dining room. I live in a small-ish apartment with husband, toddler and cat. The dining room is at the center of our home with loads of sunlight and enough storage space to hide the craft supplies and fabric stash when not in use. I sit my son at one end of the table with his crayons or collages, and I sit at the other with my paints or my sewing machine. Happy happy happy!

  62. My space is been pretty nomadic over the last few years- upstairs, downstairs,kitchen table, my son's playroom, then his old nursery. This last space is maybe the smallest but also the best. It has a door and I have all my supplies together in one area which helps a ton when you're trying to squeeze your creative time into odd moments throughout the day- no running around looking for lost things. I would LOVE a copy of this book!!! :)

  63. Soaking up he sun on my tiny balcony...I can smell the ocean air, hear the train, listen to the local HS football games. My table shows the love of my creating space.

  64. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I feel so very blessed to have my own studio where the magic happens!
    Jan H.

  65. SOMEDAY... I hope to be in that book. CONGRATULATIONS to you for being part of it!! I read your blog regularly, but always feel silly commenting... you seem so much larger than life to me!! lol
    At any rate. Since you asked... we just moved, and THANKFULLY, though our house is small, my family doesn't mind me cramming my studio into this place, and splitting what really should be a large dining space into a tiny studio and a tiny dining area.
    It's what I love! Creating in the middle of my house with family swirling around me.

  66. Anonymous1:56 PM

    my favorite spot to create would have to be while I am having my morning shower--for some reason I get my best ideas in there, so that is where my brain likes creating! ;) congratulations on this book! Lisa

  67. emmy jay2:12 PM

    I'm in the process of transforming a spare room on our second floor into a real working studio. Up to now a lot of my stuff has been *stored* there, but a lot my work needed to happen pretty much anywhere and everywhere else -- kitchen, living room, bedroom, driveway, you name it. Even though my new space has a long way to go, in my mind it's already my favorite place.

  68. ooo this book looks lovely! My studio is 1/3 area within our garage. When we moved to this home 3 years ago I feel in love with it for the garage. It is such a delight to have a dedicated space to create.

  69. Sarah2:17 PM

    How exciting! Congrats! I love the energy of your blog and work! We have an extra room that is a guest room/ my art room. I have desk space and my easel, but I must admit sitting on the floor is my favorite space to create! I have my easel set low enough to sit on the floor when I paint at it as well.

  70. My favorite space to work is outside on my porch in the warm summer months... or on my kitchen floor!

    Love your blog and inspiration!

  71. We have a very old builing that I decided some time ago was going to be my "art space" running water or heat but it is a haven for me when the weather is warm...The bonus is that it is QUIET and private....

  72. What a great giveaway! I'm lucky enough to have a fun studio behind my store....brick walls and a tall ceiling with rafters. It's great! And like you, I worked in many different "oddball" locations, so I'm forever grateful for this inspiring space!

  73. Thanks for the opportunity Alisa. My favorite place to create is anywhere I am with my one of a kind AB bag stuffed with my favorite supplies!

  74. What an exciting book! Even if I don't win, I hope to make it out to pick it up at the bookstore!
    My favorite place to create was in my old house - I just moved, so I'm using my poor dining room (!) and need to create a new space...this book would be incredible inspiration!

  75. I live in a one bedroom apartment with my husband and that leaves little space for creativity! There are days when he comes home and I have taken over the kitchen counter, table, and living room with my creations. I dream of the day when we can have space just for me, but I see lots of cramped conditions for many years to come.

  76. The book looks amazing! I create in my unused dining room...which means my table is always covered in clutter! I wish I had a special room to create in :)

  77. Anonymous3:14 PM

    In The Green Room, a spare room on the second floor of my house.

  78. I look forward to your blog and all the inspiration it provides every day! I live in a one bedroom condo with an office....only I turned the office into my studio. It is small and cluttered but I love my space. It opens into the living room so I can pin a current work in progress on my design wall and see it from the living room or kitchen.

  79. last summer, i told my husband that I wanted to turn our small salvage built storage space outside into a creative space. I painted the inside, built a desk and tada.....finally I have the space I have always wanted and dreamed of. Of course, I have sleeping bags and tools in my bedroom now, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Now..... if I could only get out there more often

  80. oooh, what an amazing giveaway! as i have only a small flat i usually create on the sitting room table or, if more space needed - spread my work on the floor. Dreaming about my own studio one day :)

  81. Right now I am so lucky my Mr and his model making stuff share a mezzanine floor with me and my paperstuff 0.o It's got gorgeous views too. Alas we have to move soon, but I am sure we will turn a room into our crafting area in the next house too.

