
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

wood burning giveaway!

By now you should know that I am a little obsessed with wood burning- I love that simple materials can be transformed with a little bit of heat! So today I am giving away three wood burning kits complete with a burning tool and lots of wood goodies to burn.

Leave me a comment below
Tell me what the weather looks like outside your window today!
I will draw three names and announce the winners tomorrow (Thursday)

Looking for some wood burning inspiration- check out 10 of my projects below!


send me and email at and I will get your certificates emailed to you!


  1. The weather here in virginia has finally been warming up! Today I was able to wear some capri leggings and just a loose tshirt outside and it felt amazing! :) perfect to open the windows and read a good book!

  2. I have a clear starry night outside my window.

  3. Martha Tsapatori12:24 AM

    Happy birthday Alisa !
    In Andros island, in Greece, the weather is windy and it's really cold outside...

    Thanks for all the giveaways !

  4. Korea is now raining. Sky is dark.
    But spring is coming soon!

  5. Anonymous12:29 AM

    A cloudy day greets me today but at least it has stopped raining and the water levels have subsided. Oh - I'm in the UK in case you were wondering - where we have had the wettest winter on record. Roll on spring.

  6. A beautiful sun is shinning here in the south of France, but the weather could be warm up with a wood burning tool to make some wonderful creations!!!

  7. Weather today is very strange, here in SA hardly ever its raining, but today is rain, cold and fogg!! First time since i came here (almost 2 years)!!!

  8. Woke up this morning to mist and light frost here in Cambridgeshire, UK.

  9. Hello!
    Here in Latvia spring is coming. Outside is sunny, windy and it's cold +1.
    I love your blog. You are wonderful. :)


  10. So far cloudy here in England.

  11. Happy Birthday.Sunny here.

  12. Its very foggy this morning and cold x

  13. Happy Birthday Alisa! Nothing but blue skies here in the Netherlands. With 60 dgrs Fahrenheit our country is the warmest in Europe this week:-)

  14. I am in Turkey, Izmir.And we are diving right into spring with a wonderful sunshine after days of rain...

  15. Oh, yes! Just hoped you would give away a wood burner! Love the art you made with wood and showed to us! So beautiful and original!

    The weather here looks pretty good (in The Netherlands, that is). I see sun, no rain and no wind. Spring is in the air around here!

    Happy Birthday, I hope you will have a great day!


  16. Vicki Yelland-Browning1:31 AM

    It's sunny but frosty here!!

  17. Spotty Dog......meaning foggy!

  18. Thank you for the giveaway! Beautiful present. Today is a wonderful day outside - bright sun, blue sky and a couple of curly clouds :) We are going to go on the walk with my little son now. Have a nice day!

  19. wow, amazing! in Italy seems Spring has come!

  20. Grey and damp and cold

  21. Hi Alisa! It is dark right now in MN but is has been warming up and the sun has been out! The snow is melting, though we still have A LOT, but I can finally see a glimpse of our lawn again! Hope you have a great day!

  22. Finally, here in Virginia it is starting to thaw. Lovely sunny and 78!

  23. Hi, Alisa! It's surprisingly cold, wet-snowy here, in southern part of Russia today((( And it's my birthday! But a few days ago we had the hottest bright sun shining and bees flying around))
    Thanks for your lovely giveaway!

  24. In a word, today is going to be WINDY! I love it though, hopefully it's bringing spring with it :)

  25. Rain, Rain, RAIN! and turning to Snow, Snow, SNOW! I hope the last one for the season.

    Cindy Bee

  26. The weather outside today was partly sunny with a slight chill to the air....its autumn in tasmania the leaves on the trees will be changing colour soon :))

  27. All this projects are gorgeous...enjoy your day Lidija

  28. In Germany it´s sunny, but a little bit cold.. But doesnt matter..

    <>...siiiing :D ♥

    kind regards


  29. It's still dark outside my window but we are supposed to get rain and then sunshine today. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  30. Hello Alisa :) Greetings from Poland :) we have beautiful spring weather here. Sun rays are adding sparkle to the ground and the birds singing is giving the rhythm of our life :D Everything around are becoming more beautiful day by day

  31. Sunshine, yoohoo!!!
    Little munchkin is planting flowers :)

  32. Happiest of Birthdays, Alisa!! Here in Delhi, India, the weather is pleasant, spring and smell of rain and flowers is in the air, not too cold and not too hot :) You are a huge inspiration and I love the happiness you derive for yourself and share with all of us with your Art , Hugs :)

  33. Living in sunny Singapore means having a sort of perpetual summer! I think it hasn't rained here for three or four months. But what's worse, right now there's a mild haze blanketing the part of the city I'm in. It's hard to breathe and if it gets even worse I will need to wear a protective mask :(

  34. This is the sweetest birthday week ever... Wishing you lots of fun and loads of celebrations. We have endless blue skies and glorious sunshine!!!

  35. Liefebeestje3:58 AM

    Happy Birthday, Alisa! I hope the weather in Oregon is just as beautiful as the weather in the Netherlands. We are having our first week of spring, so I can study for my exams in the sun! I absolutely love your colorful art, it can even make the winters feel like summer!

  36. It is still dark here in TX so I can't tell you what it looks like, but it is 20 degrees colder than yesterday. Thank you for a chance to win a wonderful gift! I can see why you are obsessed with wood burning....the art you have created is beautiful!! Would love to give it a try.

  37. In the city of Kostroma (Russia) came very early spring, warm (1), streams flow, there is almost no snow :)

  38. Still dark here in the early morning hours. Waiting to see if Orange County will experience the Santa Ana winds that's forecast for much of L.A. county. :)

  39. The weather right now in Florida is 61 degrees and it's supposed to rain. All day. Perfect for watching movies and crafts. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!!!

  40. breezy summery afternoon outside my window :)

  41. warm breeze with mild sun..tats d weather outside my window

  42. Amazing giveaway!!
    It is sunny here and a bit cold! Perfect weather for a walk with a hot cup of coffee..

    Hope this is open internationally! Thank youu!

  43. it's very sunny today ... spring is coming :)

    As I was a child I loved wood burning too. In school we had a craft room for this which we could visit some times. It was really fun and I loved the smell of it.

    ... I'm a new follower of your blog (at bloglovin), it's quite inspirational!

  44. Grey morning here in Massachusetts, but I hear we're getting more snow and yesterday was 55!!! The winter to spring transition is teasing us!

  45. Oh, I have been interested in wood burning for a while but your blog has given me so many ideas!
    I've never *actually* tried it, though. Haha.

    Well, out my window right now the sun hasn't quite come up yet so it's a warm blue outside. It was raining all night but I don't hear it still going and I don't see it raining... But we're expecting snow later. We'll see, though, as it was 62 degrees yesterday!

    Thanks for the chance, I hope you have a great one. :)

  46. Alisa Happy Birthday! Well I woke up this morning and it was like Ground Hogs day. It is grey and has done that all winter long here in mid-michigan. I love the snow! I never get to tell anyone, as I am about the only one left in this state happy to see snow.

  47. cold and dark and like a storm is coming.... the kids have a snow day in anticipation ...

  48. Dark right now as the sun has yet to rise. Blue skies, sun, and mid-40s predicted for later though!

  49. Hi Alisa.I live in NYC. It looks a little dreary outside right now. It's suppose to be 61 today and rainy. Tomorrow is suppose to be 34 with a chance of snow which is insane! We'll see what happens. So far the weather man has been right.

  50. Here in "Sunny" is cloudy with rain and some lightning.

  51. March continues on like a lion! Rain now, storms later. yikes!

  52. It's a clear 73 degrees in Miami. :)

  53. Here in PA it is cloudy right now, but we are in for a wild ride today- rain, thunderstorms, wind and ending with snow. Tomorrow's high temp will be 19 degrees. Spring, where are you?

