
Tuesday, April 04, 2017

masking fluid easter eggs

Easter is right around the corner and for the last six years, I've got a tradition of coming up with a couple of egg decorating tutorials for my readers! Every year I challenge myself to get creative with all kinds of supplies. 

Right now I am loving masking fluid because you can use it in a variety of ways on a variety of surfaces. I thought it would be fun to play around with masking fluid on eggs and wouldn't you know worked GREAT!

Masking Fluid:
Masking fluid is a latex liquid used to block out areas of a watercolor painting. Once it dries you can paint over it and retain the white paper anywhere you've applied the masking fluid. When you are finished painting you simply rub it away and you are left with white space anywhere the masking fluid was applied.

Watercolor paint or ink or dye

Variety of brushes

Using a small brush and masking fluid, I painted tiny designs on the surface of my eggs.

Once the masking fluid was dry, I painted over the top of the egg and the designs.

I let the watercolor paint dry.

Next I peeled away the masking fluid. 

Once all of the masking fluid was peeled away, you are left with the white design.

I also used waterproof ink for this process and it worked really well! The color was much richer and darker than the watercolors.

I love the color and pattern in these eggs and the process was SO easy!

Looking for more egg decorating inspiration?

wood burned eggs


  1. Love the new eggs (what a clever idea -- the masking fluid!), and love the previous ones, too.

    Thank you for sharing all of these ideas with us! :-)

  2. Another Wonderful idea! Can't wait to try this. Thanks for inspiring us with your creativity!

  3. Beautiful! Want to know a great tip when using masking fluid, so that you don't totally wreck your brushes? Put some liquid dish soap on the clean brush, and then keep the soap on it when you dip it in the masking fluid. It has saved me many bushes!

  4. Love this idea, along with so many others of yours! What do you do with the eggs once the holiday is over? I think some of my faves are the everyday eggs and the butterfly eggs.

  5. What a great idea! Thanks

  6. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Hey! I read your blog for a year or more. Thank you so much for your creative ideas you share with us!!
    It's a nice work you did here with the eggs, but really cheaper you can get this effect using normal wax from any old candle you can find in your home, instead of masking fluid. It's a traditional technique that's used in my homeland in East Germany, a popular local custom in the region of the Sorbs and Wends. With this technique, you can also make different layers. In the end, you just have to wipe away the wax with a warm fabric - tadaa!
    A little impression I found via pinterest:
