Monday, January 04, 2010

Big Giveaway Today!

I am kicking off the start of a new week and a new year by doing a BIG giveaway!!

I am giving away one free online class (of your choice) to 5 lucky readers!! Choose from the following classes-

Enter to win by leaving me a comment-
Tell me 1 thing you are doing different this year

I will draw 5 winners on Wed!



Nicole Maki said...

I'm not trying to fit in this year. It's just not worth my effort at this stage in my life.

*crossing my fingers*

I really want to take your graffiti chic class.

Kathleen said...

Since I recently got your book Canvas Remix I'm going to try and incorporate more of your techniques in my art this year.

Graffiti chic would rock!

Dare said...

I plan to explore my creativity more this year...via photography, art journals and general craftiness.

Unknown said...

I have two big art goals this year: To loosen up (not be so "stiff" and concerned about coloring in the lines -- and I think your Graffiti Chic would help me a lot with that!) and to develop my own style. I love learning from others and getting inspiration; I just want to take that inspiration and technique know-how and create something that is uniquely MINE!

Pick me, pick me, please!!!

Chelsea O'Neil - Make Special Productions said...

I plan to abandon deprivation and begin to offer thanks to my body for all that it does for be bold and shout to the world through my art...and to make my art making space a sanctuary...

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

What am I doing different this year? No more "to do" lists - way too depressing. Rather, a "did it" list. I'll always be able to be impressed with my accomplishments, even if it's enjoying the moment - no nasty pressure from "gotta get this done..." Okay, maybe I'll still keep a to do list, but a "did it" list has already been started, and I hope to add your class to the did it list!!!


Kara said...

I always love hearing about people who do a collage a day, a photo a day, anything along these lines. I think this is unrealistic for me, but my goal is to do something creative everyday, even if it's just pulling out my paints or adding a few stitches to something. So far so good, and we're already on day 4!

Staci Danford said...

What a JOY it has been to find your blog. I love your style and it keeps me forever inspired.
In 2010 I am removing anything in my home that isn't usefull, joyfull, or precious to my soul.
Then I will be surrounded my WONDERFUL in 2010.

Staci Danford said...

Ha I got so excited that I forgot to mention the class I'd love, though any would be fabulous.
Adventurous Accessories would be my fav..

Anonymous said...

I hope to be able to do more art this year. I got bogged down in home improvement projects last year. Now that the house is "finished" (every room has been remodeled to some extent) I have time to just do art. And, I have a newly remodeled area to do it in!

kelly barton art + design said...

wow...what a giveaway!

graffiti chic!

i love your work.

this year i am working on me.
a better me.

Nancy Lynn said...

I just want to be "myself" more and enjoy "me" for whatever it is. I also want to let go more and be free with my creativity. I have gotten so much out of the classes that I have taken from you and would love to be able to take Graffiti Chic II class.

milkcan said...

I am going to learn to say no to things this year. Really. I swear. I totally am. Um...I'm going to try really really hard to say no. Hopefully.

Carol said...

I am going to work on being more tolerant of others this year. Your classes sound fun, I'd pick the adventurers accessories!

barbara said...

Should I win, I choose "Rcycling Remix". I am going through a very difficult phase of my life. For the new year, one of my goals is: to take my life in my hands and start (again) to create, instead of living vicariously by just observing the life of those who create. To do that, I need to get rid of some serious issues (my husband among them). Shall I find the courage? I hope so.

Arlene Mobley said...

keeping a daily journal. This is the first time I have attempted to keep a journal.

2 Worlds said...

I plan to play more with acrylics and canvas Cross my fingers would love Graffit Chic

Anon said...

This year I want to find my direction in life, I'm 25 in a year and 5 days, I'd really like to have achieved something with my art and/or writing.

Graffiti Chic looks amazing, sadly i had to pull out after registering last time :( Wether i win or not I'll definetly be part of one of your classes in the future!


Suzanne said...

This year I'm going to move more and sit at the computer less (starting tomorrow:). Thanks for the great giveaway!

gerri said...

i'm focusing on some alternatives to my handmade polymer clay books. possibly limp bindings with leather, and some spray painted boards.

Peggy said...

what a great giveaway and a chance to take one of your classes.

This year, I am turning off the TV at night and use the time for more creative projects (here is where one of your classes would be perfect).

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

I am applying myself and by doing that I am learning to finish what I start.

I'd love the Graffiti Chic class.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Kim Mailhot said...

