
Monday, October 10, 2016

painted leaves

I love autumn and one of my favorite parts of the season is all those fall leaves! For the last few years, it has become a tradition of mine to use those leaves as a surface to create on.

Any shape of size of leaf will work. I typically let the leaves dry out or even press them for about a week or two.

One they are dried out you can paint or draw on the surface! 

The result is a totally unique piece of art!

And for those who ask... no I don't do anything to preserve the leaves. So far my leaves have lasted for years and honestly there is something I love about creating art that is temporary!

Looking for more leaf inspiration?


  1. They are so yummy. Is there anything you don't paint on? ;)

  2. these look so pretty !! one only needs paint to be happy :) happy fall Alisa !!

  3. So beautiful! Love the idea.

  4. These are so beautiful you clever girl!!

  5. These are so beautiful you clever girl!!

  6. These are stunning!

  7. Wow, what a brilliant idea! I'm always looking for creative ideas like this! Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Lovely! How long do these last?

  9. wow!! and wow again! I was already being inspired by your pumpkins since I wanted to do a small project for my daughters desk @ her dorm and then THIS?? Now I gotta have a baskt in my car tomorrow to go leaf picking!! Thank you for always inspiring in such a way that small crafters like me can still feel that we can try this ourselves!
