Tuesday, October 23, 2012

new online class & a giveaway!


It's that time again! Time for a new online class and with the holidays coming I have created a simple, fun and creative class that doesn't require lots of time. Last year I put together what ended up being one of my favorite online classes- Create Daily- 30 days of simple and creative projects, prompts and ideas with the hope of inspiring others to make time to get creative every day. 

And now I am using the same concept for a holiday class! Join me for 30 days, 1 one posting per day for 30 days- ideas, tutorials, projects and lessons to inspire you to get creative in simple ways this holiday season. From photography- to doodling- to painting- to holiday craft projects- to baking- to creating homemade gifts and MORE this class will be packed with fun and inspirational concepts that can be applied to your busy holiday schedule. 

for more details or to register visit my online shop HERE 

IMPORTANT NOTE- All of my classes have unlimited access- once you register you can create and access at any time and work at your own pace.  Just know that once you are in- there is no deadline or pressure to create.


And I can't announce a new class without a giveaway! 
I'm giving away 5 free spots
Leave me a comment- let me know your favorite winter or holiday tradition
I'll randomly select 5 people later this week!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 373 of 373
Ariadne said...

I love it and I am in!AriadnefromGreece!

Mrs. C said...

Baking pizzelles and italian butter cookies from my husband's family recipes. I only make them during the holidays and my daughter has been begging for me to make some pizzelles for the last two weekends! The house smells incredible for days after a batch of pizzelles! :)

Inge (Belgium) said...

I would like to be part of your online class! When it is cold and dark outside,I like to make things with my two girls to decorate our livingroom and our christmastree.

Becky K. said...

Fall is the start of the holiday season for me. It just seems to go so fast once September 1st rolls around. I start off this wonderful time of year with making homemade applesauce on the first day of Fall. Yummy!

Kathleen said...

I love to unwrap ornaments for the Christmas tree and think about where I got them--whether homemade or store bought, the ornaments remind me of Christmases past.

Zauna said...

I love making up an advent calendar for my daughter and Christmas creating!

Anonymous said...

OOOh, that sound great!! Love all your creations!!!
My favorite holiday it's christmas. Being with my family in Baja. Love it!

Emily said...

My favorite holiday tradition is baking excessive amounts of holiday treats on the 23rd, and cooking excessive amounts of delicious food on the 24th and spending Christmas eve eating excessive amounts of food and opening gifts in my parents living room with all my family and family friends :) It's a fabulous few days.

kristin said...

my favorite tradition is once the snow starts to fall to snowshoe along a luminary lit path at our local wildlife preserve (they light up the paths every weekend).

Settee said...

Our holiday tradition with our little family is to pick our a few names of foster children that do not really get a christmas and get them something BIG on their Christmas gifts. My husband and I have more fun shopping for these kids then anything. My son is not yet two but I hope that it is a tradition that he will embrace with as much excitement as his father and I have.

Leisurely Lesley said...

Here in Australia we are coming into summer holidays which is definitely the time to hit the beach, along with everyone else.

terip said...

My favorite holiday tradition would be the Winter and Christmas themed books that we number and read through the month of December with the kids

frankie955 said...

I like to make pomanders..I love the scent of the fruity spice mixture to fill my house and brighten up a cold winter evening!

Unknown said...

I love to make gifts for my mom and best friend. They really appreciate the creative effort and enjoy the items I choose for them!


burlap+blue said...

holiday movies and hot chocolate, hands down!
thanks for the chance-I've taken one of your classes before and loved it!

Sobre el Arte y otras Aventuras said...

Christmas is summer here (Australia) so my favourite time is when I can enjoy a good gathering with friends and then go to the beach for a splash. It feels really special! Thanks for the chance :-D

Unknown said...

my favorite thing is decorating Christmas tree... making ornaments for the tree too
love it
hope i win:)

debbiechouinard@yahoo.com said...

My favorite holiday tradition is to bake Christmas cookies. I am a cookie cutter addict.

Gramma Sue ~ Grampa Max said...

I love watching the holiday movies- Elf, Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, etc. Games, being with family, and lots of good food are my favorites. I would love to win this class.

Karie said...

One of our family holiday traditions is going for a walk in the evening all around our neighbourhood and we choose who has the best Christmas lights display. Then we leave a package of home made cookies with an anonymous note of thanks on their doorstep.

Unknown said...

one of my favorite holiday traditions as a child was listening to the polar express (on tape) and drinking rich hot coco snuggled under the blanket and gazing at the sparkling lights on the tree. ahh.....love it! <3

thanks for the chance to take your amazing class.