Oooo - I would so love to win a chance to take one of your classes. Your stuff and your way of just going for it in your art are such an inspiration to me !
One thing I am doing differently this year is being KIND to myself first. No more put downs, no more "you are not good enough"'s ! It is the Year of Being Kind to Kim !
Thanks for this chance, Alisa !
Happy New Year !

Unknown said...

This year I have decided to revolve my life around one word: Embrace. So far so good (though it is only day 4!)

Kim said...

I am buying less art supplies using what I have and recycling more items. Looking at things around the house that can be redone, instead of purchasing more.

Unknown said...

...I want to get better at staying on track!! I like so many things I get sidetracked far to often...this need sto change in the new year!
Would love to do the Recycling Remix WS...;-)

peggy gatto said...

I am using up all the art goodies from paula's kits that I receive each month!!!

Avital said...

This year I am taking a chance and staring fear right in its face.

The Avant-Garde Artist said...

I,m going to be more open to letting things in my work just be.To enjoy the accidents and be more experimental in my work and life.

Jessica said...

I've decided to carry a sketchbook with me everywhere all the time this year- so when creativity and inspiration strikes, i'm ready!

Poetic Dreams said...

I'm focusing on the old saying "Use it up,Wear it out.
Make it do or do without." as my way of living this year. I'm into using up what I have as opposed to running out and buying useless items which take up space. I would like to take ya "Recycling Remix".
Thanks for ya generous giveaway.

Renate said...

I just started my own blog and I want to post my "artful explorations" at least once a week. I am making art more of a personal focus this year. I want to create, create, create with all different kinds of materials. Repurposing recycled materials are important to me. I would love to take your Graffiti Chic class.

Susan said...

i'm practicing my caligraphy each morning with a Bible verse. Sorta like killing two birds with one stone.

Christine said...

This year I want to do more sewing; altered clothing and fun tote bags. I'm pulling the sewing machine out of the closet and keeping it out permanently!

Becky New said...

ooooo! please include me in your blog give away! i would LOOOOVE to do the Graffiti Chic class. this year i am trying to get organized and keep track of items i make and sell. :) thank you!

Anonymous said...

Alisa, you are such a generous blogger! How kind to do a give away like this.
This year I am working on something creative every day, just for fun.
Hope your 2010 is off to a great start!

Cynthia said...

the one thing I am doing different is that I am saying no to some things in order to give me time to do the things I love ... to write, to read, to create.

Tricia said...

I was just looking through your online classes yesterday, thinking how much fun it would be to take one!

Anonymous said...

This year I will be living life to the full and loving it. I hope to become even more creative and bring a lot of sunshine to those around me.

I would love to do your Graffiti Chic Class.

Kathryn Hansen said...

i'm going on a couple of big trips. typically i stay close to home but this year it's off to Africa!

Thanks for the give-away!

nacherluver said...

This year I intend on stopping all the obsessive thinking. Instead I am going to put the thoughts (and my body) in action and start DOING!!!

My word for the year is Positivity in all its splendid forms.

positive, positively, positivity, positiveness

If I was lucky enough to win a class, I would have to go with *recycling remix* as I love to save on waste in any way possible. To do so creatively is just plain yummy!

Also, I have four children who could benefit from my knowledge!

Jodi said...

I'm gonna stay positive and not feed off negative folks or thoughts!
*what an awesome giveaway!!

Happy New Year!

Roberta said...

This year I want more time to look at the details of live.

My favotire class is .... "Graffiti chic"!

Ciao ciao

Vone said...

I want to keep things more organized this year. I'm trying to find homes for things and make sure they actually go back there at the end of the day.

It's hard to decide on a course - all are very cool. But I think Adventurous Accessories would be fun.

Vicki Holdwick said...

This year I am trying to talk louder than my inner critic.


Arty Lady's blog said...

I am drawing again this year, moving away from textiles and focussing on creative drawing/journalling but lack inspiration at the moment. You can see my firfst attempt on my blog and I would appreciate if you have any tips.

Kittyj said...

I plan on actually keeping a journal in a real book! I've started it! I guess technically I've been keeping a journal - on the back of paintings, scraps of paper - I bet you know just what I mean! Thanks for all your work and wishing you a magical new year!

Nicki said...

I'm going to be more vain and selfish!
Sounds awful, but I'm determined to think about me a bit more and to try to look less like a bag lady!
Wish me luck........

Nicki x

Kirsten said...

I'm going to spend less money and more time developing my creativity. Use what I have and stretch my creative muscles!

becslb said...

my youngest child has started school and I suddenly find I have TIME! So my goal this year is not just to craft more but to try and find the direction I want to go in and give myself purpose. I am on a budget and recycling remix would help me no end!

LRH said...

Oooh, would love to win!! This year, I am determined to finish the projects that I start!!

Christine Hickey said...

This year I plan to carry a camera with me everyday. I got a Holga for Christmas and will be immersing myself in lo-fi photography. I hope to be able to use my photos in my art.

Jan and Art: said...

This year I am going to take more chances--with life and art, and in entering contests and drawings like this :) instead of just assuming I won't win, so what's the use? "You can't win if you don't play" is my motto for 2010!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

Oh my goodness, this would have to be one of the best blog giveaways I've ever entered. What an amazing prize this would be!
So this year I start a new job, which also means moving house. And I've just had another baby, so lots of new things for me this year.

serendipity said...

hi there and a happy healthy arty crafty 2010 to you . Would love to participate in your blog candy/ giveaway which I think is really generous of you.
This year what I'm going to try and do different is go GREEN, I want to find alternatives to my art supplies and my canvases...what with the world recession I am being forced to go GREEN as I am having to cut back on my spending for my arts and crafts, especially as I'm a SAHM of 3. Doing arts and crafts is my antistress and anti depressants.
So the course I would choose would have to be the RECYLCING REMIX.
Joan in italy

Unknown said...

One thing I'm doing different this year is doing a page weekly in an art journal. I'm really excited about this!

Peggy said...

Graffiti chic 2 , oh pick me, pick me. I have taken 3 of your classes, loved them. Actually you would be shocked at how different my style is since I have taken your classes - were talking messy, fun, creative and free, yeah. Keep up the great teaching, love your video's.

minlinhe said...

To practice more and be less concerned with the outcome. More play, less stiltedness.

'cine said...

I follow your work and one of your clutches that I adore, Thanks for a chance in the givewaway.

Mae Chevrette said...

I have two big (sort of opposite) goals for this year--

The first is that I want to be more serious about selling my art-- I got into the game kindof late in 2009 and only after a lot of encouragement from friends and family. But it's been successful! And it has made me feel so good. I want to head into this year with a lot of positive energy and optimism about sharing my art.

The second is that I want to be much, much more diligent about making art for myself, as in keeping up my private sketchbook and doing some kind of little drawing, photo or sketch every day. Maybe even participating in some kind of illustration-a-day project? I love creating things that other people like, but I don't want to forget why I really make art :)

Thanks again for the inspiration Alisa!

Mariposa said...

I am going to let go of more. Let go of stuff I don't need, circumstances that aren't true and feelings that aren't positive.

Recycling Remix would totally rock!

Thanks for the offer!

Unknown said...

This year I am not making "resolutions." I am making "life changes."

nellyeisenhower said...

I am going to make resolutions every month, not just for New Years. I am also going to make a 36 things to do before I turn 37 list ( I turn 36 on Jan 30 so this is like a list of new years resolutions for my birthday year.)

Melissa M (Lagaz) said...

I am going to get more serious about selling my creations. Also, I am going to take more time for ME. I am going to take care of myself again, so that I can be the person that I want to BE!

If I win, I would love to take your Graffiti Chic 2 class! I loved the first one so much, I want to explore it some more!

Unknown said...

Wow 63 comments!!! What could I possibly say... I'm enjoying who I am and not worrying that I don't have a unique style... As long as I'm having fun and pass that enthusiasm on to others, I'll be happy with that legacy.
Graffiti Chic 2 please...

Lisa said...

I want to try to buy less and use up what I already have around the house

Kathleen Kibblehouse said...

I'm going to send more REAL mail this year. I think people like getting little bits of artsy surprise in the mail and I can spread joy with my art and a stamp.

Anonymous said...

giving back more time to my life by eliminating things that don't add knowledge, health, beauty to my life - life watching TV. I want more magical moments and less stress. I'm also going to stick to a budget so I can retire early.

LR said...

nurture my creativity even more

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

I'm not going to buy in to what my insecurities say about me...I'm going to BELIEVE in myself and my talent!! I'm thinking Whimsical Women sounds FUN!!

Jennifer Williams said...

Oh fun! I love giveaways!

I started this year off by not having any resolutions. It seems they do nothing but cause disappointment for the most part.

Artwise, I'm trying to allow myself to loosen up a bit. I've spent so much time trying to get everything perfect that I miss a lot of the joy that comes from creating.