  82. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Actually, my favorite place to create is IN MY HEAD. I know, it sounds crazy but I have this horrible fear of failure that I'm working to overcome and, when I create in my head, it always comes out perfectly.

    However, I'm about to have a super fantastic studio in my RI farmhouse starting next month, so maybe I'll start getting things out of my head.

    Have a great day!

    Leslie and the pugs

  83. Alisa, I LOVE your blog and your work, and I would love a copy of the book! I create "everywhere." In a very full house, I do not have a studio of my own. But my husband is an artist as well, and my kids, who range from 21 to six weeks are all intensely creative, so we all understand if creativity spills out all over, and nobody minds if we go a few days without seeing the kitchen table now and then.

  84. I love to create in my studio! Even though it's small, I have a few small tables that I move outside, when the weather is ideal, like here in San Diego, I paint my canvas book covers outside. I also like to sit and sew my books outside looking at my garden, watching my kids and chickens run around!
    I love your work! You're such an inspiration!! Thanks for al that you share!!!

  85. My studio is a fantasy which I hope will be realised in the future. Well it's not going to be realised in the past is it?! I have it all mapped out in my head and I already love it.

  86. Lisa Gallup3:41 PM

    Most definitely my Art Room. Many years ago we closed off the back patio and made it into an extra room. It's been....a schoolroom, a guest room, a playroom, an exercise room, a robot room, and ART ROOM! :)

  87. About five years ago, I was able to have my own Art is comprised of three rooms and I love it. When I step in there, the cares of the world run away and I lose track of time. Thanks for the chance to win this great book.

  88. I tried to have a "studio" in the basement.....don't need to say anymore. Daughter moved out, thought that I would do over her room....the shrine to herself is still there. I always end up on the navy blue couch in my living room, listening to classical music with Winnie-the Basset Hound/English Springer Spaniel mix wrapped around my shoulders. It is not the ideal place but since glitter seems have a hold on everything I only makes sense that it gets tracked everywhere! My teenage son hates it which is another reason why I love working in the living room. If only I could find some way to contain all the supplies-glitter, markers, glitter, glue, fabric, glitter, crayons, glitter, paper, glitter.....

  89. Congratulations Alisa, I've seen a little of your studio in your online class, but to see the whole space would be fabulous.
    When I first started I converted a cupboard into a workspace, it was extremely cramped but I still managed to produce a lot of stuff, my favourite place now is my studio, divided into three work areas.

  90. Hi,my fav place to create is my 'studio'. I am lucky enough to have a spare room that I have turned into my creative spot. I call it 'Studio 22' & it is filled with beautiful, creative things from my friends. I love my space & it it a wonderful place to slip into & be in my own little world for awhile.
    Thanks for a chance to win this great book.
    Cheers Sandie

  91. I get many of my ideas at work, sitting at my desk... I jot them down during the day. I don't have a studio, I have a Florida room... kind of like a closed in porch adjoining my kitchen. At present it is filled with stuff... my art storage shelves are over flowing with fabrics, flowers, boxes of paints, papers, containers of markers, brushes, letters, found objects, etc. There are drawers of stamps and ink pads and more paper... It's not very organized and there's not much room for my "desk," but I'm working on it! It is so full, when I walk into it, it brings me joy... however chaotic it is!

  92. Right now my bedroom is serving as my studio. I also love working in the kitchen, close to the sink. :) I tend to be a bit messy.

  93. My favorite place to create (when I bead) is to sit amongst my 3-year-old's Thomas train tracks. He sets them up and while he is busy...I am busy. Who cares if the beads get knocked over??!! That is when I find the best combinations!

    Thank you for this opportunity.

  94. In my crafting/sewing very own for the first time in my 59 years. It's on the second floor with trees outside the windows. I feel like I'm in my own little nest.

  95. I have two places... one is in my art room which overlooks the llama farm out back and the other one is in my big-ass green chair. Would LOVE to win this book!!! So looking forward to seeing it! :D Thanks for the opportunity.... :)

  96. I have a really small space at the top of the stairs but there's a skylight and I manage to get in some nice time up there in the light!