  54. catherine5:09 AM

    here in France in Strasbourg, it is very nice for several days. Pretty cool in the morning and 3 in the afternoon was about 15 °. We can finally start walking in the forest. We do not have winter this year .. and already spring arrives! I would love to win a set of these!

  55. It's a beautiful sunny day here in Corfu-Greece!!!!!

  56. Have been wanting to try wood burning for a while. Looks grey out this morning, with temps dropping quickly today to freezing range. Looking forward to spring!

  57. Nicole H5:21 AM

    I'm in NH and although the past couple days have been sunny, today is overcast and cloudy. I don't mind it though, it gives me a reason to get cozy and work on a project!

  58. happy birthday again!!! ;-) this morning in central Texas we have another beautiful sunrise with pinks and lavender hints if yellow. AND wind gusts up to

    1. 40 mph! it's going be a blustery day as pooh would say!!

  59. I am work and outside I see sheets of white coming down!

  60. Just enough north of it we dodged the Chicago snow (for once :) and it is cold and gray this morning.... a perfect day for some wood burning!!

  61. Urmili5:27 AM

    Here in Toronto its snowing. Thats what I see out of my window.

  62. It's sunny and BEAUTIFUL here in central Florida. Wood burning looks like soooo much fun!

  63. Here by the ocean in the middle of Denmark the weather is sunny with a clear blue sky. Amazing at this time of year :)

  64. Here in not so sunny Florida today, we have a warm morning, 69 degrees, but rain is expected for most of the day.

  65. JoAnn Stevens5:55 AM

    Sunny and Warm! I am in the Los Angeles area and I believe we are in (or near) 80's for the next 10 days! And although I pray for rain it is beautiful here.
    Happy Birthday!

  66. We are having snow in Ontario. Snow and winds. Yesterday was so spring-like and now a return to winter. Yuck!

  67. Happy Birthday! I love seeing the weather in all the different places around the world. Here in southeastern Nebraska the sun is trying to shine. Spring is coming.

  68. I love your woodburning stuff. It is kinda dark and rainy out my window, but happy I can look out the window during work.

  69. Allira6:10 AM

    The weather outside my window is a clear, warm night. Wishing for some decent rain though to break our drought.

  70. It's still dark outside in SE Washington state but it's supposed to be sunny and in the low 60's.

  71. The weather in Memphis is WINDY today! It's currently 40 degrees after being 80 yesterday!

  72. It's dark and stars are twinkling after an earlier lightning show. A cool breeze comes through our front door, a relief from the daytime heat.

  73. There's about 2 inches of snow that fell during the night. We're visiting Illinois from Florida and we've missed all of the winter weather this year, so I love the site of the snow outside!

  74. The weather today is perfect! It's crisp and cold but with a clear blue sky and the sun shining. I love it!

  75. Happiest of birthdays to you! My daughters birthday is Friday. She will be 11 and we love doing art together. Her favorite artist is George Rodrigue and I'm thinking of taking her to New Orleans this summer. Anywho, it's warm today but cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms later. I love your blog and your creativeness!

  76. Here in south Texas the sun is shining brightly, but the wind is blowing, a little on the chilly side.

  77. It's still dark out this morning... but it promises to be another sunny day! Spring is on it's way!

  78. Happy Birthday week! It is chilly with a chance of warm today! :)

  79. It's cloudy and in the 50s, with promises of a high of 71 and rain. And then freezing temperatures again tonight!

  80. Spring has sprung in Vancouver - mainly sunny and 12!

  81. It's raining here today in Kennesaw, Ga...

  82. Denise6:46 AM

    32 degrees and still dark outside. I think I may have gotten up before the early bird!

  83. Lots of snow on the ground and lots of snow coming down here in Michigan. I'm so ready for spring! :)

  84. Denise6:48 AM

    32 degrees and still dark outside this morning. I think I may have gotten up before the early bird!

