
Sunday, May 08, 2016

the evolution of an idea- floral sketch tunic

I love the process of inspiration- seeing something that gives me an idea and then transforming that idea into art never gets old to me, in fact it is my favorite part of the creative process! After buying myself of big bouquet of peonies, I just couldn't resists using all that inspiration to make myself a pretty black and white floral "sketch" tunic.

I found a plain white tunic and treated the surface like a page in my sketchbook! (and yes, I used a Sharpie pen because in my experience, it does not wash out of clothing.)

I love that with a few simple supplies and A LOT of creativity, you can totally create wearable art!


  1. That's awesome Alisa, love that you are able to translate all your ideas into actual projects....I tend to lose most of them...ideas seem like little butterflies, they escape into the unknown soon enough if one does not tackle them immediately !! thanks for the inspiration always !!

  2. Woow, sweet natural creative project ♥

  3. Lovely! I did something similar on a pair of ombre jeans a couple of months ago. It always makes me happy to wear them.

  4. I love this! What was the fiber content on the tunic?

  5. I love this idea. Sharpies now come in colours too, so the opportunities are endless.

  6. Another beauty. I can see a few splashes of your lovely colours across the background in that one or a second one of its kind (if you felt like making a second one which I'm sure you will). It's just gorgeous.

  7. I love the site and your guidance. I'll buy a couple of your items.

  8. This is seriously amazing. I just adore your work (and wish I was even half that talented)!!