Unknown said...

Having an excuse to use even more glitter than the rest of the year. And I love my glowing with Xmas lights living room thanksgiving through valentine's day! Emily stowe wonkyone15@hotmail.com

joojoo said...

Well... I love to make lots of pumpkin pies and cupcakes =) and spending nights with my hubby and chocolate milks haha
I usually spend more time painting houses and animals <3

thanks so much for putting the time and creating another class.

Lisa said...

I love to bake during thanksgiving and christmas but my favorite holiday is christmas. its where I singing, dancing, baking, getting gift, and I get to enjoy myself with family.

Kathie said...

How exciting...need to start saving the pennies now bc I'm not very lucky! Love your work!


HollyM said...

I love to get out for a moonlight walk or snowshoe if we get snow. I especially enjoy a Xmas eve walk when I can see into all the windows. It fills me with such peace to see all the lit up trees and the families all together.

Heyhon said...

My favorite holiday traditions are watching classic holiday movies like "It's a Wonderful Life" or listening to Christmas music, especially "A Charlie Brown Christmas", while baking cookies and making holiday gifts for our grandchildren. This class would be great for my holiday inspiration!

Anna said...

To carry on some of the Danish traditions in our family, we have rice pudding on Christmas Eve for dessert. Hidden in the pudding is a whole almond. Everybody scoops out a portion in their bowl and chews very carefully. The person who has it always waits a bit until they finally reveal that they have the almond. The prize is something chocolate!

Bonita Rose said...

my fave tradition, wrapping presents.. I get so much joy fr that!
xo i'd love to win a spot!

daisy69778 said...

One ) fav tradition is getting a shoebox from church and buying a little girl or boy (depending which you pick) little gifts. Like whistles, jacks, crayons, (everything has to fit in a shoebox), legos, etc ( I love the vintage toys) and the shoebox gets shipped overseas to poor countries.
Thank you for your contest!

Sandra Kaye said...

I love love to win a spot!!! My favorite tradition is the stockings!! I put stockings out every Christmas eve..the kids are soo excited to get up and dig into their stockings!! My 24 yrs old son came home for Christmas last year...and sighed when he saw me making his sisters stocking the night before. He said I miss getting stockings. Well, I had one for him too...it was a surprise!! He was a very happy boy....Man!!

Karen said...

My favorite tradition is baking Christmas cookies. I make many, many cookies and give most of them away. This class looks like great fun!

Rebecca said...

We love decorating the tree, singing carols, and lots of hot chocolate, but our favorite part is the nativity and putting baby Jesus in on Christmas morning!

Deina said...

When my kids were small, we'd decorate graham cracker "gingerbread" houses each year. They're both teens now & have outgrown that, but still love the homemade cookies & goodies at the holidays.

Gabrielle L. R. said...

My new favorite holyday tradition - well I have two. The first is decorating sugar cookies with my mother around christmas (we began last year and decided it was just too much fun and will do it this year too), and also celebrating with my boyfriend's family, because he has a big family that meet often and since my family is pretty small, I love celebrating with them and they are very loving and welcoming :)

Jane said...

I love going for walks at night in the snow covered neighborhoods with a mug full of tea

Gabrielle said...

During Thanksgiving my extended family has a scroll paper that we write and draw on. Every year we write what our immediate family is thankful for and we draw pictures on it. Its always a blast to look back from the previous years to see what you wrote and drew!

Rose Clearfield said...

Awesome class and giveaway! One of my favorite holiday traditions is listening to Christmas music.

nannyems said...

I would love some easy crafts to do with my older girls. With a baby at home it make my time limited.

menatra said...

I would LOVE to get in on this class.
I love everything about Christmas, I don't think there is anything I don't like!

terryb said...

My favorite winter tradition involves the taking out and putting up of christmas lights. Nothing sets the upcoming holiday mood more than the sight of all those colorful lights up on the house!

Gabriela said...

We love Christmas, but also Easter day.

Anonymous said...

Making gifts. Janis

Fuzzymama said...

I started an advent calendar with my kids two years ago. Each day we do something as a family--drive around and see the lights, make cookies for the neighbors, etc. I love the emphasis to be on doing things instead of getting things. We even crafted the advent calendar out of tin cans and baby food jars!

Jeannine D. said...

The weekend after Thanksgiving we go and get our tree. Then we have the grandkids come over and decorate the tree. We usually prepare breakfast on Christmas and have the kids and grandkids over to celebrate.

Cristi Baxter Clothier said...

This class looks wonderful!