  85. The weather in Taos, NM is gorgeous! Not a cloud in the sky, bright, glorious sun, and COLD! A whopping 16 degrees!

  86. cloudy gray and drizzling rain

  87. Here in Romania, after a week of rain, it's finally sunny and warm :)

  88. Jen Sims7:06 AM

    It was 80 yesterday and today it is really windy and 46. Crazy in Austin Tx!

  89. Here in Waycross,Georgia it is cloudy with more chances of rain for the day.

  90. The sun is just coming up but it looks like it will be a gorgeous day!

  91. Today is rainy and very cold here in STL, especially painful after several days above 70!
    I would love a chance to win this! Every time I see one of your beautiful wood burning projects, I'm inspired to try my hand at it. But I haven't taken the leap yet.... :)

  92. Right now we are getting freezing rain. This afternoon it is suppose to turn into snow here in northeast Ohio. The weather people are calling for 3 to 6 inches of snow today. I remember doing woodturning when I was a kid. I loved the smell.

  93. We have a very Sunny day. It is cold, but who cares, the sun shines and everyone is happy!

  94. It's a bright sunny day looking out the window, but get out there and the wind will blow you over.

  95. I loved your project 4. Some day I will make some burned block houses to decorate the manger on Christmas.
    Here in San Antonio de Areco the weather is just lovely and I would love to receive your wood-burner!
    Wishing you a very happy birthday,

  96. Outside it's blue sky and morning raise of sunshine! The birds are singing a beautiful songs of the day.

  97. It is overcast today and although it should get near 60 degrees F it's supposed to turn drastically by tonight. You have brought a ray of sunshine with your fabulous wood burning projects-I'm amazed at the details and would love to give it a go! Thanks for your generous giveaways-and happy birthday week!

  98. Kelly Wilbur7:39 AM

    I bit of orange and yellow sky peaking over the Cascades. Looks like another sunny spring day is headed our way!

  99. It is gorgeous and sunny. We're very lucky. Happy Birthday Week!

  100. Sunny and bright!

  101. Just a tad overcast here in SoCal nice breeze coming in the window. being lazy before have to go get ready for hospital surgery day ughhh. Hope your having a wonderful weather for. You birthday week. Happy Happy Birthday!

  102. Windy and 70...suppose to be 32 by tonight!

  103. WINTER :(

    It snowed again last night, so the trees (and roads!) are covered.

  104. It's a beautiful, rainy day today!

  105. Looks like it might be another clear day here in the PNW!

  106. I am in MN, so Spring is kinda just inching out - actually earlier than usual! It is partly cloudy, the branches are bare, and the snow is sloppy and muddy. Not the prettiest site for the day!

  107. Gray today - and awaiting yet another snowstorm and icy temperature drop! Yesterday - 65 degrees - tomorrow, 25. Le sight.

    And happy birthday to a fellow March baby!

  108. Hello,

    Right now it is pouring snow and the temps are supposed to plumet to zero tonight. It was 40 deg F yesterday. Welcome to Michigan weather!


  109. Partly sunny here in NJ, in the 50's with a chance of snow tomorrow!! UGH!!!

  110. This morning in Chicago we woke to mid 20 degrees with fresh snow. Last night it started with rain and changed into snow. The snow is very wet and heavy. As I drove into work, the trees were beautiful with snow on the dark brown branches. I love the fresh snow. But I am ready for the spring flowers and green grass. Happy March

  111. After a beautiful, sunny day yesterday, it is rainy and very windy. I guess, that's a different kind of beauty,

  112. What a fun tool to have! I love all those projects you showed! It's a gray day here. Warmer, but we're expecting another cold snap tonight.

  113. The sun has just burned the fog off here in So OR.

    I've already planned on burning some wooden spoons for gifts later this year - love that idea of if I don't win I'll be buying myself a wood burning tool....wonder where the one went I had when I was young.....

  114. It's overcast and grey today. Winds are blowing like crazy!

  115. It's cold this morning with a little bit of snow left over from yesterday's storm. I hope it will be gone by lunch time. :-)

  116. Sunny skies here in Kansas.

    What a fun give-away week!