  97. LOVE your generosity! I am blessed to have a bedroom turned studio but have had the dining room table as my make-shift "creation station" in the past.

  98. I recently became single and took over the old computer room and converted it into my sewing room. It is now a bright happy pink color which is unusual for me and it feels self indulgent and wonderful!

  99. my favorite space is all over my living room floor!

  100. I no onger have an extra bedrom to create, because it became a baby's room, so I create in there, where I can be close to him and create, being in an environment where the two things I love are.

  101. I have a great studio space that my hubby built for me. But we're moving so I have to start over.

  102. over the years as I have moved from craft to craft, I have moved from spare bedroom ( babies) to kitchen tables, to corner of what ever room I have fit in. When we moved to our current house I gave my husband the garage for his music studio. and he gave me our bedroom, and when I say our bedroom I mean he has a narrow passage to his side of the bed, and then the other half of the room he installed our old huge front door on saw legs and let me take over. and the nest it about working on a old door, it does not matter at all how messy I am on it!!!!

  103. What a beautiful book this is! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    I love my studio as well, it's messy, but it's mine, all mine!

  104. I create in our dining room...who really needs to eat ;). When my husband and I look at houses, I am constantly looking for space for my 6 year old daughter and I to create (sew, paint, sculpt, etc.) This book would be coming at a time when we are preparing to move and I will have to recreate my artist space.

  105. I usually get to school a little after 6:00 in the morning.That is where I do a lot of work before everyone else gets there.I have large classrooms and I can spread out.Most of my students have never had art, so I have to do some samples for ideas for them. If I work at home,then it is my den, My sewing room is too full of fabric.

  106. I finally carved out a space for myself in our living area and I love to sit at my home made desk--made from the front door of my grandmother's house with a glass top. I have surrounded myself with my supplies and lots of inspiration. Love it!!!

  107. Wow! I do not have an indoor space that is dedicated to art, but I have an outdoor studio that I love in the summer. Plans to add a studio are in the works and this book would be so helpful. Thanks for hosting this give away, you're a peach!

  108. My studio is in my basement. I painted the cheap paneled walls a lovely shade of aqua. I wanted the beach cottage feel. I painted the concrete floor the color of sand. The bookshelves are painted blue and lavender. It is small but its a beautiful space that I love to create in it.

  109. Kim K. in Western PA6:10 PM

    Wow I just discovered your blog today and I am hooked. Right now my craft space is a wall in the hallway in my house but my daughter recently got married and I now have a spare bedroom that I am taking over for my studio. I knit, sew, paint, draw and hoard things that I might be able to use in any of those endeavors. I really would love to have this book.

  110. My favorite place to create is my house in the woods in SW Virginia surrounded by 90ft tall trees, deer, squirrels, and lots more nature!

  111. I so wish I had a home studio! Luckily however I have 2 art classrooms at the school where I teach. I love my elementary space the most. It's a big, open, light area that has room for all the tools of the trade and still plenty of room for my kiddos and me to spread out and work.

  112. My favorite place to create is wherever a sewing machine takes me, whether it be in front of the TV, on a trip, to a class, you get the idea. For me, it's not the space, but rather what is in it. Thanks for the generous opportunity to win!

  113. Michelle Ludt6:46 PM

    I LOVE your studio wall, which you've changed at whim, so a WHOLE book of incredible inspiration for my own studio! That's my happiest discovery today! I'm determined to set up my basement this summer for a studio wonderland. A place where everyone is welcomed to create, but NO tisking or complaining about the creative chaos of my "work"! Can't wait to create again!

  114. Chitra Sharma6:47 PM

    My favorite place to create - family room's coffee table.

    I do have whole library to me for my creation but I love it when I am surrounded by my kids and husband.

    PS: But to tell you the truth..the BEST ideas about creative stuff I get in SHOWER...silly but it is true

  115. my favorite place to create... i guess it doesn't really matter as long as i have the materials i need. i don't have many great places to create, so wherever is working for the vibe of the project works for me. most of what i consider my art is photography so i BEHIND THE LENS is the most comfortable for me.

  116. I took over the master bedroom in my house and relegated our sleeping time to the smallest bedroom. I love my space- I can breathe!

  117. I am so happy that you have a big space for your big art!

    My "studio" is my kitchen, a closet and the dining room table. My daughter loves to make fun of me when I refer to it as "my studio." Nonetheless, I actually do love the space because it is filled with natural light and has an available sink. What else could I ask for?!