Without a doubt, my favorite Christmas tradition is to make new handmade ornaments each year with my boys. They are now ages 7 and 5 and love crafting with Mom.

Thank you for the chance to win!


TexasTeacher said...

My favorite holiday tradition dates back to when I was a little girl (quite a few years ago!!). Eating out was not the norm so the opportunity to go to a restaurant was VERY exciting for the whole family. Since my mom cooked every meal at home, she got to pick the restaurant when we did go out..So every Christmas Eve we would go to her favorite restaurant for dinner - Chinese! When we returned home, Santa would have made a quick visit to leave new holiday pajamas! The tradition continues..my children, nieces and nephews - ranging in age from 33 to 7 - have had Chinese food every Christmas Eve and returned home to find pajamas under the tree. I can only hope that they do the same for their children!

Charmingdesigns said...

Would love a chance to win your class. Spending time with the family and cooking.

Marie aka Grams said...

Oh my! 250 comments? This would be like winning the lottery. Each year I have a different holiday favorite activity. This year, I have a new grandchild expected on Christmas Day. How can it get any better than that?

Lianne said...

What a great idea for a class.

My favourite family tradition is decorating our home.

Bridget Corp said...

As a child, my favorite tradition was making peppernuts (this tiny, spiced cookie) with my mom. It took FOREVER to make these itty bitty nut-sized treats so I got to spend a lot of time with my mom in the kitchen. Ironically, when I tried to recreate that with my own kids none of them liked the peppernuts. Even more ironically I found I didn't really like them either (and nearly broke a tooth on them to boot)! So we found other traditions to make ours - setting the tree up, making the ugliest Christmas cookies ever, having a gift wrapping contest with my husband and letting the kids judge based on whose was the most outragious & creative, or going to see the lights on the county square. I realized it doesn't matter what we do, but that we do it together. (Now I'm excited to wrap up Halloween and move on to Christmas!)

laurie said...

my favorite holiday tradition is bundling up on night, getting in the car, going to get hot chocolate, and driving around to look at all the decorations and lights.

your class sounds like just the thing to get us all in the holiday spirit!

Saundra Lane Galloway said...

Every year I pick one person todo something special for...it has to be a secret...it is my absolute favorite thing...it started the year my kids and I were so broke because I was in college...small college town...we woke up one day before Christmas to find our front porch covered in money. I was able to give my kids a Christmas after all!life is truly awesome! I know how I felt...and I love passing along that feeling!

rebecca said...

so many sweet traditions for the holidays. just one, decorating a favorite tree outside the window that faces the ponds. all the decorations are fashioned in artful and delicious ways to feed the birds. it is glorious celebrating generosity beginning with the all creatures big and small!

you are such a delight...how sweet to spend thirty days by your creative "side"!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alisa!! I love your creativity <3
One of my favorite holiday traditions is hosting my annual Cookie Swap - this year will be number 12!! There are about 20 of us who get together, play games, and the whole house is wall to wall homemade holiday wonderfulness!! It's definitely the highlight for many of our husbands as well :D

Lisa said...

We have many family traditions. Holiday movie watching is a must and of course Charlie Brown Christmas, baking cookies and goodies and decorating our home. Love your on-line classes and would LOVE to win this! You inspire me daily! Thanks! :)

Michelle H said...

My newest holiday tradition is hosting a My Favorite Things party, complete with my favorite food. people and surprises!

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday tradition is to package my gifts in reusable containers. Sometimes they're handmade boxes, sometimes they're handmade fabric bags. It's fun to get them back with new gifts in them the following year.

I love your blog. I have it bookmarked and read it daily. After the first of the year when things slow down I plan to take one of your online classes.

Also . . .
I have nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award.

If you accept, please go to

Katie Jeanne Wood said...

I love how generous you always are, Alisa!! My favorite holiday tradition is making special treats for my family that they don't normally eat the rest of the year. Like the peanut butter, chocolate, and Chex cereal candy..everyone loves that!! :))

Anonymous said...

I'm ready to get started on my holiday crafting.

Jane said...

In our house it's all about the tree. Procuring the tree, making the decorations, hanging them with festive music & snacks, sitting around admiring our handiwork, watching the lights twinkle at night, the smell of the pine. Mmm. I love love love the holiday tree!

Isabel said...

It sounds great! I need inspiration these days!!!

mary said...

As soon as November starts I like to plan ahead and begin crafting some decorations for the upcoming holidays. And on December 8 we put up the Christmas tree (so is the tradition in Italy where Dec 8, when the Immaculate Conception is celebrated, also marks the beginning of the holiday season). I'd say that it's the anticipation and all the preparations that I really love, even more than the holidays per se. I'd like to win a spot in what looks like the perfect class to accompany me in this exciting and crafty period of the year. So thanks for this opportunity! :)

Unknown said...