  117. The sky is a little gray, but there's still this dazzling brightness that makes everything look calm and beautiful

  118. CONGRATS LUCKY ONES! you are beyond generous alisa! you have to know that you have helped BURN learning and even making mistakes into my soul!
    it is very sunny, and blustery after school job will entail MIGHTY WILD children today and i LOVE that! ;)

  119. I've been wanting a wood burning kit for a few projects around the house!

    Currently, the sun is just starting to come through the clouds in Seattle, I can see the light bouncing off the neighbor's white house through my office window. Going to be a beautiful day.

  120. The temp is a perfect 65degreees, but it's been drizzling all day.

  121. Hillary Said...

    It's a beautiful sunny day but chilly! -11 and still lots of snow.

  122. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Weather is gorgeous and sunny! ~Sophia Vida

  123. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Birthday!

  124. The weather here is sunny and above freezing...finally! Minnesota's finally giving us a taste of spring!

    Happy Birthday, Alisa! and thanks for the giveaways :)

  125. What a delightful giveaway! In these green hills not far from the sea temperatures are heading into 80 degrees. Happy Birthday!

  126. Happy Birthday for Friday!
    At the moment the weather is sunny for the first time this year, but here in England you never know when the weather will change

  127. It's very rainy, windy and gloomy here today. :p

  128. Here at UMCP it is a little overcast but 59F. Thanks for the giveaways. p.s. I haven't done wood burning since I was a Camp Fire Girl!

  129. I've been looking around for a woodburning pen, but no luck...I live in the back of beyond though, so I'll have to drive to a big city down the road and look if I don't win this one...

  130. Hi there! The weather is cold with a dry snow here is Northern IL. Brrrrr… I'm over it already!

  131. Green, green, green here in Northern California after all the glorious needed rain!! We share the same birthday so happy, happy to you. I so enjoy your creative spirit and wish I had tapped into mine when I as young as you but am spending the rest of my life living a creative one!! Thank for sharing all that you share, it is all well received !!

  132. Here in North Carolina it is cloudy and raining. Yesterday I was wearing Saltwater sandals and today I am in Frye boots.

  133. the weather outside my window (as i peek from my cube opening down the hall through the boss's blinds and out HIS window...whew, I'm exHAUSted!) is yellowy warm sunshiney goodness. 75 in northern CA this whimsical windsday!

  134. It is warm and nice outside right now, but we have another blizzard-like storm coming tomorrow, so it will be winter allover again...

  135. it is really nasty outside my window right now :( But we are hoping it will clear a bit tomorrow! It has been a bad winter. It is snowing and blowing like crazy!

  136. I'm in southwestern Montana, and it's a brisk yet sunny 31 degrees Fahrenheit. (HUGE improvement of the high of 1 degree on the first of this month, though, so I'm not complaining.)

  137. The weather in Eastern Massachusetts where I live is cloudy and in the 40's.

  138. It's blue skies here in sunny San Diego, perfect weather to ride my bike to work!

  139. Here in Denver the sun is shining today which is hopefully melting the snow that came down yesterday

  140. Never much cared for woodburning as a kid. It was one of those "Christmas Crafts Gifts" that didn't inspire much creativity. Just burn the lines printed on the wood included.
    I didn't like using other people's designs but that's what you were "supposed" to do : (
    Now, decades later, I'm intrigued with how free you are with applying your style to this crafts. Drawing closer and closer to giving in and giving it another try.
    Your "give-away" solved my "Which kit to buy" question.
    Thank you for the inspiration adn the product information.

  141. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Fun, fun! And so happy to report I had to break out the sunglasses already this morning. I love spring.

  142. jeannie lucky9:14 AM

    80's yesterday 50's today w/40 mph wind gotta love will change in a heart beat.