Theartistsnest said...

I hope to take more pictures & take an online class or two!

Sacred Yoli said...

I love your style!
Saludos and Happy New Year

jane eileen said...

Seeing all that paint just makes me want to run and grab a brush!!! If I win, I am going to grab the recycling remix class because one of the things I want to do differently this year is try to use more of what I already have, whether it be recycling, using things from the stash or using scraps. Thanks for the generous giveaway.

Karina said...

Love your work! One new thing I am going to do is commit to refashion clothing and accessories. I want to take old clothes and accessories and "jazz" it up.

lee said...

to be more daring in my approach to art.......

susi said...

I want to really widen my artistic horizon. Love your art and would love to try it!

Lisa Gallup said...

I'm only making art that I LOVE and that makes my heart SING! :D

martha brown said...

This year I'm actually going to DO the work in the online classes that I take! Sheesh -- last year I signed up for 3, and haven't finished any of them!

Lisa said...

Hi Alisa,
I plan to listen more closely to that little voice in my head that pushes me to be more daring in my art.

Gail said...

Well... I still have the rock you wrote "always be messy" on at Art Fiber Fest....
Maybe this is my year to ACTUALLY GET MESSY in my studio!!!!

: D

Gail... who tends towards neatness...

Katie said...

I'm planning to do lots of things - find smiley faces

miz katie said...

I'm writing in a journal every night before going to sleep.

I made the rule that it can be only one word or it can be hundred. It can be sentences or not. I can write for 5 seconds or 5 hours. Doesn't matter, as long as I document something.

So far, I'm really enjoying it. Surprisingly, one word usually leads to another, and another.

Debbie said...

Going back to school is proving to be a challenge for my brain - but I am exploring ways to challenge my spirit through new creative endeavors. I am also seeking to do more green / recyling projects.

risa said...

I'm challenging myself more. Putting myself (and hopefully my art) out there. Dreaming BIG. Sharing my work outside of my four walls.

Winning one of these classes would be a great way to kick myself out of my comfort zone.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow all the classes look fun, but the Whimsical Women one calls to me, maybe because I tend to be whimsical myself...

"Crossing fingers and toes"

Jeannie said...

I am going to work more on my art this year. I love the canvas remix and I have done several things from the book. I want to do more art because it just sets your soul free.

Anonymous said...

Wow I just found your blog and I would LOVE to take any one of your online classes.

I am resolving this year to take more risks in my artistic endeavors. I tend to stay in my comfortable place, but I need to stretch myself more. Thanks!

Happy New Year!

Jen xo said...

i'm trying not to eat so much..:)

i would love do any of your classes....jenxo

Vicki said...

I am trying to walk at least 10 mins each day and eventually work up to more and make a new id lanyard/purse using the techniques in your book

Debbie B said...

I am eating less meat this year! I read the book "The Face on Your Plate" and wow, I may even try to go vegetarian.... thank you for your great giveaway! Adventurous Accessories is the choice for me. (if)

jannn said...

I am going to concentrate on just one or two or three art styles this year, instead of trying out every single thing I like and veering far, far away from the real artist within.

April Hall said...

One thing I am doing differently this year is not buying un-necessary craft supplies! It's amazing what you collect over the years! I am using more of what I have versus buying.

Ginny Gaskill said...

I have been playing with canvas books. I love Canvas Remix. This is my year to get Photoshop to work for me so I can use my images my way.
Would love Graffiti Chic.

Jeanette said...

I am actually going to stop just collecting books, watching videos and signing up for classes... I'm actually going to jump in and DO the art!!!

Anonymous said...

W-H-O-W!!! Great giveaway! I'd love to do the Graffiti Chic class and proof that I can create something stunning with step-for-step instructions! [[ Graffiti Chic for the Creative… and for Dummies????! LOL :-D ]]. It will be done with a lot of messy fun and loads of enthusiasm!

tlccreates said...

I want to take more classes this year: dance, voice, art? I'm 55 and ready to learn and do

Graffiti Chic looks like it would take me on an interesting journey

Maudy said...

I want to be creative again, instead of reading blogs EVERYDAY (by people who ARE creative (almost) everyday).

Sujati - Sue Young-Artist said...

I am going to make my own clothes this year!! ( never got there in 2009!) I would love to take your graffiti chic class.

Emma said...

Last year I came to a point where i thought, just maybe, I was good enough, for me. This year I will act on that & stop hiding & get myself out there!

