
Friday, May 06, 2016

happy mothers day

You guys this motherhood journey just keeps getting better and better! While I loved the baby years, I think I am loving this kid stuff even more. Lucy continues to to bring so much joy, hope and grace into my life and every single day I stop give thanks for the opportunity to be a mom. 

For all the mothers out there I want to wish you the happiest of weekends. Hug and kiss your kiddos and celebrate!

 you can read more about my journey with motherhood HERE, HERE and HERE


  1. beautiful and happy Mothers day...tyou for the most beautiful posts :)

  2. Have a beautiful Mother's Day. Thank you for all the beauty you share with us!

  3. Beautiful photos! Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. She's quite are you. Happy Mum's Day Alisa.

  5. What a GREAT POST!
    To all mothers...Happy Mother's Day!

  6. Yes, despite the times they can frustrate us they are amazing, I have to admit. Even when my daughter is throwing a tantrum, I can't help stopping to smile. I'm still getting used to being a Mum to my 4.5 year old. I have to keep pinching myself. Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  7. To all mothers....Happy Mother's Day. Love watching that little one grow so fast. She's quite gorgeous as Mum.