  143. Whoops....forgot the "Weather Report!"
    Warm and Sunny!!! Feels great!


  144. Today is the first sunny day we've had since September. I actually was able to wear a spring jacket!!

  145. Sunshine!!!!! Finally!

  146. Love Golden Open Acrylics

  147. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Right now it is sunny out, for which I am thankful. It is only 26 degrees F, though, with a windchill of 17 degrees F, and the ground is still covered with snow. All of us in Michigan are looking forward to spring.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    ~Julia Molewyk

  148. Its a little cloudy and rainy this afternoon in ATL and the temps will be dropping later on today. I am so ready for some warm weather.

  149. It is warm (75) and rainy here. Last weekend we had a giant ice storm. Tomorrow it's only going to be in the 40s. Crazy weather in NC.

  150. Thank you for all of the giveaways! It’s a bit chilly in MN today but VERY sunny!! This sun is making me very happy!

  151. well..the weather outside is frightful. (<--ha)
    it's been in the 60s for the last two days. today started with dark skies and rain and as the day goes on it has been cooling. now it is snowing.
    go, ohio.

  152. It's a BLIZZARD here is Rochester, NY! I was sent home from work, the snow is so intense. The weather channel is actually reporting from 2 streets over from my house...

  153. Texas is having spring. Today is my home's first frost free date, and the weather is perfect for planting. Cool, sunny, a light breeze.

  154. It's 10am and it looks beautiful and spring-y. The sun is flickering through the leaves of the massive oak tree outside my bedroom window.

  155. Looking outside, it is blue skies and a warm summery temperature. This is Santa Cruz!

  156. Today it's in the 30's. Hard to believe yesterday was almost 80 and snow showers early this morning! Happy Early Birthday!!!

  157. The weather today is windy! After a few days the sun is finally out, but the wind makes it hard to be outside.

  158. Oh soooo windy out side my window.....but sunny... Trees have swollen buds on them so I know spring and the warmer weather will soon be her...... Yippeeeee

  159. North Carolina cannot decide!!! In the mornings it is 40, and by the afternoon it is in the 70's! This is why people flip flops with toe socks! Today it is dreary yet delightful!!!

    Happy Birthday Week, Alisa!

  160. Wowza,
    Today is 40, cloudy with occasional sun, which is a far cry form yesterday's 80 full on sun. I
    have no complaints. Take care

  161. Erica Golofski10:28 AM

    Outside my window the skies are overcast and cloudy but with simple rays of sunshine that come through the trees. It's not a harsh kind of sunshine, just the right amount. The snow is slowly melting here in MinneSNOWta :)

  162. today the weather in Wilmington north Carolina is very windy and we are awaiting thunderstorms and a cold front 39 tonight and 25 tomorrow night after three days of 70s -- it has been a crazy winter -- by the way I received your purse and I absolutely love it --

  163. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Hi Alisa

    It's blowing and snowing here :(. Spring where are you?

    I'd love to try some wood burning. My hubby works in wood, so lots to experiment on :).

    Stay inspired!

  164. Sheryl10:40 AM

    Overcast, but at least warm enough to have melted almost all of the snow. I think the next storm will miss us completely. Yay!

  165. 3housecats10:41 AM

    Our weather on East Coast is very cloudy and gray with impending thunder storms and a following cold front. I have never tried a wood burning tool - wonder if you can do calligraphy with it?

  166. Anonymous10:43 AM

    it is less than 10 degrees here and 2' of snow on the ground! Wahhh! Happy Birthday.

  167. Greetings from Spain! We are having an extraordinay spring time weather. Something unusual this time of the year (clouds and rain is the common thing!).
    Love your art, love your work and love your little Lucy!

  168. I live in the Dominican Republic in a town with the slogan "land of perpetual spring". And it is just that today! Sunny and warm with green foliage everywhere I look. I have so been wanting to try wood burning! What a great giveaway!

  169. Actually, there's a big storm going on here in Israel... it's been raining all day long and I miss the sunshine :)

  170. The snow has ended and the sun is brightly shining! Thank goodness for the sun! :)

  171. started cold and grey and now it's cold and sunny here in st. louis, missouri...who knows what will be is missouri ya know....:)

  172. I love the earrings!

  173. Here in MI, we have another 5" of snow that fell overnight. I am so ready for spring! (thanks for sharing what you create. Seeing your posts can really brighten a wintry day.)