Each year my children and I make homemade decorations for the tree. It's my favourite thing to do with them. Even now, when my eldest two are 16 and 14, youngest is five.
Would live to win. The inspiration and motivation is just what I need right now. I love getting your posts in my in box. :)

Fil said...

Hi Alisa
Hello from Ireland
For the past 10 years or so my hubby and I give a Yule dinner party for friends on the 20th or 21st December with foods and drinks that we've brought back from the different places we've travelled to on tour over the year. All the foods have an allegorical meaning - apples and pork for the goddess etc ... and we decorate the house with greenery and lights and candles to give a fun nod to the legend of the holly king and oak king who fight for supremacy at that time of the year.

I'm loving your blog and enjoying the inspiration you're giving - it's been fun getting some arty creativity in to my day ... Keep up the good work and have a wonderful end of year in your new home.

Please include me in the draw for the competition..

silvergran said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
As christmas is mid summer here, I like to decorate the house using swags of greenery,ribbons and candles.
I have always made cards/present tags, and am introducing grandsons(5 & 3) to the joy of creating with stamps, paint and ink!

Unknown said...

My Holiday tradition is to bake goods to my neighbors and decorate the Christmas tree with my boys help.

Karin said...

Hi. I love decorating the tree while drinking mulled wine. Lovely! Great opportunity, thank you.

Kimi said...

We have a tradition of made gifts each Christmas. Those are my most favorite and what I look forward to most. And I love making them too! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class! :)

Eveline said...

How lovely that you're having another giveaway! Fingers crossed!
As for my favourite holiday tradition, I love decorating the house for any holiday and change of seasons, celebrating life throughout the year.

Γυμνάσιο Τ.Λ. Γαυρίου said...

Hello everyone ! This is Greece calling ! Here one of our favorite traditions is to bake some special cookies, filled with walnuts and a lot of honey syrup on top (we call them 'melomakarona') !
Hope I win this free spot !

Martha fron Andros island, Greece

Toni Charissa said...

My favorite holiday tradition is strolling down Peacock Lane with my family, all bundled up & sipping hot apple cider, listening to the carolers and the clip clop of the horse hooves as the buggies go by. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win :)

Lori said...

May favorite holiday tradition is making Christmas cut-out cookies with my family. We roll out sugar cookie dough, cut out fun shapes, and then later decorate with frosting and colored sugar. They are so good!

Anastasia said...

what a fab giveaway - the course sounds like great fun! My favourite Holiday tradition is baking cookies and biscuits to giveaway to loved ones...

Amber M said...

My family does clam chowder each Christmas Eve. The recipe goes back generations from family members on the east coast, so we have to use canned clams here in CO. But I don't care, I love it and I love seeing any family that is in town at that moment that comes by to have some chowder!

Lynda said...

Would love to win a spot in your new class! Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Anonymous said...

Motivation like this would be awesome to pull projects through the holiday season! Thanks for the shot to win a spot!

Cindy Tobey said...

My favorite holiday tradition - my children playing Christmas Carols on our piano. I love listening to them...and this year my son started trumpet, so that will be added to the mix I'm sure. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

Mary C. Nasser said...

Thank you for the chance to win!
My favorite holiday tradition is making red and green kettle-corn! Yum!

Unknown said...

I love to snuggle up with hot cocoa and Christmas movies!

Anonymous said...

I love to create gifts with the kids, gathering ideas from them what they would like to make. The excitement of it all from crafting to cooking is enjoyed by all the kids, including me :)

Anne said...

Because i leave in the Southern Hemisphere, my favorite holiday tradition is to go for an early, sunrise morning walk and swim on the beach.

Heston Folks said...

We enjoy dipping our own beeswax candles to enjoy during the holiday season and throughout the dark nights of winter.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Look at all these comments already. :) I would love to win a spot in one of your classes. One of my favorite holiday traditions is decorating the house. I love getting in the spirit of the holidays by being surrounded with beautiful things that remind me of past holidays and future holidays.

Ms. Knitsalot said...

I love making handmade cards. My son and I always enjoy making a snowman with the first snowfall...followed of course with hot cocoa and marshmallows. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in your class.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Looking forward to it; can't wait to see your new holiday ideas! Love going to church on Christmas Eve, and then home to homemade potato soup and hot rolls!

Alibé Made said...