    I am launching a teeny tiny business from this fabulous "studio." I want my children (who are all college aged)to remember seeing me work at that table, believing in my vision, being brave, and moving forward!

  118. I would love a copy of your book--right now, I am so very fortunate to have an extra bedroom for my office/art studio. It is messy with work stuff(papers to grade, lectures to write) on one side and my creative works/art on the other--but I love my space!! The walls are hanging with art to inspire me and also some unfinished pieces so I can see the overall affect.

  119. Oh pick me! Besides my studio, I love to create under my tree on my front lawn.

  120. Mine is a spare bedroom with a Southern exposure, so daylight is plentiful. I have a big maple tree that I can see out the window and have my bird feeders hanging from that tree so I can see the finches when they come to visit. It's not a big room, and honestly, is a crafting room ever big enough? But I have it packed floor to ceiling with bins and shelves and a "U" shaped desk around the room so I have lots of space to set up my sewing machines, and still have room for my stamping, beading and painting projects.

  121. I love to create at my kitchen table with my daughter. I dream of having a studio in my home...but, for now my kitchen works! :) I can't wait to see the new book. Thank you for a chance to win!

  122. While I have a big, beautiful art room, I find myself much more creative in the cozy chair in the den. Problem is, this is 2 floors away from all my supplies!

  123. My fave place to create is in our basement. I finally have my spaces mostly organized so there is a dedicated space for painting and a dedicated space for sewing.

  124. I have a studio in my unfinished basement that is always changing. It's about 20x20". DH has hung lots of lighting and outlets so I can play. Having your own space is just perfect.

  125. What a beautiful book. It's on my Wishlist!

    I gladly sacrificed my home office and art studio in our tiny 3 bedroom house when our 2nd daughter came along. These days, a corner of the master bedroom is my creative space. Thankfully, there are 2 adjacent corner windows above my desk so I can work and be creative with sunlight over my shoulder, and the sweet sounds of my children playing outside filtering in through the window.

  126. My favorite space? Anywhere that's available! I'm living in a dorm right now 12 by 12 feet, and no bathtub for me, so it's definitely cramped. But next year, my roommate and I are going to transform our room with a bit of paint, colorful lights, and tons of artwork!

    Reading your blog is one of the best bits of my day! Thank you for sharing!

  127. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Wow, that's great, congratulations :)! I love to create in my "studio" which is the rec room of our house. There is a couch where my hubby can hang out with his laptop, and craft stuff for my son to play with so we can all be together while I work on projects - it's great! It is upstairs away from the areas of the house other people see, so it's OK if it gets messy too - a major bonus! ~Jess

  128. Alisa, the book looks wonderful! Even if I don't win it I will have to check it out to see your creative space.

    An extra bedroom holds my studio and office. I'm starting to use paint more so if I have a big canvas I will go in the basement where I have a humongous drafting table for really messy stuff. But trust me, neither space is meant for publishing in a book, hehe.

  129. Anonymous9:07 PM

    It may sound silly, but my favorite place to create is wherever my heart is.
    "Home is where my heart is".

    I've moved several times in the past decade. Where my heart is, is where my creativy happens.
    Whether it be scrapbooking, home decorating, trash to treasure projects, I can make any room, corner, area, etc... work for me.


  130. I have a small "craft room" with 3 huge windows. I love creating on spring days when the trees have blooms and on snowy winter days. I love it in there!

  131. I create in the den and my sitting rooom.

    Fingers crossed!

  132. Exciting!!
    My...ahem..."studio" is half of my bedroom.It's just enough space for a large table, desk and the art cabinet. Because I often create at night, my husband is asleep and I end up working on the living room floor. That's okay, though. I'm just happy to have the materials, space, and the time to MAKE things. :-) You have inspired me so much!

  133. First, congrats on being in the book--that's awesome! Lately, my favorite space to create is hand dyeing fabric or painting fabric and papers in the back yard on my plastic covered picnic tables--where I can enjoy the outdoors, create art, and keep an eye on my 4 and 7 year old kiddos playing in the mud! Fun for everyone.

  134. My favorite space to create is in my art room downstairs in my house!

  135. I am blessed to have a room to contain all my art supplies. I share it with my husband, I gave him a corner for his desk. :) It's still a work in progress and I still rearrange things so I can maximize the space I have. This book looks inspiring!

