My latest online class Painter's Bliss starts today! And I am giving away 5 free spots in the class. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to enter to win!

begins May 22
Join me for a colorful and messy class dedicated to breaking free and finding the bliss that comes with the process of acrylic painting! I will be sharing all my favorite supplies, techniques, tips, tricks and prompts when it comes to painting from the heart. From art journal pages, to small surfaces to painting on a variety of unique materials, we will explore different painting surfaces. We will explore color, expression, movement, composition, how to "let go" and discover ways to listen to our intuition when painting.
more information or register HERE

Enter to win a spot in this class!
Leave me a comment.
Tell me your favorite paint color.
I will randomly select 5 winners and announce them at the bottom of this post at the end of the day tomorrow, Tuesday, May 23rd at 5pm PST.
email me at alisaburke@gmail.com and we will get you access to class

oh...thats great...my favourite colour is black...
Have a nice day
I would love to win a place on this class because I have hit a wall with my painting at the moment and need inspiring to have fun and loosen up with my painting . I have loved all your other classes !
Sounds like a chance I would not wish to miss! I have done a few classes with you already and find you very fresh and inspiring. My favorite color is grey. Sounds weird but I think anything can go with grey - it adds subletity and the opportunity to add further colors and to let them shine next to the grey.
Ooh, that would have to be... cadmium red (today, anyway :) )
You always amaze me with all your class ideas! This one looks like a lot of fun!
Green in all its shades! Your new class looks lovely, but then all your classes look fun... Dorothee
My favorite color? Thalo Green or Ultramarine Blue. Thanks for sharing your creativity!
If I had to pick only one color paint as my favorite I would have to say quinacridone magenta. A close second would be sky blue.
I love your photos, sounds like another amazing class! My favorite Color to paint is teal.
I love your photos, sounds like another amazing class! My favorite Color to paint with is teal.
I love all colors, but any shade of green makes me happy!!
Such a fun piece of artwork! Though orange is not necessarily my favorite color, I am drawn to it in art pieces.
Oh my goodness, this would be an awesome class to win! My favorite paint color is green!
Actually the pretty purplish pink which forms the background in the first pic and in the paint can in the second pic ........and as a matter of fact ..in all the pics in the collage pic is my favourite color Alisa although I am now friends with almost all colors (still can not handle red though ) thanks for the giveaway !!
Thanks for the opportunity. My favorite paint color is anything in the blue family.
I love anything in the Blue-green combo!
My favorite paint color is PINK! and blue...and green...and yellow...and red...and well, you get the idea! LOVE what this class is all about!!!
thanks for a chance to win a spot! My favorite color is Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold.
Collette Marcsis
I would so love to win!!! I am just getting back into painting after several years and having my daughter, and it feels so good to reconnect with my creativity. Thanks for the opportunity to win, Alisa! :)
blue (all of them) is my favorite all time paint color. Second would be pink. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
Blue (all of them) is my favorite paint color! pink is a close second! Thanks for the chance to win. :) Debbie
What a hard choice! I love Payne's Gray. I also love black! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win and for inspiring us every day!!!!
I would love to learn your style of painting with beautiful colors. Your paintings make me happy!!
Favorite color: purple 💜 And rainbow!
Phthalo Blue!
What a great giveaway. Thank you!
HOT Pink! love the paintings!!!
Shona Brooks, Hastings Minnesota
All kinds of Green!!
Thank you for the chance! My favorite paint color is anything pink!
Looks like a fun class! My fave color is always orange!
Olive Fringes! It's the color we painted our living room when we first moved into our house 8 years ago & I still love it to this day :)
Big sucker for Blue! Any and all shades of blue especially Peacock Blue and beautiful blue beaches.
Favorite paint color--such a hard one! Right now my favorite color is teal, but I think it changes minute by minute.
Big sucker for Blue! Any and all shades of blue especially Peacock Blue and beautiful blue beaches.
My favorite color is blue. I can't wait to see how awesome this new class will be! All of your "sneak peeks" for your classes are awesome so I'm sure it won't disappoint!