I have two favorites, one is going and getting a real Christmas tree with husband and two is making homemade noodles with my grandma each year. They are so delicious! Cannot wait and I'd love to win your class! Thank you!

auntiejenni said...

we used to do so many christmas traditions when my children were growing up....we started the day after thanksgiving to go cut down our christmas tree and we were caught up in tradition and magic for the entire month of december, culminating with a trip to seattle for the nutty nutcracker on christmas eve, a visit to all the stores, watching people with smiles on their faces as they anticipated the joy that their gifts would bring. my children are grown and scattered now and my husband and i moved to an island just before christmas last year. (don't EVER do this....) christmas eve consisted sitting in my son's condo watching a football game, barbequing pizzas on a grill and, thanks to my almost-a-daughter-in-law, we opened the traditional gifts of pajamas. christmas morning was over in a flash as we exchanged gift cards, ate breakfast and were back on the ferry to come home to two small gifts under the tree. i NEVER want to do that again. i'm craving christmas magic and traditions and my husband and i have to build new ones this year...i always said i wanted to go to vermont and stay at a country inn the first year we didn't have children at our house for christmas (we had six). we can' afford that, but i'm going to try sooooo hard to bring back the christmas spirit and magic again. more than any other time in my life....i need that magic. and so i guess that my favorite part of christmas is.....the magic. i'm tickled that you're offering online classes. i have no idea what i would even do, but my creativity is crackling off my fingers and i'm not sure what to do with it.

liberal sprinkles said...

My favorite definitely has to be getting together with my extended family.

Linda Kunsman said...

Your class sounds like so much fun-and certainly doable! Thank you for the generous giveaway! My favorite tradition is making kiffels with my Mom-nobody else in our families have kept this tradition since my great grandmother passed away years ago. It's a joy to make and give tins of them away.

Sandye said...

I love the holiday season and my favorite part is dragging out all of the ornaments. Unwrapping each one and remembering when we added it to our (always growing) collection always brings a smile to everyone's faces. :)

Lisa P said...

I love so many things about the holidays! I love making rugelach (oh! multiple steps, how fun!!) with my girls and taking it to our friends and neighbors. I love smelling (and drinking) mulled wine on a cold night. I love staying in PJs till late morning with my family on Christmas Day. I love that it's an excuse to have parties and see friends. Ah, now I'm getting excited!

debrajwebb said...

my favorite traditions for any Holidays and for my daily lifestyle is fill yourself, your home and garden with Love, art, crafts, natural things like plants, feathers, stones and do organic, homemade and natural whenever possible. surround your self, home and garden with beautiful, handmade, homemade and inspiring things such as food, drinks, candles, incense, art, crafts, books, music, decor, clothing and accessories. I cook and bake natural, organic, dairy free and gluten free foods and drinks as much as I can.

Debby said...

What a great giveaway! I love all the holiday baking and knitting up gifts for family and friends.

Linda B. said...

Since our children were old enough to leave at home alone, we have taken ourselves off to the local bookshop in the week after Christmas, spemding the morning browsing. With good coffee, comfy sofas and a calm atmosphere it's the ideal restorative after the fun of the holiday!

beki said...

Yay! Looking forward to it!!

radish38 said...

My husband and I have a defunct business, and we always have an office party. Now we take our grown girls. Very fun.

Kelli said...

Favorite winter holiday tradition is cross country skiing!

Anonymous said...

Setting up the creche that my parents gave us for our first Christmas together, 31 years ago.

Kory said...

I love creating things around Christmas and very often, the paint is still wet on Christmas eve!

Lynda said...

We will decorate the house Thanksgiving weekend and I'm hoping to make ornaments with my kids this year!

Liz said...

Having our family together is such a blessing! Love a fire roaring, sipping yummy warm drinks together, cooking in the kitchen while family members sneak a sample of the food fare! I get such joy seeing my grandsons excitement during this season! The icing on the cake would be a beautiful snow falling outside! I am truly blessed and very thankful!!

Anonymous said...

At home our prefered tradition is to craft and cook with the kids, all together, listenning to Christmas songs !! Cross my fingers for your nice giveaway !!

Cathie said...

my favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree. If I couldn't do anything but the tree I would still be happy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ruth Ann said...

This sounds like it would be a blast!

Tif said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to take this class. Pick me please! :)


Melody M. Nunez said...

The class sounds wonderful - thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

In addition to decorating for the holidays, I love to bake special holiday treats: Magic Cookie Bars, Sugar Cookies, Pumpkin Bars, Fudge. It's a joy to add sweetness to the season and to share these goodies with family, friends, and co-workers...