I love the freedom of your work & would take Adventurous Accessories.

Thanks for the givaways!


Megan Warren said...

I'm going to focus this year - focus on what is important to me, my family and my creativity.

I would love to do one of your online classes.

Happy New Year!

strent said...

Well, my word for the year is "GROW". and my plan is to grow creatively, spiritually, intellectually, and healthfully!!! Painting has been a new outlet for me and WOW!! how freeing it has been!! Let the new year roll!!

Caryn Lynn said...

Doing my best to approach life with ease and grace.

Jeanne Oliver said...

I will be spending less time on the computer:-)

David and Christine said...

I going to take more pictures and loosen up in my art and in general.

I would love to take the Restyle Remix.

tynan said...

I am trying to regiment "blocks" of time that I devote each day to writing/creating.

Dotti said...

I have committed to do an artful piece each week!

Tiffany said...

Hmmm, do I want Graffiti Chic or GC Part II?? BOTH! ;)

Anyway, one thing I am doing differently this year is having my dad be very involved in my college classes, I tend to shut people out (usually not intentionally) and try and do everything myself--but I think having someone to discuss the material with and such will be very helpful for my classes. :)

Thanks for the chance to win Alisa! Happy 2010!

Anonymous said...

I took your first graffiti class and loved it...I plan to do something creative every day and I also want to learn how to use my own photos in my art.

Mindy Nierenberg said...

I plan to use the 'junk' I've already collected that's in my studio- bits of lace, rusted metal, old buttons, broken china, driftwood, ad's from the 1950's, black and white snapshots of strangers.... (you know what I mean!)- instead of continuing the search for more.

Belinda said...

I am getting in the studio every day even if all I have is 10 or 15 minutes. I hate days that don't include studio time. I am also trying to limit my sleeping so there is more time for creating (I hibernate in the winter but nothing gets done so am working on getting up when the second alarm goes off - hey I have to start somewhere!).

Love your blog Alisa - got your QA video - very cool! Happy 2010 - Belinda

Daphne said...

I'm making creative time for myself a PRIORITY!!

cat said...

I intend to spend more time sewing and creating. For the past several years my job has taken over my life and I am taking it back.

Anonymous said...

I plan on creating more this year.

I would love the "Adventurous Accessories" Class!!!

nadia said...

I am going to try new things this year. rock climbing? happy 2010! ciao!

Nathalie G. said...

I will try to add more mixed media in my art quilts and not only in my sketchbooks and journals.
I would love to win any of your classes : they all sound wonderful.

Michelle Remy said...

I am trying to be more positive in the new decade (being negative comes too easily...)...fantastic giveaway idea!

Linda Celestian said...

I'm going to put less emphasis on receiving validation from outside sources. I love myself and what I do what more do I need?

Graffiti Chic looks fun.

Lesley said...

Hi Alisa, I recently bought your Canvas Remix book and did one cute project from it, the little envelope, I did a couple of these in the graffiti style and just loved the free motion and style. I have been using acrylics for years but mainly on wood and floorcloths(canvas and reverse side of flooring) I was immediately inspired by your book.
I would so love to win a spot in one of your classes, the graffiti chic one would be great or the Haute Holidays sound interesting. Hmmmm if I win it will be hard to chose. Pick me pick me.
Happy New Year btw

jbrewercreative said...

Letting go of the past!

Jan C. said...

What a treat this would be to win a workshop with you. Love your blog.

Jan in AZ

shannon mulkey said...

I plan on becoming a more authentic version of myself! I want to have more adventures in the present moment.

shannon mulkey said...

I want to be a more authentic version of myself and have more daily adventures!

Cate said...

This year, I really want to focus on me, my art, my love of being different. I just can't do 'mainstream' it is just sooo not me...

anyway, I love your work, all of it and find it very inspiring. It would be magnifique to take graffiti chic or anti scrapbook!

Kim Molitor said...

"the only thing that seperates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize..."(Steel Magnolias) I would love to take your class on accessories... Our body is the most beautiful canvas we have!

Judy Shea said...

How fun.. I would love to win one of your classes. Thank you for being so generous.

R.P. said...

I'm going to be more of a tortoise and less of a hare.

Karen Stiehl Osborn said...

I am trying out online classes, and stretching myself in other new directions!

Jeanie Callaghan said...

Just found your blog. One word: wow. This year I'm going to try to take more chances artistically instead of j ust following instructions.