My favorite color is blue. I can't wait to see how awesome this new class will be! All of your "sneak peeks" for your classes are awesome so I'm sure it won't disappoint!
My favorite color is phthalo green.
My favorite color is aqua blue.
Any color in the blue spectrum, especially the blue-greens.
i love all the colours of the peacock! this class looks like so much fun!!
So exciting! I love purple, but a lot of the art I'm attracted to has more neutral colors.
My favorite paint color... probably black :) or coral.
I think I prefer combinations - Pink Orange and Teal Gold are my favorite combos right now. :)
I love your classes and this one seems to be something I wanted to hear from an artist like you.
Thank you for this opportunity.
This class looks great, I love Cheddar Orange!
I wish there was a way to make an iridescent color but until that happens my favorite color is, well, I like to use 1 color with black and white. So black would have to be my choice since it does turn into all shades of gray...
Thanks for the opportunity. Terri
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your classes.....and I LOVE to paint with PURPLE! (any and all shades!)
Love the vibrancy of your paintiings. What an amazing giveaway! Would love a chance to win.
My favorite color is green but my favorite color of acrylic paint is a slightly shimmery electric blue that's probably not available anymore. This would be the perfect way to jump start my painting practice again, AND use up all my little bottles of half-gone acrylics. Win win!
Golden's neon colors rock!
Hot pink! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love all colors but I am consistently drawn to different colors of blues and greens.
I have a deep turquoisey/teal colour which is just divine. ...... Just had a look as I didn't think that was very precise and discovered it iis called "Deep Turquoise"!!
Happy Monday, Spring & All Good Things. My favorite color is GREEN!
As I live on the often dark and rainy west coast of Canada, my favourite colours are red and orange. Even a little bit of them adds spark and brightness to my day.
I am a messy painter and my favorite color is turquoise or teal!
My favorite is burnt sienna. Always a go-to!
love love love teal
Ultramarine blue is my favorite color.
Thanks for the chance to win!! My fav color is orange!
Thank you Alisa for this opportunity. Your blog is always an inspiration to just get messy and enjoy the process. Difficult to choose a favourite colour as there are SO many delicious ones. Will go with Duck egg blue for now.
My fave is always and forever turquoise! Thanks for the chance to win, love your classes.
My favourite colour is turquoisey.
This is "the" class for me :) My favourite color is sunshine yellow.And i love messy painting!
My favorite colours are hot: pink, red, orange, burnt sienna and to cool it down a little some spots of grey and turqoise.
I love your blog and classes - thank you for the chance to win.
Looks like a great class! My fave colors are Indigo and Magenta, and I love using them together!
That's a leading question. I decided that it must be the one I have to buy most often which is either light permanent blue or light violet blue. Those closely followed by light Naples yellow. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to win.
Sounds like a great class !
My favorite colour is yellow, always has been, too. Especially the golden variety, as seen in sunflower or marigold..
Coral red and teal always make me happy. Thanks for the opportunity!
Reflex Rose by Amsterdam is my favorite paint color. I really don't think a painting is done until I add little bit.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for the giveaway! Turquoise has been a favorite lately.
I love painting with all the shades of blue/green, from very light turquoise to deep teal. And would love to be in this class!
MaimeriBlu green blue watercolor paint. Transparent, staining, and oh so rich.
Pink, teal and white! This class sounds like fun!
I love aqua. It makes me happy. I'm excited for this class. I'm a perfectionist and so I have a really hard time just loosening up. This looks like the perfect fix for that. :)
My favourite colour is Golden's Teal Blue!! Love this colour so much!
At this moment i'm into blue, indigo blue
i love them all, but i'd have to say my favorite is blue-violet
The color RED is my favorite color!!! Red has its own language
and expresses so many feelings. Red adds a pop of color that
is like an exclamation point at the end of a sentence!!
I love ultramarine blue, and most blues really. And also white.
This class sounds great! My favorite color is anything in the turquoise/teal family.
Phthalo blue is my favorite today. This class looks like so much fun! Thanks for a chance to win!
My favorite paint color is yellow ! I just love how yellow can cheer up the mood and find the color very uplifting ! Thanks for the giveaway and would love to win a spot in this class.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the class. I would say neon pink is my favorite color of paint at the moment. Love your art!