Michelle C. said...

Most of our ornaments have a story/memory that go along with them - we buy an ornament for each city/place we travel to. I adore the process of unwrapping each and talking about the vacations & getaways each represents.

Excited to Holiday Inspiration this year! :)

Kathy W said...

I think my favorite thing is getting out all the cross stitch stockings I've made over the years and hanging them -- even though most of them don't get filled by Santa I love looking at them. Thanks for the chance to win a place!

Sharon S, central Oregon said...

We like to go to the woods to cut a "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree...tall and scraggly. We like to drink girl scout cookies while trudging through the woods. We usually go up Pole Creek, but this summer the area burned and is now closed. So sad that our 2012 Christmas tree is unavailable now. We'll have to find a new area for this years adventure. Thanks for the chance to participate in your give away.

Yanina said...

I just love making craft with my kits during the holidays. We make cards for the family and home decors. Awesome times! Thanks! I already signed up for your class. Can I still play?

Firesong said...

I really like when the family all gets together and we have the while elephant gift exchange. It is cutthroat and competitive, but hilarious.

Thanks for the giveaway. I could definitely use some inspiration right now.

Jeanette said...

I love Christmas!!! I start listening to Christmas songs in October (much to my family's dismay)... The season is just too short otherwise. :D

craft boulevard said...

This class sounds awesome!

Marcela said...

favorite tradition: baking christmas cookies with my kids following my mom's old recipe, love it!!

Greeting from Mexico.
Loved your skulls by the way

Natalie said...

Oooh! I would love to have a spot! My favorite tradition is Santa hiding the stockings, so when the kids wake up Christmas morning, they have to hunt for their stocking, then we eat a nice Christmas breakfast, then open gifts. Love it!

cheryl.mccann said...

hands down i love tobagganing with my kids.

Janet said...

Alisa - any of your classes would be fantastic! Favorite holiday tradition: decorating the tree with my boys. Also, making an ornament for the tree - a different technique every year!

Denice (inkstitch) said...

Favorite tradition: our annual doughnut day, the one day of the year that every little niece and nephew are in the same place, running wild, while the adults roll and fry over hundreds of doughnuts (I think our record 920). Everyone eats as many as they can hold, tempered by huge pots of hot chicken noodle soup cooked outdoors. Then we give away doughnuts by the dozens to neighbors and friends, and finally gather exhausted, sticky babies and take a few home to go with the next morning's coffee.

cjsrq said...

I have so many favorite traditions, it's hard to pick just one! But I do love going through my handmade ornaments as I decorate the tree and remember when I made them. They represent my journey through varied crafts over many years. Such fun. Your online class reminds me of my first year of teaching back in 1973, I had my Kindergarten students make a different ornament every day during December. Christie cabjuhasz@gmail.com

artisticblend said...

My favorite holiday tradition is riding around town, drinking hot cocoa, and looking at all the holiday lights. Around here it's called The Tacky Light tour! :)

LittleRe said...

I love making Thanksgiving dinner for my parents and grandmother. Plus, making treats for friends, coworkers and neighbors is fun, while listening to Michael Buble croon away on the cd player (or on Pandora!). :)

Anonymous said...

I love making candy every year and then giving it to family and friends. I love how there are so many easy candy recipes for the holidays and I always add a new one every year.

aussiebug said...

We loooove going Christmas light hunting! We jump in the car with carols blaring & drive around to all the beautiful light displays.

se7en said...

So excited about another course!!! Hopefully by christmas time we will be in mid-summer... so a Christmas tradition... has to be spicy cookies and kids and icing and decorations... sweet mess!!!

Claire said...

My favourite holiday/winter tradition is going for drives or walks through different neighbourhoods to see all the festive Christmas lights... of course with a cup of hot chocolate in hand! As well as all of the yummy baking and fun holiday crafting that comes with the season!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your style. I sew and do some crafty things but your paintings (especially the big text wall hangings)are something I would love to try. This class might be the perfect opportunity for me to step out of my box and try something that I've never done. Thanks so much for sharing.
Cindy B.

Mrs G said...

My favorite holiday tradition is picking up a delicious warm drink (depends on the day) and then driving around and looking at Christmas lights.

Debbie said...

yah a new class! How fun! My favorite holiday tradition is dinner on Christmas Eve. We sit and visit after dinner, then everyone opens 1 gift. I look forward to the evening all year!

art happy said...

Having the whole crazy family over for Thanksgiving and baking pies.

benandme@mindspring.com said...