Laura Kelley said...

I am trying to balance passion with patience. Hope I win.

Xanthe said...

I already have taken your Grafitti Chic class so I would love to win the Whimsical Women class...Pick me please!!!!

Dawnie said...

Super stuff YOU SHARE and would love to win a class in Adventurous Accessories...sounds exciting !


Amanda Fall - Sprout editor said...

This year, I'm working to have gratitude spring to my lips before anything else--before worry, complaint, or regret.

Loved this thought-provoking question. ALL your courses look amazing.

Brenda said...

I am doing the project 365- taking a photo a day. So far so good. I really would like to take you graffit chic class.

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

I am going to reclaim my artistic self to whatever extent I can. 2008 & 2009 were swallowed up dealing with soul-sucking medical stuff. That aspect of my life is not going to change in 2010, but I cannot allow it to eclipse my life to the extent that it has for the last two years. I need to scrape up whatever creative energy I can muster and MAKE & DO & BE! Art=LIFE!

Pamela said...

I am going to explore joy and creativity in 2010. I am going to make time for reflection and vision. I am all about the graffiti chic if I win! I just ordered your book from Amazon and I would love to take the class too!

Christie said...

I am going to learn to sew.

Connie said...

Whine less, love more.

Karen Bowers said...

i'd love to take the haute holidays class. thank you for offering this for me to wish for!

Judith Westerfield said...

This year I'm going to more regularly post on my creative expression blog JudithWesterfieldFibromyalgia to inspire others with life altering conditions to express themselves creatively. You, Traci Bautista and Teesha Moore have inspired me to take more risks and not be so self conscious about my "art".

Å olanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I'm planning to be more active this year. Active as in doing things and not just thinking about them. :) Thanks for the chance to win your fab prize.

Tina C. said...


Diana said...

I'm planning to use up all my art and sewing supplies by the end of the year. Instead of sorting, organizing, decluttering, etc. I decided it sounded alot more fun and do-able (for me, anyway) to just jump in with the goal of using everything up with wild abandon - no hoarding anything for something special, no judging, etc. I'm hoping I will end up with alot fewer supplies (so I have room for alot of new ones!)and regain my enthusiasm for the process of creating rather than worrying about the end result so much.

Wendy said...

I'm planning to do more things this year, rather than just thinking about them.

joy! said...

What a generous giveaway! This year I want to color outside the lines.

Aidel Knaidel said...

I hope to say "no" to doing things I really don't want to do and make more time for my art.

jcmont said...

taking a big leap of faith and moving to a new place this year.
oooh...I'd love to take one of your classes!

Sarahbeth said...

OOh, recycling remix looks fantastic! (of course so does graffiti chic) As I tossed an empty cereal box into the bin this morning I thought there ought to be something I could do with this...

This year my goal is to improve with an instrument. I have a guitar and a harmonica and I plan on working to get better (not necessarily great, haha!) at either of them.

molly said...

I want to learn to give myself a fair chance in whatever I do.

Anonymous said...

I can express myself well in my artwork and in writing. I recently had to accept the fact that I don't communicate my feelings well verbally. My goal is to do what I need to to change that for the better.

Long Black Eyelahes said...

I want to do lots of self portraits this year! And your classes! Angelica

Brandi said...

staying positive!!!

Anonymous said...

One thing I will do differently this year is focus on BALANCING life...Physical, mental (work), social, spiritual (personal time) financial, and family. Take time to enjoy each aspect of those areas.

Anonymous said...

My mantra for the year is "Faith and Patience." I have also decided that anyone and anything that "sucks my energy" is gone!

Just found this blog and am already in love with it. Thanks for sharing your gift!

Contessa Kris said...

I have 'plans' to do things differently this year but so far have not. Except maybe my new photo blog. I'm trying to post a picture a day. So far most have been from my cell phone(much easier) but I want to get in the habit of using my new camera everyday. Too bad the camera doesn't have internet and can automatically upload like the phone. lol

Thought of you yesterday when I bought a pile of canvas pads. Going to experiment this year.

bellaguinness said...

This year I'm trying to be more intentional about my use of the internet... so much inspiration out there, ways to learn new techniques, yet such a authenticity drainer it can be!

I'll have to decide between Graffiti Chic and the Accessories class if I'm picked. Think I'm leaning toward GC because I haven't been painting much at all lately...

Teresa Kingsley said...

I have just found your site and your work has inspired me to dust off my brushes and get back to fun. It has been way to many years.


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