  136. I have lately created a space for my crafting.Have moved my desk next to a wide window.I can see the mountain in the distance and a tiny village.The space is not big but I love the view.I sometimes helps me daydream while scraping....I love creating when having inspiration...
    Thank you for the chance to win this book!I'd love to win it!

  137. Since I'm still in college I have only one bedroom. I just make due with everything that feels right at the moment: The desk, the tub, my bed, the chair(s) - usually I end up on the floor with a huuuuuge blanket beneath me.

  138. I live with roommates so I only have one room all to myself. Right now I pretty much use my bedroom floor and a corner of my desk as a workspace.

  139. Anonymous12:02 AM



  140. Oh wow, the book does sound amazing. I love how you said that you finally have space that is large enough to hold my big creative lovely! I often feel I don't have enough table space, but one day I'm sure it'll all come together. Currently my favorite space to create is just my bedroom's all crammed, but that's where it happens. It's actually a door on top of two leg things!

  141. ohhh that book looks yummy!!!
    I love to create in my own studio, followed by a close second: love to work with other people, so it would be at workshops, teaching or taking part, either way is so much fun...;-))

  142. WOW ! That book sounds so pretty !
    My fav place to create in my living room which has a wonderful light all over the day.

  143. I have Jo's original book, and every issue of the magazine. I love it and find the spaces others create in very inspiring. My favourite place to create is actually in my mind when I shower. I get the best ideas there. No disturbances! Then when I have time, it's into my studio to make my mental creation a reality. Oooh, I would love to have my name drawn. Congratulations!!

  144. My spare room is one of my favorite places to create - I have a long table which is always overflowing with my art supplies but I love it also because I have a special box of materials for when my grandchildren come to is always the first place they run to and I love to sit and create with them.

  145. The place where I do my creating used to be the study. I call it my scrap room. My husband likes to correct me and call it his computer room. I say - I spend more time in it, and take up more space, and have more stuff.... so surely it's my scrap room that just happens to have a computer desk in it rather than the computer room that just happens to have rather a lot of crafting supplies in it??!!

  146. I have a room that WAS an office for my husband and myself until my art supplies overtook the shelves, the tables, the couch, the floor... my husband refuses to to even walk into it now. I don't mind! :D

  147. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I have a craft room but at the moment it is exploding with stuff and I actually can't go in and create. I go in, get my supplies, and take them to the dining room to work.

  148. I have a studio that was just finished and I am moving in to. I am so excited to get to work in my beautiful new room!!!

  149. Ha Alisa...You will probably NEVER get through to this one...but I wanted to say my favorite place to create is on my upper deck because it is there that i can go places in my mind that makes me soar! Maybe someday I'll have a big ole studio with lots of windows...but til then...the window of my soul will do ok!

  150. Oh, what a great studio you must have! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book. My creative space is pretty much the entire top floor of the house and I find that the balcony is one of my favorite inspirational spaces up there. Well, that or the little fridge filled with cold drinks of assorted alcoholic content. :)

    I just found your blog this morning but I will be back. A LOT. Thanks!


  151. My current fav. place: a corner by a window in my 698 sq. ft. condo! I get a peek into the outdoors, which inspires me most of all.
    I would love this book b/c I'm in process of designing a house with my very OWN sewing/crafting space!

  152. we have a room under the roof of the house...and I use part of this room, it becomes hot in Summer but I love it when the windows in the roof is opened and I can hear the song of the birds

  153. Alisa, I am totally enjoying your blog and love your work! Last July, I moved to a new apartment with 2 bedrooms which allowed me for the first time in 5 years to once again have a studio. I surround myself with shelves of fabric, a variety of paints, my sewing machines and of course, my computer and large format printer and inspiring work all around me of artists like yourself. For me, creativity is hard to coax when my creative space is blended with everyday life. Various things have changed in my life and I am ready to walk through a door that has been beckoning me for a long time. I'm ready to give my heart the wings it needs to create an artistic life.

  154. my favorite place to create is my desk, too little to scrap,paint,sew...but it's my little space to create!

  155. I am lucky enough to have a dedicated space to craft. My biggest problem at the moment is I still have carpeting in the room and having been inspired (by guess who??!!) to paint, the carpet needs to GO!!

    thanks for sharing your amazing talent

  156. I am fortunate to have a closet my husband converted into shelving and counter space and then he got me the coolest printer's cabinet which I have bursting with inspirational stuff. Only half a room but I love it anyways. ;o)

  157. I love my basement studio; but I LOVE working along side my High School students. The collaborative energy is inspiring.