My favorite holiday tradition is one I started when my son was 2 years old. Each December 1st we kick off the holiday season by having banana splits for breakfast!
We still laugh about the year he was in kindergarten and Dec. 1st was the day the school nurse came to the classroom to talk about healthy eating habits and asked everyone what they had for breakfast that morning.
I'm not sure how I'm going to work this tradition this year- it's his first year in college.(sigh)
Please consider me for your class.

Caroline said...

I love the coziness of sitting in the living room with just the lights from the Christmas tree on. Our tradition is to have a great big get -together with our 8 children and 7 grandchildren on Christmas Eve to exchange gifts and have fun.

Love your classes.


Jen Decker said...

i love your site....it inspires me. i got out my watercolors and started painting again....i would love a class!

Denise Mulligan said...

My favorite tradition is making Swedish ginger snaps with my kids and lighting advent candles. It reminds me of my Swedish grandparents and keeps their memory alive.
Thanks for the opportunity to win! Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

I love everything from Thanksgiving onward!

martha brown said...

I love all things holiday.... My favourite tradition? Just curling up on the sofa with a tea (and maybe some gingerbread) and looking at my tree. That's it. Simple as that.

Leigh Anne said...

Putting up the tree w/ my kids and driving around looking at lights & then getting desert :)

Cherisse said...

I actually have never celebrated Christmas, but as a winter tradition my girls and I pick 5 ppl every year( always new) and creat a funky winter themed card, and hot chocolate jars or chocolate chip cookie ingredient jars. It's a fun craft for my girls to make and always brings a smile to someone's face :) I would love to have the chance to try out one of your classes! It would definitely be an inspiration , and get me out of my creative rut !!

Cherisse said...

Sorry I forgot to include my contact info :)

Moe's IQ said...

In arizona, my favorite tradition is tamales. Making them with the family and sneaking bites of filling while talking with all of my aunts and mom.

Amanda said...

Oh this sounds like so much fun! I think I'll definitely have to participate, despite November being the busiest month of my life so far.. :)

Leila said...

Thank you for the chance to win a spot on your online class. It's too hard to choose one favorite winter/holiday tradition =) One thing we started last year (a borrowed idea from someone else) was to do read a Christmas/holiday book as we count down to Christmas. I wrap new/old books in fabric, and I labeled them with the numbers 1-25. Our girls take turns finding the right book to unwrap.

Amelia said...

Making only certain family favorites in the kitchen, and creating a new decoration for the table.

Joann Brewer said...

fav holiday tradition is putting up the tree with christmas carols playing and when we've finished snuggling up to watch a christmas movie, ahhh can't wait!
Thanks for the chance of winning a spot in this class.

Julia said...

My favorite holiday traditions are setting up the Christmas tree as a family and baking & decorating cut-out cookies with my kids.

Diane said...

Thanks for opportunity to win a place in your online class.

I've learned to cut back and do only the things I can do without feeling pressured. I love baking treats and trimming trees. And I especially love the music of the holidays.

penny4thoughts said...

Sounds like such a fun class to spark holiday spirit! My favorite tradition is to drive about an hour to the Maine coast on Christmas morning to a beach with rocky granite cliffs and just sit and listen to the waves. So wonderful to be there when no one else is out yet - and you are completely relaxed for the day :-)

Jenna Z said...

In the fall we start feeding the birds and animals outside. I like making birdseed pinecones, putting out seed in the feeders and making sure the birdbath is not frozen.

Papper said...

One of our family traditions is to hike into the snowy woods and decorate a tree for the animals...peanut garlands, suet and pine cone ornaments.
I would absolutely be thrilled to be part of this class.

Mariel said...

My favorite holiday is January 6, I'm from Puerto Rico and for generations we celebrate the 3 Wise Men (3 Reyes Magos in Spanish), so the night before my 2 boys and myself go outside gather some grass and water and we put it at the end of the bed for the camels, we also put some cookies and for doing that they will leave a present for the boys. Was and still one of my favorite traditions.

Bridget said...

Oh wow this class looks amazing! I'd love to do this! My favorite holiday tradition has been a Christmas caroling party where we go around my neighborhood, all bundled up, spreading Christmas cheer, then going home and drinking hot cocoa and cider to warm up!

A. said...

My favorite is getting my family together to decorate the house as a group! Very fun and festive!

Carla (Color Heals Me) said...

You are so talented! I would love to take another class from you!

Amanda T. said...