My favourite paint colour is .....
BLUE !!!!!
Love it, love it, LOVE IT !!!!!
Cheers Sandie
Thanks for the opportunity!!! Love your ideas, art & creativity.
My favorite color is red, all shades of red
Hi Alisa, I am enjoying your blog and have done a couple of your classes - these give me a wonderful getaway from the sometimes daunting "daily business". Thank you for that!
My favourite colour at the moment is teal.
Cheers Franzi
My favorite color is blue...any shade though right now I'm favoring cobalt:)
Hot pink!
Thank you for the giveaway!
Always enjoy taking your classes and what a beautiful giving spirit you always pay forward! My favorite paint color always gravitates towards Magenta :)
I love shades of blue and green. My favourite for the moment is turquoise. Thanks for the chance!
Hello Alisa,
favourite colour you ask? Difficult question, I love them all! I can narrow it down to vermilion and turquoise. Thanks for the opportunity.
What a wonderful opportunity Alisa. Thank you so much for all you share. My favourite colour is teal.
Magenta, don't think I could live without it, but then turquoise goes so well with it, they almost have to go together, and then there is Matisse southern ocean blue, yummy, gosh, how do I chose? Awwww.... magenta!!
Oh, wow, I would so love to win a place in one of your classes! My favorite color from childhood on has always been red!
Love the sound of your new class! And my favourite colour is purple!!
Sue Bunce
My new favorite is Transparent Pyrrole Orange. Thanks for this give away!
Lime green is always my go to.
Thanks for a chance to win. I love quin azo gold.
Turquoise is my favorite color !
I'm partial to Opera Rose.
Thank you for the giveaway!
That's like asking what's my favorite book! Too many loved ones!
Today's color choice will be 50 shades of red!
Purple used to be my favorite color but now I'm leaning towards lime green. I'm in desperate need of some new and exciting, inspirational, painting classes!
My favorite color is yellow, the bright, sunny kind that lifts your spirits on a rainy day!
My favorite color is PINK! And blue... and yellow..and green...and red..and violet..well, you get the picture...I LOVE color!!!
I love pink. every shade I just love pink.
Right now my favorite color combo is red and turquoise. I did my guest/sewing room in this combo. However, my art room is pink and turquoise, and I do love those colors also. I love color.
Coral is my favorite paint color.
PINK PINK and did I mention PINK? :)
Shona Brooks
Hi Alissa! Alizarin Crimson is my favorite paint color, I love it!!
My favorite color is purple - pretty much any shade. :)
Thank you so much for such a wonderful opportunity!! Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to see yhem covered in my newest favorite color - yellow!
The class looks awesome!!! My favorite color is chartreuse!!!
Your classes are great and your work in very inspiring! Yellow is a favorite color of mine to work with because of how many colors can be created with it when mixing it!!
I love you classes! Blue!
Ever since i was a young girl I have loved turquoise. It makes me happy!
Thanks for showing us the joy of art!
Just one??? I think I'd probably go with Quin Red. However, if I could also add a couple of most likely to be chosen as #2s...fluorescent pink...yes, kind of brings to life just about anything. And, yes, Payne Grey...gorgeous and moody. And, finally, teal. Yes, love colors...and I'd love the class.
Alisa this class looks as much fun as all of your classes are!
500 Shades of Pink!
Ha ha, love the comment 50 shades of pink.
Mine right now is Quinacridone Magenta! Thank you for the chance to win!
I am currently in love with turquoise or aqua. The color just makes me happy. :)
Moving into a new house afterr living on a boat for 20 years. Yeah! ready to make some art to fill up those blank walls. Favorite color is, wait for it, aqua blue, like the beach, at times!
This new class looks like so much fun!!! It's so hard to decide, but my favorite paint color is probably magenta. Thanks for all the inspiration here on your amazing blog.
thanks for the chance to win - I think Payne's grey.
Looks like a great class. In my world RED is a neutral. Thanks for a chance to win a spot. ~~rita
It has to be green nd sap green to be exact !!!!