  158. would LOVE to see this book! I am in the sort of middle stage in which I am using the biggest and best room in my house for my work. I have a crumbly garage outside that will one day be my dream studio. Congratulations on having yours!

  159. Much Congrats, Alisa! I paint in an extra room that is totally dedicated to my art (yay!) but, as someone else here mentioned, being influenced by your style of painting makes it difficult to get completely wild with the paint (it splatters everywhere!) Maybe one day, the garage! (if I can get all the stored junk out of there! :D

  160. Hi Alisa
    I just found your web site and love it. Thanks for sharing your creativity. I create in my craft space, it is being defined each day as I grow and change. I also create in my garden.

  161. My favorite place to create is in my sewing room. It was supposed to be the "formal" living space at the front of the house, but I turned it into my "informal" craft room. It has a large window and the best light in the house, the perfect place to lose myself for a while.

  162. complimenti per i tuoi lavori sono molto belli
    sono felice di partecipare al tuo blog candy...
    ti ho conosciuta per caso, incrocio le dita e spero... ;-)
    io amo lavorare all'aperto ma non sempre Γ¨ possibile quindi ho una piccola camera dove veramente c'Γ¨ un disordine caotico.... ciao rosa

  163. I love to create in my pantry. Sounds cramped, but it is really a room we revamped with big cabinets for all my supplies and a big counter to work on and a utility sink for cleaning up. Stereo, laptop and bookshelves are in there too. And it's right off the kitchen.

  164. What a great giveaway! I looks like a wonderful book. I have a nice little craft area in what is supposed to be the family room but I love to create at the kitchen table with my kids the most. Or even the floor if we need a bigger space.

  165. Right now I'm creating in a corner of the basement but dreaming of building a little studio of my very own on our back lot nestled among the trees....aah bliss!

  166. My fav place to create is where I can find the most amount of floor space or a cleared table top! My wee little studio just doesn't cut it sometimes! Yay for creative space inspiration!

  167. I created a studio out behind our home. I bought a little wooden building that was delivered on a truck. Then I finished the inside. It was great being able to design the interior just the way I wanted it. The inside is just right for me. I love to hang out in there even if I'm not working on something.

    I would love your book because I'm always looking for better ways to organize my stuff. And it would be a lovely thing in my life, which has been crazy of late.

  168. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Just found your blog yesterday and you accepted my friend request on FB, thanks!!! I find your work very inspiring, hope to get off my butt this week!

    My favorite place to create is in my living room on a makeshift table with my husband. We're both photographers who make found material collages on the side to relieve stress/loosen up.

    I love your mural painted on the floor! It must be a blast to live at your house. Thank you for sharing your creativity with me (and the world)!

  169. I want it I want it!!! I turned a spare bedroom into my studio/ dressing room. It's super crowded in there with all my art stuff, shoes, and accessories, but it all fits so well together since I consider dressing an expression of me just like my art is.

  170. Lovely giveaway.I don't have my one space,yet,hopping soon,so I create on the chair,on the floor,on the bad,it depends on the craft or idea.

  171. I just got "into" this whole artsy phase of my life. (Just turned 60) So right now my space is a spare bedroom. I have been rearranging and organizing until I have finally got it useable. But next week I might change it again:) Love your blog.

  172. ArtdeMia10:29 AM

    I love to work in my little studio with my beautiful dog next to me-filling my head with inspiration!

  173. Love how you write about your space, I'm so glad you know to appreciate it. Many of us have almost no space, but still try to create. I've just nicked a desk for myself and I love sitting there, the computer close so I can listen to podcasts online and sew into paper or whatever I'm working on! :-)

    Have a great day Alisa!

  174. I create at my dining room table and my supplies are stashed in all sorts of places from entry way closet to wicker trunks. Congrats on the book. And... I love your name... I'm Alisa too!

  175. I create in my living room as there is no where else for me to do it right now. I can't wait for the day when I can have my own dedicated space for crafting!

  176. Anonymous11:27 AM

    How much I would love to have a studio to create in but I don't. So I do it in my favorite room. Its bright and I can hear the bird singing every morning. Its my living/kitchen room. I love how bright this room is and if I drip I can just wipe or clean it off with no worries.