My husband and I started making an advent calendar for each of his girls who only stay with us part time. We decorate 24 paper bags with paint and stamps and glitter and fill them with small items like craft supplies, gum, homemade jewelry, etc. Each day the girls get to open one from Dec. 1 to Christmas eve. They call us each day to tell us what they opened. This way we get to share the holiday season with them and they know we're thinking about them each day. We now have a 3 week old newborn so I'm looking forward to starting new traditions with him!

K said...

My favourite is making holiday cards for family and friends with my two kids. Specially now that they are a bit older and I can really leave them free hands.

I'd love to take another class with you :)


Dianna said...

Thank you for this giveaway opportunity! My favorite holiday tradition is getting up early on Christmas morning and opening up my stocking filled with little treats! Then relaxing and enjoying all the little things!

GrammaG20 said...

My mother and I used to deliver a Christmas tree secretly every year. You, knock on the door and run! It was so much fun, and I want to do that with my grandchildren this year. I am going to take your class, but would like to win because I don't get paid until the 3rd and can't take advantage of the early bird special! Thanks.

charmi said...

Drinking Starbucks Pumpkin spice lattes, hot chocolates and curling up with books on the dreary days!:) Thanks for a chance to win.

Jill said...

Hmmm....favorite tradition? Driving around looking at Christmas lights after the Children's Mass and before eating hot soup for dinner on Christmas Eve. We come home to the table already set and candles ready to be lit.
Thanks for this opportunity!

Полина Виноградова said...

Thank you for your inspiring blog and wonderful advice! New year my family and I are celebrating all night: doing holiday dishes, dancing roundelays around the Christmas tree, holding contests and games, giving presents, sledding in the snowy mountains ... With love from Russia!) (Sorry for the mistakes)))

Gina said...

I love finding cute and creative ways to wrap gifts for my children. I would love a spot in your class!
Thanks for the chance.

Montgomery Family said...

We just moved to the Middle East, so this is our first holiday season outside of the US. It'll be interesting to live in a country that doesn't celebrate the same holidays that our family does. So this year I'm most excited about finding new traditions for our family and making this new place feel like home!

TatYaNuška said...

Greetings from Slovenia. For me and my family winter is the favorite time of the year. Holidays, music, candles, hot chocolate and delicious treats. Secrets of 3 good men, dreamy stories and my lovely creative family.I'm blessed :).

Jacqueline said...

Cooking a full English Christmas dinner so I can have a little piece of home here in southern CA.

Michelle said...

Watching the Charlie Brown Christmas special on TV!

Unknown said...

Is this contest done? I'm waaay down here, number what? 473? Some crazy high number. Well, I'm hoping that's a WINNER as I've never tried one of your classes but keep thinking I'm gonna as soon as I get my 6 kids to leave me alone!

Judith Westerfield said...

I can NOT carry a tune. But I know all the words to the Christmas songs & carols. My tradition is to sing along with the radio at the top of lungs while I'm driving.

P.S. All your classes I've taken are fun. Thanks

Gub said...

Each during the month of December, the children make and wrap a present to putunder the tree to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Found objects, things in nature, a photograph, a handwritten promise or wish, a favorite snack (packaged), a drawing, an article of clothing, whatever their imaginations come up with. On Christmas Day, the tree has quite a lot of presents for the Little King under its branches, reminding everyone what we're really celebrating. Someone was designated to be Jesus' helper and would open the presents for Him, while each child commented on WHY he thought Jesus would love it! We've done this every year for 30 years with those of my kids who are still close by. THis little tradition has added laughter, tears, and hundreds of memories for us over time. My kids who live in other parts of the country have started doing this with their little ones. So I guess we passed SOMETHING on to them!

I would simply love to be apart of your class this year. WHo knows, we might add something NEW to an OLD practice!


k8kre8s said...

my favorite thing about the holidays is seeing little babies dressed up in fancy outfits and santa sleepers!

Kathi said...

I loved on Christmas Eve the kids would put on their pajamas and we would go for a ride to see the lights, then we would come home for some hot chocolate. It was beautiful.

stefanie stark said...

Your ideas are irresistibly :). I will take your class anyway but I like the idea of collecting the favourite winter traditions and I would also like to be in the loop for a giveaway if I am not to late now. My winter tradition is collecting and sorting my summer pictures and creating a photo-album during the long winter nights. While doing this I "re-enjoy" the memories of summer over again.
P.S. I love your beach-pumpkins too!

Mirna said...

My son was born three months ago and I am currently trying to decide on what our family traditions should be. I am thinking a december daily is a good place to start!

Aldean said...

We moved all the time so we didn't have traditions as a child. Now though I love it when my grandchildren come Christmas morning in their Jammie's for breakfast. Thank you for the chance to join your class.

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