Love your style! I'm in the second year of my BFA and I constantly look to you for inspiration and reminders to let loose and be free, especially when surrounded by detail fanatics, it's great to have someone to look to who is so grounded to her style. I'm not a detail fanatic, so you're a rock in my practice and a constant reminder of dedication. My favourite colour is robin's egg blue- the crayola crayon colour !
Green is my favourite :) Thanks for the chance Alisa! <3
This is very exciting. Pink is my favorite because it usually brightens things up.
Orange you glad we all love colors. Love your WIP.
Thought I would express my fav in a sentence - orange
Opera rose and indigo are such beautiful colors and loveee.
teal! thanks for the opportunity
My favorite color is white because white makes all the colors I love pop, especially when used with black. White represents a blank surface waiting to be filled. When I see a white surface I am filled with inspiration for what could be.
Yellow, mustard yellow to be exact!
This looks divine! One of my favorite paint colors is a dark pink
Thanks, Alisa! Right now I'm drawn to brights: orange, yellow + chartreuse.
Blue!!!! How exciting!!!
My favourite colour is blue. So of course it's my go to paint colour.
Loving the aqua right now. esp with black, white, and silver.
I don't think I have a favorite color, because they are all so beautiful. However because I'm into baking and sugar art I tent to lean towards, pinks, yellows, and oranges. ♡
My favorite color by far is aqua/blue tones! :)
Any tone of turquoise or teal 😍
My favorite color is teal.
Love your work.
My favorite painting color is Green Blue Light Matte Acrylic by Blick.
Woahh woah woah picking a favorite color is like asking to pick a favorite child. I love them all!!! They are all different (just like our 5 fingers) and have different roles to play in the color universe :)
What a big decision but yellow will win every time!
Green is my favorite paint color!!
Always tough to narrow down to just ONE, but orangey coral is "my color" right now!
Navy blue! ❤️
Alia my favorite color🎨 is raspberry. ♥️ Your style!
I really love paynes gray and the many shades of it. It really makes the other colors you put with it cone alive.
My favorite go to color is Tourquois Phthalo, really any shade of touquois, blue or green. I love all colors and I want to learn how to use them better together and free up my painting. This would be an amazing class to take!
Ok I just did this on Instagram too -- blue!!! Just joined my first online class with you!!! I want to paint alllll summer!!! (Sigh)...can't wait to take your class!
How how juicy and fun are these pictures?! Thank you for the opportunity; my favorite color is Golden Teal xo
This looks like so much fun...my favorite color is teal...
My favorite color is blue.
would love to win, favorite color is red
pink pink pink my f,av colour anD i done a few of you courses and really enjoyed every single on of them i never really worked this big
thanks for the change ��
What a great give-a-way! My favorite paint color is ultramarine blue.
Love teals...
A glorious butter yellow that I can't remember the name of now
Flourescent Pink is my go to color! Thanks Alisa ❤️
Yay!!!!!! Another great class from you. I just love your classes!! My favorite color is Orange. :)
this class sounds so fun!! My favorite color is, well all of them, but if forced to pick just one purple would be it.
any shade of green. Thank you.
Oh Alisa, what a cool opportunity. Thanks for the invitation.
My favourite colour is somewhere between robin's egg blue and aqua. I love the aqua and turquoise of 50's kitchenware, and I love the colours of the sky when it's sunny. <3
My favourite paint colour is currently teal!
My favorite paint color is grape juice! Love purple! It's vibrant and reminds me of being a kid drinking cold grape juice with breakfast!!
I have to admit, I haven't worked up the courage to paint - no time, messy (I have a 2 yr old that makes everything harder....)..... But, it's killing me. So, my favorite color is the first one I pick up and actually start painting with. I think it'll be a blue or green..... <3
Any shade of pink. However lately I've been drawn to blues, greens, and turquoise. To b honest there really isn't a colo I don't enjoy
I want to come take a class with you in your studio! Favorite paint color, MAGENTA!
What a difficult question...but I would have to say I gravitate to florescent pink the most!! Thanks for the opportunity to win a place here!!
Hugs Giggles
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