  177. The book looks awesome. Can't wait to see it! I am inspired most in my bedroom. That is the one room I have been allowed, by my kids, to decorate all girly girly. I have all my books and clippings in there. A fancy table that comes across my bed to work on, and my lap top! My little haven of sorts!

  178. I am temporarily located in a tiny house. It's by the ocean and it has a sweet court yard, so it's not bad, just tiny. So I currently paint and create everywhere and anywhere.
    Hope I win.

  179. I took over my daughter's bedroom when she left for college. It's on the second floor with great views of the valley, incredible light AND a nice breeze. What more could a person ask for? More free time in which to work in the studio!!!!!!

  180. Kitchen table day craft room :-)

  181. These days it ends up being on the floor because I have more room, whether it's by the front door using a big wet 'board' making paper{ I looked around while back and saw paint speckles on the walls and door- :)} or sittig on the floor by hubby's chair watching t.v. while I stamp, color and cut. Happy happies.

  182. Oh my just look at all those who want to win this special prize. I have to add my name Alisa! My favorite place to paint is in my little studio that is also my puter room, and my jewelry making is the operative word here cuz it's sooooo small, and I have a chair that moves to each station..ehehhehe!!! It's perfect tho!!!! Blessings,

  183. beautiful book! My favourite place to create? Just about anywhere. I even draw on the paper tablecloths at restaurants.(My husband always rips those off the table to take with him).

    It's springy here in the bay area,so i'm enjoying doing things outside with my dogs hanging around.


  184. I have to tell you I have paint on one of my windows in the studio, from flinging paint graffiti style!!! I am loving it!!!!!!! The flinging thing!!! :)Mary, who wrote this, is my baby sister and the one to share your blog with me...boy am I happy she did!!!! sorry I had to share..ehehehe Bevie

  185. I have a room which houses my fabric, but like to do most of my creating in a room which on the house plans is called a sleeping room. It has a wall of westward facing windows and even in the dead of winter the sun warms it.

  186. Hi Alisa! :) My favourite space to create is my desk, I take all supplies I need there while crafting, there I have a lot of space, can get inspiration from the Internet and listen to music while creating something. :)

  187. Dream of having a studio, but for now I create in a small spare bedroom, thank you for sharing all your wonderful art!!!

  188. Today I stumbled onto to your blog. Your artwork and life story is so inspiring!

    I create in every square inch of my small apartment: works in progress hang on my bedroom closet door; pinned on the "design wall" in my dining room; pieces of paper with design ideas taped on the wall near my computer and on my front door.

  189. OOOOOOOOOOOO this is a wondrous giveaway. I love love to create out on my back deck during the summer time, as i live in cold canada summer is so precious to me. on sunday morning i make a freash pot of coffe and go outside and listen to the wonderful sounds of birds waking up in the morning and i sketch and paint and am just so happy.

  190. My favorite place to create is anywhere where I don't have to clean up when I am done! We recently moved our kids into one room so we could have an office/studio...and I love not having to clean up after myself! My husband feels a little overgrown...I gave him like 1/8th of the room...what more does he want?

  191. I like the kitchen table. I need help organizing some real space.

  192. I love your studio. Painting on the wall is the coolest.

    My favorite place to create is at my project table that my husband created for me. Every time I use it, I think of how awesome and supportive he is.

  193. My favorite place to create is in my basement that is my big studio space. My husband is finishing the basement so it can be a little tricky at times.

  194. Peggy8:34 PM

    I have a room in my home that I call my loom room -- that's where my stuff is and that's where I create. I would love to win this book!

  195. This comment has been removed by the author.

  196. Medeah9:27 PM

    I have been in the process of transforming our sunroom into my art studio. It has amazing light and I just love hanging out in there. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I envision this peaceful haven filled with inspiration and works in progress. I enjoy your blog so much. I love to create. A few years ago when going through an extremely difficult time I started painting and it would still my soul. I found refuge in my creative self. You are an inspiration to many. I have turned many of my friends on to your blog and we love to talk about and try out your fun projects. You are amazing!

  197. Hi,
    I turned my dining room and 1/2 my living room into an art studio where everything is just a reach away. Thanks for the fun give away too!!

  198. I love to paint looking out onto my garden patio, in the Laundry!....I have long /large bench space along the window..
    I think it's because the sink is there, and I like to keep washing my brushes out, and keeping things clean...A bit too tidy an artist unfortunately...but it's where I get my peace...xx..julia..Australia