  174. I'm in upstate NY and there's a blizzard going on outside right now. The wind is crazy and we're supposed to get 2 feet of snow. I miss California!

  175. It's sunny and bright...77 degrees here! Lorie

  176. sarajane11:44 AM

    We started out with snow this morning in the Chicago 'burbs, but the sun is now shining and melting some of the snow. Beautiful blue sky.

    skaetzer (at)

  177. Hi Alisa. I love your site. I have gotten a lot of inspiration from your blog. I've never tried to do any wood burning, You make it look so nice. I love your bracelets. Oh and it is raining cats and dogs outside my window with a promise of more snow....ugh.

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. Your wood burning projects are just delish. At present, outside my window is dark (it's 4 am). I expect that, in an hour or so, it will be bright and the sun on its way up for another beautiful Queensland day. Sorry that many of you are freezing on the other side of the world.

  180. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and our spring plants are already in! It promises to be a beautiful day.

  181. Happy, happy b-day to you! The weather outside my window is drop-dead GORGEOUS!!! Clear blue skies, mild temps and a sweet blustery wind--and I'm stuck inside at work!! Where's Pooh-bear when you need him?!?
    Thanks for this opportunity, love your blog,
    Pat, A Remade Life

  182. Your woodburning jewelery looks so gorgeous!!! I would appreciate to win this great Giveaway :0)

  183. HI Alisa,
    It is slightly sunny through a haze of clouds today.
    Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  184. Sun is shining-59 for a high today- Idaho's spring weather has been beautiful!

  185. Happiest Birthday! I love your blog and fun ideas for in Beverly, Massachusetts it is pouring down with cold rain. 43 degrees. Grim, but it's melting away a bit of the ugly old snowbanks. xo

  186. I hope sooooooo bad that I win this because YOU have inspired me to get a wood burning tool! I want to make some wood burned picture frames. Thank you for your inspiration!

    Our weather here is gloomy, looking like rain....but warmer (60*s)

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  187. today it was a sunny day in Barcelona (Spain) the spring its coming!
    Happy birthday!

  188. I would love to try this!
    And the weather is early still-cold-but-sunny "springish".
    have a nice days!

  189. Love all your wood-burning projects.Outside my window, it's very dark and cloudy. The storm, Vulcan, hasn't started here yet, but it will soon. Congratulations to all the winners. Linda E.

  190. It's so beautiful outside my window today! Sunny and blue skies!!! We haven't gotten much of that lately!

  191. Beautiful sunny day here in Sacramento! Oh, and I've been looking at woodburning tools and thinking about buying one. Perfect timing!

  192. I'm bathed in sunshine, dreaming about a wood burner ;) And sending a sunshine to you.

  193. Today the weather is sunny and cold (mid 20's).

  194. Yea! We have sunshine today and I finally got out for my first walk in months with my baby and toddler. It feels so good to soak up some sun. I have had a wood-burning tool saved in my amazon cart for way too long. I would love to finally have one for some fun projects. Thanks Alisa!

  195. What a fabulous giveaway, thank you so much!

    Outside my window right now, the snow is POUNDING down with probably 8 more inches to go.

  196. Right now the view outside my window is about a foot and a half of new snow. It is coming down like little needles and will continue coming down till tomorrow evening according to the wonderful weatherman! Supposed to get 1-2' but since we already have almost that and are only half way through the storm I think we are going to get more than predicted.
    I have a nice stew in the crockpot, gas for the generator and hot cocoa to keep us going even if we lose power. No going without tv, oxygen machine and internet for this girl!!! LOL
    Would love this woodburning kit to keep me going till Spring finally decides to grace us with her presence!!! Thank you for the chance to win it!

  197. Germany has been sunny all of last week. Spring is finally here.

  198. in southern cal it is 84 degrees out! just a gorgeous day!! thanks for the opportunity to win, i would love to give it to my boyfriend who's always looking for new inspiration!
